----- Forwarded Message -----
From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
To: State Senator Sarah Eckhardt 2020 <sarah.eckhardt@senate.texas.gov>; Austin Police Dept. Asst. Chief Troy Gay <troy.gay@austintexas.gov>; Joe Biden <info@joebiden.com>; Democratic National Committee <webmaster@democrats.org>; Margaret Moore <margaret.moore@traviscountytx.gov>; APD Chief Brian Manley 2020 <brian.manley@austintexas.gov>; Rey Arellano <rey.arellano@austintexas.gov>; Spencer Cronk <spencer.cronk@austintexas.gov>; rosie.truelove@austintexas.gov <rosie.truelove@austintexas.gov>; City of Austin City Attorney Anne Morgan <anne.morgan@austintexas.gov>; delia.garza@austintexas.gov <delia.garza@austintexas.gov>; delia.garza@traviscountytx.gov <delia.garza@traviscountytx.gov>; david.escamilla@traviscountytx.gov <david.escamilla@traviscountytx.gov>; Dave Mahoney <dave.mahoney@traviscountytx.gov>; Mike Henderson <mike.henderson@traviscountytx.gov>; Daniel Evans <daniel.evans@traviscountytx.gov>; Dennis Bonnen <dennis.bonnen@speaker.texas.gov>; Texas Tribune Editor in Chief Evan Smith <esmith@texastribune.org>; Governor's Office of Texas Open Records Administrator <publicrecords@governor.state.tx.us>; Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick <dan.patrick@ltgov.texas.gov>; press@txdemocrats.org <press@txdemocrats.org>; Fbinaa Info <info@fbinaa.org>; Rape Abuse and Incest National Network <info@rainn.org>; Office for Victims of Crime U.S. DOJ <itverp@usdoj.gov>; Texas Department of Health and Human Services Ombudsman <contact@hhsc.state.tx.us>; AMA Council on Science and Public Health <csaph@ama-assn.org>; Ombudsman Texas Dept. of State Health Services <customer.service@dshs.state.tx.us>; Civil Rights Office Texas Health Human Services Commission <hhscivilrightsoffice@hhsc.state.tx.us>; Center for Science In the Public Interest <cspi@cspinet.org>; TXGov Child Sex Trafficking Team 2020 <cstt@gov.texas.gov>; Humantrafficking <humantrafficking@oag.texas.gov>; Rep. Sheryl Cole 2019 CentralTX <sheryl.cole@house.texas.gov>; ABA Commission on Disability 2020 <amy.allbright@americanbar.org>; Austin Board of Realtors-Govt. Relations <government@abor.com>; Austin Apartment Association 2020 <info@austinaptassoc.com>; letters@washpost.com <letters@washpost.com>; Steven Rich <steven.rich@washpost.com>; Criminal Justice Journalists Board Member Rashbaum <rashbaum@nytimes.com>; The New York Times <editorial@nytimes.com>; CBS News '60 Minutes' Editors and Reporters <60m@cbsnews.com>; NYT News Tips <nytnews@nytimes.com>; mdowd@nytimes.com <mdowd@nytimes.com>; Hernandez Sally [TCSO] <sally.hernandez@traviscountytx.gov>; Darla Dixon <darla.dixon@tcole.texas.gov>; Commissioner Jeffrey Travillion 2019 <jeffrey.travillion@traviscountytx.gov>; Austin Crime Commission 2020 <info@austincrime.org>; Crime Victims' Institute2020 Sam Htn State U <crimevictims@shsu.edu>; Texas Rangers 2015 <rangers@dps.texas.gov>; CID <cid@cpa.texas.gov>; andy.brown@traviscountytx.gov <andy.brown@traviscountytx.gov>; david.maxwell@texasattorneygeneral.gov <david.maxwell@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; Angela Paxton <angela.paxton@senate.texas.gov>; Texas Association Against Sexual Assault Atty Kaiser 2016 <ckaiser@taasa.org>; public.information@texasattorneygeneral.gov <public.information@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; charles.wood@texasattorneygeneral.gov <charles.wood@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; Andrew Murr <andrew.murr@house.texas.gov>; jon.rosenthal@house.texas.gov <jon.rosenthal@house.texas.gov>; jeff.leach@house.texas.gov <jeff.leach@house.texas.gov>; victoria.neave@house.texas.gov <victoria.neave@house.texas.gov>; sherri.fleming@traviscountytx.gov <sherri.fleming@traviscountytx.gov>; Austin Chronicle Editors <mail@austinchronicle.com>; Houston Chronicle Letters to the Editor <viewpoints@chron.com>; kpwatson@uh.edu <kpwatson@uh.edu>; KEYE CBS News Austin 2017 <news@cbsaustin.com>; KXAN TV News