Tuesday, April 18, 2017


---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual adult men, like me, support random drug-testing of any and all employees at workplaces.

--A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support the automatic dismissal of any employee at a workplace who fails a random-drug test administered to him by his employer on at least two or three consecutive occasions.

--A higher percentage of all of the adult American heterosexual men, like me, believe that tenured faculty members at universities and colleges should NOT be exempted from proposed campus-wide random-drug testing on any and all employees or instructors or researchers at university campuses or college campuses in the United States.

---A higher percentage of all of the adult American men, like me, support increased government protection for the legal right and human right of any American citizen to criticize any cited "subculture" in a lawful and non-anonymous manner, without that American citizen then being punished for his honesty and integrity through reprisals against him by others.

--A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support increased protection of the legal rights and human rights of law-abiding HIV-negative Americans, an often-neglected group of Americans who are not currently being adequately protected against any risk of their ever being exposed to the life-threatening HIV-virus.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, strongly support a new federal law authorizing mandatory random HIV-testing of all single employees at American workplaces, accompanied by a requirement that any workplace in which at least one employee there tests positive for the HIV virus in that employer-sponsored service, must immediately post a public warning inside that workplace to any and all employees of that workplace, stating that "The HIV-virus is present in at least one employee at this workplace, so you are strongly encouraged to avoid any casual-contact exchanges of bodily fluids with ANY of your coworkers. In addition, you are strongly discouraged from ever dating or having any sexual contact or any intimate physical contact with any of your coworkers, since that could prove to be a fatal off-duty involvement for you if that coworker happens to be HIV-positive."

---A higher percentage of all of the adult American heterosexual men, like me, support a government-imposed "AIDS-prevention-research-financing sales tax" on any government-identified commercial-enterprise spawning ground for AIDS, such as nightclubs serving alcohol, pick-up bars serving alcohol, gay bathhouses in which sexual activities occur in a public place, hotels or motels where the the sex crime of prostitution has been alleged to have occurred on at least five occasions in the most recent calendar year, and houses of prostitution operating legally in Nevada, for instance. 

--A higher percentage of all of the adult American heterosexual men, like me, support increased government funding for criminal-law prosecutions and incarcerations of individuals accused and convicted of having infected another person with the HIV-virus, regardless of whether that HIV-infection occurred through cited "negligence" or through willful and deliberately injurious malice toward the victim.

--A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support the government-sponsored establishment and year-round updating of a confidential "Sugar Daddy Suspects" or "SDS" computer data base list that helps law-enforcement agencies to continually monitor for any new crime evidence that any older man or older woman anywhere in this nation is allegedly subjecting a younger person, regardless of whether that younger person is a legal-status adult, to any form of illegal inter-generational exploitation, such as would occur through blackmail or any illegal form of bribery or extortion or hostage-taking or kidnapping or through the heinous sex crime of pederasty, for instance, a felony crime involving a victim who is a minor. 

---A higher percentage of all of the adult American heterosexual men, like me, oppose castration of male persons, even in cases of convicted rapists, and also oppose sex-change operations.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, oppose legalization of marijuana.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, oppose legalization of medical marijuana.

--A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, believe that individuals who pay money to illicit drug dealers in exchange for illicit drugs are themselves organized crime figures, through those cited customers' financing and sponsorship of organized crime activities in this and other nations.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support a government-imposed requirement that employers must offer two additional weeks of paid vacation leave per year for any of their full-time or part-time employees who are raising or helping to raise a young person under age 21 during a period in which that young person is also residing in or has resided in the same home as that parent or step-parent or legal guardian for at least six months of that calendar year.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support the establishment of a new Academy-conferred Oscar Award for the best G-rated movie of the year, with the winner of that award also being eligible for possible consideration as best overall picture of the year as well.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support the government-ordered closing of gambling casinos and oppose legalization of gambling in the United States.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, are dismayed by mustaches and beards and goatees on human beings, and regard facial hair as a public-health problem, since facial hair spreads germs.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support the ratification of a new Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that will authorize any municipality, any county, and any state of the United States to impose a temporary or permanent ban on the sale of alcohol, any category of alcohol, tobacco products, marijuana, medical marijuana, or tattoo-services anywhere inside that municipality, county, or U.S. state, respectively.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support the legal right and human right of each and every American citizen to be employed in a workplace where consumption of a tobacco product anywhere inside that workplace is strictly prohibited at all times.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support the legal and human right of each and every American citizen to reside as a rent-paying tenant at an apartment complex or condominium complex where smoking any tobacco product indoors or outdoors anywhere on the grounds of that entire complex is strictly prohibited on a 24-hour-a-day-and-year-round-and-permanent basis.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support restrictions or prohibitions on commercial "hookah" parlors where smoking occurs inside a business establishment.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support increased funding for governmental criminal-law investigations of alleged ties to organized crime by the owners or managers of nightclubs serving alcohol or by the owners and managers of any and all "bathhouses" where sexual activities occur inside a public building.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support increased criminal-law investigations and accompanying criminal proseuctions, if applicable, on any and all the "escort services" currently operating in the United States that serve as "fronts" for the sex crime of prostitution.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support government-imposed restrictions in their city or county or state on the number of tattoo parlors, if any, that are licensed to operate in that city, county, or U.S. state.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support increased government funding and increased employer financial contribution toward the offering of Day Care facilities and Day Care services for young children at workplaces.

--A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support the legal right and human right of a lawfully married woman employed at a workplace to receive full paid maternity leave benefits, when applicable, from that employer.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, support very generous funding for law-abiding and honorable public-school programs and services.

---A higher percentage of all of the American adult heterosexual men, like me, consistently vote in favor of tax increases designed to boost funding for law-abiding and honorable public school districts in the United States.

to be continued.

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