----- Forwarded Message -----
From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
To: Beto O'Rourke for TX Governor 2021 <info@betofortexas.com>; U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (2015) <lloyd.doggett@mail.house.gov>; webmaster@democrats.org <webmaster@democrats.org>; Senator Sarah Eckhardt Constituent Assistance <district14.eckhardt@senate.texas.gov>; State Senator Sarah Eckhardt 2020 <sarah.eckhardt@senate.texas.gov>; State Senator Sarah Eckhardt Constituent Services Rep. Walcott 2021 <keysha.walcott@senate.texas.gov>; press@txdemocrats.org <press@txdemocrats.org>; Texas Democrats <brian@travisdems.org>; p139@traviscountydemocrats.org <p139@traviscountydemocrats.org>; Central Texas Democratic Party Forum <cherring@herring-irwin.com>; The White House Attn Pres. Biden <engagement@ostp.eop.gov>; Saundra Ragona <ssragona@gmail.com>; kpwatson@uh.edu <kpwatson@uh.edu>; riceyoungdems@gmail.com <riceyoungdems@gmail.com>; district46.cole@house.texas.gov <district46.cole@house.texas.gov>; district51.rodriguez@house.texas.gov <district51.rodriguez@house.texas.gov>; Samantha Lopez <samantha.lopez@house.texas.gov>; StateRep.DonnaHoward <donna.howard@house.texas.gov>; Gina Hinojosa <gina.hinojosa@house.texas.gov>; Mallory Hart <mallory.hart@house.texas.gov>; Rep. Vikki Goodwin (2019CentralTX) <vikki.goodwin@house.texas.gov>; Rep. Erin Zwiener (2019CentralTX) <erin.zwiener@house.texas.gov>; Rep. James Talarico (2019 Central TX) <james.talarico@house.texas.gov>; Andy Brown <andy.brown@traviscountytx.gov>; DelawareDemocraticPartyOfficials <delaware@deldems.org>; Pennsylvania Democratic Party Officials <nick@padems.com>; chair@dcdemocraticparty.org <chair@dcdemocraticparty.org>; California Democratic Party <info@cadem.org>; info@texashousedems.com <info@texashousedems.com>; press@texashousedems.com <press@texashousedems.com>; yellowdog@txdemocrats.org <yellowdog@txdemocrats.org>; mail@utdem.org <mail@utdem.org>; Carol Donovan <carol@dallasdemocrats.org>; trey@dallasdemocrats.org <trey@dallasdemocrats.org>; alex@harrisdemocrats.com <alex@harrisdemocrats.com>; lillie@harrisdemocrats.com <lillie@harrisdemocrats.com>; press@elpasodems.org <press@elpasodems.org>; Bexardemocrat Info <info@bexardemocrat.org>; chriskelley126@gmail.com <chriskelley126@gmail.com>; chair@collindemocrats.org <chair@collindemocrats.org>; HidalgoCountyDemocraticParty@gmail.com <hidalgocountydemocraticparty@gmail.com>; cheryl.reese@yahoo.com <cheryl.reese@yahoo.com>; angie@acadena.com <angie@acadena.com>; mcdptxchair@gmail.com <mcdptxchair@gmail.com>; Chair.GCDP@gmail.com <chair.gcdp@gmail.com>; peoples@tarrantdemocrats.org <peoples@tarrantdemocrats.org>; hsfunk@sbcglobal.net <hsfunk@sbcglobal.net>; agvaladez@sbcglobal.net <agvaladez@sbcglobal.net>; kpar@sbcglobal.net <kpar@sbcglobal.net>; contact@whartoncountydemocrats.com <contact@whartoncountydemocrats.com>; communications@collegedems.com <communications@collegedems.com>; scdptx@gmail.com <scdptx@gmail.com>; fightingwords_2000@yahoo.com <fightingwords_2000@yahoo.com>; chris.turner@house.texas.gov <chris.turner@house.texas.gov>; brandon.zaratti@stcl.edu <brandon.zaratti@stcl.edu>; natalie.philucas@stcl.edu <natalie.philucas@stcl.edu>; carly.miller@stcl.edu <carly.miller@stcl.edu>; david.routt@stcl.edu <david.routt@stcl.edu>; team@asiandemsctx.org <team@asiandemsctx.org>; scdavis48@yahoo.com <scdavis48@yahoo.com>; demsaransas@gmail.com <demsaransas@gmail.com>; dmarkhampton@netscape.net <dmarkhampton@netscape.net>; Lawyergraham@gmail.com <lawyergraham@gmail.com>; harrisdemocrats@harrisdemocrats.com <harrisdemocrats@harrisdemocrats.com>; befferscloud@gmail.com <befferscloud@gmail.com>; gcdpchair.gibson@gmail.com <gcdpchair.gibson@gmail.com>; jorgemontesiii@gmail.com <jorgemontesiii@gmail.com>; Laceyfranks@live.com <laceyfranks@live.com>; jd4619@yahoo.com <jd4619@yahoo.com>; holmanchildress@att.com <holmanchildress@att.com>; claudecook5@gmail.com <claudecook5@gmail.com>; partychair@wilcodemocrats.org <partychair@wilcodemocrats.org>; joeshep@flash.net <joeshep@flash.net>; info@travisdems.org <info@travisdems.org>; marktrahan2022@gmail.com <marktrahan2022@gmail.com>; quincydems@gmail.com <quincydems@gmail.com>; gus@massdems.org <gus@massdems.org>; Nigel Simon <nigel@massdems.org>; veronica@massdems.org <veronica@massdems.org>; contact@massdems.org <contact@massdems.org>; whbhdems@gmail.com <whbhdems@gmail.com>; info@lacdp.org <info@lacdp.org>; Democratic Governors Association <info@dga.net>; Bernie Sanders <info@berniesanders.com>; office@nhdp.org <office@nhdp.org>; Nydems Info <info@nydems.org>; New York State Dem. Party Officials <nydems@nydems.org>; contact@ildems.com <contact@ildems.com>; Nebraskademocrats Info <info@nebraskademocrats.org>; privacy@dems.ag <privacy@dems.ag>; "precinct138@wilcodemocrats.org" <precinct138@wilcodemocrats.org>; "precinct140@wilcodemocrats.org" <precinct140@wilcodemocrats.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2021, 09:02:55 PM CST
Subject: 12-19-21 Urgent Question for TX Gubernatorial Candidate Beto O'Rourke
From: John Kevin McMillan, a gainfully-employed single adult male rent-paying official tenant living alone inside my double-bolt-locked efficiency apartment unit at the gated-community Pebble Creek Apts., 8805 N. Plaza Dr., Bldg. 17, Apt. 2418, in NE Austin. My home phone: (512) 342-2295. My cell phone: (512) 993-7305.
December 19, 2021
Dear Democratic-Party-affiliated Former Congressman and current Texas Gubernatorial Campaign Season Candidate Beto O'Rourke of El Paso, Texas,
Best Wishes to you in your very courageous, hard-working, and refreshingly idealistic current bid to become the next Governor of Texas.
Beto, I would like to call your attention to a December 14, 2021, cell phone conversation about a cited "state issue" that I myself had, beginning at 3:09 p.m. that day, with Courtney, a polite female staff member in the Austin office of U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, my duly-elected Democratic Party-affiliated congressman for the district where I reside in Austin.
Courtney spoke with me that day about an official reply letter (last item, below) I had received on September 28, 2021, from Congressman Doggett, who officially represents me in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. Please note that the home address for me that Congressman Doggett cited in his reply letter to me was actually the address for the Texas Office of Injured Employee Counsel state agency---a government agency headquartered in Austin. I myself am ambulatory and gainfully-employed and do not have any current relationship of my own with the Texas Office of Injured Employee Counsel state agency.
In the September 28 letter addressed to me, Congressman Doggett stated to me in writing that there is currently a "state issue" relating to me for which a member of the Texas Legislature can offer me prompt assistance in resolving that "state issue".
Courtney emphasized to me in our December 14 phone conversation that the State Government of Texas---NOT the City Government of Austin, NOT Travis County Government, and NOT the U.S. Government, she said---is the level of government with full legal jurisdiction over, and has the full legal authority to address, that "state issue" for me, she said.
I myself have resided in this southwestern state of Texas on a continuous and uninterrupted basis ever since January of 1988. During the late 1980s and throughout most of the 1990s, I resided in numerous respective cities and counties of Texas while holding respective full-time reporting positions for a variety of general-circulation newspapers in this state.
Beto, do you happen to know what might be the cited "state issue" (whether that be allegedly zero privacy rights for me, continuous noise pollution inflicted on me against my wishes, or allegedly unauthorized 24-hour-a-day electronic surveillance of me accompanied by anonymous and continuous 24-hour-a-day anonymous verbal communications to me, or deliberately-fraudulent continuous anonymous communications and anonymous "death threats" allegedly being inflicted on me, for instance) might be that relates to me in any way?