Investigations <reportit@kxan.com>; NBC Nightly News Headqrtrs 2016 <contact.nbcnews@nbcuni.com>; KLRU <info@klru.org>; Nydems Info <info@nydems.org>; chair@dcdemocraticparty.org <chair@dcdemocraticparty.org>; communications@dcdemocraticparty.org <communications@dcdemocraticparty.org>; DFPS Office Of Consumer Relations <ocr@dfps.state.tx.us>; executivedirector@dcdemocraticparty.org <executivedirector@dcdemocraticparty.org>; vicechair@dcdemocraticparty.org <vicechair@dcdemocraticparty.org>; carol@dallasdemocrats.org <carol@dallasdemocrats.org>; trey@dallasdemocrats.org <trey@dallasdemocrats.org>; United States Senate <webmaster@cornyn.senate.gov>; Office Dallas (Cornyn) <dallas_office@cornyn.senate.gov>; kate_moriarty@cornyn.senate.gov <kate_moriarty@cornyn.senate.gov>; central_texas@cruz.senate.gov <central_texas@cruz.senate.gov>; cruz_press@cruz.senate.gov <cruz_press@cruz.senate.gov>; Texas Apartment Association <communications@taa.org>; Texas Tenants' Union <txtenants@gmail.com>; Texas Tenants Union <texastenantsunion@yahoo.com>; alumnimembership@umn.edu <alumnimembership@umn.edu>; U.S. Department of Homeland Security <private.sector@dhs.gov>; U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Devlpt (TX regional office) <tx_webmanager@hud.gov>; FAIRHOUSING CRT (CRT) <fairhousing@usdoj.gov>; Joyful Heart Foundation for Rape Victims <info@joyfulheartfoundation.org>; Texas Observer Editors <editors@texasobserver.org>; scott.oneill@nypd.org <scott.oneill@nypd.org>; Miami Herald Letters to Editor <heralded@miamiherald.com>; Austin Mayor Steve Adler <steve.adler@austintexas.gov>; District 4 <district4@austintexas.gov>; Jason Laduque <jason.laduque@austintexas.gov>; issa.kafena@austintexas.gov <issa.kafena@austintexas.gov>; lawrence.davis@austintexas.gov <lawrence.davis@austintexas.gov>; ashley.mello@yale.edu <ashley.mello@yale.edu>; bchasnoff@express-news.com <bchasnoff@express-news.com>; tsteele@dallasnews.com <tsteele@dallasnews.com>; DMN Austin Bureau Reporter Robert Garrett <rtgarrett@dallasnews.com>; TRA General Counsel Kenneth Besserman <kbesserman@tramail.org>; info@rfmaonline.com <info@rfmaonline.com>; info@cadem.org <info@cadem.org>; p139@traviscountydemocrats.org <p139@traviscountydemocrats.org>; ssragona@gmail.com <ssragona@gmail.com>; hrls@law.uchicago.edu <hrls@law.uchicago.edu>; editor@hpronline.org <editor@hpronline.org>; ruben.espinoza@austintexas.gov <ruben.espinoza@austintexas.gov>; brandon.lee@austintexas.gov <brandon.lee@austintexas.gov>; chair@dfl.org <chair@dfl.org>; bevans@dfl.org <bevans@dfl.org>; District 7 <district7@austintexas.gov>; Austin City Council Member Ann Kitchen 2016 <district5@austintexas.gov>; Gina Hinojosa <gina.hinojosa@house.texas.gov>; StateRep.DonnaHoward <donna.howard@house.texas.gov>; Rep. John Bucy 2019CentralTX <john.bucy@house.texas.gov>; Rep. Erin Zwiener 2019CentralTX <erin.zwiener@house.texas.gov>; State Senator Joan Huffman <joan.huffman@senate.texas.gov>; State Senator Eddie Lucio D-Brownsville <eddie.lucio@senate.texas.gov>; carol.alvarado@senate.texas.gov <carol.alvarado@senate.texas.gov>; Robert Nichols <robert.nichols@senate.texas.gov>; webmaster@sao.state.tx.us <webmaster@sao.state.tx.us>; secretary@sos.state.tx.us <secretary@sos.state.tx.us>; letters@economist.com <letters@economist.com>; release@bloomberg.net <release@bloomberg.net>; hrp@law.harvard.edu <hrp@law.harvard.edu>; humanrts@umn.edu <humanrts@umn.edu>; U.S. Dept of Commerce Civil Rights Div Officials <webmaster@doc.gov>; Travis County Commissioner Brigid Shea <brigid.shea@traviscountytx.gov>; bill.zedler@house.texas.gov <bill.zedler@house.texas.gov>; Nicole D. Collier <nicole.collier@house.texas.gov>; Senator John Whitmire <john.whitmire@senate.texas.gov>; Dwayne Bohac <dwayne.bohac@house.texas.gov>; texaspolitics@mail.laits.utexas.edu <texaspolitics@mail.laits.utexas.edu>; U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett 2015 <lloyd.doggett@mail.house.gov>; jra@rice.edu <jra@rice.edu>; National Crime Victim Law Institute Lewis & Clark Law School Portland Oregon <ncvli@lclark.edu>; editor@newsday.com <editor@newsday.com>; newstips@latimes.com <newstips@latimes.com>; letters@seattletimes.com <letters@seattletimes.com>; Debbie Hiott <dhiott@kut.org>; news@dailytexanonline.com <news@dailytexanonline.com>
