Saturday, July 1, 2017


--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I lead a permanently drinking-alcohol-free, permanently-marijuana-free, permanently-illicit-drug-free, facially-cleanshaven (no beard, no mustache, no goatee) and hygienic, lifelong-tattoo-less, lifelong-tobacco-free lifestyle. 

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I lead a dependably civil and law-abiding and tactfully honest lifestyle, and that I myself do not have any criminal-conviction record.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women agree with my own politely-stated rejection of the so-called "gay rights movement", and like my alternative emphasis on support for a principled approach to human rights for any and all persons, regardless of their sexual or gender identity or marital status, etc.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that the "Honor Society" non-Christian new religion I've founded is so fair and appreciative toward individuals, in evaluating each individual based on a wide array of normative and qualitative criteria, that 99 percent or more of the persons who meet the overall criteria for possible membership in my own fully independent and non-proselytizing religion with strict membership-eligibility requirements are, in fact, heterosexual in sexual identity per se.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that an estimated 99 percent or more of the persons most worthy of being befriended by myself and my own religion, based on these criteria as well that reward persons for each embodying the largest number of traits exalted by my own Progressive Prohibitionist Religion,  are in fact heterosexual in sexual identity per se.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women agree with me that human identity is NOT primarily sexual in nature, and that 99 percent or more of all mutual-consent human relationships in life do not involve any sexual contact between each of the two persons and are platonic in nature.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I either almost never or never talk about sexual identity per se or sex per se or sexual fantasies per se or one-night-stand strategies per se or pick-up bars per se in my everyday conversations with anyone.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that whenever I myself request a currently up-to-date HIV-virus test and STD (sexually-transmitted disease) test on myself inside a medical facility in the United States, I always use my full and correct legal name and provide my correct birthdate for that resulting medical report that is then issued to myself.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I have a multi-decade tradition of myself about twice per year visiting a medical facility in order to myself take an HIV-virus test and STD tests on myself, which enables me to then obtain a reliable fully-up-to-date  factual report from those medical tests that contains my correct legal name and accurate date of birth and states that I am HIV-negative as well as STD-free.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I am a certified member of the law-abiding HIV-negative male adult gentlemen community of the United States, with heterosexual adult gentlemen comprising at least 99 percent of all members of that particular honorable community.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women agree with me that anyone going on a romantic or sexual date with another human being has the legal and human right to politely request from the latter individual a fully up-to-date copy of a medical report kept by or on file with the latter individual, and which states the full legal name and correct date of birth of that individual and also indicates whether he or she is currently HIV-negative and STD-free.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that if an employer of mine, or anyone whom I become acquainted with in my off-duty time, ever directly asks me or authorizes me to provide that individual with a very recent medical report for myself which indicates that I am HIV-negative and STD-free, I am more than happy to share that medical report of mine with that employer or individual, since I believe in public-health and public-safety accountability in that category.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that throughout much of my career, I have had a personal and religious tradition of myself providing my government-agency employer or restaurant-industry employer with a fully-up-to-date medical report stating that I was HIV-negative in the most recent lab test conducted on me that same calendar year; and, I might add at this time, I plan to resume that tradition in the very near future as well.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I support the right of any American worker to read a notice posted for employees inside his workplace that clearly states whether that employer has any factual evidence indicating that the HIV virus has been present in at least ONE of the staff members at that workplace at any time in the most recent six-month period, with one very honorable intent of that posted notice for employees being to generally discourage romantic dating or "one-night-stands" among employees of that workplace.

The posted warning from the employer along those lines might possibly also state to workers that "if you date a coworker of yours at this workplace, you might get infected with the often-fatal HIV-virus!, and your employer will NOT be legally liable for your ill-advised choice to have had carnal relations with that HIV-positive coworker or work supervisor at your workplace!" 

