Tuesday, October 26, 2021



----- Forwarded Message -----

From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
To: "info@barackobama.com" <info@barackobama.com>; "info@johnmccain.com" <info@johnmccain.com>; "governor.minner@state.de.us" <governor.minner@state.de.us>
Sent: Friday, October 3, 2008, 11:46:49 AM CDT
Subject: 10-3-08 re: legal liability facing U.S. Government

A respectful FYI to each of you very distinguished respective Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates in regard to the following (attached) legal-liability matter facing our federal government,
from John Kevin McMillan of Austin, Texas.
11411 Research Boulevard, Apt. 325, Austin, Texas, 78759.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
cc: Delaware Governor Minner, who has sent me a kind reply E-mail letter indicating that she believes I would myself enjoy greater privacy rights as a human being and American citizen if I were to myself move to Delaware from Texas.

John Kevin McMillan

--- On Fri, 10/3/08, John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net> wrote:
From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
Subject: Fw: 9-23-08 follow-up note re: 9-19-08 Open Records
To: "AustinPoliceChiefArtAcevedo" <art.acevedo@ci.austin.tx.us>, "TravisCountyDistrictAttorneyEarle" <district.attorney@co.travis.tx.us>, "CountyAttorneyDavidEscamilla" <david.escamilla@co.travis.tx.us>, "CountyJudgeSam Biscoe" <sam.biscoe@co.travis.tx.us>, "ColonelThomasDavis" <pio@txdps.state.tx.us>, "U.S. Dept of Justice" <ask.ocfo@usdoj.gov>, "FBI National Academy Officials" <info@fbinaa.org>, "StateComptrollerSusanCombs" <window@cpa.state.tx.us>, "TexasSecofStateExecutiveOffice" <secretary@sos.state.tx.us>, "TexasSecofStateGeneralCounsel" <jsepehri@sos.state.tx.us>, "CityAttorneyDavid Smith" <david.smith@ci.austin.tx.us>, "FederalCommunicationsCommission" <fccinfo@fcc.gov>, "U.S. Dept Labor FOI Request" <foiarequest@dol.gov>, "U.S.Dept.CommerceFOI Office" <efoia@doc.gov>, "U.S. Dept of Commerce Civil Rights Div Officials" <webmaster@doc.gov>, info@gop.com, "UT-AustinAssocVPforLegalAffairsLeeSmith" <lsmith@austin.utexas.edu>, "Texas A&M Chancellor McTeer" <bobmcteer@tamu.edu>, "TexasTechSystemChancellorHance" <Chancellor@ttu.edu>, "Mass. Dist. Attorneys Assn." <webmail@daa.state.ma.us>, "UnivofOklahomaPresident'sOffice" <actionline@ou.edu>
Date: Friday, October 3, 2008, 11:40 AM

Dear Distinguished Law-Enforcement-Minded Government Officials at the local, state, and federal level,
A respectful FYI to each of you on the following legal correpondence relating to myself and my own substandard living conditions in Austin, Texas, involving alleged harassment of myself in Austin, and to accompanying legal-liability issues facing local and state and federal government-owned institutions.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
former West Texan newspaper journalist and former Bostonian newspaper journalist John Kevin McMillan,
11411 Research Boulevard, Apt. 325, Austin, Texas, 78759.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.

John Kevin McMillan

--- On Thu, 10/2/08, John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net> wrote:
From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
Subject: Fw: 9-23-08 follow-up note re: 9-19-08 Open Records
To: "State Rep. Donna Howard" <donna.howard@house.state.tx.us>, "Texas Democratic Party Communications Director" <amoon@txdemocrats.org>, "Mass.Dem.PartyExecDirStaceyMonahan" <smonahan@massdems.org>, "DemocraticNatlCommittee" <webmaster@democrats.org>, "Mass.DemocraticPartyChairJohnWalsh" <jwalsh@massdems.org>, "Mass.DemPartyViceChairDebraKozikowski" <dkozikowski@massdems.org>
Date: Thursday, October 2, 2008, 5:18 PM

To: State Representative Donna Howard, Texas House of Representatives, P.O. Box 2910, Austin, Texas, 78768-2910. Office phone: (512) 463-0631
October 2, 2008
Dear State Rep. Howard,
Please let me know if you would like to receive from me a FAX of the official Texas Legislature stationery one-page signed reply letter I received in the mail at my residential mailbox on Sept. 26, 2008, from Republican Party-affiliated State Representative Robert Talton of the Pasadena area near Houston, Texas.
