Thursday, June 1, 2023



John Kevin McMillan

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: McMillan, Michael <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 02:04:21 PM MDT
Subject: RE: Michael, are you able to help me at this very crucial time?

Dear John,


You seem very fixated on this soap opera theme in your life’s story; I generally do not watch soap operas, as they always create false drama…and confusing plot twists..that makes it hard for the viewer to judge.


I just wish you  a “live happily ever after” ending,







From: John McMillan []
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 9:41 PM
To: McMillan, Michael
Subject: Re: Michael, are you able to help me at this very crucial time?



Does your reply letter also imply that you yourself would disapprove of any attempt by any (cited individual) put any quantity of poison or any other contaminant in any of  my own store-bought foods or beverages or medications that I keep on a refrigerator shelf or a cupboard shelf that, in either case, is specifically reserved as my own items, and for my use only.

Best Wishes,

John Kevin McMillan, one younger biological relative of yours would NEVER agree to myself participate in any "chemistry" project involving infliction of any toxic chemical of any type or any contaminant of any type in ANY of my own foods or beverages or medications. And I mention this partly because I have heard so many "anonymous rumors" in Austin, Texas, to the effect that someone with expertise in the field of chemistry (and I have heard your name...being mentioned on a frequent basis in apparently reckless rumors I did NOT want to be subjected to at any time) has allegedly attempted to pursue a diabolical and very sinister perversion of the field of chemistry that is aimed at harming my own medical health and harming my own medical lifespan and allegedly inflicting a severe medical disability on myself.

Home phone: (512) 342-2295.




John Kevin McMillan

From: "McMillan, Michael" <>
To: 'John McMillan' <>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 1:05 PM
Subject: RE: Michael, are you able to help me at this very crucial time?


Dear John,


I am saddened that with all your talent, you enjoy so much writing campy soap operas with your life. I do not know if you remember Dark Shadows..but I never understood anything that was happening, but the author always made sure new things kept happening, even though they never made “sense”.


Not that I do not enjoy conspiracy theories and of course wonder what happened to all the “good” journalists…but


Why not light comedies?




From: John McMillan []
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2014 9:53 PM
To: McMillan, Michael
Subject: Re: Michael, are you able to help me at this very crucial time?


Do you have any suggestions on how I could lawfully and in a civil manner persuade my current "roommate," move out of Apartment 325 sometime this month (March 2014)?

He says he is in his early 60s, by the way... 

Best Wishes,

your law-abiding and vigilant non-Christian, implicitly-deistic, and modern religious younger brother, John Kevin McMillan.


John Kevin McMillan

From: "McMillan, Michael" <>
To: 'John McMillan' <>
Sent: Saturday, March 8, 2014 2:35 PM
Subject: RE: Michael, are you able to help me at this very crucial time?


Dear John,


I hope that you find some other themes in your life beyond dark soap life is not infinite, but rather finite, and also potentially can be priceless.




From: John McMillan []
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 10:46 PM
To: McMillan, Michael
Subject: Re: Michael, are you able to help me at this very crucial time?



Thank you for your kind follow-up note. I was saddened to read that you may have to retire soon because of your medical problems. 

Have you considered retiring to a place such as the California tow east of Los Angeles, and I  believe that town's name is Loma Linda, where most of the residents are vegetarian? The only disadvantage might be that the Seventh Day Adventists possibly would attempt to convert you and your wife to Christianity. I don't know how aggressive the Seventh Day Adventists would be in that way; possibly they would honor your and your wife's privacy rights, so you could benefit from the healthful cuisine, the clean air, and, I assume, the lower apartment-rental rates than you are subjected to in Los Angeles County.

Michael, I wish you and your wife the very best of medical health and enjoyment of life throughout your pre-retirement years and your retirement years together.

Here in Austin, I will continue to work seven days per week, for financial reasons; and I hope in the near future that I can finally find an honorable roommate for myself, preferably someone my age or younger who does NOT subject me to any alleged contamination of my foods or beverages or medications, as my current roommate, an older man, has repeatedly done ever since he moved into this apartment unit on April 27, 2013 (my birthday, as it turned out).

With Friendly Best Wishes, and I apologize if I added any anxiety or stress to your life when I made the most recent request for financial assistance from you, since it is obvious that my request subjected you and your wife to needless anxiety that was unpleasant for each of you.


John Kevin McMillan.

