----- Forwarded Message -----
From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
To: Cameron Roden <croden@utah.gov>; Fbinaa Info <info@fbinaa.org>; csfc@nsa.gov <csfc@nsa.gov>; Justice and Public Safety NACO 2021 <bmattson@naco.org>; National Alliance for Safe Housing 2021 <cs@car.org>; The White House Attn Pres. Biden <engagement@ostp.eop.gov>; dpscontact@utah.gov <dpscontact@utah.gov>; U.S. Department of Homeland Security <private.sector@dhs.gov>; uag@agutah.gov <uag@agutah.gov>; West Virginia Fusion Center 2021 <wvfusion@wv.gov>; Virginia Fusion Center 2021 <vfc@vfc.vsp.virginia.gov>; California (LA) Fusion Center 2021 <jric@jric.org>; California (Sacramento) Fusion Center 2021 <info@sacrtac.org>; California (SF) Fusion Center 2021 <dutyofficer@ncric.ca.gov>; California Statewide Fusion Center 2021 <stac@caloes.ca.gov>; California Crime Prevention Officers Assn 2022 <info@ccpoa.us>; California Attorney General <privacyoffice@doj.ca.gov>; California Sexual Assault Investigators Assn Pres. (2016) <kbeler@csaia.org>; Chp Ca Webmaster <webmaster@chp.ca.gov>; CHP-PRA <chp-pra@chp.ca.gov>; contact.lapdonline@gmail.com <contact.lapdonline@gmail.com>; People Against Violent Crime 2020 <pavc@peopleagainstviolentcrime.org>; Rape Abuse and Incest National Network <info@rainn.org>; Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault 2021 <info@ucasa.org>; Utah SIAC <siac@utah.gov>; Utah Housing Coalition 2021 <admin@utahhousing.org>; Utah Hospital Association 2021 <jill@utahhospitals.org>; constituentservices@utah.gov <constituentservices@utah.gov>; Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021 <beckiepage@utah.gov>; Mittromney Info <info@mittromney.com>; steven.mccraw@dps.texas.gov <steven.mccraw@dps.texas.gov>; Texas Rangers (2015) <rangers@dps.texas.gov>; Texas anti-crime Fusion Center 2021 <txfc@dps.texas.gov>; public.information@texasattorneygeneral.gov <public.information@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; Austin Regional Crime and Terrorism Intelligence Center <aric@austintexas.gov>; William Costello <william.costello@austintexas.gov>; APD Officer James Turner <james.turner@austintexas.gov>; APD Assistant Chief James Mason 2021 <james.mason@austintexas.gov>; elder.justice@usdoj.gov <elder.justice@usdoj.gov>; Office for Victims of Crime (U.S. DOJ) <itverp@usdoj.gov>; Office for Victims of Crime U.S. Justice Dept. <ttac@ovcttac.org>; dps-victimservices@utah.gov <dps-victimservices@utah.gov>; Criminal Justice Journalists Board Member Rashbaum <rashbaum@nytimes.com>; Crime Report Ed. Stephen Handelman (2016) <shandelman@jjay.cuny.edu>; Steven Rich <steven.rich@washpost.com>; Utah Chiefs of Police Assn 2021 <vshupe@utahchiefs.org>; Mike Weichers <mweichers@ch.utah.gov>; Sherrie Martell <smartell@ch.utah.gov>; Paul Brenneman <pbrenneman@ch.utah.gov>; hsundquist@ch.utah.gov <hsundquist@ch.utah.gov>; Utah Apartment Association 2022 <info@uaahq.org>; Deseret News 2022 <dnweb@deseretnews.com>; Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021 <mayor@slcgov.com>; Salt Lake City (UT) City Council <council.comments@slcgov.com>; Fox News SLC 2022 <news@fox13now.com>; agranato@slco.org <agranato@slco.org>; joel_wellum@lee.senate.gov <joel_wellum@lee.senate.gov>; intern_amandasorensen@romney.senate.gov <intern_amandasorensen@romney.senate.gov>; Congressman John R. Curtis <john.curtis@mail.house.gov>; Josh Reno <josh.reno@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; Center for Ethics and Public Integrity (NAAG 2016) <aely@naag.org>; Utah League of Cities 2022 <lthrailkill@ulct.org>; George Pyle <gpyle@sltrib.com>; KSL Broadcasting <news@ksl.com>; Utah Public Radio 2022 <tom.williams@usu.edu>; University of Utah Student Newspaper 2022 <press@chronicle.utah.edu>; him-roi@umail.utah.edu <him-roi@umail.utah.edu>; Mark A. Strong <mstrong@le.utah.gov>; Tennessee Fusion Center 2021 <tipstotbi@tn.gov>; intel.msp@maine.gov <intel.msp@maine.gov>; Organized Crime Deterrence Instit (2015) <ciroc@uu.nl>; Keith Grover <keithgrover@le.utah.gov>; alumnimembership@umn.edu <alumnimembership@umn.edu>; USTA Member Services <memberservices@usta.com>; Newsday Editor Debby Krenek <editor@newsday.com>; newsmedia@ldschurch.org <newsmedia@ldschurch.org>; Slchamber Info <info@slchamber.com>; Utah Peace Officers Association 2022 <homeupoa@gmail.com>; The University of Utah <webmaster@utah.edu>; Utah Association of Counties 2022 <admin@uacnet.org>; Utah League of Cities and Towns 2022 <swood@ulct.org>; jsilvestrini@millcreek.us <jsilvestrini@millcreek.us>; slcpdpr@slcgov.com <slcpdpr@slcgov.com>; slcpdoutreach@slcgov.com <slcpdoutreach@slcgov.com>; rdahle@cityofholladay.com <rdahle@cityofholladay.com>; Erin Litvack <elitvack@slco.org>; jbradley@slco.org <jbradley@slco.org>; mstevenson@midvale.com <mstevenson@midvale.com>; Rori Andreason <randreason@midvale.com>; carolynkeigley@brighton.utah.gov <carolynkeigley@brighton.utah.gov>; pbflint@yahoo.com <pbflint@yahoo.com>; davidbrems@ecmetro.org <davidbrems@ecmetro.org>; sprokopis@msn.com <sprokopis@msn.com>; alankcc@q.com <alankcc@q.com>; Utah Restaurant Assn 2022 <info@utahrestaurantassociation.org>; davidolsenn@coppertonutah.org <davidolsenn@coppertonutah.org>; NYT News Tips <nytnews@nytimes.com>; Los Angeles Times <newstips@latimes.com>; ACC Criminal Justice Dept. Chair Gerald Hildebrand <gwhil@austincc.edu>; UT-Austin Center for Criminology 2021 <wkelly@austin.utexas.edu>; Bostonfusion Info <info@bostonfusion.com>; Matt Bernstein Boston Globe (2016) <mbernstein@globe.com>; American Assn. of State Troopers Director <ken@statetroopers.org>; National District Attorneys Assn Crime Prevention <nbunn@ndaajustice.org>; National District Attorneys Assn 2020 <sbroderick@ndaajustice.org>; Delia Garza <delia.garza@traviscountytx.gov>; Austin Mayor Steve Adler <steve.adler@austintexas.gov>; Bernie Sanders <info@berniesanders.com>; California Democratic Party <info@cadem.org>; Los Angeles County (CA) District Attorney <webmail@da.lacounty.gov>; Salt Lake County (UT) District Attorney 2022 <districtattorney@slco.org>; Andy Brown <andy.brown@traviscountytx.gov>; txjcic@dps.texas.gov <txjcic@dps.texas.gov>; Cleat Info <info@cleat.org>; hrisc-fusioncenter@houstonpolice.org <hrisc-fusioncenter@houstonpolice.org>; dallas.fusion@dpd.ci.dallas.tx.us <dallas.fusion@dpd.ci.dallas.tx.us>; swtxfusion@sanantonio.gov <swtxfusion@sanantonio.gov>; pdfusion@elpasotexas.gov <pdfusion@elpasotexas.gov>; ntfc@collincountytx.gov <ntfc@collincountytx.gov>; intex@fortworthtexas.gov <intex@fortworthtexas.gov>; Federal Law Enf. Officers Assn <fleoa@fleoa.org>; Delaware Fusion Center 2021 <info@dediac.org>; icehumantrafficking.helpdesk@dhs.gov <icehumantrafficking.helpdesk@dhs.gov>; SCOTT