Sunday, October 9, 2016


Among the very sobering questions raised by the alleged-personal-injury-crimes-and-anal-rape-crimes scandal in Austin, Texas, in which I myself---a civil and law-abiding and honest, very honorable, lifelong-tobacco-free, always-sober, lifelong NON-Christian and ANTI-atheistic, NON-libertarian, lifelong single adult white gentleman---am the victim of felony crimes in Austin:

---How much knowledge of his own does Texas Governor Gregory Abbott, himself an Attorney General of Texas for many years---including in the year when he was elected Governor of Texas---have about those felony crimes victimizing myself on a daily and year-round basis inside this state capital city of Austin?

---How much knowledge of his own does the current Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, have about the alleged felony crimes victimizing myself on a daily and year-round basis inside this state capital city of Austin?

---How much knowledge of his own does the current State Comptroller of Texas have about the alleged felony crimes victimizing myself on a daily and year-round basis inside this state capital city of Austin?

---Why has no City Council anywhere in the entire state of Texas approved a resolution condemning and deploring the failure of the City Government of Austin to enforce the law that protects me from being subjected to any personal injury crimes or any anal-rape-crimes as I lie ALONE on my own bed inside my locked private bedroom of my bolt-locked two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment unit in which my own involvement with my one total official roommate is, of course, strictly platonic and NON-sexual at all times and involves ZERO physical contact of any type between myself and that particular smoker.

---Why has no Legislature of any other U.S. state approved a resolution deploring the failure of the State Government of Texas to insist on full enforcement of the state laws and federal laws in Austin that protect my own legal right and human right as a lifelong-single gentlemen and longtime-celibate-by-choice Anglo gentleman to sleep ALONE on my own bed without anyone other than myself ever being physically present inside my locked private bedroom at any time during my sleeping hours? Why has no Legislature of any OTHER U.S. state approved a resolution deploring the failure by the State Government of Texas to fully protect me on a year-round basis from being victimized by personal injury crimes, fraudulent and injurious "medical services", and anal-rape-crimes?

---Why has no religious denomination anywhere in the United States issued a public statement deploring the outrageous failure of the City of Austin, Travis County Government, the State Government of Texas, and the U.S. Government to fully protect me from being victimized by any and all home-invasion crimes and personal-injury crimes inside my rental apartment unit in northwest Austin?

---Why has no religious denomination or religious government agency anywhere in the world ever mailed to me any letter expressing outrage over the failure by the City Government of Austin, Travis County Government, the State Government of Texas, and the U.S. Government to fully protect my own legal right to myself sleep ALONE on my own bed without ANYONE having any physical contact with me or any sexual contact with me at any time during periods when I myself am asleep and unconscious?

---Why has no Mayor or City Manager of any U.S. city outside of Austin or outside of Texas or in a foreign nation ever written to me to invite me to move to their "safe home" city where my anti-alcohol orientation, my anti-marijuana orientation, my anti-illicit-drugs orientation, my anti-facial-hair orientation, my anti-tattoos orientation, my anti-anonymous-communications orientation, my anti-thought-control-projects orientation, my anti-profanity-in-everyday-conversations orientation, my anti-tobacco orientation as the ONLY approved member of a new and non-Christian religion, the Progressive Prohibitionist Religion, would be fully honored in a respectful manner in that city.

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