Tuesday, January 12, 2021


 ----- Forwarded Message -----

From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
To: Austin Crime Commission 2020 <info@austincrime.org>; Crime Report Ed. Stephen Handelman 2016 <shandelman@jjay.cuny.edu>; Drew Springer <drew.springer@house.texas.gov>; info@mddems.org <info@mddems.org>; corey@padems.com <corey@padems.com>; jason@padems.com <jason@padems.com>; quincydems@gmail.com <quincydems@gmail.com>; worcesterdemocrats@gmail.com <worcesterdemocrats@gmail.com>; DelawareDemocraticPartyOfficials <delaware@deldems.org>; wbehr@comcast.net <wbehr@comcast.net>; CambridgeforBidenHarris@gmail.com <cambridgeforbidenharris@gmail.com>; lisagriffith@scftin.com <lisagriffith@scftin.com>; contact@massdems.org <contact@massdems.org>; Austin Police Dept. Asst. Chief Troy Gay <troy.gay@austintexas.gov>; CBS News '60 Minutes' Editors and Reporters <60m@cbsnews.com>; General Accounting Office (Congress) 2020 <contact@gao.gov>; GAO Ombudsman 2020 <youngc1@gao.gov>; goodwing@gao.gov <goodwing@gao.gov>; webdivision@nrsc.org <webdivision@nrsc.org>; info@gop.com <info@gop.com>; lhendrickson@texasgop.org <lhendrickson@texasgop.org>; lauren.atx.tcrp@gmail.com <lauren.atx.tcrp@gmail.com>; matt@potomacstrategygroup.com <matt@potomacstrategygroup.com>; Moriarty Kate (Cornyn) <kate_moriarty@cornyn.senate.gov>; United States Senate <webmaster@cornyn.senate.gov>; Office Dallas (Cornyn) <dallas_office@cornyn.senate.gov>; State Senator Lois W. Kolkhorst <lois.kolkhorst@senate.texas.gov>; Judith Zaffirini <judith.zaffirini@senate.texas.gov>; Alternate ID Sen. Royce West <royce.west@senate.texas.gov>; U.S. Department of Education Texas Civil Rights Office Dallas <ocr.dallas@ed.gov>; CentersforDiseaseControlU.S.Govt. <cdcinfo@cdc.gov>; Oig Hhs Webmaster <webmaster@oig.hhs.gov>; National Review Magazine <letters@nationalreview.com>; Dissent Magazine NYC 2020 <inquiries@dissentmagazine.org>; wisdems <info@wisdems.org>; Wisconsin Democratic Party Officials <party@wisdems.org>; Iowa Democratic Party <info@iowademocrats.org>; The Daily Scotsman Newspaper Group <jpnm.coordinator@jpress.co.uk>; rabbi.estes@gmail.com <rabbi.estes@gmail.com>; rosenbergmatt@gmail.com <rosenbergmatt@gmail.com>; Websupport@ccarnet.org <websupport@ccarnet.org>; swjc@swjc.org <swjc@swjc.org>; rabbi@bjchouston.org <rabbi@bjchouston.org>; Nigel Simon <nigel@massdems.org>; vicechair@dcdemocraticparty.org <vicechair@dcdemocraticparty.org>; chair@dcdemocraticparty.org <chair@dcdemocraticparty.org>; communications@dcdemocraticparty.org <communications@dcdemocraticparty.org>; info@humanrights.se <info@humanrights.se>; emb.washington@mfa.no <emb.washington@mfa.no>; info@americananglican.org <info@americananglican.org>; DenverPostEditors <newsroom@denverpost.com>; National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Denver 2017 <mainoffice@ncadv.org>; coloradodems <info@coloradodems.org>; Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault2020 <info@ccasa.org>; Colorado Vs. Human Trafficking Hotline 2020 <hotline@combathumantrafficking.org>; American Friends Service Committee <actioncenter@afsc.org>; gina@austinpolice.com <gina@austinpolice.com>; jon.rosenthal@house.texas.gov <jon.rosenthal@house.texas.gov>; Harris County Houston Attorney Vince Ryan <vince.ryan@cao.hctx.net>; contact@whartoncountydemocrats.com <contact@whartoncountydemocrats.com>; press@elpasodems.org <press@elpasodems.org>; TexasStudiesCenter-TCU <texasstudies@tcu.edu>; SouthwestStudyCenter-TXStateU <mb13@txstate.edu>; Donna Campbell <donna.campbell@senate.texas.gov>; Dawn Buckingham <dawn.buckingham@senate.texas.gov>; Charles Schwertner <charles.schwertner@senate.texas.gov>; charles.perry@senate.texas.gov <charles.perry@senate.texas.gov>; The New York Times <editorial@nytimes.com>; The Daily Beast Tips 2020 <tips@thedailybeast.com>; Wired Magazine <mail@wired.com>; submit@wired.com <submit@wired.com>; scoop@motherjones.com <scoop@motherjones.com>; letters@seattletimes.com <letters@seattletimes.com>; central_texas@cruz.senate.gov <central_texas@cruz.senate.gov>; jacob_chamblin@cruz.senate.gov <jacob_chamblin@cruz.senate.gov>; north_texas@cruz.senate.gov <north_texas@cruz.senate.gov>; southeast_texas@cruz.senate.gov <southeast_texas@cruz.senate.gov>; southcentral_texas@cruz.senate.gov <southcentral_texas@cruz.senate.gov>; east_texas@cruz.senate.gov <east_texas@cruz.senate.gov>; Harper's Magazine Editors <letters@harpers.org>; lorisell@gmail.com <lorisell@gmail.com>; Joe Biden <info@joebiden.com>; david_garland@baylor.edu <david_garland@baylor.edu>; Nueces County Democratic Party (official email) <nuecesdemocrats@yahoo.com>; Pampa TX Daily News Letters to the Editor <editor@thepampanews.com>; Texas Tribune Editor in Chief Evan Smith <esmith@texastribune.org>; NBC Nightly News Headqrtrs 2016 <contact.nbcnews@nbcuni.com>; ACC President Richard Rhodes <rrhodes@austincc.edu>; Angela Paxton <angela.paxton@senate.texas.gov>; spj@spj.org <spj@spj.org>; ndowd@nytimes.com <ndowd@nytimes.com>; New York Post NYC Editors <letters@nypost.com>; The Australian Daily Newspaper Sydney <letters@theaustralian.com.au>; Boston Herald daily newspaper editors <letterstoeditor@bostonherald.com>; New York Daily News Letters to the Editor <voicers@edit.nydailynews.com>; Federal Trade Commission D.C. <webmaster@ftc.gov>; icehumantrafficking.helpdesk@dhs.gov <icehumantrafficking.helpdesk@dhs.gov>; ombudsman@twc.state.tx.us <ombudsman@twc.state.tx.us>; bryan.snoddy@twc.state.tx.us <bryan.snoddy@twc.state.tx.us>; infocenter@houstonisd.org <infocenter@houstonisd.org>; pd@georgetowntx.org <pd@georgetowntx.org>; news@texasmonthly.com <news@texasmonthly.com>; jon.heining@tlc.texas.gov <jon.heining@tlc.texas.gov>; complaintsmanagement@tea.state.tx.us <complaintsmanagement@tea.state.tx.us>; APD Interim Police Chief Brian Manley <brian.manley@austintexas.gov>; humantrafficking@dfps.state.tx.us <humantrafficking@dfps.state.tx.us>; pdadmin@westlakehills.org <pdadmin@westlakehills.org>; mclaughlin@texaspolicechiefs.org <mclaughlin@texaspolicechiefs.org>; jkeller@globeandmail.com <jkeller@globeandmail.com>; mgleason@wilco.org <mgleason@wilco.org>; scott@okdemocrats.org <scott@okdemocrats.org>; smccown@law.utexas.edu <smccown@law.utexas.edu>; info@arkdems.org <info@arkdems.org>; info@lademo.org <info@lademo.org>; info@nmdemocrats.org <info@nmdemocrats.org>; marg@nmdemocrats.org <marg@nmdemocrats.org>; info@dscc.org <info@dscc.org>; info@electjon.com <info@electjon.com>; internships@romney.senate.gov <internships@romney.senate.gov>; uag@utah.gov <uag@utah.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 12:38:39 PM CST

A respectful FYI to each of you on the following encouraging e-mail correspondence I am having this week with staff member Kate Moriarty of the Austin federal-government office of U.S. Senator John Cornyn here in this state-capital city for Texas.