ONEILL <scott.oneill@nypd.org>; Joyful Heart Foundation for Rape Victims <info@joyfulheartfoundation.org>; Janedoe Info <info@janedoe.org>; St. James Episcopal Church <wendy@stjamesutah.com>; aarp@email.aarp.org <aarp@email.aarp.org>; AMA Council on Science and Public Health <csaph@ama-assn.org>; crimevictims@utah.gov <crimevictims@utah.gov>; Crime Victims' Institute 2020 SHSU <crimevictims@shsu.edu>; CBS News '60 Minutes' Editors and Reporters <60m@cbsnews.com>; Minnesota Fusion Center 2021 <mn.fc@state.mn.us>; Idaho Fusion Center 2021 <icic@fusion.idaho.gov>; Attorney General of Arizona <aginfo@azag.gov>; Arizona Fusion Center 2021 <actic@azdps.gov>; Minnesota Sex Crimes Investigators Assn. Brd Member Dunphy (2016) <stot.dunphy@minneapolismn.gov>; Austin Crime Commission 2020 <info@austincrime.org>; International Association Crime Analysts 2021 <iaca@iaca.net>; International Crime Scene Investigators Assn 2021 <icsia@icsia.org>; intelligence.fusion@state.nm.us <intelligence.fusion@state.nm.us>; ND State & Local Intelligence Center <ndslic@nd.gov>; New York State Fusion Center 2021 <ciu@nysic.ny.gov>; DOJ Sexual Harassment in Housing Initiative (CRT) <sexualharassment.inhousing@usdoj.gov>; Austin Homeland Security/Emergency 2021 <hsemcommunications@austintexas.gov>; intake@wsfc.wa.gov <intake@wsfc.wa.gov>; oregonfusioncenter@doj.state.or.us <oregonfusioncenter@doj.state.or.us>; Utah Medical Association 2021 <info@utahmed.org>; dojintel@mt.gov <dojintel@mt.gov>; Western Governors' Association 2021 <hpropst@westgov.org>; U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (2015) <lloyd.doggett@mail.house.gov>; Robert Kepple <robert.kepple@tdcaa.com>; State Senator Sarah Eckhardt 2020 <sarah.eckhardt@senate.texas.gov>; Hernandez Sally [TCSO] <sally.hernandez@traviscountytx.gov>; kpwatson@uh.edu <kpwatson@uh.edu>; Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick <dan.patrick@ltgov.texas.gov>; publicrecords@governor.state.tx.us <publicrecords@governor.state.tx.us>; igr@traviscountytx.gov <igr@traviscountytx.gov>; erika.lopez@austintexas.gov <erika.lopez@austintexas.gov>; ann.skowronski@austintexas.gov <ann.skowronski@austintexas.gov>; newsroom@mpr.org <newsroom@mpr.org>; webmaster@democrats.org <webmaster@democrats.org>; tsteele@dallasnews.com <tsteele@dallasnews.com>; bchasnoff@express-news.com <bchasnoff@express-news.com>; govt.relations@texasbar.com <govt.relations@texasbar.com>; ballfrey@utahpress.com <ballfrey@utahpress.com>; suo-inquiry@stevenson.edu <suo-inquiry@stevenson.edu>; nefusioncenter@nebraska.gov <nefusioncenter@nebraska.gov>; communications@utahbar.org <communications@utahbar.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 01:45:56 AM CDT
Subject: Re: 5-4-22 re: stats on home invasion crimes in Utah
May 12, 2022
Dear Utah Department of Public Safety Public Information Officer Sgt. Cameron Roden,
Thank you for your detailed and informative May 11 reply letter (below) to me, in which you state toward the end of your reply:
"'Home Invasion Crimes' is not a category in the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Program. It is not a category collected in NIBRS by the FBI and therefore, it is not collected as such by BCI. What is collected and reported on our dashboard are incidents that meet the definition of "Burglary" as established in the NIBRS manual.
