On Monday, October 31, 2016 2:09 AM, John McMillan
To: City of Austin Public Information Coordinator,
October 31, 2016
Dear Open Records Coordinator for the City Government of Austin in Austin, Texas,
This is a Texas Open Records request in which I seek to obtain from you a copy of any and all letters or e-mail letters or reports or memoranda or policy directives or recommendations or other documents that refer at least once in any context or any manner to either myself, John Kevin McMillan of Austin, Texas, or to my one-approved-member (myself only) and non-Christian "Progressive Prohibitionist Religion", and that, in each and every such case, were written or sent or e-mailed or received or forwarded or mailed or FAXed at any time since 12:01 April 17, 2011, by either of the following two total respective City Government of Austin officials:
---"Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual Liaison" and executive assistant Barbara Shack in the office of the Mayor of Austin, Steve Adler, with Ms. Shack reportedly having an office phone number of (512) 978-2100;
---Austin Police Department "Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, and Transgender" Liaison Charles Loosen, with Mr. Loosen reportedly having an office phone number of: (512) 974-4734.
Among the insights I hope to glean through this public-information request are:
---Is there any evidence of any alleged hostility or any alleged antipathy toward myself, John Kevin McMillan of Austin, or toward my one-total-approved-member and fully independent non-Christian religion, the "Progressive Prohibitionist Religion", by any self-identified member of the "gay-homosexual, lesbian-bisexual-transsexual community" of Austin?
---Is there any evidence that any self-identified member of the "gay community" of Austin fails in any way to fully honor my own lawfully conveyed decision to myself lead a completely celibate lifestyle involving ZERO sexual contact and ZERO intimate physical contact between myself and any other human being (or any animal, for that matter) on a 24-hour-a-day-and-year-round and multi-year basis?
---Is there any evidence that any member of the "gay community" of Austin has expressed opposition to my own legal right to myself lead a permanently alcohol-free, permanently tobacco-free, and permanently illicit-drug-free lifestyle?
---Is there any evidence indicating that any member of the "gay community" of Austin has expressed opposition to my own anti-marijuana, anti-medical-marijuana, anti-cocaine, anti-heroin, and anti-illicit-drug religious beliefs and lifestyle?
---Is there any factual evidence indicating that any self-identified gay, homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, or transvestite person allegedly violated my own privacy rights or allegedly may have stalked me or harassed me in any way?
---Is there any factual evidence indicating that any self-identified member of the "gay community" or "transsexual community" in Austin, Texas, allegedly has sought to either "drive me (John Kevin McMillan) out of town" or "railroad me out of town" or "compel me to move away from Austin?
---Is there any factual evidence indicating that any self-identified gay, homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, or transvestite person allegedly or possibly violated the law in any of that person's conduct toward myself, John Kevin McMillan of Austin, at any time during the cited approximately five-and-one-half-year time period?
---Is there any factual evidence indicating that any self-identified gay, homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, or transvestite person reportedly currently exhibits or has ever at any time in the most recent five-and-one-half-year period exhibited any form of possible or alleged criminal intent, or "CI", or any possible alleged harmful intent, toward myself, John Kevin McMillan of Austin?
---Is there any evidence indicating that any self-identified gay, lesbian, or transsexual person has allegedly sought to harm the medical health and creatively-vital and fully ambulatory medical lifespan of myself, John Kevin McMillan of Austin?
---Is there any evidence indicating that any self-identified gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transsexual person has ever allegedly sought to harm myself, John Kevin McMillan of Austin, in any way?
I hope to hear from you soon in response to this public-information request from myself.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
My home address ever since late September 2015:
Village Oaks Apartments, 10926 Jollyville Road, Building 9, Apt. 902, Austin, Texas, 78759.
My Blog: John Kevin McMillan: A 21st Century Conservative Left-Wing Agenda John Kevin McMillan: A 21st Century Conservative Left-Wing Agenda Observations for a rationally religious and implicitly deistic modern religion, public-policy writing, creative ...
On Monday, October 31, 2016 9:10 PM, John McMillan
October 31, 2016
Dear Public Information Coordinator for the City Government of Austin in Austin, Texas,
As a supplement to the public-information request (below) that I e-mailed to you earlier today, I would like to add that in the multi-year time period applicable to this public-information request, I resided at the following addresses: 11411 Research Boulevard, Apt. 325, Austin, Texas, 78759; 12621 Hymeadow Road, Apt. 133, Austin, Texas, 78729; and, ever since late September 2015, 10926 Jollyville Rd., Apt. 902, Austin, TX 78759.