That official Texas Legislature-stationery reply letter from Rep. Talton was in response to the revised and re-submitted, signed, Sept. 19, 2008-dated Open Records request (see last item, below) that I wrote and mailed to Rep. Talton by United Parcel Service certified-mail delivery.
The exact verbatim entire text of that September 24, 2008-dated official Texas Legislature stationery reply letter to myself from State Rep. Robert E. Talton states as follows:
"Mr. John McMillan
11411 Research Blvd. #325
Austin, Texas 78759
"Dear Mr. McMillan:
"I am in receipt of your open records request dated September 19, 2008. I have no materials related to your request.
"Sincerely, Robert E. Talton, State Representative."
State Rep. Howard, please let me know in writing as soon as possible if you have any reason to yourself suspect or sense that State Rep. Talton's reply letter to myself in response to my recent Open Records request (see below, exact text of that public-information request from myself, along with a follow-up E-mail letter I also wrote and E-mailed to Rep. Talton), was possibly not fully reliable or possibly not fully complete or possibly or allegedly not fully in compliance with state law on the part of State Rep. Talton.
I would like to point out, by the way, that I have this week filed a formal appeal of State Rep. Talton's reply letter to myself with admirable investigators of the Open Records Division of the Office of the Attorney General of Texas state agency in Austin, and I have this week provided that State of Texas law-enforcement agency with all of the texts contained in this E-mail transmission to yourself.
Thank you in advance, Rep. Howard, for your very kind assistance on this public-policy-related and legal-liability-related matter facing the State Government of Texas.
Best Wishes to yourself and your conscientious staff members, including Scott Daigle, from this particular consistently civil and law-abiding, honest, gainfully employed, single adult male constituent of yours in northwest Austin who is also myself a former Boston-area full-time newspaper copy editor.
John Kevin McMillan,
11411 Research Boulevard, Apt. 325, Austin, Texas, 78759.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
cc: Officials of the Texas Democratic Party, the Massachusetts Democratic Party in Boston, and the Democratic National Committee.

John Kevin McMillan

--- On Tue, 9/23/08, John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net> wrote:
From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
Subject: 9-23-08 follow-up note re: 9-19-08 Open Records
To: robert.talton@house.state.tx.us
Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 4:05 PM

September 23, 2008
Dear Rep. Talton,
I would like to thank "Harrio" of your staff for having signed a receipt today accepting the certified-delivery letter from myself that I mailed to you via the United Parcel Service.
Among the additional insights I hope to glean from my September 19-dated public-information request to yourself that your office in Pasadena received today, are answers to the following questions:
---Rep. Talton, do you have any reason to suspect that any state or local government official in Texas, or any State of Texas-owned university or university system that I have contacted, has possibly withheld from me any pertinent information relating to myself or my circumstances or my living conditions or my quality of life in Austin, Texas, for instance.
---Rep. Talton, do you suspect that I myself have been victimized by any type of medical fraud or substandard or injurious medical care toward myself in any context in the last 11-and-one-half-year period in which I have resided in Austin, Texas.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that I am myself a member of the certified and recently-tested HIV-Negative Community in Austin, and that I am very confident that 99 percent or more of all of the HIV-negative adult male persons residing in Austin, Texas, in the year 2008 who also are each members of the HIV-negative community in Austin, are, in fact, heterosexual in sexual identity per se.