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020, 01:47:21 AM CST
December 7, 2020
Dear Texas Senate District 14 Democratic Party-affiliated State Senator Sarah Eckhardt of Austin,
Thank you again for an e-mail reply letter your legislative office sent me earlier this year in response to a letter of mine that referred to alleged possible obstruction of justice in Austin, Texas, in a context allegedly victimizing me for which I had tentatively indicated that U.S. President Donald Trump, a Republican, might possibly or allegedly be held blameworthy.
I was reminded tonight to check my e-mail records of the e-mail letters I sent to the Trump White House---a total of 144 e-mails I sent to the Trump White House during the period from February 2017 until July 2018.
That correspondence from me ended abruptly with an apparent automatic-message reply letter I received in July 2018 which indicated that my e-mails were no longer being accepted by President Trump's White House in Washington, D.C., at that cited official e-mail address.
Please note that the e-mail address for Mr. Trump's White House that I frequently used in 2017 and 2018 was: "whitehousefellows@whf.eop.gov".
Immediately below is the subject heading and reply note on the most recent e-mail letter I sent to the Trump White House that apparently triggered a surprising automatic-message rejection of myself on July 11, 2018, on behalf of the White House in our nation's capital:
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: MAILER-DAEMON@yahoo.com <mailer-daemon@yahoo.com>
To: "mcmillanj@att.net" <mcmillanj@att.net>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 11:25:13 PM CDT
Subject: Failure Notice
Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.
550: #5.1.0 Address rejected
Message-ID: <310499626.3157226.1531369496937@mail.yahoo.com>
I routinely sent carbon-copies of noteworthy e-mails of mine, including criminal-law complaints of mine about my being victimized by alleged criminal activities during my sleeping hours as I lay alone on my own bed inside my locked apartment unit, to the cited "White House Fellows" internship program at the White House.
I used that specific e-mail address because that program provided me online with the only e-mail address at the White House I had been able to find online on my personal computer inside my apartment unit during the Trump Administration years.
I did later send numerous courtesy carbon-copies of e-mail letters of mine to an official of President Trump's re-election-bid political campaign, in the hope of eliciting a written response from his campaign.
That Trump political campaign e-mail address, which I had obtained online at a campaign website for President Trump, was: "contact@trumpresources.com". I did not receive any rejection letter from the Trump campaign on any of those e-mails. I received only one total note from that e-mail address, an apparently unsolicited e-mail to me that I opened and reviewed this morning for the first time ever:
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Thomas <contact@trumpresources.com>
To: "mcmillanj@att.net" <mcmillanj@att.net>
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2016, 03:22:25 PM CDT
Subject: Pre-owned cars available
If you are having trouble viewing this email, click here.
It is Friday! Things are off to a great start so far!
Before the weeking gets started I wanterd to show you this.
Some cool new information has recently appeared on the
internet that might help you, so I thought I would send it
your way.
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the comfort of your home.
If you wanted to take a quick look and see if this can help
you pick out a-car.
