Thursday, December 2, 2010

Consumer Rights Issue: The Opportunity to Sniff the Various Underarm Deodorant Stick Options

Lately I have been wondering whether the brand of stick deodorant that I routinely purchase not only controls underarm perspiration the best but also offers me the most pleasant underarm scent.

When I recently browsed through the dozens of stick deodorants on display inside my local H.E.B. supermarket in Austin, I suddenly realized that there may be a need for a Stick Underarm Deodorant Scents Display inside that supermarket.

A special display of that type would be invaluable to me as a consumer. It would give me the opportunity to personally myself sniff each of the various stick deodorant scents for stick deodorants that promise to offer long-lasting protection at the workplace.

I could then jot down notes to myself about which five scents I liked the best, and then try purchasing each of those five stick deodorant products on a trial basis. I could then try using each of those five stick deodorants on a try-out basis---for one week each. Then, five weeks later, I could make a decision about which of the stick underarm deodorant products being offered for sale inside my nearby H.E.B. supermarket is the product I'd like to use on a year-round basis.

That product may well prove to be the one I currently use. If that is, in fact, the case, at least I'll feel more confident about the underarm deodorant I wear, since I will know for sure that it scored highly in a "sniff test" and was the outright winner in a "try-out test" involving application of that stick deodorant to my own personal underarms.

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