Thursday, February 25, 2016


From: John McMillan (at my personal E-mail address of: "")

To: Tara Long of the Austin Police Department, Sergeant Michael King of the Austin Police Department, Officer James Turner of the Austin Police Department, Officer Michael Whetston of the Austin Police Department Northwest Austin District Office, Travis County Sheriff Greg Hamilton, Travis County District Attorney's Office, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and others (with the names cited here not being in the same sequence or in exact same form as in the original carbon-copies list on this)

On Saturday, January 3, 2015 9:28 PM, John McMillan wrote:

Dear Austin Police Department and Travis County Sheriff's Office crime investigators in Austin, Texas,

My current apartment management-team-approved (one total) official "roommate," Mr. "John Douglas Martin" his stated "legal name" ... according to what he told APD Officer Broomhall in my presence one day inside this rental apartment unit in 2013, on his own initiative at roughly 7:45 pm. this Saturday evening, January 3, 2015,
emphatically stated to me in the living room of our rental apartment unit in NW Austin, Texas, that "I (John Douglas Martin) actually think I (John Douglas Martin) am going to outlive you (John Kevin McMillan)!"

Mr. Martin, a tall and heavyset apparently Anglo man, made that unsolicited comment to me a matter of minutes after I returned home at about 7:40 p.m. after I had pursued my Saturday workshift at IHOP 620 chain restaurant in Williamson County. After my workshift, I had then taken a bus to the Arboretum area and visited a Target chain department store near the Arboretum and the Blue Baker bakery restaurant also near the Arboretum as a customer, with myself then taking a northbound bus to my rental apartment complex.

I did respond to intrusive questions to me from my roommate at about 7:40 p.m. this Saturday evening by politely stating (and the management team at this apartment complex has told me that I have the option of replying in this approximate manner) to Mr. Martin that "I (John Kevin McMillan) am not willing to chit-chat, but I am civil and law-abiding" (near-exact quote of my words to Mr. Martin from the kitchen area of this apartment unit, where I was taking a blood-pressure medication for myself this evening).

"I (John Douglas Martin) agree that you (John Kevin McMillan) are civil and law-abiding. 'Civil and Law-abiding, and Drug-free, Alcohol-free, and Tobacco-free'---that's what I (Mr. Martin) will have them put on your (John Kevin McMillan's) tombstone for your epitaph!" Mr. Martin in his typically emphatic manner declared to me at about 7:40 p.m. this evening from the living room of our rental apartment unit at Wind River Crossing Apartments seconds after I entered the apartment unit this evening.

Mr. Martin then added, in his typically emphatic manner, "If you (John Kevin McMillan) like, I (John Douglas Martin) can have you cremated (sic)."

I am NOT a personal friend or relative of Mr. Martin, and under NO circumstance would I ever agree to let Mr. Martin have any role in administration or disposition of my own last will and testament or of my own estate or any of my own property. (Nor would I myself ever agree to cremation of my own body at any time.)

Nor would I ever agree to let Mr. Martin be a cited "beneficiary" of any type in my own last will and testament. I will be very relieved, as I have repeatedly emphasized to your law-enforcement agencies, when Mr. Martin finally does move out and finds someone OTHER than myself who IS willing to live with him and "chat" or "chit-chat" or "socialize" with him.

Mr. Martin's alarming comments to me this Saturday evening comprised yet another example of a very apparent thinly-veiled possible alleged verbalized death threat to me by my current roommate, Mr. Martin, an older man who has been unemployed for about half of the time period in which he has roomed with me.



The very same "John Douglas Martin," in the very first week after he moved into this apartment unit, apparently received a very surprising voice mail reply phone message on my (own) AT&T voice mail service (I exclusively pay for) that I myself listened to, a message that was apparently addressed to himself, in which the caller stated that he was responding to questions from Mr. Martin about the current rates for landfill disposal that Mr. Martin had inquired about.

I am not sure which landfill operator left that voice-mail message for my current roommate, but I believe I did keep a recording of that voice mail message as possible (alleged) crime evidence ...that I will gladly turn over to crime investigators at any point.

I wish to again remind each of your law-enforcement agencies that Mr. Martin has stated to me that he WILL cooperate if any law-enforcement agency ever seeks to interview him at any time.

Mr. Martin has also told me in the living room of this apartment unit that he will be willing to take a lie-detector test if the CBS News "60 Minutes" news team ever at any time asks him to take one. I believe he has also told me that Mr. Martin will be willing to take a government-supervised lie-detector test, if that is ever requested of him at any time.

The same Mr. Martin has told me repeatedly that he WILL NOT permit any government-ordered DNA forensic swabs on Mr. Martin..., since "that would violate my (Mr. Martin's) privacy rights," he has emphatically declared to me in 2013 inside the living room or kitchen area of our rental apartment unit.