----Rep. Talton, are you aware that my choice to myself prefer to associate with adult men who are as facially cleanshaven as myself, is a law-abiding choice of mine that is fully protected by the U.S. Constitution and American legal system.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that I myself am a member of the Non-Alcoholic Adult Persons Community of Austin, and that 99 percent or more of all adult male persons residing in Austin, Texas, who have never at any time been addicted to drinking alcohol, and who are the most like myself in that very important way, are, in fact, heterosexual in sexual identity per se.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that 99 percent to 100 percent of all Austin adult male persons most like myself in that they have never been addicted to any illicit drug at any time in their entire life thus far, and they are not themselves consuming any illicit drug at present, are in fact heterosexual in sexual identity per se.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that I am a longtime opponent of the so-called gay bathhouses, and that I have written to State of Texas officials and City of Austin officials ever since the early 1990s or late 1990s, respectively, to urge the government-ordered or court-ordered closing of any and all of the so-called gay bathhouses in our state or, in the case of Austin, in our capital city of Austin.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that I gave a televised speech before Austin City Council about 10 years ago on behalf of my one-member (myself, only) Progressive Prohibitionist Religion, in which I urged the City of Austin to permanently close any and all of the so-called gay bathhouses and commercial sex parlors in Austin.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that I have written to government officials expressing my own support for an employee's right to know whether a coworker of his or a work supervisor of his at that same workplace is HIV-positive, and my support as well for an employer's right to know whether an employee at that same workplace is HIV-positive, even if those policies would require a change in federal law involving public-policy actions by the U.S. Congress.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that I have a longstanding personal tradition of myself every six months or so volunteering to that employer of mine a photocopy of my most recent reliable HIV-test results, containing my correct legal name and birthdate on those HIV-negative test results that I politely provide on my own initiative to each of my respective restaurant-industry employers in the Austin area.
---Rep. Talton, do you have any reason to suspect that "Texas Triangle" gay newspaper or "The Advocate" gay newspaper or "This Week in Texas" gay newspaper, or some other gay media company, regardless of where it is situated, has allegedly published any articles referring to myself in any context, has allegedly claimed to "employ" me in any context, has allegedly stolen any of my own intellectual property, or has allegedly subjected me to any media coverage or harassment or stalking or public disparagement of any type.
---Rep. Talton, do you subscribe to the view that my own law-abiding incompatibility on my part toward the so-called "gay community" in Austin, Texas, or elsewhere, has been cited by any entity or person or group of persons as a basis for their either attempting to "change" me or  "brainwash" me or their attempting to "censor" me or their attempting to punish me or allegedly harm me or undermine my ability to achieve full financial success for myself in my own life.
--Rep. Talton, were you aware that "Dallas Morning News" reporter Victoria Loe Hicks, herself a self-described personal friend of mine during that time period, did state to me over the telephone in 1996, during a long-distance phone call I made to her newspaper office in downtown Dallas from my own newspaper workplace office at "The Denver City Press" in Denver City, Texas, that "you (John Kevin McMillan) have definitely acquired a reputation for yourself (John Kevin McMillan) being in a legal conflict pitting yourself against the gay community of Texas."
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that I am myself lawfully repulsed by male adult effeminacy and by male adult facial hair, and that my choice to myself associate instead with masculine and facially cleanshaven adult men, with an emphasis on adult men my age or younger, is fully protected by the U.S. Constitution and the American legal system.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that an official of the Texas Department of Public Safety state agency in Austin, Texas, has assured me over the telephone in a recent prior year that I am NOT required to myself associate with any gay person, any homosexual adult male person, or any lesbian person, whether in a personal context or in a work-related context, that DPS official assured me.