Any reply note or suggestions or friendly referrals that any of you are willing to offer me on any of the issues cited or alluded to in this e-mail correspondence will be greatly appreciated by me.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,
from permanently-drinking-alcohol-free, gainfully-employed, single adult white British-and-German-ancestry gentleman John Kevin McMillan of Austin, Texas. I am also a longstanding criminal-law complainant and self-identified continuous-and-continuing-daily-and-year-round-and-multi-year-personal-injury-crimes-and-anal-rape-crimes-and-home-invasion-crimes-and-trespassing-crimes victim during my sleeping hours as I lie alone on my own bed, asleep and unconscious and probably snoring, inside my double-bolt-locked solo-occupancy (myself, only) efficiency apartment unit in northeast Austin. 

I have lost thousands of hours of sleep in the period ever since April 28, 2011, from my being awakened abruptly several times per night or early-morning period with pain in my anus or an unpleasant vibrating sensation in my anus (I do NOT own or use any vibrator of any type), often with an unpleasant nasal-inhalant sensation in my nostrils (I DO NOT own or use any nasal inhalants), often with an unpleasant sensation in my mouth, an urgent need to walk to my bathroom in order to urinate, and no intruder visible inside my locked apartment unit.

I am the only official tenant and only approved occupant in my current efficiency-apartment unit, and I do press criminal-law charges accordingly through APD and, if applicable, the FBI or any other law-enforcement agency with jurisdiction.
My solo-occupancy rental-home address ever since June 21, 2019: Pebble Creek Apartments (a Belco Equities-affiliated gated-community complex), 8805 North Plaza Drive, Building 17, Apt. 2418, Austin, TX 78753.