"As for the AG in California and their 'home invasion' report, that may be something that that specific agency has a collection all their own that they do and share. It is not something within the UCR program, nor do attorney's offices participate in the UCR program nationwide. If I were to guess, it may be something that that agency has determined to compile stats on, but it is not something uniform across jurisdictions and I can't speak to them specifically. Sometimes agencies compile or track stats outside of the UCR program on their own etc. but those are not part of the state program."
I hope this exchange of letters between us about classification of crimes in Utah proves to be helpful toward future compilation of data by the Utah DPS specifically about break-ins to homes in Utah that do not involve intended theft of property per se, but instead involve the unconscionable infliction of personal-injury crimes on the occupants of those homes.
That proposed additional data compilation on an ongoing basis here in Utah will be invaluable toward life-saving deterrence of --- and increased criminal-law investigation of----any and all home-invasion-crimes accompanied by personal-injury-crimes that might ever occur here in Utah.
Among the types of heinous and very outrageous home-invasion-related personal-injury crimes are any and all sexual-assault crimes inflicted on Utahns during their sleeping hours as the crime victims lie unconscious on their own bed inside their bolt-locked private residence here in Salt Lake County, Utah.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
former Texas Department of Public Safety full-time clerical employee and former Texas resident John Kevin McMillan. My date of birth: 4-27-1957. My place of birth: Lincoln, Nebraska.
My current rental-housing quadplex solo-occupancy-unit home address---an address only applicable to my specific and separate unit in the quadplex rental-home where I reside--- in Utah ever since February 24, 2022:
6819 South 1300 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121.
My home phone: (801) 942-2122.
My cell phone: (512) 993-7305.
John Kevin McMillan
On Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 04:00:18 PM CDT, Cameron Roden <croden@utah.gov> wrote:



I reached out to BCI to assist in answering your questions. Here is what they said:
Law enforcement agencies in the state of Utah (including UHP) participate in the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program and we collect this data at the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification according to the definitions and rules set by the FBI's UCR program. We are collecting burglary offenses according to the definition as found in the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) manual.
"Home Invasion Crimes" is not a category in the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Program. It is not a category collected in NIBRS by the FBI and therefore, it is not collected as such by BCI. What is collected and reported on our dashboard are incidents that meet the definition of "Burglary" as established in the NIBRS manual.
As for the AG in California and their "home invasion" report, that may be something that that specific agency has a collection all their own that they do and share. It is not something within the UCR program, nor do attorney's offices participate in the UCR program nationwide. If I were to guess, it may be something that that agency has determined to compile stats on, but it is not something uniform across jurisdictions and I can't speak to them specifically. Sometimes agencies compile or track stats outside of the UCR program on their own etc. but those are not part of the state program.