Chose from many differentBrands,and Styles.
Hope this helped!
If you wish to unsubscribe go here
This email was sent to mcmillanj@att.net by contact@trumpresources.com
7580 NW 5th St., #15316,
Plantation FL 33318
Edit Profile | Manage Subscriptions | Report Spam

Senator Eckhardt, I hope this factual information is helpful to you in your influential role as a nobly law-enforcement-minded State Senator for District 14 who apparently yourself opposes any noteworthy cases you ever learn about of alleged possible obstruction of justice allegedly occurring in Travis County or Bastrop County---the two Central Texas counties you directly represent in the Texas Senate.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, a dependably civil and law-abiding, law-enforcement-minded, gainfully-employed, permanently-drinking-alcohol-free (ever since 1990), permanently-marijuana-free (ever since 1984) and anti-marijuana-minded, lifelong-tobacco-free and anti-tobacco-minded, lifelong-tattoo-less and anti-tattoo-minded, consistently clean-talking (no profanity by me in my everyday communications with others), platonicly polite, single adult male Anglo English-Scottish-German-American and 63-year-old registered voter and friendly constituent of yours in Austin.
My solo-occupancy efficiency-apartment-unit rental-home address ever since June 21, 2019:
Pebble Creek Apartments (a Belco Equities-affiliated large gated-community complex in regard to which the area manager who supervises this complex, Cecil Domel, a realtor whose headquarters office is situated at 505 East Huntland Drive here in Austin (cited office phone number 512-454-6200), sent me an e-mail reply letter (directly below) in February 2020 which stated that for "privacy" reasons, Mr. Domel and his management team are not willing to provide me with the name of the current owner of the current apartment unit and current multi-unit apartment building where I myself currently live), 8805 North Plaza Drive, Building 17, Apartment 2418, Austin, TX 78753.
My home phone: (512) 342-2295.
My cell phone: (512) 993-7305.
My Blog: http://www.johnkevinmcmillan.blogspot.com
The polite e-mail reply letter (highlighted by italics that I inserted today) I received from Mr. Cecil Domel on February 20, 2020, along with the letter of inquiry from me (also highlighted by italics that I inserted today) that prompted Mr. Domel's polite reply:
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Cecil Domel <cecil@belcoequities.com>
To: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
Cc: Juan Acosta <Manager@pebblecreekapartments.net>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020, 02:05:59 PM CST
Subject: RE: 2-20-20 request for contact information for owner
Hi John,
I am sorry but our privacy policy will not allow us to give you the information you are requesting. You are more than welcome to ask the office to put in a work order so can investigate any possible entrances into your apartment.
From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020 1:04 PM
To: Cecil Domel <Cecil@Belcoequities.com>; Juan Acosta <Manager@pebblecreekapartments.net>
Subject: 2-20-20 request for contact information for owner
February 20, 2020
Dear Cecil,
Juan Acosta, the polite general manager here at Pebble Creek Apartments, has informed me on the telephone today (during a phone call he made to my landline phone number of (512) 342-2295, at about 12:42 p.m.) that I may write to you directly in order to obtain from you the contact information I need for the owner of my rental-apartment unit, Apartment 2418.
I might also add at this time that I will also need contact information from you for the owner of Building 17, the multi-unit apartment building in which I am currently residing as an official rent-paying tenant and only approved occupant inside my current solo-occupancy efficiency apartment unit.
Juan Acosta mentioned to me today that you are his immediate supervisor, and you are the appropriate person for me to send an e-mail to in order to myself obtain contact information for the owner of my apartment unit, Juan indicated.
I plan to inform the owner of my apartment unit, and the owner of Building 17 or the owner of any unit in Building 17 that abuts my own unit, for that matter, that I have some security concerns relating to my current apartment unit.
I also plan to ask the owner whether he or she or they are aware of any possible point of entry into my apartment unit other than my front door, my sliding glass door, and the window that leads into my kitchen.
I always keep all of the three total management-team-cited possible points of entry into my current rental unit bolt-locked (if applicable) or locked and fully secured at all times.
Thank you in advance, Cecil, for your helpful reply letter to me on this.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, the only official rent-paying tenant ever since June 21, 2019, in Apartment 2418 at Pebble Creek Apartments, 8805 North Plaza Drive, in north Austin. I am on a 12-month, management-team-approved and signed lease agreement for my efficiency apartment unit.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
Cell phone: (512) 993-7305.
