Tuesday, December 20, 2022



----- Forwarded Message -----
From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
To: Joel Briscoe <jbriscoe@le.utah.gov>; dkitchen@le.utah.gov <dkitchen@le.utah.gov>; jplumb@le.utah.gov <jplumb@le.utah.gov>
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 05:44:03 PM CST
Subject: 12-17-22 Proposed new Utah state laws

Dear Utah State Rep. Joel Briscoe, outgoing Utah State Senator Derek Kitchen, and Utah State Senator-Elect Jenn Plumb,

As a law-abiding, gainfully employed, pro-law-enforcement single adult white non-Hispanic male current or future constituent of each of you, I urge each of you to please author, co-author, sponsor, co-sponsor, or advocate for a proposed new state law or Legislative Resolution here in Utah that:

---Increases the court-ordered punishment to be imposed on any person or group of persons who through conduct of theirs in Utah subject a resident of Utah (or visitor to Utah) against his wishes to continuous obscene anonymous communications,  continuous profane anonymous communications, or continuous verbalized death threats.

---Protects the legal resident of a Utah resident to not himself be employed by any television network or business entity or labor union or religious group or civic group that televises him without his own express prior permission, such as might occur from a "Reality Television Show" occurring in Utah that subjects that Utah resident to incessant and distracting verbal harassment and slanderous communications victimizing himself.

---Protects the legal right of any individual in Utah to file criminal charges and a lawsuit against any person  or group of persons or entity operating in Utah that knowingly subjects the complainant against his wishes to continuous distracting noise pollution that increases the risk of the targeted individual having an accident that injures himself.

---Prohibits any housing-related or career-related discrimination against any resident of Utah that relates to him or her being permanently-alcohol-free,  lifelong tobacco-free, lifelong-nonvaping,  honest, morally straight, permanently non-gambling, clean-talking and non-profane, Anglo non-Hispanic, of LDS ancestry,  celibate-by-choice, or law-abiding, or to himself or herself having no criminal-conviction record.

---Strengthens the role of and legal authority of each of the Utah Regional Planning and Governing Councils for each and every multi-county  region of of Utah.

---Promotes sharing of data base access between public municipal libraries and public county library systems in Utah, which could help residents of Murray, for instance, to obtain access in a public library in Murray to the same data bases as the residents of Salt Lake City have access to inside the Salt Lake City Public Library.

Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, 535 South 200 East, Apt. 912, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.
Cell phone: (512) 993-7305.

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