Friday, February 19, 2016


John Kevin McMillan

On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 1:41 PM, John McMillan wrote:

Dear Michael,

I apologize for inconveniencing you with this inquiry about USC's Medical School. Please let me know if you ever have any indication that your private university in Los Angeles County, California, would be willing to perform a very thorough medical exam on me, based on circumstances in my own life that are, as you have indicated you agree, very out of the ordinary.

I hope that you have a joyous Holiday Season and New Year. I will be the first to share with you any good news in my own life that do develop here in Austin, as I definitely value being a good-news biological relative of yours.

Best Wishes,

John Kevin McMillan,
11411 Research Boulevard, Apt. 325, Austin, Texas, 78759.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.

John Kevin McMillan

From: "McMillan, Michael" (at Dr. Michael Kim McMillan's official E-mail address at that time of: "")

To: John McMillan

Sent: Wed, November 9, 2011 12:55:21 PM

Subject: RE: 11-9-11 question for your USC medical school

Dear John,

We are a medical research facility, not a crime scene lab. I am amazed at your fascination with 10-20 hair follicles, as without a microscopic examination the “follicles” are difficult to identify. DNA analysis is also extremely costly and often requires a “match” of some sort to be meaningful , as there is a lot of DNA associated with microflora associated with the specific environment..

I am also amazed that you have in detective terms a “locked door” type mystery and that you never wake up except after the fact. Almost everyone realizes that what you are proposing is a felony, a very serious crime, which if you are right is only feasible due to your extremely deep sleep…which on the surface would seem unusual, especially for repeated crimes..

Then of course there is the question of motive, which although I do not doubt that you may have many enemies, this particular response seems very extreme.

I also appreciate that I am 2000 miles away and do not really know you that well; maybe I am just impressed that you consistently keep finding new problems to define your life and times, instead of seeking a less problematic lifestyle.

I have no basis to determine the accuracy of your claims, but of course would wonder about your continual habituation with more and more new problems of all sorts, together with all your historical problems…
Instead of a life defined by the simple Joy of everyday living, you consistently define your life by the daily problems you face…

I also realize that I cannot help you with the increasing density of problems, especially since there seems to be no upper limit on your capacity to find new problems…

I can only hope that all your problems do not become my problems, as I am constantly trying to minimize these, partly for health reasons, but also as a “way of life”


From: John McMillan []

(Date:) Wednesday, November 09, 2011 8:58 AM

To: McMillan, Michael; McMillan, Michael; McMillan, Michael

Subject: 11-9-11 question for your USC medical school


If I were to send you 10 to 20 or more hair follicles that I found on my bed, many of them not coming from my own body, would your USC Medical School in Los Angeles County, California, be willing to do DNA medical testing on those hair follicles?

Those DNA tests would help to officially confirm my repeated statements to you that a person (an illegal intruder) other than myself was the alleged source of some or many of those hair follicles from my bed (where I always sleep alone, I wish to again remind you).

Thank you in advance for your kind response to this question from a law-abiding single adult male sex-crime victim in Austin, Texas.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

John Kevin McMillan.

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