Thursday, January 17, 2019


From: John McMillan
To: ; Don Zimmerman District 6 Northwest Austin

Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2019, 8:14:01 AM CST

Subject: 1-17-19 question for each of you City of Austin officials with ties to gay groups

January 17, 2019

Dear Austin City Manager Spencer Cronk and Austin City Council Member Jimmy Flannigan (and I need to politely explain to Mr. Flannigan that my repeated attempts through my internet system at updating and changing the cited name ID that is connected to your own correct official e-mail address have each failed; I will try again to make that name change later today),

I have read news-media accounts indicating that each of you City of Austin officials apparently have extensive ties to gay political groups, gay religious groups, gay civic groups, and gay media companies in Austin and elsewhere.

I would appreciate it if either of you very influential city officials would please let me know as soon as possible whether you know of any gay group or any gay-theme communications group that allegedly has been subjecting me to any alleged anonymous communications during my off-duty hours.

That factual information would be invaluable to me. It would give me the opportunity to press legal charges, whether through a lawsuit or through a law-enforcement agency, against any and all groups allegedly violating my own privacy rights in that reprehensible manner.

As you each may be aware, I am not a member of or affiliated with any gay group or any gay-theme communications group anywhere in the world. Nor is any such group authorized to subject me to any anonymous communications or any profanity or any obscene communications or any "medical" services or any "educational" services of any type.

As each of you may be aware, I am the founder and only current approved member of a new and non-Christian, non-Judaistic, non-Moslem, religious group, the Progressive Prohibitionist Religion (PPR). That one total religion of mine specifically opposes subjecting anyone to anonymous communications or thought-control projects against their own wishes in a context that violates their own privacy rights.

I would estimate that 99 percent of more of the persons most appropriate as prospective new members for my own anti-marijuana-minded, anti-drinking-alcohol-minded, anti-tobacco, anti-tattoos, anti-facial-hair-minded religion are, in fact, heterosexual or primarily heterosexual in sexual identity per se. My own religion, PPR, also questions the need for nearly all of the sex change operations currently occurring in the United States. My own religion, PPR, also opposes fraudulent communications and fraudulent "medical care" services. PPR also opposes deliberate and willful sadomasochistic physical torture or deliberate flagrant physical abuse of anyone during his sleeping hours or at any other time.

Thank you in advance for your helpful and informative reply letter in response to this request for information from either of you City of Austin officials.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

John Kevin McMillan,
Village Oaks Apartments, 10926 Jollyville Road, Bldg. 16, Apt. 1609, Austin, TX 78759.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
My Blog:

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