The same Mr. Martin has repeatedly stated to me over a multi-month period that he refuses to cite the city or town or nation where he was born. "Since you (John Kevin McMillan) are passive-aggressive, I am not willing to share that information with you," Mr. Martin stated to me in the living room of our rental apartment unit.

.... Mr. Martin has also made numerous evasive comments to me about his own ancestral heritage, with Mr. Martin variously stating that "I'm part Irish" or "I'm part German" or "I'm Heinz 57 in ancestry." He has refused to cite any predominant ancestry of any type. He has stated at times that "I might have some Jewish ancestry in me"; but at other times he has downplayed that possible cited ancestry from his own heritage.

Several months ago, Mr. Martin volunteered to me in the living room of our rental apartment unit that "Queen Elizabeth II of The United Kingdom sent me here to take care (sic) of you (John Kevin McMillan)."

The same Mr. Martin several months ago very emphatically stated to me on this own volition that he DOES NOT want me to ever contact Scotland Yard British law-enforcement agency in any context relating to Mr. Martin. He did not cite any reason for that emphatic request that he made to me.

Mr. Martin frequently declares to me that he himself is "born-again" and that he regards the "Mormon Church" and the "Jehovah's Witnesses", respectively, as being (alleged) dangerous "cults" that are not true religions, he has emphasized to me.

"I (Mr. Martin) shooed away Mormon missionaries when they walked up to our front porch of our apartment unit in order to talk with me," Mr. Martin stated to me several months ago, referring to a reported incident that occurred at a time when I myself was away from the apartment unit.

Several months ago, and possibly in 2013, Mr. Martin stated to me in the living room of our apartment unit that he regards the Roman Catholic Church as a ..."cult," but he later denied to me that he has ever made any such comment to me. He stated, instead, at that subsequent time that he DOES NOT regard the Catholic Church as being a cult.

I have previously informed each of you that the very same Mr. Martin recently stated to me in person inside our rental apartment unit that it was "a blessing" that one previous female roommate of his, "Wanda Wrey" her cited name, had "died in her sleep," Mr. Martin said.

"If she had not died in her sleep, she might have instead died of cancer," Mr. Martin stated to me.

When I asked Mr. Martin whether Ms. Wrey had cancer at the time of her death, he replied that she did not. "But if she had continued living with me, she might have contracted cancer and died from it," Mr. Martin stated (approximate quote).

Mr. Martin has told me inside our rental apartment unit that Wanda Wrey was possibly his all-time favorite roommate in the Austin area. "She was very agreeable, and she let me (John Douglas Martin) cook for her on a frequent basis" (approximate quote), Mr. Martin stated.

"Wanda Wrey looked to be in good health the evening before she died in her sleep inside our apartment unit (home?)," Mr. Martin also stated (approximate quote) to me, with Mr. Martin also stating that he was very surprised that the Austin Police Department never interviewed him at any time about the sudden death of Wanda Wrey while rooming with him in the Austin area.

Mr. Martin has stated to me several times in 2013 and 2014 that he previously resided in Hampton, Virginia. Several months ago, Mr. Martin expanded upon that statement about his Virginia background by volunteering to me in person in the living room of our apartment unit on one total occasion that Mr. Martin himself "committed first-degree homicide" victimizing at least one person in the U.S. state of Virginia, Mr. Martin stated to me in person several months ago. (It was not clear whether Mr. Martin was speaking seriously or facetiously when he made that very specific possible true confession or possible false confession to myself.)

I hope this crime report update is helpful to crime investigators for a reputable law-enforcement agency in Texas or Virginia or elsewhere.

As always, I myself would WELCOME any and all electronic surveillance of the bedroom or outdoor balcony of this rental apartment unit (with the advance understanding that any crime evidence thereby obtained of any illegal intruder inside my bolt-locked bedroom during my sleeping hours would be immediately used for apprehending and convicting a suspect), any and all government-ordered forensic DNA-swabs exams on any portion of my own body, any and all government-supervised lie-detector tests on myself, and any and all interviews of myself by any reputable law-enforcement agency with jurisdiction.

I am one of the most honest and law-abiding and accurate criminal-law complainants that the City Government of Austin and Travis County Government and the State Government of Texas have ever had, and I welcome every opportunity I get to testify in a court of law against any and all unethical media companies, allegedly law-breaking religious groups or political groups, any and all organized-crime groups, and any and all alleged criminal persons that allegedly wronged me and committed a felony crime in the process.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

John Kevin McMillan, a biological son of Utah native Dr. Calvin McMillan, himself a former Elder in the Mormon Church who graduated from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

My home address: 11411 Research Boulevard, Wind River Crossing (a Westdale-owned and Westdale-managed apartment complex, with Westdale itself being a nationwide realty for-profit corporation headquartered in Dallas, Texas, USA), Building 3, Apartment 325, Austin, Texas, 78759.

Home phone: (512) 342-2295.

My Blog:

John Kevin McMillan

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