Also, do you yourself believe that an official of the State Government of Texas or an institution or agency of the State of Texas has allegedly wronged me in any way, such as through alleged defiance of and alleged impingement upon my own privacy rights or by allegedly subjecting me to some alleged possible form of "thought-control project" or alleged "continuous verbal harassment" of myself?
Beto, do you believe that the State of Texas under the current style of leadership of Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott may have incurred a very alarming major legal liability for the State of Texas deriving from alleged verbal abuse of me and alleged slandering of me, alleged physical abuse of me, or alleged negligence toward me by, or possibly sponsored by, one or more State of Texas-owned institutions or agencies?
I would appreciate receiving a reply note from you as soon as possible on any of the issues cited or alluded to in this friendly letter to yourself.
I myself will be moving away from Texas for good on December 31, 2021. I will be moving that day to a new U.S. state of residence for me that I have identified as having a significantly lower home-invasion-crimes rate, a significantly lower incidence of verbal harassment inflicted on private citizens in that state, a significantly lower rate of deliberately fraudulent or deliberately false continuous communications being inflicted on a year-round basis on private citizens residing in that state, a significantly lower violent-crimes rate and significantly lower sex-crimes rate, a significantly lower personal-injury-crimes rate, a significantly lower public-inebriation rate, a significantly lower binge-drinking rate, a significantly lower rate of consumption of drinking alcohol, a significantly lower illicit-drug-addiction rate, a significantly lower marijuana-consumption rate, a significantly lower incidence of profanity verbalization, a significantly lower incidence of tattoos-addiction by residents of that state, a significantly lower tobacco-consumption rate, and a significantly lower rate of littering on public property in that state, than Texas has.
It will also be a new and much friendlier U.S. state for me that exhibits significantly more respect for the right of each individual in that state (myself, for instance) to set their own priorities and guide themselves in a law-abiding manner based on their own moral and religious values and personal beliefs.. I might add that I myself have specifically rejected numerous cited persons from my own past, and I appreciate my new state's greater support for my own human right and legal right to enjoy full freedom from stalking-related communications relating to or referring to cited persons whom I myself have already rejected from my own life.
Thank you in advance, Beto, for your very helpful reply letter to me or phone call to me about the above-cited "state issue" relating to me and the State Government of Texas.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, a gainfully-employed, permanently-alcohol-free (ever since 1990), permanently-marijuana-free (ever since 1984), lifelong-illicit-drug-free in regard to any and all illicit drugs other than marijuana, lifelong-tobacco-free, lifelong-non-vaping, lifelong-tattoo-less, platonicly polite, consistently clean-talking (no profanity verbalized by me in my everyday conversations with others), non-sadomasochistic and anti-S&M, very-recently-certified HIV-negative, permanently-jewelry-less, permanently-facially-cleanshaven (NO beard, NO mustache, NO goatee), dependably civil and law-abiding and very honest and vigilant, very intelligent and idealistic, politely aggressive, single adult Anglo-Saxon non-Hispanic white gentleman of English, Scottish, and German ancestry.
I might add that in the nearly 11-year period ever since April 28, 2011, I have been on three separate occasions the criminal-law complainant and cited single adult longtime-celibate-by-choice Anglo male victim in three separate respective Austin Police Department (APD) Sex Crimes cases---one of them officially opened by APD's Sex Crimes Unit on September 1, 2021----for which a forensic DNA-traces anal-rape-evidence forensic medical exam on me was performed by a forensic medical nurse inside a hospital's emergency room in Austin, Texas.
I have been completely celibate throughout any and all of my own conscious or waking hours on a continuous and uninterrupted basis ever since and including the day I moved to north Austin in August 2001. I always sleep alone on my own bed, and I NEVER have any invited overnight guest of my own inside my bolt-locked rental unit.
In my current unit, Apt. 2418 of Bldg. 17 at Pebble Creek Apts. in NE Austin---an efficiency apartment where I have lived alone ever since my move-in date of June 21, 2019---I have never at any time permitted any current or former neighbor of mine, any relative of mine, any friend of mine, any coworker or work supervisor of mine, any former roommate of mine, any former classmate or former schoolmate of mine, or any personal acquaintance of mine to enter or be physically present anywhere inside my current apartment unit anytime between the hours of 8 p.m. in the evening and 8 a.m. in the morning.
In the entire multi-year period ever since I got moved into my unit on June 21, 2019, the ONLY persons I have ever at any time permitted to enter my bolt-locked efficiency apartment-unit on any occasion during the nighttime or early morning hours from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. have been either on-duty APD officers or on-duty Austin-Travis County EMS staff members who, in the latter case, were responding to a 911 call from me about a medical crisis (repeated vomiting, for instance) that I had sustained inside my apartment unit.