Home phone: (512) 342-2295.

P.S.  Last night or the night before, my current roommate...posed a surprising question to me as he sat in the living room: "What evidence do you have that I (that individual)....(had any possible involvement in any possibly or allegedly illegal conduct)?" he asked with emphasis in a surprisingly defensive tone of voice. .... My roommate does repeatedly state, incidentally, that he appreciates the fact that he always knows that my own response to himself inside this apartment unit will always be law-abiding and civil on my part. He finds that very reassuring, he has repeatedly indicated. He has also told me many times that he is very sure that the Austin Police Department will NEVER investigate my crime reports to APD in which I alleged that I had been victimized by someone allegedly poisoning many of my foods and beverages and medications inside Apartment 325 at Wind River Crossing Apartments in NW Austin.


John Kevin McMillan

From: "McMillan, Michael" <>
To: 'John McMillan' <>
Sent: Friday, March 7, 2014 12:21 PM
Subject: RE: Michael, are you able to help me at this very crucial time?


Dear John,


My wife and I discussed your “problem”. As I pointed out , we have no way of knowing if this is a real emergency or just another “end of month” for you. We also realize that soon I may be forced to retire for medical reasons, and today no one except maybe the 1% has enough money to retire on, especially in California..the rents are just too damn high. I wish in retrospect that I had saved more, but today, long term saving is what feeds the financial industry and makes it so profitable, as there are always “crashes”..that basically extract wealth from the saver and transfer it to the 1%.


Not quite sure what we will do for retirement…




From: John McMillan []
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 8:00 AM
To: McMillan, Michael
Subject: Re: Michael, are you able to help me at this very crucial time?


Dear Michael,

Thank you giving consideration to this. I worked very hard yesterday at my Luby's workplace, and I earned more than $100 yesterday (the most I have ever earned this entire year during a workshift of mine at Luby's). Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which brought lots of customers into my Luby's cafeteria workplace, and I worked alone on the dining room floor until 5: 30 p.m. because a coworker of mine had called to say she would be late. Also, I was asked to start earlier than usual. So now I have $200 in my checking account.

The amount of money I owe today on my rent due is $481.54, which includes late fees. So I am currently short by $281.54.

That is the amount I would need in order to pay my rent and current late fees today in full and avoid getting a notice of intent to evict me---those are issued on Friday, though I would have until 6 p.m. Monday at the latest to pay my rent plus additional late fees in order to avoid eviction.

Thank you again for your giving consideration to my request for help at this very crucial time for me.

With Friendly Best Wishes from your younger brother in Austin,

John Kevin McMillan.




John Kevin McMillan

From: "McMillan, Michael" <>
To: 'John McMillan' <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 5, 2014 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: Michael, are you able to help me at this very crucial time?


Dear John,


Please stop asking for “loan”. You have never paid back nor did I ever consider your paying back any money I sent you. YOU ARE POOR, AND WILL PROBABLY DIE POOR. It is OK to be poor; most people today are....





From: John McMillan []
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 7:25 AM
To: McMillan, Michael; McMillan, Michael
Subject: Michael, are you able to help me at this very crucial time?



Did you receive my most recent E-mail reply note to you on this (below)?

With Friendly Best Wishes from your dependably friendly younger brother,

John Kevin McMillan.


John Kevin McMillan

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: John McMillan <>
To: "McMillan, Michael" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 4, 2014 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: 2-26-14 good news, along with an urgent request for temporary loan


Dear Michael,

Thank you for your  most recent reply note, indicating that you might be willing to lend me money at this time if you become convinced that I have a definite need for that help from you....

As for your observations about the crime investigation, one employee of the Travis County DA's Office did state to me that she regards it as an indication of "good news" for me (I'm the cited complainant and crime victim) that the DA's office has been reviewing this crime case for many weeks---two or more months, in fact. Also, the Assistant District Attorney himself (Mr. Rob Drummond) did state to me on the telephone in the last few weeks that he has identified at least one tangible criminal-law felony-crime issue for which he apparently plans to subpoena records from the Austin Police Department.

Michael, does this reply letter help to convince you that I definitely have an urgent need for financial help from you at this particular time?

With Friendly Best Wishes from your dependably friendly younger brother,

John Kevin McMillan.

11411 Research Boulevard, Apt. 325, Austin, Texas, 78759.

Home phone: (512) 342-2295.

My  Blog:


John Kevin McMillan


















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