John Kevin McMillan
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
To: Casework Mccaul <mccaul.casework@mail.house.gov>; Amanda Foster <amanda.foster@house.texas.gov>; Gina Hinojosa <gina.hinojosa@house.texas.gov>; margaret.moore@traviscountytx.gov <margaret.moore@traviscountytx.gov>; Dayna Blazey <dayna.blazey@traviscountytx.gov>; CountyAttorneyDavidEscamilla <david.escamilla@traviscountytx.gov>; Texas Rangers Division of DPS <rangers@dps.texas.gov>; Travis County Judge Sarah Eckhardt <sarah.eckhardt@traviscountytx.gov>; Governor's Office of Texas Open Records Administrator <publicrecords@governor.state.tx.us>; FBI Dallas Bureau <fbi.dallas@ic.fbi.gov>; Kirk Watson <kirk.watson@senate.texas.gov>; Public Information <public.information@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; Tamara Smith <tamara.smith@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; Civil Rights Office Texas Health Human Services Commission <hhscivilrightsoffice@hhsc.state.tx.us>; sally.hernandez@traviscountytx.gov <sally.hernandez@traviscountytx.gov>; Austin Mayor Steve Adler <steve.adler@austintexas.gov>; Gerald Daugherty <gerald.daugherty@traviscountytx.gov>; U.S. Department of Homeland Security <private.sector@dhs.gov>; Austin City Council Member Delia Garza (2015) <delia.garza@austintexas.gov>; Office for Victims of Crime (U.S. DOJ) <itverp@usdoj.gov>; rocky.reeves@austintexas.gov <rocky.reeves@austintexas.gov>; christopher.gaines@austintexas.gov <christopher.gaines@austintexas.gov>; District 8 <district8@austintexas.gov>; City of Austin Interim City Attorney Anne Morgan <anne.morgan@austintexas.gov>; Texas DPS Office of General Counsel <ogc.webmaster@dps.texas.gov>; Christian Hawley <chawley@stmattsaustin.org>; APD Officer James Turner <james.turner@austintexas.gov>; Joyful Heart Foundation for Rape Victims <info@joyfulheartfoundation.org>; Texas Legal legal-aid service (2015) <members@texaslegal.org>; David Maxwell <david.maxwell@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; Texasadvocacyproject Info <info@texasadvocacyproject.org>; National Crime Victim Law Institute (Lewis & Clark Law School Portland Oregon) <ncvli@lclark.edu>; Leslie DeGraffenried <degraffenriedls@state.gov>; StateRep.DonnaHoward <donna.howard@house.texas.gov>; district9@austintexas.gov <district9@austintexas.gov>; State Comptroller Criminal Investigations Division Chief Martin Cano <cid@cpa.state.tx.us>; Outback Asst Mgr Nick Burton <nickburtonoutb@yahoo.com>; statesman <news@statesman.com>; Austin Chronicle Editors <mail@austinchronicle.com>; Sona Nast <sonanast@sbcglobal.net>; State Rep. Eddie Rodriguez (Austin area) <eddie.rodriguez@house.texas.gov>; Aurelio Contreras <aurelioc2007@hotmail.com>; Trevor Glynn <trevorglynn@gmail.com>; Unknown National <national@nytimes.com>; DMN Austin Bureau Reporter Robert Garrett <rtgarrett@dallasnews.com>; ACLU <info@aclutx.org>; Williamson County (TX) Attorney (2016) <pvasquez@wilco.org>; ACLU of Texas <acluinfo@aclutx.org>; spencer.cronk@austintexas.gov <spencer.cronk@austintexas.gov>; Austin City Council Member Ann Kitchen (2016) <district5@austintexas.gov>; CBS News '60 Minutes' Editors and Reporters <60m@cbsnews.com>; CNN.Viewer.Communications.Management <cnn.viewer.communications.management@cnn.com>; Dawnna Dukes <dawnna.dukes@house.texas.gov>; Harvard Kennedy School Carr Center for Human Rights Policy <carr_center@hks.harvard.edu>; zpatton@governing.com <zpatton@governing.com>; edaigneau@governing.com <edaigneau@governing.com>; aehrenhalt@governing.com <aehrenhalt@governing.com>; Travis County Sheriff Law Enforcement Assoc. (2016) <admin@tcslea.org>; Travis County Intergovernmental Relations Coordinator Eckstein <deece.eckstein@traviscountytx.gov>; Human Rights Law Society (U of Chicago) <hrls@law.uchicago.edu>; KXAN