Tuesday, August 23, 2016


---Mrs. Clinton, do you acknowledge the legal right of a law-abiding member of the HIV-negative community such as myself to associate exclusively with other law-abiding members of the HIV-negative community in my own personal life or religious life or life away from my workplace?

----Candidate Clinton, do you acknowledge my own legal and human right to myself EXCLUDE anyone who consumes marijuana, medical marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or any other illicit drug from my own personal life or religious life? I am posing this question to you because, as I have mentioned to you before, I myself lead a permanently illicit-drug-free lifestyle in which I do NOT consume any quantity of marijuana of any type.

----Do you acknowledge my own legal and human right in my personal life to myself associate with persons who are NEITHER alcoholic NOR former alcoholics NOR recovering alcoholics?

----Mrs. Clinton, do you acknowledge the legal right of a gentleman who does NOT lead a bar-centered or nightclub-centered lifestyle to himself associate in his eisuretime with OTHER persons also fitting that description?

---Mrs. Clinton, do you acknowledge that the U.S. legal system and U.S. Constitution support my legal right and human right to myself lead a life in which all or virtually all of my own mutual-consent friends and mutual-consent roommates or housemates or mutual-consent associates away from my workplace are, in fact, law-abiding heterosexual men and law-abiding heterosexual women?

---Do you acknowledge my legal and human right to EXCLUDE from my own life in every way any and all relatives or acquaintances or other persons, civic groups, non-profit groups, businesses, universities, "educational services providers", religious groups, cities or counties or states or nations, that subject me to anonymous "gay-theme" or anonymous "sexuality-theme" communications on a frequent basis?

----Mrs. Clinton, do you acknowledge my Freedom of Association legal right to myself prefer to associate with law-abiding persons who do NOT have any tattoos on their body in my own personal or off-duty or religious life?

---Do you also acknowledge my legal right, as a facially cleanshaven gentleman who is myself repulsed by facial hair on human beings, to myself associate with other facially-cleanshaven gentlemen away from my workplace?

----Mrs. Clinton, do you acknowledge the legal and human right of an honest and very conscientious and vigilant and law-abiding and NON-stalking American citizen such as myself to favor persons fitting that description as my own personal friends and associates?

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