---Rep. Talton, do you suspect that my own admirable moral straightness, accompanied by considerable vigilance on my part in which I have filed numerous complaints and reports of suspected illegal or rule-breaking or dishonest or unethical activities I've observed with government agencies, including the Austin Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and with several respective employers of mine, may have prompted members of the anti-straight community or gay community in Austin, Texas, to attempt to punish or harass or stalk myself.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that I am currently or in the last year or so have previously been a dues-paying member of or formally affiliated with various nationwide non-profit organizations that oppose the expenditure of money by private citizens toward gambling (the group I've donated to and that I'm affiliated with on that being the National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling); that oppose consumption of illicit drugs (the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, a non-profit group headquartered in Virginia to which I have recently renewed my membership); that oppose the consumption of alcohol by persons who expect to drive a motor vehicle later that same day or night (Mothers Against Drunk Driving); that oppose noise pollution (Noise Free America, a group based in Madison, Wisconsin); that oppose exploitation of and injurious or harmful conduct toward non-smokers (the applicable group in which I'm a current dues-paying member being Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights, based in Berkeley, Calif.); that oppose and seek to deter crime (the applicable group in which I'm a current member being the National Crime Prevention Association, based in Virginia); that oppose circumstances injurious to the cardiovascular health of law-abiding Americans (the applicable group in which I am a current dues-paying member being the American Heart Association, with the Hagerstown, Maryland, office of that nationwide non-profit group having recently accepted my annual membership dues payment); and that oppose exploitation of private citizens by the government or by business entities (the applicable groups on that being Public Justice, or Trial Lawyers for Public Justice; Earrth Justice; the Natural Resources Defense Council; and Public Citizen non-profit group). In addition, I am seeking to join a non-profit group that encourages American citizens to refrain from having tattoos emblazoned on their bodies; but I have yet to identify a non-profit group with that mission.
Thank you in advance, Rep. Talton, for your very kind willingness to review my September 19, 2008-dated Open Records request you received today, and to mail to myself a reply letter containing photocopies of any and all documents or other items responsive to that public-information request from myself.
Finally, I wish to politely mention to you that I would appreciate it if you would please disregard the September 14, 2008, E-mailed Open Records request from myself. I changed the date and opening paragraph of that letter and then signed and mailed that revised and signed, September 19-dated letter to your Pasadena office via UPS on September 19, 2008.
I did that after Cindy of your staff asked me last week over the telephone to please re-send to you an Open Records request. Cindy told me at that time that your office's computer system was not working last week. Cindy indicated to me she would prefer that your legislative office in Pasadena receive a signed and mailed public-information request from myself. I then took the liberty of changing the date on my Open Records request to September 19, 2008, which expands the scope of my request to also include, for instance, notes and other items relating to phone conversations I had with Cindy of your staff last week, as well as any tentative responses that you or any of your staff members may have had (those of you who may have somehow obtained access to your official Texas Legislature E-mail inbox messages during that period of recovery from the recent hurricane in your area) to the Sept. 14-dated E-mail letter from myself, or to a follow-up note I had E-mailed to yourself on September 15, 2008.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan,
11411 Research Boulevard, Apt. 325, Austin, Texas, 78759.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
--- On Sun, 9/14/08, John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net> wrote:
To: State Rep. Robert Talton,
Texas House of Representatives,
Texas Legislature,
State Government of Texas,
Room CAP GW.18,
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, Texas 78768
Office phone: (512) 463-0460
September 19,  2008
Dear Rep. Talton,
This is a Texas Open Records request in which I seek to obtain from yourself a photocopy of any and all reports, memoranda, letters, E-mail correspondence, stored computer records, printed documents, legislative proposals, published laws, transcripts of audiotapes or videotapes or court proceedings or any other items, telephone records, handwritten notes or other notes, or any other items referring at least once to myself, John Kevin McMillan, in any manner or any way, or, alternatively, to my one-member (myself, only) and non-Christian and non-proselytizing, implicitly deistic, Progressive Prohibitionist Religion, in any manner or any way, and that, in each such case, was received or sent or mailed or generated or stored or written or authored or noted or compiled or placed on file with your Capitol Office in Austin, Texas, or with your District Office in Pasadena, Texas, at any time since January 1, 1992, including today, Sept. 19, 2008.
Rep. Talton, I wish to politely emphasize to you that EXCLUDED from the scope of this public-information request are any and all E-mail letters or other items that were written by myself, John Kevin McMillan.
My legal name is John Kevin McMillan. My social security number is .... I was born on April 27, 1957, at Lincoln, Nebraska. I am an alumnus of Eanes Elementary School of Eanes Independent School District in Westlake Hills, Texas; Stephen F. Austin High School of Austin Independent School District in Austin, Texas; The University of Texas at Austin; and The University of Minnesota-Minneapolis. I received a Master's Degree in Journalism and Communications from the latter institution.