Another intent behind a "WARNING: the HIV-virus is present in the bloodstream of at least one of your coworkers at this workplace" posted sign at an American workplace is to encourage each and every employee to avoid any risk of any workplace-related non-sexual "casual-contact" scenarios which might occur at that workplace in a context in which any HIV-positive employee at that workplace might ever possibly and in an accidental manner somehow transmit the HIV virus to a coworker or work supervisor or customer at that workplace.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I support random-drug testing of any and all employees and work supervisors at as many American workplaces as possible, with any employee or work supervisor who fails a drug test twice within a 12-month or six-month period being at risk of automatic termination by that employer.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like  the fact that I support a revision of federal law, if needed, that legally authorizes any and all employers to sponsor HIV-virus testing of any and all employees and work supervisors on a random basis or any other basis, with an HIV-positive test result serving as an automatic basis for that employer requiring that employee to enroll in a government-approved educational program sponsored by that employer that teaches that employee strategies to pursue, including celibacy on a permanent basis and hugging a pet dog inside their own home as an alternative to physically intimate contact with any other human being, in order to avoid infecting anyone else with the often-fatal HIV virus.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I personally question the need for any sex-change operations, and they also agree with me that castration of a male person is very sadistic and medically injurious to that individual.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I myself do not support government-ordered or government-supervised castration of anyone, regardless of whether that individual is a convicted rapist.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I support government-ordered closing of any and all commercial sex parlors and so-called "gay bathhouses" and houses of prostitution where, in each such case, anonymous sex between human beings takes place in a public place.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women agree with me that American society should strongly discourage pursuit of anonymous sex between human beings, such as would occur if two human beings who are complete strangers to each other and do not know each other's full legal name, participate in mutual-consent sexual activity with each other.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I myself have never agreed to purchase any tobacco product for any minor or ever at any time ever on any occasion ever once given or offered any tobacco product to any minor at any time in my entire life.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that in my entire life, I myself have never once hosted any party or dinner party at which I myself offered marijuana or cocaine or any other illicit drug to any of the guests at that party or dinner party.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I do not wear any ear ring or nostril ring or tongue ring or any other rings anywhere on my own body.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I myself do not wear or display any jewelry anywhere on my own  body.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I never deliberately pinch or "goose the behind" of anyone, physically grab anyone, pounce on anyone, or slap anyone on the back, and I very dependably keep my hands to myself at any workplace where I am stationed.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that there is never any "quid pro quo" behind my own generosity toward others, and I seek to befriend others in a manner that is very respectful toward their own values and aspirations and law-abiding conduct as human beings.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I have been an official or unofficial "Big Brother" to a male youth age 8 or 9 at the time, on five separate occasions so far in my life, with each of the parents of those male youths having indicated to me that she believed I had been honorable with and well-intended toward her elementary-school-student son.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I am very respectful of the privacy rights of anyone who is himself or herself pursuing law-abiding conduct.

--Many of the law-aiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like my tactful honesty and conscientious style.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I strive to exclude drug addicts and alcoholics and criminal persons from my own personal life and religious life, the two aspects of my life over which I myself always have the greatest control.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that in my entire life, I have never on any occasion ever once consumed any illicit drug other than marijuana.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I have not consumed any quantity of marijuana on any occasion or at any time since the late fall of 1984.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that in all of my 21st Century life thus far, I am always dependably sober and never high, and I have not consumed any drinking alcohol on any occasion or at any time this entire century thus far.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that so far this century, I have never once been a paying customer inside any nightclub anywhere in the world, and I very emphatically DO NOT lead a bar-centered lifestyle.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like knowing that I  would make a very honorable "designated driver", if any person I get along with well ever asked me to serve in that role for himself or herself.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that a full 26 years have passed since I myself last consumed a drop of drinking- alcohol anywhere in the entire world.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that in my personal life and religious life, I enthusiastically support a safe and delicious alternative use for alcohol (red wine or cooking sherry, for instance) as a flavor-enhancing ingredient in preparation of a culinary dish in the kitchen---an ingredient, I might add, that evaporates through the cooking process.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I never verbalize profanity or obscene speech of my own in any of my everyday conversations with others.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I never wear items of attire, such as T-shirts, that contain an obscene or lewd printed message on that item of attire.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I have a very high aptitude for platonic strictly-mutual-consent relationships with anyone and everyone, including persons who are actually physically attractive to me (such individuals comprising only a very tiny percentage of all of the adult residents in this capital city of Texas, I might add)

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like my devotion to helping children and high school students in a respectful manner through my religion and overall life.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I am very opposed to and appalled by the sex crime of pederasty.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like my devotion to helping to address the broader societal needs of the city, county, state, and nation in which I agree to reside during that time period.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I support criminal-law prosecution in a court of law of any individual who --- whether deliberately or through negligence --- infects another person with the often-fatal HIV-virus.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women agree with my belief that anyone who learns that he has tested positive for the HIV-virus should feel honorbound to immediately pursue a fully and permanently celibate lifestyle involving as little casual physical contact as possible and zero sexual contact with other human beings, which thereby minimizes the risk of the latter individuals being exposed to the HIV virus through everyday casual physical contact with the cited HIV-positive person.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women agree with me that those individuals who are HIV-positive should gently hug their pet dog, rather than another human being, since dogs are apparently not at risk of contracting the HIV virus through intimate physical contact with human beings who are HIV-positive.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like my strong support for the human right and Constitutional right of any and all persons, regardless of their own background, to verbalize lawfully-worded criticism openly attributed to themselves in regard to any and all cited "subcultures" or "communities" or "civic groups" or "religious groups" or "media companies" or "educational institutions" or individuals or officials or government agencies in the United States.

---Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I oppose thought-control projects.

--Many of the law-abiding and honest heterosexual adult men and heterosexual adult women like the fact that I strongly oppose the felony crime of stalking, and that I myself promptly honor a verbalized rejection of myself by another human being, this without my then spying on or electronically surveillancing the rejector of myself at any time.

to be continued

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