John Kevin McMillan

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
To: Moriarty Kate (Cornyn) <kate_moriarty@cornyn.senate.gov>; Office Dallas (Cornyn) <dallas_office@cornyn.senate.gov>; United States Senate <webmaster@cornyn.senate.gov>; Joe Biden <info@joebiden.com>; Austin Police Dept. Asst. Chief Troy Gay <troy.gay@austintexas.gov>; central_texas@cruz.senate.gov <central_texas@cruz.senate.gov>; jacob_chamblin@cruz.senate.gov <jacob_chamblin@cruz.senate.gov>; Fbinaa Info <info@fbinaa.org>; Sociology Prof. Jim Nolan West Va. University <jim.nolan@mail.wvu.edu>; jose.garza@traviscountytx.gov <jose.garza@traviscountytx.gov>; City of Austin City Attorney Anne Morgan <anne.morgan@austintexas.gov>; Office for Victims of Crime U.S. DOJ <itverp@usdoj.gov>; Texas Rangers 2015 <rangers@dps.texas.gov>; Hernandez Sally [TCSO] <sally.hernandez@traviscountytx.gov>; debbie.reynolds@traviscountytx.gov <debbie.reynolds@traviscountytx.gov>; Jason Laduque <jason.laduque@austintexas.gov>; Issa.Kafena <issa.kafena@austintexas.gov>; APD Officer James Turner <james.turner@austintexas.gov>; david.maxwell@texasattorneygeneral.gov <david.maxwell@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; APD Chief Brian Manley 2020 <brian.manley@austintexas.gov>; Rey Arellano <rey.arellano@austintexas.gov>; Spencer Cronk <spencer.cronk@austintexas.gov>; Texas Association Against Sexual Assault Atty Kaiser 2016 <ckaiser@taasa.org>; Austin Board of Realtors-Govt. Relations <government@abor.com>; Juan Acosta <manager@pebblecreekapartments.net>; Cecil Domel <cecil@belcoequities.com>; Austin Apartment Association 2020 <info@austinaptassoc.com>; andy.brown@traviscountytx.gov <andy.brown@traviscountytx.gov>; Travis County Commissioner Jeffrey Travillion 2017 <jeffrey.travillion@traviscountytx.gov>; Travis County Commissioner Brigid Shea <brigid.shea@traviscountytx.gov>; gerald.daugherty@traviscountytx.gov <gerald.daugherty@traviscountytx.gov>; ACC Criminal Justice Dept. Chair Gerald Hildebrand <gwhil@austincc.edu>; Rep. Sheryl Cole 2019 CentralTX <sheryl.cole@house.texas.gov>; State Senator Joan Huffman <joan.huffman@senate.texas.gov>; Rep. John Bucy 2019CentralTX <john.bucy@house.texas.gov>; U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett 2015 <lloyd.doggett@mail.house.gov>; U.S. Representative Michael McCaul <emailmccaul@mail.house.gov>; Austin Mayor Steve Adler <steve.adler@austintexas.gov>; District 4 <district4@austintexas.gov>; District 1 <district1@austintexas.gov>; district2@austintexas.gov <district2@austintexas.gov>; district3@austintexas.gov <district3@austintexas.gov>; Austin City Council Member Ann Kitchen 2016 <district5@austintexas.gov>; District 7 <district7@austintexas.gov>; Austin City Council Member Ellen Troxclair 2016 <district8@austintexas.gov>; district9@austintexas.gov <district9@austintexas.gov>; Crime Victims' Institute 2020 SHSU <crimevictims@shsu.edu>; National Crime Victim Law Institute Lewis & Clark Law School Portland Oregon <ncvli@lclark.edu>; Austin Crime Commission 2020 <info@austincrime.org>; shawn.dick@wilco.org <shawn.dick@wilco.org>; Michael Eveleth <michael.eveleth@austintexas.gov>; Michael Shumard <michael.shumard@traviscountytx.gov>; Dell <michael@dell.com>; Mike Henderson <mike.henderson@traviscountytx.gov>; Williamson County TX Attorney 2016 <pvasquez@wilco.org>; p139@traviscountydemocrats.org <p139@traviscountydemocrats.org>; Saundra Ragona <ssragona@gmail.com>; kpwatson@uh.edu <kpwatson@uh.edu>; U.S. Department of Homeland Security <private.sector@dhs.gov>; TXGov Child Sex Trafficking Team 2020 <cstt@gov.texas.gov>; Humantrafficking <humantrafficking@oag.texas.gov>; Polarisproject Info <info@polarisproject.org>; National Human Trafficking Hotline <nhtrc@polarisproject.org>; Rape Abuse and Incest National Network <info@rainn.org>; Governor's Office of Texas Open Records Administrator <publicrecords@governor.state.tx.us>; takebackhope@tlsc.org <takebackhope@tlsc.org>; Darla Dixon <darla.dixon@tcole.texas.gov>; TRA General Counsel Kenneth Besserman <kbesserman@tramail.org>; Rfmaonline Info <info@rfmaonline.com>; Travis County Criminal Justice/Public Safety Director <roger.jefferies@traviscountytx.gov>; tracy.martinez@dps.texas.gov <tracy.martinez@dps.texas.gov>; dpscontact@utah.gov <dpscontact@utah.gov>; Texas Dept. of Public Safety Officers Assn. Director <director@dpsoa.com>; Dennis Bonnen <dennis.bonnen@speaker.texas.gov>; Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick <dan.patrick@ltgov.texas.gov>; Texas Tribune Editor in Chief Evan Smith <esmith@texastribune.org>; Texas Observer Editors <editors@texasobserver.org>; Debbie Hiott <dhiott@kut.org>; releases@startribune.com <releases@startribune.com>; KXAN TV News Investigations <reportit@kxan.com>; KEYE CBS News Austin 2017 <news@cbsaustin.com>; dhott@kut.org <dhott@kut.org>; news@dailytexanonline.com <news@dailytexanonline.com>; Daily Texan Alumni Association 2016 <friendsofthetexan@gmail.com>; Houston Chronicle Letters to the Editor <viewpoints@chron.com>; Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo <art.acevedo@houstonpolice.org>; michael.king@austintexas.gov <michael.king@austintexas.gov>; lelan.larroque@austintexas.gov <lelan.larroque@austintexas.gov>; brandon.lee@austintexas.gov <brandon.lee@austintexas.gov>; edward.davis@austintexas.gov <edward.davis@austintexas.gov>; CBS News '60 Minutes' Editors and Reporters <60m@cbsnews.com>; Steven Rich <steven.rich@washpost.com>; The New York Times <nytnews@nytimes.com>; Criminal Justice Journalists Board Member Rashbaum <rashbaum@nytimes.com>; Sunset Valley Police Dept. Lt. Richard Andreucci <randreucci@sunsetvalley.org>; pavc@peopleagainstviolentcrime.org <pavc@peopleagainstviolentcrime.org>; press@txdemocrats.org <press@txdemocrats.org>; Traviscountydemocrats Info <info@traviscountydemocrats.org>; margaret.gomez@traviscountytx.gov <margaret.gomez@traviscountytx.gov>; Dave Mahoney <dave.mahoney@traviscountytx.gov>; Daniel Evans <daniel.evans@traviscountytx.gov>; rosie.truelove@austintexas.gov <rosie.truelove@austintexas.gov>; editor@hillcountrynews.com <editor@hillcountrynews.com>; Democratic National Committee <webmaster@democrats.org>; info@nydems.org <info@nydems.org>; alex@harrisdemocrats.com <alex@harrisdemocrats.com>; lillie@harrisdemocrats.com <lillie@harrisdemocrats.com>; trey@dallasdemocrats.org <trey@dallasdemocrats.org>; carol@dallasdemocrats.org <carol@dallasdemocrats.org>; stein@rice.edu <stein@rice.edu>; DMN Austin Bureau Reporter Robert Garrett <rtgarrett@dallasnews.com>; tsteele@dallasnews.com <tsteele@dallasnews.com>; Austin Chronicle Editors <mail@austinchronicle.com>; news@texasmonthly.com <news@texasmonthly.com>; Joyful Heart Foundation for Rape Victims <info@joyfulheartfoundation.org>; State Senator Sarah Eckhardt 2020 <sarah.eckhardt@senate.texas.gov>; U.S. Dept of Commerce Civil Rights Div Officials <webmaster@doc.gov>; FAIRHOUSING CRT (CRT) <fairhousing@usdoj.gov>; U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Devlpt (TX regional office) <tx_webmanager@hud.gov>; alumnimembership@umn.edu <alumnimembership@umn.edu>; charles.wood@texasattorneygeneral.gov <charles.wood@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; public.information@texasattorneygeneral.gov <public.information@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; Todd Hunter <todd.hunter@house.texas.gov>; dan.huberty@house.texas.gov <dan.huberty@house.texas.gov>; hubert.vo@house.texas.gov <hubert.vo@house.texas.gov>; Gina Hinojosa <gina.hinojosa@house.texas.gov>; StateRep.DonnaHoward <donna.howard@house.texas.gov>; Rep. Erin Zwiener 2019CentralTX <erin.zwiener@house.texas.gov>; editor@hpronline.org <editor@hpronline.org>; letters@tnr.com <letters@tnr.com>; Miami Herald Letters to Editor <heralded@miamiherald.com>; bchasnoff@express-news.com <bchasnoff@express-news.com>; news@tpr.org <news@tpr.org>; bill.zedler@house.texas.gov <bill.zedler@house.texas.gov>; Nicole D. Collier <nicole.collier@house.texas.gov>; carol.alvarado@senate.texas.gov <carol.alvarado@senate.texas.gov>; president@austinrepublicanwomen.org <president@austinrepublicanwomen.org>; csaph@ama-assn.org <csaph@ama-assn.org>; elder.justice@usdoj.gov <elder.justice@usdoj.gov>; txtenants@gmail.com <txtenants@gmail.com>; texastenantsunion@yahoo.com <texastenantsunion@yahoo.com>; newsroom@star-telegram.com <newsroom@star-telegram.com>; WashingtonPostLettersEditor <letters@washpost.com>; letter@globe.com <letter@globe.com>; editorial@progressive.org <editorial@progressive.org>; tips@buzzfeed.com <tips@buzzfeed.com>; scoops@huffpost.com <scoops@huffpost.com>; Senator Sarah Eckhardt Constituent Assistance <district14.eckhardt@senate.texas.gov>; andromeda.roberts@senate.texas.gov <andromeda.roberts@senate.texas.gov>; info@cadem.org <info@cadem.org>; gus@massdems.org <gus@massdems.org>; admissions@brandeis.edu <admissions@brandeis.edu>; veronica@massdems.org <veronica@massdems.org>; mayor@boston.gov <mayor@boston.gov>; info@janedoe.org <info@janedoe.org>; themail@newyorker.com <themail@newyorker.com>; info@berniesanders.com <info@berniesanders.com>; fccinfo@fcc.gov <fccinfo@fcc.gov>; chair@dfl.org <chair@dfl.org>; mjohnson@arkcasa.org <mjohnson@arkcasa.org>; info@nmcadv.org <info@nmcadv.org>; info@nmdemocrats.org <info@nmdemocrats.org>; press@elpasodems.org <press@elpasodems.org>; texaspolitics@mail.laits.utexas.edu <texaspolitics@mail.laits.utexas.edu>; smccown@law.utexas.edu <smccown@law.utexas.edu>; trustees@austinisd.org <trustees@austinisd.org>; tammy@texaspolicechiefs.org <tammy@texaspolicechiefs.org>; najleg@gmail.com <najleg@gmail.com>; info@jewishdems.org <info@jewishdems.org>; yaakov@jpost.com <yaakov@jpost.com>; info@rhr.israel.net <info@rhr.israel.net>; editorial@commentarymagazine.com <editorial@commentarymagazine.com>; wwsdean@princeton.edu <wwsdean@princeton.edu>; response@njdems.org <response@njdems.org>; jhermann@trinity.edu <jhermann@trinity.edu>; jdecamp@mitre.org <jdecamp@mitre.org>; mcooke@politico.com <mcooke@politico.com>; lalaurence@gmail.com <lalaurence@gmail.com>; press@thenation.com <press@thenation.com>; editor@newsday.com <editor@newsday.com>; info@klru.org <info@klru.org>; registration@tab.org <registration@tab.org>; letters@mndaily.com <letters@mndaily.com>
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021, 11:50:04 PM CST

