Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Expanded Scope of Freedom from Slavery theme urged here in Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County, Utah from

 The annual  Juneteenth "Liberation from Slavery" Celebration always raises the question of whether our city's African-Americans as part of this annual civic event  will be willing to present to the local news media an annual update report on:

----the number and percentage of African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by an individual or group of individuals who are or is holding them hostage or kidnapped them or is or are  subjecting them to human trafficking against their wishes.

----the number and percentage of African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their involvement with a mobster or organized crime group or illicit youth gang.

---the number and percentage of African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their own addiction to cocaine.

----the number and percentage of African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their own addiction to marijuana.

----the number and percentage of African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their own addiction to heroin.

----the number and percentage of the African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their own addiction to alcohol and to binge drinking.

----the number and percentage of the African-American   residents of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their own addiction to the pursuit of indiscriminate and promiscuous sexual contact with other human beings in this city and county.

----the number and percentage of the African-American residents of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their own addiction to having sex with paid sexual prostitutes or frequenting houses of prostitution.

---the number and percentage of the African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their own addiction to gambling.

----the number and percentage of African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their own addiction to verbalizing hundreds of times per day and on a year-round basis  the profane words "Fuck", "Cocksucker", "Asshole", "Shit", "Bitch", "Motherfucker", "Ass",  etc.

----the number and percentage of African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their own addiction to committing the crimes of home invasion, trespassing, stalking, sexual assault, assault by physical contact, attempted homicide, homicide, and other violent crimes that put themselves  at risk of being  arrested and incarcerated.

----the number and percentage of African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their own addiction to inflicting graffiti, much of it profane or obscene and expressing hatred toward police officers, on public properties in this city and county.

----the number and percentage of African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their addiction to rap music and other "popular culture"  songs featuring violent or obscene or profane lyrics.

---the number and percentage of African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their own perception that all members of local law-enforcement agencies in this city and county are "enemies" of theirs, and who based on that perception refuse to call  any local police department to report that they or someone else was or were  victimized by an alleged crime.

----the number of percentage of African-Americans of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County who are currently enslaved by their perception that if the cooperate with a police officer who is attempting to put handcuffs on them and arrest them and transport them to a local police department, the police might  allegedly attempt to harm them.

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