Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Recycling leadership urged for Obama Administration

One of the statistics that I don't recall having ever once been cited by any candidate during the 2008 U.S. Presidential Campaign was simply this:

What percentage of all the total currently recyclable materials (paper products, glass bottles, aluminum products, etc.) that were discarded in the United States by their owners in calendar year 2007, for instance, were, in fact, recycled.

It seems to me very urgent that our federal government as soon as possible during the Obama Administration years insist on each month publicizing to our entire nation statistics along those lines relating to the most recent previous month for which that type of information has been compiled by the U.S. Government.

That type of monthly report serving as another tragic reminder about under-utilization of natural-resource recycling in this nation, could help to shock our entire nation into becoming more conscientious that way.

I'm also convinced that our entire nation has urgent need for appointment of a cabinet-level federal-government secretary, or other high-ranking and well-publicized federal official, whose sole responsibility is to preside over and promote and publicize informational reports about natural-resource recycling throughout this entire nation.

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