I have resided in Austin, Texas, on a continuous basis ever since mid-March of 1997. I have resided at a variety of addresses in Austin during that period, including 11411 Research Boulevard, Apt. 1638, Austin, Texas, 78759, from August 2001 until early 2002; and, ever since early 2002, at 11411 Research Boulevard, Apt. 325, Austin, Texas, 78759. I resided at 2518 Leon Street, Apt. 101, Austin, Texas, 78705, from December of 1997 until August of 2001.
In the period since 1997, I have worked full-time in Austin for numerous agencies of the State of Texas, including the Texas Workforce Commission in 1997 (though its name at that time may have been Texas Employment Commission); the Texas Department of Public Safety; the Texas Department of Criminal Justice; and the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles state agency.
I currently am employed exclusively in the private sector in the Austin area, though I am currently on the official approved list as a prospective future part-time instructor in journalism at Austin Community College in Austin, Texas, according to official records from that publicly-owned college that I have received.
I resided in Baytown, Texas, in 1995 and early 1996, during a period in which I reported on education and sports and other topics for "The Baytown Sun." In 1995, I reported on at least one media event for "The Baytown Sun," a high school varsity football game, that took place in or near Pasadena, Texas. Among the other cities where I resided in the period since January 1992 were: Yoakum, Texas; the Zapata area of Texas; Pampa, Texas; Kermit, Texas; Snyder, Texas; Denver City, Texas; and Palestine, Texas.
One of my cited childhood relatives, Mrs. Julie McMillan Lechtenberger of Houston, stated to me on the telephone in 1999, during a long-distance phone call I made to her and her attorney husband Dean Lechtenberger's home from my own apartment unit at 2518 Leon Street, Apartment 101, an apartment situated a few blocks from The University of Texas at Austin: "I (Julie McMillan Lechtenberger) have (sic) never (sic) denied (sic) that you (John Kevin McMillan) are hearing (sic) actual, verifiable, anonymous voices (the exact word that she used) in Austin. However, that should not affect your financial earnings (sic) capacity (sic). If you lose a job (sic), you can get another job (sic)." (a near-exact quote, with nearly all of the exact words that Mrs. Lechtenberger used being labeled as such). Ms. Lechtenberger, a biological sister of mine in my childhood, did not state to me at any time which legal authority or news source in the Houston area of Texas had provided her with that cited factual legal information about myself.
Among the insights I hope to glean from this Open Records request are:
---Rep. Talton, in view of your prior role as a prosecuting attorney in the Houston area, have you had any communications with Travis County District Attorney Ronald Earle in regard to the harmful-intent-evidence criminal-law pre-prosecution legal file in his Strategic Prosecution Division that DA Earle in Austin, Texas, established in January 2006, with DA Earle's stated intent being to consult that criminal-law evidence file and file criminal charges against any person who is ever at any time suspected of having committed a felony crime victimizing myself, John Kevin McMillan of Austin.
--Rep. Talton, were you aware that an ear, nose, and throat specialist whom I have consulted in Austin, Dr. David Tobey, has determined over a multi-year period of examining me inside his medical clinic that I have myself sustained a significant degree of scientifically-documented damage to my auditory medical health because of noise pollution in Austin, Texas, including at some or several or all of my respective workplaces during that period, this despite the fact that I myself almost never play any loud music inside my private residence or inside my automobile, for instance.
---Rep. Talton, do you subscribe to the view that some government-owned institution in Texas may have possibly incurred a multi-billion dollar legal liability resulting from cited abuse of myself in Texas and alleged compelled-speech circumstances for myself that have allegedly occurred in Texas.
---Rep. Talton, what might account for your own apparent decision not to ask the Texas Legislature to convene a special legislative hearing to investigate alleged impropriety or possible alleged violations of the law in others' conduct toward myself, including in conduct toward myself by State of Texas-owned and City of Austin-owned institutions.
