Tuesday, February 19, 2019


---What percentage of the total duration of each Cabinet meeting in the Trump Administration is devoted to either national security issues or perceived threats to Mr. Trump's ability to either complete his current term of office or get re-elected to the Presidency? Which topics appear to be getting overlooked at Cabinet meetings during the Trump Administration?

--Has the role of the Cabinet Meeting as an institution in the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government been undermined or altered in any way because of the Trump Administration?

---Is there any evidence that President Trump has withheld from Vice President Pence any factual information pertinent for the Vice President, partly or primarily because President Trump worried that Mr. Pence might himself be subpoenaed to testify about any illegal conduct that President Trump has allegedly committed during his tenure in the White House?

--If there is ever any evidence that Vice President Pence has withheld from the FBI or the U.S. Department of Justice or Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller's Investigation team any factual evidence about noteworthy allegedly illegal conduct by President Trump, would that comprise a possible felony crime by Vice President Pence that could make it impossible for him to succeed President Trump in the event of Congressionally-ordered removal of the President from his elective office?

---Aside from deterring violence on school campuses, what are the other goals for primary and secondary-level public education in the United States that President Trump has delineated?

---Which major public-policy issues or legal-liability issues facing the U.S. Government and American society are being neglected the most extensively by the Trump Administration?

---In which ways is the message from President Trump, that it is okay to lie frequently and outrageously as long as you always claim to be in the right, influencing how chief executive officers in other American institutions conduct themselves? Has there been any attempt by CEOs of corporations in the USA to respond to the Ethics in Leadership Crisis that Trump has spawned, by establishing a professional group such as an Ethical CEOs Association?

---Has President Trump undermined or destroyed the "Presidential Pulpit" moral leadership role that most Americans expect from their head of state?

---Do American schoolteachers maintain that President Trump's exaltation of "chutzpah" in the absence of any apparent deeper interest in morality or honesty or diligent obedience of the law, has undermined their own ability to inspire benevolence and civility and compliance with the law by schoolchildren?

--What do scholars of the American Presidency as an institution say is the expected long-term consequence for the American political system from Donald Trump's tenure as Chief of State? Will all future Presidents be expected to tweet every day of the year? Will all future Presidents be expected to never apologize for any mistake they made or any public-policy action they pursued that was disastrous for this country? Has the role of the Presidential Apology for anything been completely annihilated and demolished during the Trump Presidency?

---President Trump's role as the most famous landlord and realtor to be serving as Chief of State raises an inevitable question. Is it an impeachable offense if President Trump is currently permitting any continuous personal-injury-crimes case to occur anywhere in the United States in which an single adult gainfully employed and law-abiding Anglo male tenant in a rental unit is being subjected on a daily and year-round basis to allegedly unsafe housing conditions during his sleeping hours, as he lies alone, asleep and unconscious, on a bed that he himself owns inside his bolt-locked or locked rental unit?

--What response does President Trump have to those who maintain that construction of a wall along the border with Mexico will result in massive underground tunnel-building efforts by the many thousands of Latin Americans each year who might seek to enter the U.S. illegally without destroying the wall itself or attempting to climb over the wall?

---Has there been a decline in news-media coverage of the stated public-policy agendas of various departments of the U.S. Government during the Trump Administration? If so, is this detracting from Americans' ability to evaluate their federal government in terms other than "whether the unemployment rate is low or not".

---Has any qualitative evaluation of our nation's economy evaluated whether the percentage of Americans who are professionally employed has increased significantly during the Trump Administration?
Also, have the average annual gross earnings by each and every wage-earner in the United States increased significantly, declined, or remained the same during the Trump Administration?

---Why hasn't President Trump sponsored a White House Conference on Mass Shootings?

---Is there currently a Presidential Commission on Mass Shootings that is conducting a study to identify which factors play a role in mass shootings, and how mass shootings can be prevented? If no such commission currently exists, what might explain that oversight by President Trump?

---In which ways is President Trump's contempt toward numerous foreign governments affecting the balance of trade for the U.S. Government? Are foreign countries less likely to purchase American goods and services during this era in which President Trump has told the entire world that he loves the USA, but distrusts every other nation?

---Which musical instruments hold the greatest promise for a much-hoped-for significant decline in the role of piano music and electric guitar music in the American popular music scene?

---Which currently recyclable items are currently being recycled the least often in the United States?
What might explain the failure of American society during the Trump Administration to increase nationwide participation in recycling of that type of item?

---Which U.S. state has the lowest participation in recycling of any state in the entire country? Why hasn't that unconscionable negligence by that U.S. state triggered an investigation by the U.S. Government, partly based on the obvious point that non-participation in recycling is harmful to the national security, since it increases American reliance on foreign countries for raw materials and is harmful to the environment.

---How many total American troops are stationed in foreign countries at present, and how does that total compare with prior recent years? Is there any federal official who maintains that a monthly report should be issued by the federal government that clearly states the total number of American troops being stationed in other countries at present, along with a statistical breakdown by country on that?

---What is President Trump's policy toward the Palestinians? Has he sent any representative for the Trump Administration to visit Palestinians in the Middle East or negotiate with Palestinians? Does President Trump currently maintain that Palestinians have full citizenship rights and opportunities?

--Which Israeli Government official, if any, has had the best relationship with Palestinian leaders in recent years?

---In view of the fact that President Trump is reportedly a permanent abstainer from consumption of alcoholic beverages, why has he failed to assert a leadership role in helping states such as Kentucky, for instance, to diversify their state's economy in a manner that reduces the role of drinking alcohol in that state's economy?

---Does President Trump as a non-drinker recommend complete and permanent year-round abstinence from drinking alcohol by any and all government officials and public officials in the United States, including at the municipal-government and county-government level and including at public universities such as Austin Community College in Austin, Texas, and the University of Texas at Austin? Are there any ways in which President Trump maintains that public officials in the United States who consume drinking alcohol (or, in cases of allegedly-marijuana-permissive cities such as Austin, Texas, possibly also allegedly consume the illicit drug marijuana, for instance, during their off-duty hours) have pursued public-policy actions and other actions that are allegedly harmful to our country?

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