January 11, 2021

Dear Staff Assistant Kate Moriarty in U.S. Senator Cornyn's federal-building government office in Austin, Texas,

I appreciate your kind reply letter (below) to me today about the very alarming public-policy-related issues cited by me in an e-mail letter (final item, below) that I wrote and sent a carbon-copy of to you earlier today.

I am very hopeful that the Honorable Senator Cornyn will be willing to uphold a pro-impeachment vote this week in the U.S. House by himself voting to have President Trump removed from his elective office ASAP.

I am also very hopeful that Senator Cornyn will call or e-mail or send a FAX to President Trump ASAP and request that Mr. Trump ask FBI Director Christopher Asher Wray ASAP to order an immediate and very comprehensive DNA-traces forensic medical exam on me that includes DNA-trace swabs of my anus, behind, mouth, and groin area, among other parts of my body.

As I'm sure you are very aware, Senator Cornyn during his 2020 campaign for re-election emphasized that he has significantly helped sexual-abuse survivors by authoring new legislation in the U.S. Senate.

I will be very grateful if Senator Cornyn---through a phone call or e-mail message or FAXed message ASAP directly to President Trump---is willing to also help me.

 I am a very honorable survivor of repeated alleged physical abuse and  repeated alleged personal-injury crimes and repeated alleged pain-infliction sleep-harassment crimes and repeated alleged repeated-sleep-ruination-harassment crimes and repeated alleged anal-rape crimes and repeated alleged oral-rape crimes and repeated alleged-assault-by-physical-contact crimes and repeated alleged home-invasion-crimes and repeated alleged trespassing crimes repeatedly inflicted on me during my sleeping hours over a multi-year period inside my current double-bolt-locked solo-occupancy rental-apartment unit in northeast Austin.

Because of the year-round and multi-year continuous nature of the alleged felony crimes victimizing me in Austin, it is very crucial that any and all DNA swabs and other DNA-traceable evidence in the proposed new rape-evidence kit that will be obtained from me ASAP by a forensic nurse, are all processed retroactively for the full 190-day (or longer, if currently possible) maximum possible time period.

If President Trump in his remaining hours in The White House is NOT willing to immediately contact FBI director Christopher A. Wray and ask Mr. Wray to help me obtain a forensic rape-evidence exam on myself ASAP, please let me know ASAP about that Presidential decision of "no action taken" by our current Chief of State.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, longstanding criminal-law complainant with the Austin Police Department in this state-capital city for Texas.
My solo-occupancy efficiency-apartment-unit rental-home address ever since June 21, 2019:
Pebble Creek Apartments (a gated-community Belco Equities-affiliated complex), 8805 North Plaza Drive, Building 17 (northeastern corner of my complex), Apt. 2418 (a second-floor, eastward-facing unit), Austin, TX 78753.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
Cell phone: (512) 993-7305.

John Kevin McMillan

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Moriarty, Kate (Cornyn) <kate_moriarty@cornyn.senate.gov>
To: 'John McMillan' <mcmillanj@att.net>
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021, 08:58:07 AM CST

Thank you Sir for your message,


I will certainly make sure that’s conveyed to the Senator.


Take care,


Kate Moriarty

Staff Assistant

US Senator John Cornyn

P: (512) 469-6034  |  F: (512) 469-6020


Click here to sign up for updates from Senator Cornyn


From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net> 
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021 1:32 AM
To: U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett 2015 <lloyd.doggett@mail.house.gov>; Texas, Central (Cruz) <Central_Texas@cruz.senate.gov>; Chamblin, Jacob (Cruz) <Jacob_Chamblin@cruz.senate.gov>; Joe Biden <info@joebiden.com>; Moriarty, Kate (Cornyn) <Kate_Moriarty@cornyn.senate.gov>; Office, Dallas (Cornyn) <Dallas_Office@cornyn.senate.gov>; Webmaster (Cornyn) <Cornyn_Webmaster@cornyn.senate.gov>; Fbinaa Info <info@fbinaa.org>; Democratic National Committee <webmaster@democrats.org>; communications@dcdemocraticparty.org; executivedirector@dcdemocraticparty.org; Democratic National Committee <info@democrats.org>; jose.garza@traviscountytx.gov; Austin Police Dept. Asst. Chief Troy Gay <troy.gay@austintexas.gov>; Office for Victims of Crime U.S. DOJ <itverp@usdoj.gov>; Hernandez Sally [TCSO] <sally.hernandez@traviscountytx.gov>; debbie.reynolds@traviscountytx.gov; david.maxwell@texasattorneygeneral.gov; public.information@texasattorneygeneral.gov; TXGov Child Sex Trafficking Team 2020 <cstt@gov.texas.gov>; Humantrafficking <humantrafficking@oag.texas.gov>; Travis County Commissioner Jeffrey Travillion 2017 <jeffrey.travillion@traviscountytx.gov>; State Senator Sarah Eckhardt 2020 <sarah.eckhardt@senate.texas.gov>; Senator Sarah Eckhardt Constituent Assistance <district14.eckhardt@senate.texas.gov>; Senator Sarah Eckhardt Public Policy <andromeda.roberts@senate.texas.gov>; Senator Sarah Eckhardt Political Items <sarah@saraheckhardt.com>; Rep. Sheryl Cole 2019 CentralTX <sheryl.cole@house.texas.gov>; Austin Mayor Steve Adler <steve.adler@austintexas.gov>; City of Austin City Attorney Anne Morgan <anne.morgan@austintexas.gov>; delia.garza@traviscountytx.gov; Mike Henderson <mike.henderson@traviscountytx.gov>; andy.brown@traviscountytx.gov; District 4 <district4@austintexas.gov>; Texas Rangers 2015 <rangers@dps.texas.gov>; U.S. Department of Homeland Security <private.sector@dhs.gov>; State Senator Joan Huffman <joan.huffman@senate.texas.gov>; APD Chief Brian Manley 2020 <brian.manley@austintexas.gov>; Travis County Commissioner Brigid Shea <brigid.shea@traviscountytx.gov>; Spencer Cronk <spencer.cronk@austintexas.gov>; Rey Arellano <rey.arellano@austintexas.gov>; Texas Association Against Sexual Assault Atty Kaiser 2016 <ckaiser@taasa.org>; Rape Abuse and Incest National Network <info@rainn.org>; National Human Trafficking Hotline <nhtrc@polarisproject.org>; Polarisproject Info <info@polarisproject.org>; takebackhope@tlsc.org; CBS News '60 Minutes' Editors and Reporters <60m@cbsnews.com>; National Crime Victim Law Institute Lewis & Clark Law School Portland Oregon <ncvli@lclark.edu>; National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence Dir. Debbie Tucker AustinTX <dtucker@ncdsv.org>