---Rep. Talton, are you opposed to anonymous communications to private citizens (myself, for instance) on the part of any government-owned institution or government-affiliated institution operating in Texas.
----Rep. Talton, were you aware that I myself have no criminal-conviction record, as the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Austin Police Department, respectively, have each officially confirmed for me in a recent year or month.
--Rep. Talton, were you aware that I am so consistently civil and law-abiding that the very last occasion in which I physically assaulted another person was in 1967, during my fourth-grade year of elementary school, when in my family home's backyard I struck a male classmate named Eric Jones with one total swing of a plastic baseball bat at the lower portion of Eric's leg, this at a time when I happened to be holding a plastic baseball bat in my hands and Eric made a comment to me that greatly offended me, with Eric stating to me at that time that his best friend was Sean Judd, a major academic rival of mine during that time period, and that I myself was not, in fact, the best friend of Eric Jones, Eric stated in a manner that struck me at the time as being deliberately hurtful toward myself on his part. I wish to emphasize, by the way, that I do not believe that the incident caused any medical injury to Eric Jones that required any hospitalization for himself.
---Do you know who or what might be the source of frequent anonymous disparaging comments and slanderous and false rumors about myself that are being verbalized by persons unbeknownst to myself? I am referring, as you may be aware, to flagrantly false rumors in Austin stating that I am allegedly someone who might ever at any time ever allegedly commit or allegedly attempt to commit the sex crime of pederasty; or that I am allegedly someone who might ever at any time allegedly commit or attempt to commit any other felony crime, for that matter.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware of any criticism of myself, John Kevin McMillan, that has been verbalized at any time since January 1, 1992, by any legislator or any other State of Texas official, or by any staff member or official or instructor or researcher at a government-owned agency or institution, such as a state-owned university or college, or by any religious or political group, or by any radio media company or television media company or other media company, or by any publisher or editor, in particular?
---Rep. Talton, do you suspect that some gay group or lesbian group or bisexual group or transsexual group, or some "gay rights" or "trans rights group," or some related media company, has allegedly violated my own privacy rights or stalked me, or has allegedly attempted to "brainwash" me or hold me "hostage," or has allegedly attempted to subject me against my wishes to  their own political and religious or atheistic propaganda, or has allegedly subjected me to any alleged sexual harassment or any alleged verbalized death threats to myself, or has allegedly sought to harm my own medical health in any way.
---Rep. Talton, do you agree with those who say that I myself have been persecuted in Texas in any way, and that this might possibly help explain, for instance, why I have never earned as much as $20,000 in total gross annual employment-derived income for any calendar year of my entire life thus far.
---Rep. Talton, do you believe the Texas Department of Public Safety state agency should have done more to put a stop to alleged harassment of myself or alleged illegal electronic surveillance of myself by a gay media company or some other unethical media company operating in Austin, Texas?
---Rep. Talton, does it surprise you to be informed today that a male attorney in Houston whom I consulted over the telephone through the Texas Legal Protection Plan's (TLPP's)  hotline legal-advice service (TLPP being a legal-aid service I was invited in person to join by a human resources officer of a state agency workplace where I was employed at that time in 1997, the Texas Employment Commission or Texas Workforce Commission), stated to me in a recent prior year that I myself, John Kevin McMillan of Austin, may have somehow acquired a public reputation for allegedly myself being a "queer-basher" (exact wording), according to that male attorney who provided me with that legal advice in a context paid for by that legal aid service.
--Rep. Talton, were you aware that Travis County Civil Probate Division Director David Ferris stated to me on the telephone in late 2001, during a local phone call I made to his county government office in downtown Austin from my private residence in northwest Austin, that "there appears to be an attempt by many people to drive (sic) you (John K.McMillan) out of the Austin area."
----Rep. Talton, are you aware of any state or government officials anywhere in Texas, or any officials of any state or local-government-owned institution, who have failed to fully acknowledge that I myself am law-abiding; non-pederastic; honest; benevolent; conscientious; moral; sincerely religious; consistently civil; gainfully employed; a single adult gentleman residing alone and not engaged to anyone else; permanently illicit-drug-free and never-previously-addicted; HIV-negative and fully ambulatory and medically healthy and disease-free; lifelong tobacco-free; permanently alcohol-free and never-previously addicted; psychologically healthy; pleasant; handsome; friendly; cheerful; kind; intelligent; and creatively talented.
