Tuesday, December 20, 2022



----- Forwarded Message -----

From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
To: Joel Briscoe <jbriscoe@le.utah.gov>; dkitchen@le.utah.gov <dkitchen@le.utah.gov>; jplumb@le.utah.gov <jplumb@le.utah.gov>; Nick Frederick <nfrederick@le.utah.gov>; markwheatley@le.utah.gov <markwheatley@le.utah.gov>; Mark A. Strong <mstrong@le.utah.gov>; Keith Grover <keithgrover@le.utah.gov>; Office of Gov. Spencer Cox <govcomm@utah.gov>; Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021 <beckiepage@utah.gov>; Cameron Roden <croden@utah.gov>; Univ of Utah Criminology Dir. Heather Melton <heather.melton@soc.utah.edu>; George Pyle <gpyle@sltrib.com>; Deseret News 2022 <dnweb@deseretnews.com>; newsmedia@ldschurch.org <newsmedia@ldschurch.org>; 500401776@missionary.org <500401776@missionary.org>; uag@agutah.gov <uag@agutah.gov>; Angela Romero <angelaromero@le.utah.gov>; Jen Dailey-Provost <jdprovost@le.utah.gov>; The White House Attn Pres. Biden <engagement@ostp.eop.gov>; internships@romney.senate.gov <internships@romney.senate.gov>; joel_wellum@lee.senate.gov <joel_wellum@lee.senate.gov>; info@gop.com <info@gop.com>; mark.coffield@mail.house.gov <mark.coffield@mail.house.gov>; liam.anderson@mail.house.gov <liam.anderson@mail.house.gov>; nytnews@nytimes.com <nytnews@nytimes.com>; University of Utah Student Newspaper 2022 <press@chronicle.utah.edu>; Fox News SLC 2022 <news@fox13now.com>; nbauer@abc4.com <nbauer@abc4.com>; Jennifer Gardiner <jgardiner@abc4.com>; byu-info@byu.edu <byu-info@byu.edu>; sociology@byu.edu <sociology@byu.edu>; County Council Member Bradshaw <arbradshaw@slco.org>; Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021 <mayor@slcgov.com>; Mayor Wilson <mayor@slco.org>; Utah League of Cities and Towns 2022 <swood@ulct.org>; Utah Restaurant Association 2022 <info@utahrestaurantassociation.org>; Utahbar Webmaster <webmaster@utahbar.org>; Salt Lake County (UT) District Attorney 2022 <districtattorney@slco.org>; andrew.cluff@slcgov.com <andrew.cluff@slcgov.com>; mayor@murray.utah.gov <mayor@murray.utah.gov>; mstevenson@midvale.com <mstevenson@midvale.com>; mayor@sandy.utah.gov <mayor@sandy.utah.gov>; agriculture@utah.gov <agriculture@utah.gov>; him-roi@umail.utah.edu <him-roi@umail.utah.edu>; amelia.hilbert@slcgov.com <amelia.hilbert@slcgov.com>; Salt Lake City Library Board 2022 <boardcontact@slcpl.org>; Salt Lake County Library 2022 <marketing@thecountylibrary.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 12:08:00 AM CST
Subject: 12-13-22 Proposed New State Laws for Utah

December 13, 2022

Dear Utah State Representative Joel Briscoe, Utah State Senator Derek Kitchen, and Utah State Senator-Elect Jenn Plumb,

As a gainfully employed, law-abiding, permanently-alcohol-free, very anti-tobacco, lifelong-tattoo-less, pro-law-enforcement single white non-Hispanic male adult constituent of each of you current and future state legislators of Utah, I urge each of you to please author, sponsor, co-sponsor, or advocate for proposed new Utah state laws and Legislative Resolutions that will:

---Outlaw housing-related or career-related discrimination against any Utah resident or visitor to Utah that relates in any way to that Utahn's lawfully-stated and Freedom of Speech-protected or Freedom of Religion-protected personal opposition to sex-change operations, or to that individual's law-abiding decision to not himself or herself undergo a sex-change operation or ever permit any injections of estrogen or testosterone into his or her own body.

---Finance scientific and engineering research to identify whether an attractively designed renewable energy-powered air-pollution-particulates removal machine with long mechanical arms extending upward into the air could be installed in this capital city, Salt Lake City, and could  help to significantly protect the lungs and medical health of as many Salt Lake County residents as possible.

---Establish a "Utah Environmental Protection Superfund" that can help finance a wide array of public services and projects (including the planting of water-conserving trees and botanical plants as well as agricultural crops that each thrive in Utah's climate and soil conditions) that protect the natural resources and environmental quality of the entire state of Utah and all Utahns or visitors to Utah.

---Provide funding for a new study to determine whether new residents or visitors to Utah age 16 or older who have resided in Utah for fewer than 12 consecutive months, fewer than two consecutive years, or fewer than five, four, or three consecutive years are more likely than other residents of Utah to commit a felony crime in this state or to be arrested for having committed a felony crime in Utah.

---Provide funding for the establishment of a State of Utah DPS-sponsored online English Language and Spanish Language "Online Guide to  the 50 or 100 Violations of the Law in Utah that are Most Likely to Occur Because of Ignorance of that Law by Residents in or Visitors to Utah or a cited municipality or county of Utah."

---Provide Funding for a project to add to the computer records of each and every law-enforcement agency or health department government agency  in Utah the pertinent information that respective cited individuals currently situated in Utah have been documented by a law-enforcement agency or other government agency as having been homeless for a cited duration of time that occurred since or including January 1, 2000.

---Provide funding for a study to help identify whether it would be be legal for the government here in Utah to generate a legal identification microchip "tag" of some type that could be scanned by a government agency from the body of each and every currently homeless resident in or visitor to Utah.

---Provide funding for the government-administered administration of DNA swabs on each and every homeless person in Utah, with each of those DNA swabs then being automatically entered into the DNA traces data base of the Utah DPS to find out if any matches to the DNA of crime suspects or crime victims are thereby obtained.

--Approve a new law specifying the various specific ways in which restrictions upon the privacy rights of homeless persons in Utah are approved in 2023 by the Utah Legislature.

---Provide fuding for a research study to determine whether residents of Salt Lake City or Salt Lake County residents are at higher risk of contracting  asthma  than residents of other American cities and other American counties  with comparable population sizes.

---Provide funding for a new study to determine whether any other cities or counties outside of Salt Lake City or Salt Lake County have possibly had major public-policy-related problems or crises that have been ignored or neglected by the State Government of Utah. This new study could help the Utah Legislature to offset any tendency toward deliberate or defacto neglect of Utah municipalities or counties situated outside of Salt Lake County.

---Provide funding for full and vigorous criminal-law investigation and prosecution of any person or business owner in Utah who applies for or issues a State of Utah-certified "Medical Marijuana Patient" identification card despite his or her not  meeting the proper medical criteria for that ID card or not properly certifying official diagnosis of the Utahn applicant as being  "terminally ill", respectively.

---Provide funding for a study by the Utah Department of Agriculture to obtain an estimate on how much water is consumed each year in Utah by the so-called "Medical Marijuana" agricultural production industry of Utah, with the resulting report to be shared with the Utah Legislature, Utah Department of Natural Resources, the Utah Governor's Office, and Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Utah.

I hope these additional public-policy recommendations are helpful to each of you very influential State of Utah Legislators.

With Friendly  Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, 535 South 200 East, Apt. 912, Ninth Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.
Cell phone: (512) 993-7305.
Home phone: (801) 355-0850.

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