January 11, 2021


Dear Congressman Doggett of Austin, U.S. Senator Cruz of Texas, and U.S. Senator Cornyn of Texas,


I urge each of you three very influential federal lawmakers to please vote to impeach and lawfully and in a civil manner permanently remove Donald Trump from his current elective office as soon as possible before January 20, 2021.


The unconscionably criminal conduct that President Trump pursued by allegedly inciting violence at our nation's Capitol demands very swift punishment by Congress of that disgraceful and very dangerous current head of state.


I might add that I myself am also outraged by the apparent alleged failure of President Trump to directly and promptly contact his FBI director (as I have very recently politely asked Mr. Trump to do through a written request I submitted to him at the official White House website) and ask that FBI director to please order immediate and comprehensive DNA-swabs forensic medical-evidence anal-rape-and-oral-rape medical exam on myself. I am requesting full maximum possible 190-day (or longer, if possible) DNA-traces retroactive processing of each and every DNA swab or DNA trace in the 2021 rape kit to be obtained from me with help from the FBI.


As each of you is no doubt very aware, I am the self-identified single Anglo male victim of alleged continuous and continuing daily and year-round and multi-year personal-injury-crimes and sex-crimes and home-invasion-crimes and trespassing crimes and sleep-harassment crimes allegedly inflicted on me during my sleeping hours on a frequent and year-round basis as I lie alone, asleep and unconscious and probably snoring, inside my double-bolt-locked solo-occupancy current efficiency-apartment unit in northeast Austin. 


I directly contacted President Trump at his official White House website on two prior occasions in recent years about alleged home-invasion-crimes victimizing me during my sleeping hours in Austin. On each of those prior occasions, Mr. Trump apparently chose to ignore each of my polite requests for assistance that I wrote and submitted online to our nation's Chief of State at his official White House website.


I hope to hear from you soon on any aspect of this written communication to each of you distinguished federal lawmakers.


Sincerely and Best Wishes from a law-abiding, permanently-drinking-alcohol-free, longtime-celibate-by-choice, single-by-choice, gainfully-employed, 63-year-old white non-Hispanic adult male constituent of each of you,

John Kevin McMillan.

My solo-occupancy efficiency-rental-apartment-unit home address ever since June 21, 2019:

Pebble Creek Apartments, 8805 North Plaza Drive, Bldg. 17, Apt. 2418, Austin, TX 78753.



John Kevin McMillan

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