Wednesday, November 11, 2020



---"I was hoping for a televised speech from Donald Trump in which he copies a line that Dick Nixon used in the 1962 when he famously declared to the news media that 'You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore'. The only difference would have been that Donald's line would have declared with enormous self-pity on his face that 'You won't have Donald Trump to kick around anymore'."

---"At least when Donald Trump retires to Florida, he can boast to everyone there that he sure did win big in the Sunshine State, didn't he, as his new line to offer when he wants to brag about his accomplishments."

--"When I listen to the hurricane news reports, I hope they never have one they refer to as Hurricane Donald. That would be very redundant to what Trump inflicted on our entire nation and world over a multi-year period."

---"I have been so appalled by Donald Trump that I never play any card game with my friends or relatives that features a trump card. I am very allergic to the word trump."

---"I am so grateful that I never learned what Donald Trump's favorite dishes were. If I had known, my stomach would have gotten queasy whenever I looked at a menu that featured that dish here in Manhattan."

---"I'm dreading the day when Donald Trump during his retirement holds a press conference to announce that he contracted skin cancer while sunbathing in Florida, but that he is very sure it will all go away for him just as fast as his COVID-19 did for him---which is very quickly."

--"I am not looking forward to all the photos of Donald Trump in a swimsuit on the beaches of Florida that I'll be seeing online after he finally moves out of the White House. I realize it will be a great financial opportunity for him to land a deal with a swimsuit manufacturer who pays Donald $1 million to wear only their swimsuit whenever he is seen on the beach in Florida. But I just don't want to see Donald Trump in a swimsuit. He's not Frankie Avalon."

---"Personally, I hope that  ex-President Trump takes on a new career that is not likely to offend anyone. He could turn pro as a paid consultant to professional golfers, which could supplement his former President's monthly income by at least $500. It's hard to say how much the pro golfers would be willing to pay Donald Trump for advice on how they could win tournaments."

---"I get my temperature taken so many times each week that I feel as if I'm in the hospital, no matter what I do and where I am. The first thing my employer greets me with is 'Hi, here's the thermometer to see whether you can work today. Otherwise, you can come back to work in two weeks if you don't have a fever and you don't have any symptoms in the meantime and your doctor signs a return-to-work form for you.'"

---"One Presidential Advisory Commission I hope Joe Biden will appoint is a commission on Pederasty in the United States and How to Reduce the Incidence of Pederasty. Since Joe Biden is Catholic, and the pederasty problem is still at crisis levels worldwide in the Catholic Church, it would be great PR for President Biden to sponsor an advisory commission with that type of theme."

---"Personally, I'm guessing that Donald Trump will write a tell-all book on himself that turns into a best-seller. He'll confess to everything illegal he did and explain in his book that he's contacted President-Elect Biden to ask him whether Biden as President will be willing to pardon Trump for any and all felony crimes Trump gets convicted of during the next four-year period."

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