I will forward your suggestion to the Commissioner to consider.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Sgt. Cameron Roden
Utah Department of Public Safety
Utah Highway Patrol - Public Information Officer
On Tue, May 10, 2022 at 12:43 AM John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net> wrote:
May 10, 2022Dear Utah Department of Public Safety Public Information Officer and Sergeant Cameron Roden,Thank you for your May 9 reply letter (below). Your reply indicates that the Utah Department of Public Safety Bureau of Criminal Identification does not compile statistics on the total number of reported cases of alleged home-invasion crimes that occur each year in Utah, and specifically in Salt Lake County, Utah.Does your state law-enforcement agency's Bureau of Criminal Identification participate in the Federal Bureau of Investigation's "Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program"? If so, has the FBI or any other federal agency ever advised the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification of the possible need to specifically cite "Home Invasion Crimes" as a category of crime for which that division of your Utah DPS compiles data?I would also like to politely point out that the Attorney General of California at that state agency's official website repeatedly cites "home invasion" crimes as a category of crime occurring and being specifically cited as "home invasions" in that far western state. https://oag.ca.gov/search-results/?query=home+invasion+crimesDoes Utah Commissioner of Public Safety Jess L. Anderson, who presides over the goals and activities of each of his Utah DPS divisions or bureaus, have the legal authority to require that the Utah DPS Bureau of Identification on an ongoing basis compile statistics and other data in regard to each and every home-invasion crime that reportedly occurs anywhere in Utah?Thank you in advance, Sgt. Roden, for your helpful reply note to me on this.Sincerely and Best Wishes,former Texas Department of Public Safety full-time clerical staff member John Kevin McMillan.My solo-occupancy fully bolt-locked and fully-locked rental-home address ever since Feb. 24, 2022:6819 South 1300 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121.Home phone: (801) 942-2122.Cell phone: (512) 993-7305.John Kevin McMillanOn Monday, May 9, 2022, 11:12:51 AM CDT, Cameron Roden <croden@utah.gov> wrote:JohnI have talked with BCI, who is the keeper of Utah's crime report. I will include what they sent me below. They only keep burglary stats and don't break them out by home invasion. You can look up the crime report on the Bureau of Criminal Identifications (BCI) website if you want to look into things a little deeper.Cameron,The historical crime reports found here do have a page that shows some information on burglary in general, but not "home invasion".The Crime in Utah Dashboard will only have a count of how many burglaries have been reported, but it won't show the type.I hope that helps.Please let me know if you have any questions.ThanksSgt. Cameron RodenUtah Department of Public SafetyUtah Highway Patrol - Public Information Officer801.554.5659On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 2:35 PM John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net> wrote:Dear Utah DPS Public Information Officer Roden,Best Wishes to you in your people-friendly and informative style on behalf of the Utah Department of Public Safety.Does the Utah DPS maintain statewide statistics for reported home-invasion crimes in Utah, along with countywide statistics for Salt Lake County, Utah? If so, what is the most recent calendar year for which your Utah DPS has obtained those annual home-invasion-crimes statistics for all of Utah and for Salt Lake County, Utah, and what has the recent multi-year trend been on incidence of home-invasion crimes statewide and in Salt Lake County, Utah?My follow-up question would be: Does your very influential state law-enforcement agency have the most recent statistics on the racial identity, previous-criminal-conviction-record status, current nation of citizenship, gender identity, sexual identity, age group, marital status, illicit-drug-addiction status, alcohol-addiction status, or level of inebriation at time of arrest of the individuals who during the most recent applicable calendar year were arrested and formally charged with having a committed a home-invasion crime specifically in Salt Lake County, Utah?Thank you in advance for your kind reply message to me on this.Best Wishes from a dependably civil and law-abiding and very honest and vigilant single adult white longtime-celibate-by-choice male 65-year-old opponent of any and all home-invasion crimes. I am also a strong supporter of increased criminal-law penalties for any and all home-invasion crimes in Utah that involve inter-racial rape or any type of sexual or physical assault victimizing or medical injury to an approved home-owner or approved occupant inside their own home or to an approved rental-housing-unit tenant or approved rental-housing-unit occupant who is asleep and unconscious inside his or her unit at the time of those home-invasion crimes.My full legal name: John Kevin McMillan, my date of birth 4-27-1957, my place of birth Lincoln, Nebraska. I am a former full-time staff member for the Texas Department of Public Safety state agency in Austin.My home phone: (801) 942-2122.My cell phone: (512) 993-7305.My current solo-occupancy rental-home address ever since February 24, 2022:6819 South 1300 East, Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84121.John Kevin McMillan
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