Among the additional questions in regard to which I hope to glean insights through this public information request from myself are:
--Is there any evidence that any self-identified "gay", "homosexual", "bisexual", "lesbian", "transsexual", or "transvestite" law-enforcement officer has allegedly attempted to interfere in any way with full and prompt investigation and full and prompt criminal-law prosecution in a court of law of the alleged continuous personal-injury-crimes-and-anal-rape-crimes case in which I myself have been (and continue to be) the self-identified victim of alleged felony crimes here in Austin?
---Is there any evidence that any official of the City Government of Austin has allegedly attempted to "cover up" and suppress police investigation of the cited felony-crimes case in which I myself am the victim, with this alleged possible "cover-up" possibly being based on one or more City officials' possible beliefs or findings or impressions that one or more of the individuals who allegedly committed the cited sex crimes and alleged personal-injury-crimes victimizing myself in Austin are possibly "gay" or "homosexual" or "bisexual" or "effeminate male adult" persons?
---Is there any evidence that any self-identified "gay" person or "lesbian" person allegedly fails to acknowledge or opposes or expresses defiance of my own human right and legal right as a self-identified crime victim and single adult white gentleman here in Austin to myself successfully press criminal charges on my own behalf through a reputable law-enforcement agency with legal authority and jurisdiction in this city?
---Is there any evidence that any self-identified "gay" or "lesbian" or "transsexual" or "bisexual" person has allegedly attempted to inflict an alleged "thought-control project" on myself, criminal-law complainant John Kevin McMillan of Austin?
--Is there any evidence that any self-identified "gay" or "lesbian" or "transsexual" person allegedly subjected myself, John Kevin McMillan, to ANY anonymous communications violating my own privacy rights at any time during the multi-year time period applicable to this public-information request?
--Is there any evidence that any self-identified "gay" or "lesbian" ...person knowingly and deliberately subjected me to any form of alleged continuous noise pollution that he or she knew in advance or learned at any subsequent time would be significantly injurious to my own hearing capacity and medical health?
---Is there any evidence that any self-identified "gay" or "lesbian" person allegedly may have slandered me or allegedly may have libeled me?
---Is there any evidence that any self-identified "gay" or "lesbian" or "transsexual" or "bisexual" person has allegedly attempted to inflict either compelled (involuntary) speech on myself or a compelled "professional relationship" or compelled "personal" relationship or "arranged marriage" on myself?
---Is there any evidence that a "gay media company" or "gay religious group" or "gay political action group" or "gay-theme communications" entity or "sexuality-theme communications" entity has allegedly violated my own privacy rights in any way?
---Is there any evidence that any self-identified "gay" person or "lesbian" person or "bisexual" person or "transsexual" person or "transvestite" person allegedly attempted to interfere in any way with my own ability to associate in full in strictly- mutual-consent contexts with law-abiding and honest heterosexual men and law-abiding and honest heterosexual women?
---Is there any evidence indicating that any alleged "gay terrorist group" or any alleged "gay militant group" or any allegedly militant "transsexual group" allegedly sought to punish me in any way as a form of retaliation against me for having political and religious and personal beliefs and accompanying law-abiding conduct by myself that they themselves either dislike or oppose in some manner?
---Is there any evidence indicating that any self-identified "gay" person or "lesbian" person or "transsexual" person or "bisexual" person allegedly sought to punish me in some manner for having myself established a fully independent and new non-Christian religion of my own, the "Progressive Prohibitionist Religion", with very stringent membership-eligibility requirements that exclude as prospective members those who consume tobacco, drinking alcohol, marijuana, medical marijuana, or any other illicit drug?
Thank you in advance for your helpful and fully reliable reply letter providing me with any and all documents responsive to this public-information request from myself.
In that regard, please let me know as soon as possible if you anticipate that you may need to charge me $20 or more in processing fees for providing me with all responsive documents.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
from criminal-law complainant John Kevin McMillan.
My home address ever since late September 2015:
10926 Jollyville Rd., Apt. 902, Austin, Texas, 78759.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
My Blog: John Kevin McMillan: A 21st Century Conservative Left-Wing Agenda John Kevin McMillan: A 21st Century Conservative Left-Wing Agenda Observations for a rationally religious and implicitly deistic modern religion, public-policy writing, creative ...
John Kevin McMillan
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