---Rep. Talton, were you aware that I am NOT atheist; and that I have not consumed any drinking alcohol on any occasion since the summer of 1990, and that I was never previously addicted to alcohol; that I have not consumed any illicit drug of any type on any occasion since late 1984, with myself having never been addicted to any illicit drug at any prior time; that I have been a lifelong opponent of pranks and pranksterism, and I have refused to participate in pranks throughout my entire life, including ever since my elementary school years; and that I have never beaten or whipped any other person on any occasion in my entire life, nor have I ever permitted any person to physically beat or whip myself on any occasion in my entire life. I am a fervent opponent of sadomasochism, and am myself NON-sadomasochistic, as you may already be aware from previous public-policy letters I have written and sent to you; and that I am consistently clean-talking in my everyday conversations with others, including at my workplace; and that I have no tattooes on my of any type; and that I have not worn any jewelry on my body at any time since January 1, 1992, for instance; and that I am observably masculine and politely aggressive, as distinct from effeminate, passive, abrasive, or militant, for instance.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware of any attempt by the anti-straight community in our state (the illicit drug underworld and organized crime underworld and alcohol-permissive or pederastic or law-breaking intellectual elitist Texans, for instance) to harass me or stalk me or subject me to pranks and fraudulent communications, or to slander and libel me, based on the anti-straight community's perception that I represent a moral and religious straightness that is citedly a "threat" to members of the anti-straight community of our state.
---Rep. Talton, do you know of any criticism of myself by you yourself, or by any other Americans with a prevailingly critical vantage point toward any cited minority group.
---Rep. Talton, do you know of any Christian group or Metropolitan Community Church group or Unitarian or Quaker or Mormon or Judaistic group or other religious group in Texas, that has either labeled me as being "evil" or "a warlock or witch" or as being "sinister" or "immoral," or "an anti-Christ figure," in the view of that group, or that has failed to acknowledge that I am myself a religious person with a religion of my own that is very distinct from their religious denomination or ideology.
----Rep. Talton, do you know what prompted Bernie Owen, a former social studies teacher of mine at Stephen F. Austin High School in Austin, Texas, to state to myself over the telephone in 1992, during a local phone call I made to his private residence from my rental apartment unit at Kensington Motor Lodge in east Austin, that "you (John K. McMillan) have acquired a public reputation for being prejudiced (sic), but the U.S. Constitution and American legal system fully protect your legal right to guide your own life based on those prejudices of yours, John. And, I might add, John, you have a legal right to yourself be incorrect in those perceptions or prejudices of yours" (approximate quote).
----Rep. Talton, do you believe that the Office of the Attorney General state agency in Austin, Texas, may have possibly wronged me when it tentatively identified me in a recent prior year as being a possible cited alleged "internal security threat" to that State of Texas agency, according to a legal document provided to me by that same state agency in response in a recent year.
---Rep. Talton, do you know of any involvement of any type in any aspect of my life, such as communications to myself, that has ever been initiated or sponsored by any government-owned institution, such as a public university or public university system, in a context that is evidenced in Texas.
---Rep. Talton, were you aware that I myself am NOT a communist or a socialist, but am instead a proponent of a benevolent form of bridled capitalism that protects the long-term strength of the capitalist system through far greater protection of the environment and each of our nation's natural-resources, and through a salutary realignment of our nation's economy in a manner that eventually eliminates or significantly reduces the role of the tattoo-parlor industry; the tobacco industry; the drinking-alcohol industry; the profane-speech media industry; and the frivolous-products industries, for instance.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that I myself am NOT affiliated with any gay group or any gay media company anywhere in the world, and that NONE of my current adult male friends or adult female friends is homosexual or effeminate male adult or lesbian or bisexual, and that I am, in fact, a law-abiding and honorable single adult gentleman with a very comprehensively critical vantage point toward the so-called "gay rights movement" and the so-called "gay community" and the so-called "gay subculture."