I might add that ever since I got moved into my unit in the early afternoon of June 21, 2019, the only other persons I have ever permitted to be physically present inside my unit anytime during the early-evening or daytime hours have been on-duty installation technicians for Grande Communications of San Marcos, Texas; an on-duty female cleaning service maid making one total visit to my unit, which occurred during the daytime hours, for a high-integrity local maid service in Austin that is A-plus rated and accredited by the Better Business Bureau; on-duty private home-security service professionals whom I paid for their helpful assistance; on-duty pest-control staff members working under a contract with my current apartment complex; on-duty maintenance staff members for my current apartment complex; and a female on-duty investigator for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Diana McGeehan, who politely interviewed me inside my unit for about 40 minutes during one total visit she made into my unit, which occurred from 2 p.m. until 2:40 p.m. on Thursday, November 14, 2019, for Texas DFPS Case Number 7292-2668. During her visit, Investigator McGeehan advised me to myself purchase an additional spy camera for my unit and make use of that additional spy camera during my bedtime hours inside my bolt-locked unit.
The alleged home-invasion-crimes and alleged anal-rape-crimes and alleged assault-by-physical contact crimes have been allegedly inflicted on me during my sleeping hours as I lay alone or lie alone on my own bed inside my bolt-locked apartment unit in north Austin.
I have repeatedly emphasized to the APD Sex Crimes Unit over a multi-year period, including in 2011 and this year, that I have been victimized on an allegedly CONTINUOUS AND CONTINUING daily and year-round basis by alleged home-invasion-crimes, alleged anal-rape-crimes, alleged assault-by-physical contact crimes, and other alleged personal-injury-crimes, including repeated sleep-harassment crimes and sleep-ruination crimes, allegedly inflicted on me during my sleeping hours as I lay alone on my own bed, asleep and unconscious and probably or possibly snoring.
In the most recent approximately 11-year period, I have undergone numerous doctor-ordered medical surgeries on myself in local hospitals in Austin for potentially life-threatening cardiovascular medical problems I sustained ---- medical problems that I have repeatedly cited to APD as very solid crime evidence for APD of my being physically abused by alleged home-invasion crimes perpetrators during my sleeping hours as I lay alone on my own bed inside my current double-bolt-locked apartment.
I have repeatedly asked the APD Sex Crimes Unit this year to PLEASE request or obtain full 190-day retroactive DNA-traces processing of any and all DNA-traceable items in each of the three rape-evidence kits that have been obtained from my body at my request by a female forensic nurse inside an emergency room of a very reputable hospital in Austin.
Despite my repeated and polite requests to APD for that full 190-day retroactive DNA-processing processing of each of the three respective rape-evidence kits from my own body that APD's Sex Crimes Unit already has and currently has in that APD unit's possession, no detective or sergeant or other commanding officer of APD has so far authorized that full retroactive DNA-traces processing of any or all of those rape-evidence kits.
Those rape-evidence kits were obtained from me on the morning of April 28, 2011 (APD Sex Crimes Case 11-1180447), the early morning hours of Dec. 22, 2011 (APD Sex Crimes Case 11-3550615), and the early morning hours of September 2, 2021 (APD Sex Crimes Case 2021-2440624).
I have also repeatedly emphasized to the APD Sex Crimes Unit, including in writing, that I myself very emphatically DO NOT agree to ever myself have any sexual contact with any non-Anglo person, and that I myself very emphatically DO NOT agree to ever have any sexual contact with any person more than two years older than me---and that I insist on asserting my legal right to press criminal charges accordingly.
My solo-occupancy (only me) efficiency rental-apartment unit ever since June 21, 2019:
Pebble Creek Apartments (a Belco Equities-managed complex, with Belco Equities being a for-profit corporation headquartered in Austin, Texas, and the owner of this property being "Pebble Creek Babay, Ltd.," according to my current official signed lease agreement for my rental unit that ends at 11:59 p.m. December 31, 2021, with online records indicating that "Pebble Creek Babay, Ltd." is a "California Limited Partnership" for which a cited agent, Christa H. Babay, reportedly age 82, has a mailing address at 612 North Alpine Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3304), 8805 North Plaza Drive, Bldg. 17, Apt. 2418, Austin, TX 78753.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
Cell phone: (512) 993-7305.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Congressman Lloyd Doggett <lloyd.doggett@mail.house.gov>
To: "mcmillanj@att.net" <mcmillanj@att.net>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 09:06:03 AM CDT
Subject: A Message from Congressman Doggett

John Kevin McMillan
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