Friday, December 19, 2008

Plea to Legislators: Approve Iced Tea as Official Beverage

Texas is a state where per-capita consumption of iced tea is higher than in any other state in the entire nation.
Despite this, at least two consecutive members of the Texas Legislature whom I have contacted about the matter, have each informed me that they were not willing during that legislative session to sponsor a proposed new Legislative resolution designating "Iced Tea" as the "Official State Beverage of Texas."
Among the tangibly impressive advantages to be derived from that type of proposed Legislative action:
(1) It promotes iced-tea sales throughout our state, which is good for our state's economy.
(2) It's a boon to the medical health of Texans. Tea is rich in antioxidants, and consumption of tea can enhance one's cardiovascular health.
(3) It highlights something very salutary and unique that sets Texas apart from any other other U.S. state---the very high per-capita consumption of iced tea in our state.
(4) It promotes a non-alcoholic beverage, and also promotes alcohol-free living, straight iced tea having never once been linked to driving while intoxicated or cirrhosis of the liver.
(5) Consumption of freshly brewed iced tea imparts an emotional lift on the vast majority of Texans who drink iced tea. It is likely that most Texans, if surveyed, would state that they have often experienced an "Iced Tea Drinker's Ecstasy or Delight."
(6) Iced tea for many decades has played a major role in the great tradition of Texan hospitality and social conversation. Serving freshly-brewed iced tea to a guest inside one's residence, including to dinner-party guests, is a cherished Texan tradition.
(7) The serving and consumption of iced tea figures prominently in the civic-group meetings that are held throughout Texas each year.
(8) Consumption of iced tea offers a salutary way to "cool off" during the undeniably hot summers in Texas.
(9) Iced tea is a beverage with very strong intergenerational appeal, and can be drunk by most youths as well as by nearly all adults.

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