Tuesday, December 20, 2022



----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "John McMillan" <mcmillanj@att.net>
To: "Joel Briscoe" <jbriscoe@le.utah.gov>, "dkitchen@le.utah.gov" <dkitchen@le.utah.gov>, "jplumb@le.utah.gov" <jplumb@le.utah.gov>, "Office of Gov. Spencer Cox" <govcomm@utah.gov>, "Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021" <beckiepage@utah.gov>, "Angela Romero" <angelaromero@le.utah.gov>, "joel_wellum@lee.senate.gov" <joel_wellum@lee.senate.gov>, "Keith Grover" <keithgrover@le.utah.gov>, "Nick Frederick" <nfrederick@le.utah.gov>, "Jen Dailey-Provost" <jdprovost@le.utah.gov>, "Office for Victims of Crime (U.S. DOJ)" <itverp@usdoj.gov>, "Crimevictims GV" <crimevictims@utah.gov>, "Attorney General of Utah" <uag@utah.gov>, "astoddard@le.utah.gov" <astoddard@le.utah.gov>, "briansking@le.utah.gov" <briansking@le.utah.gov>, "kkwan@le.utah.gov" <kkwan@le.utah.gov>, "Jen Dailey-Provost" <jdprovost@le.utah.gov>, "amatthews@le.utah.gov" <amatthews@le.utah.gov>, "dougowens@le.utah.gov" <dougowens@le.utah.gov>, "glbennion@le.utah.gov" <glbennion@le.utah.gov>, "Nick Frederick" <nfrederick@le.utah.gov>, "rlesser@le.utah.gov" <rlesser@le.utah.gov>, "ccollard@le.utah.gov" <ccollard@le.utah.gov>, "elizabethweight@le.utah.gov" <elizabethweight@le.utah.gov>, "csmoss@le.utah.gov" <csmoss@le.utah.gov>, "sharrison@le.utah.gov" <sharrison@le.utah.gov>, "Mark A. Strong" <mstrong@le.utah.gov>, "markwheatley@le.utah.gov" <markwheatley@le.utah.gov>, "dpscontact@utah.gov" <dpscontact@utah.gov>, "Cameron Roden" <croden@utah.gov>, "internships@romney.senate.gov" <internships@romney.senate.gov>, "liam.anderson@mail.house.gov" <liam.anderson@mail.house.gov>, "mark.coffield@mail.house.gov" <mark.coffield@mail.house.gov>, "communications@utahbar.org" <communications@utahbar.org>, "him-roi@umail.utah.edu" <him-roi@umail.utah.edu>, "Univ of Utah Criminology Dir. Heather Melton" <heather.melton@soc.utah.edu>, "Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault 2020" <info@ucasa.org>, "andrew.cluff@slcgov.com" <andrew.cluff@slcgov.com>
Sent: Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 2:24 AM
Subject: 12-11-22 Additional proposed new Utah state laws
December 11,  2022

Dear State Rep. Joel Briscoe, State Senator Derek Kitchen, and State Senator-Elect Jenn Plumb,

As a law-abiding and pro-law-enforcement, gainfully employed, tax-paying, single adult male Anglo-Saxon constituent of your respective Utah House or Utah Senate legislative districts, I also urge each of you very influential legislators to please author, sponsor, co-sponsor, or advocate for bills or resolutions in the upcoming Legislative session that will:

---Establish very clear and specific criteria for a required determination by a state or local government law-enforcement agency in Utah that a crime case in Utah being investigated as an isolated or one-time criminal-activity case should and must be re-classified as a continuous crimes case.

---Authorize any state or local law-enforcement agency in Utah to have the option of requesting full six-month or longer retroactive DNA traces processing by the Utah Department of Public Safety state law-enforcement agency  of any and all of the sexual-assault forensic medical evidence kits or other DNA evidence kits that are or were submitted to the Utah DPS by the  cited state or local government agency in Utah.

---Require any state or local government agency in Utah that has classified or re-classified a current or re-opened crime case as a continuous crimes case, to increase to as many as 180 total days and to no fewer than  30 total days the total number of days for which that law-enforcement agency must request full retroactive DNA-traces processing by the Utah DPS of any and all DNA-traceable items in the crime-evidence kit  for that continuous crimes case.

---Prohibit career-related or housing discrimination against any and all Utah Anglo non-Hispanic residents who exhibit a lawfully expressed form of "heterophilia" --- which I am defining as the antonym for  heterophobia, the latter of which is an unjustifiable antipathy toward heterosexual persons; or who exhibit a lawful form "Anglophilia" involving a keen and enthusiastic affinity toward many of the law-abiding white non-Hispanic male adult or female adult persons; or who are themselves strictly "Anglosexual," in that they politely decline to or refuse to ever be have any sexual contact of any type with any non-Anglo person or any Anglo Hispanic person.

--Provide full state funding for establishment of an ultra-modern "Save Utahn Lives" computerized data base that on a year-round basis generates currently up-to-date factual  information for the Utah Legislature on how to significantly reduce the  attempted suicide rate and the suicide rate throughout all of Utah.

---Require that any and all public schools, public colleges, and public universities of Utah must require each of their students to each year attend a "Save Utahn Lives" film or videotape presentation and accompanying educational workshop, and to then pass a pop quiz afterward that is focused on identification of successful strategies for prevention of attempted suicide and suicide in Utah.

--Fully protect the legal right of any employer in Utah to ask an applicant for employment at that workplace to state in writing whether he or she has consumed any quantity of any tobacco product or any vaping product at any time in the most recent two-year period, along with the legal right of any employer to fire any employee who reportedly lies in their written response to these very pertinent questions on their job application form.

---Fully protect the legal right of any employer in Utah to prefer to only hire job applicants who do not have any felony-conviction record or, if the employer so decides, to prefer to only hire job applicants who do not have any criminal-conviction record of any type.

---Officially endorse the long-term goal for Utah of lawfully reducing total statewide population in this state  while significantly increasing per-capita financial income and per-household income of adults age 18 or older in Utah.

--Approve state funding for establishment of a new State of Utah research center with a Super Computer Data Base that is focused exclusively on identifying rational public policy actions that can enable state and local governments of Utah to boost our state's or local areas' economies, and to significantly increase the per-capita incomes of Utahns while reducing the unemployment rate and rate of population growth throughout all of Utah.

---Increase statewide funding for full statewide participation by any and all Utahns age 8 or older in comprehensive statewide recycling programs that conserve natural resources, help reduce air pollution, reduce congestion in county landfills, and provide wage-earning employment for  thousands or many thousands of Utahns.

I hope these additional proposed new state laws or proposed new Utah Legislature Resolutions will be helpful to each of you and our beloved Western State.

With Friendly Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, 535 South 200 East, Apt. 912, Ninth Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.
My cell phone: (512) 993-7305.
My home phone: (801) 355-0850.

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