---Rep. Talton, were you aware that I myself have not been a paying guest inside any gay bar or gay nightclub anywhere in the world on any occasion in the entire period since January of 1995; and that I myself have never been a paying guest inside any gay bathhouse or gay commercial sex parlor anywhere in the entire state of Texas on any occasion in my entire life.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that only one total person in my entire life has ever physically assaulted me while stating that I had allegedly committed sexual harassment of that individual or someone else, and that one total physical assault, which occurred at about midnight in 1987 or 1986 in front of the subway station at Braintree, Mass., was inflicted on me by an Anglo man in his 20s or 30s who punched me in the eye immediately after stating to me on the grounds of that public subway system that I had myself allegedly sexually harassed his female heterosexual girlfriend (this despite the fact that I never had any physical contact with her at any time, and I maintain that I had been professionally proper toward that female coworker of mine at the hotel front desk clerical job I held at that time, and in fact, no work supervisor of mine at that hotel ever accused me of having harassed any of my coworkers or work supervisors there).
----Rep. Talton, do you know of any person more than 12 months older than myself (someone born before April 26, 1956, on other words) who has allegedly been attempting to compel me to have a "personal" relationship with that individual, or to "live with" or "reside with" or to have carnal "relations" with, that person more than 12 months older than myself, any and all such scenarios being, of course, completely unacceptable to myself, as I have repeatedly emphasized to state and local government officials, and to University of Texas at Austin legal representatives, throughout the last several years in legal letters I have politely sent to those public officials on my own behalf.
---Rep. Talton, do you agree with the oral statement made to me in person inside his "Austin Chronicle" newspaper office in 1997 or 1998 by Dan Hardick, an editor at and representative for "The Austin Chronicle," that "there may be a gay professor (sic) in the Austin area who is attempting to wreck havoc on your (John K. McMillan's) own quest for a social life in the Austin area."
---Rep. Talton, do you know of any State of Texas official or City of Austin official, or any individual employed by any State of Texas-owned institution, who has ever at any time in the period since January 1, 1992, failed to acknowledge that I myself am more comprehensively similar to as a human being, and that I myself am also more comprehensively compatible with as a human being, a significantly higher percentage of all of the masculine and facially cleanshaven and platonically aggressive heterosexual adult men of Texas and the United States, respectively, than of all of the effeminate male adult persons, all facially hairy adult male persons, all passive adult male persons, all passive-aggressive adult male persons, all militant and abrasively aggressive adult male persons, all homosexual adult male persons, all bisexual adult male persons, all transvestite adult male persons, and all transsexual adult persons, for instance.
---Rep. Talton, do you know of any Texans who fail to acknowledge that I am a morally and aesthetically straight gentleman, and that 99 to 100 percent of the morally and aesthetically straight adult gentlemen most appropriate as friends or friendly acquaintances or roommates or housemates or coworkers or work supervisors of mine are, in fact, heterosexual in sexual identity per se.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that the law-abiding and politely platonic form of heterophilia and accompanying pro-masculine-and-cleanshaven-adult-male affinity that I myself reveal through my own lifestyle and values are, in fact, fully protected by the U.S. Constitution and the American legal system.
---Rep. Talton, are you aware that I myself have been completely celibate throughout all of my waking or conscious hours anywhere and everywhere in Central Texas ever since December of 1979, even though I have resided in this region of Texas for approximately 15 or more years during that period.
--Rep. Talton, are you aware that my own very emphatic view that human identity is not primarily sexual in nature, and that platonic relationships account for 99 percent or more of all human relationships in life, is fully protected by the U.S. Constitution and American legal system, including through the Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Association clauses of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution.
.Thank you in advance, Rep. Talton, for what I feel confident will be a very informative and helpful reply letter from yourself in response to this Texas Open Records request from myself.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan,
11411 Research Boulevard, Apt. 325, Austin, Texas, 78759.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.

John Kevin McMillan

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