Tuesday, January 17, 2017


(1) President Trump could emphasize that he has a great love for non-profit philanthropic groups. Most people associate Mr. Trump with no-nonsense for-profit business ventures. For the very first White House Conference event that Mr. Trump sponsors in the District of Columbia, he could insist that the title be, "White House Conference on Philanthropy Promotion". This might demonstrate to those who are skeptical about Mr. Trump being in the White House that "here is a new U.S. President who shows he has a heart for philanthropy".

(2) President Trump could celebrate the resourceful and creative and hard-working "little guy" or "underdog" in American business by sponsoring a new Presidential award for an "American Entrepreneur of the Year" who started out small, but had big results from his or her entrepreneurial pursuits.

(3) President Trump could devote special attention to promoting the establishment of "Junior Entrepreneur" classes in American public schools. These classes could teach young persons how they could pursue the principles of law-abiding and honorable entrepreneurialism throughout their school years and subsequent careers as adults.

(4) President Trump could establish an awards tradition of honoring the American collegiate football coach and the American professional football coach who in the most recent football season had the most winning season and post-season that also featured the fewest total overall number of injuries sustained by his players throughout the season, and by players of opposing teams strictly during games between those two football teams in that same season or post-season, when all of those achievements are evaluated together through a sophisticated statistical scoring formula of some type.

(5) President Trump could promote the design and construction of dozens of additional multi-story commercial buildings in American cities or towns of 500,000 or fewer residents. The intent behind this would be to conserve fossil fuels and conserve land, while also promoting a sense of village-like community inside these multi-story buildings that are designed to serve as "community centers" or "community gathering places" in smaller cities and in towns.

(6) President Trump could preside over the establishment of a proposed new planned community somewhere in the United States that is primarily designed to accommodate Jewish immigrants from Israel and Palestinians who each chose to relocate from the Middle East to that planned community in the United States. 

One intent behind this planned community, which could be known as "PJ Harmony" or "JP Union", would be to promulgate a very persuasive and very emphatic rebuttal to the Israeli Government's repeatedly implied assertions that Jewish persons and Palestinians cannot live together in harmony in the very same town or city or country anywhere in the world.

(7) President Trump could hold a weekly press conference in order to demonstrate to the entire world that he is determined to be MORE HONEST and more accountable to taxpayers and the general public than any of his predecessors have been.

(8) President Trump could acknowledge and promote the many talents found in American high school students and other grade-school students. 
Trump could do that by appointing a special White House Liaison to America's Youths.
 That Liaison could be someone age 18 or 17, in order to demonstrate that President Trump will NOT permit any condescension toward or neglect of American youths by that particular Liaison.

(9) President Trump could publicly and in very specific ways demonstrate each month that he benefits from constructive criticism of his policies and conduct, and that he also makes use of and welcomes ideas offered to him by any and all law-abiding persons who are ideologically a world apart from himself and his own Administration.

(10) President Trump could insist on a special project to help Virginia and North Carolina diversify their economies in anticipation of an inevitable decline in tobacco farming and the tobacco industry in each of those states.

(11) President Trump could offer special incentives to encourage civic-minded businesspersons throughout this entire nation to consider pursuing an elective office or appointive office in government at the local, state, or federal level. 
In this way, President Trump could strive to help infuse the government with fresh and very creative and helpful and bold new ideas from leaders of the American business community.

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