Friday, December 19, 2008

Motorcycles with Three Wheels (Trikes) are Safer

I invariably wince with empathetic pain whenever I observe yet another young man riding a two-wheeled motorcycle on the roadway.
To be sure, I admire the fuel economy of those motorcycles, and I appreciate the manner in which these motorcyclists are helping our entire nation to conserve fossil fuels.
However, it is downright heart-breaking to sense those young male motorcyclists' extreme vulnerability to sustaining a motor-vehicle accident at any time.
During a period in their life when they should be experiencing the joy of preparing for graduation from college or preparing for a career they enjoy, all too many of these young men on motorcycles emerge instead as the tragic subjects of eulogies and obituaries.
"He was very keen on geology, so much so that he had one of the largest rock collections I've ever seen," as a mother of a young man who died in a motorcycle accident might recall with dewy eyes during a funeral ceremony for her beloved son. "He would have made a very fine geologist, but instead, we lay his dead body in the ground today, this very lovable and benevolent young man now as still and motionless as the rocks in the ground."
Each young man on a motorcycle whom I happen to spot from a distance presents to me the shocking sense of premonition about what his future will hold for him. Will he be paralyzed for life? Will he be thrown 50 feet, 100 feet, or more, if his motorcycle collides with a truck? And what will happen to his neurological health if he has an accident on a day when he's not wearing a helmet?
That young male motorcyclist's two-wheeled motorcycling is very dangerous to himself, and potentially could either cripple or fatally injure that young man or male youth in a split-second's time on the roadway.

This is why I am very hopeful that recent news about the introduction of much safer three-wheeled motorcycles, also known as trikes, will help to persuade thousands of young motorcyclists throughout this nation to make the switch to riding a trike instead.
Every life saved by trikes will be grounds for celebration and rejoicing. And every life saved by trikes is an opportunity for a full and happy and healthy life for yet another admirable young man in this country.

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