Tuesday, January 19, 2016


On Thursday, December 13, 2012 12:29 PM, John McMillan wrote:

--- On Thu, 12/13/12, John McMillan wrote:

From: John McMillan

Subject: 12-13-12 scandal-news story re: continuous rape crimes in Austin

To: news@abc13.com

Date: Thursday, December 13, 2012, 12:06 PM

Is there any circumsance in which your very influential ABC-affiliate television news team in Houston might ever be willing to cover the alleged repeated refusal of the Austin Police Department in Austin, Texas, to investigate alleged daily (and frequent) and year-round anal-rape crimes and alleged daily and year-round personal injury crimes victimizing myself, John Kevin McMillan of Austin, during my sleep inside my bolt-locked top-floor, vaulted-ceiling apartment unit on a continuous and year-round basis?

I have very strong credibility as a complainant on this. I am a law-abiding and honest gentleman who myself has no criminal-conviction record. I live alone and ALWAYS sleep alone on a bed I own inside the private bedroom of my bolt-locked apartment unit. I'm also a gainfully employed single adult gentleman who myself has been completely celibate throughout all of my own waking or conscious hours anywhere and everywhere in Austin, Texas, and throughout all of Central Texas, for that matter, ever since December 1979.

I work in three family-friendly and wholesome chain restaurants, one of which is owned by a first-rate and family-friendly restaurant corporation situated in Houston. I'm a former newspaper reporter in Texas who myself had a very fine accuracy record in my reporting for a variety of general-circulation newspapers in our state. I lead a completely drinking-alcohol-free and tobacco-free and marijuana-free and anti-marijuana-lifestyle in Austin, Texas.

Also, I'm the founder of a new and non-Christian and implicitly-deistic (non-atheistic) and permanently drinking-alcohol-free as well as tobacco-free religion, the Progressive Prohibitionist Religion. It is a new and non-proselytizing religion that has very stringent membership-eligibility requirements.

I am the only approved current member of that fully indepedent religion. My religion strongly opposes anonymous communications violating anyone's privacy rights, strongly opposes "thought-control projects," strongly opposes censorious conduct, partly because that censorious conduct often discourages and inhibits and represses lawfully-conveyed and Freedom of Speech-protected verbalized criticism by American citizens in regard to cited persons or subcultures or government officials or government-owned instittuions or religious groups or educational groups or business entities, etc.

Many people in Austin and elsewhere have told me or indicated to me that they strongly dislike my Progressive Prohibitionist Religion, which I have given speeches about on local television in the late 20th Century and several years ago in the 21st Century.

Many Austinites and others have also indicated to me that they do not respect my Freedom of Religion-based Constitutional right to myself fully practice and promote my own new religion and associate with other persons who might be appropriate as prospective additional members of my new religion. In fact, several months ago an apparent tenant at the apartment complex where I live posted an announcement near the primary outdoor mailbox area for this complex in which that individual denounced my Progressive Prohibitionist Religion in writing and stated that I myself am allegedly "bat-shit (sic) crazy!"

Attached are some examples of infrared-motion-sensitive hunter's camera photos that have been taken for me in 2012 from inside my bolt-locked apartment unit at Wind River Crossing Apartments where I live. Please note that the cited times and dates on these are not reliable, partly because I had difficulty with the time-setting and date-setting mechanism on these. I can state with complete certainty, though, that each of these infrared photos were obtained for me in 2012 from inside the bedroom of my bolt-locked apartment. I did not own or ever use any infrared camera prior to February of 2012. February of this year was the month and date when I purchased my first-ever infrared camera upon advice from a helpful work supervisor of mine at the very nice Outback Arboretum chain steakhouse situated virtually across the street from where I live in northwest Austin.

I am contacting your first-rate ABC-affiliate news team in Houston partly because NONE of the numerous media companies in Austin, Texas, that I have contacted about this crime case have ever expressed any interest in actually helping me to document the alleged continuous rapes allegdly occurring during my sleep inside my bolt-locked apartment unit.

One television station high-ranking employee in Austin did helpfully state to me on the telephone several months ago that "No matter where you go (or live) in Austin, you'll (John Kevin McMillan of Austin) be betting raped (during your sleep)." That gentleman has apparently indicated that he does not want me to directly cite his name to any media company. That courageous gentleman has also repeatedly stated to me that he has confidence that the Austin Police Department will investigate this cirme case. I am very hopeful that he will be willing on his own initiative to provide APD as soon as possible with any information or suspicions or hunches or rumors that he has himself obtained or developed or heard, etc., relating to this alleged felony continuous-crimes case in which I am definitely the victim during my sleep.

I hope to hear from you soon, as I would welcome any and all private DNA testing on my body as well as any and all secret electonic surveillance inside my bolt-locked apartment unit that your television news team or the ABC news team at your corporate headquarters city are willing to offer me during this period. I am a gentleman of modest income, so it is very difficult for me to myself pay for additional photographic documentation of one or more alleged illegal intruders inside my bolt-locked apartment unit during my sleep.


John Kevin McMillan,

11411 Research Boulevard (Wind River Crossing), Apt. 325, Austin, Texas, 78759.

Home phone: (512) 342-2295.

My Blog: http://www.johnkevinmcmillan.blogspot.com

John Kevin McMillan

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