TV News Investigations <reportit@kxan.com>; Bruce Garrison <bgarrison@metlife.com>; Dailytexanonline News <news@dailytexanonline.com>; Houston Chronicle Letters To the Editor <viewpoints@chron.com>; Texas Association Against Sexual Assault Atty Kaiser 2016 <ckaiser@taasa.org>; Rainn Info <info@rainn.org>; Texas Observer Editors <editors@texasobserver.org>; Federal Law Enf. Officers Assn <fleoa@fleoa.org>; Travis County Commissioner Brigid Shea <brigid.shea@traviscountytx.gov>; Liz Laurence <lalaurence@gmail.com>; Senator Kirk Watson Constituent Services Rep. Walcott (2016) <keysha.walcott@senate.texas.gov>; Leander Police Chief Minton <gminton@leandertx.gov>; Cedar Park (TX) Police (2016) <police2@cedarparktexas.gov>; Sunset Valley Police Dept. Lt. Richard Andreucci <randreucci@sunsetvalley.org>; Notre Dame Univ. Center for Civil and Human Rights <cchr@nd.edu>; Harvard Law School Human Rights Program (2016) <hrp@law.harvard.edu>; thomas@stmaustin.org <thomas@stmaustin.org>; zachandalex17@gmail.com <zachandalex17@gmail.com>; Steven Rich <steven.rich@washpost.com>; Austin City Auditor QA Coordinator (2016) <olga.ovcharenko@austintexas.gov>; CBS News Story Ideas Editors <evening@cbsnews.com>; Houston Police Dept (2015) <public.affairs@houstonpolice.org>; isonx001@umn.edu <isonx001@umn.edu>; Kami (Denny's Lakeline Manager) <kamiland69@gmail.com>; White House Fellows Program 2017 <whitehousefellows@whf.eop.gov>; U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Devlpt (TX regional office) <tx_webmanager@hud.gov>; U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (2015) <lloyd.doggett@mail.house.gov>; Jennifer A. DeCamp <jdecamp@mitre.org>; Texas Tribune Editor In Chief Evan Smith <esmith@texastribune.org>; Austin Regional Crime and Terrorism Intelligence Center <aric@austintexas.gov>; Letters To the Editor <letters@express-news.net>; Oig Hhs Webmaster <webmaster@oig.hhs.gov>; Sao State Tx Webmaster <webmaster@sao.state.tx.us>; Dawn Buckingham <dawn.buckingham@senate.texas.gov>; Charles Schwertner <charles.schwertner@senate.texas.gov>; State Senator Eddie Lucio (D-Brownsville) <eddie.lucio@house.texas.gov>; Debbie Bolton <irishdabo@yahoo.com>; Texas Dept. of Public Safety Officers Assn. President <president@dpsoa.com>; Texas Dept. of Public Safety Officers Assn. Director <director@dpsoa.com>; Crime Report Ed. Stephen Handelman (2016) <shandelman@jjay.cuny.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 11:24:56 PM CDT
A respectful FYI to each of you on all of this, from John Kevin McMillan of Austin City Council District 10 (a geographical district of Austin for which my duly-elected current official District 10 representative on the Austin City Council representative, Dr. Alison Alter, herself a District 10 resident and very distinguished member of the "Congregation Beth Israel" Reform-Judaism religious group in central Austin, has reportedly prohibited me ever since March 9, 2017, from ever again directly contacting either Council Member Alter or any of her municipal-government staff members, or her UT-Austin LBJ School of Public Affairs and History Department Professor husband, Dr. Jeremi Suri, about any subject or issue or concern of any type.
My own current home address as a law-abiding, gainfully-employed, permanently-drinking-alcohol-free, single adult male constituent of Council Member Alter, is: Village Oaks Apartments, 10926 Jollyville Road, Building 16, Apartment 1609, Austin, Texas, 78759.
My home phone number: (512) 342-2295.
"Texas Health and Human Services
"Texas Health and Human Services Commission
"July 11, 2018
"Via Email: mcmillanj@att.net
"Mr. John McMillan
"Re: McMillan OR-20171218-14147
"Dear Mr. McMillan:
"On July 5, 2018, I received the enclosed letter from Ms. Smith of the Office of Attorney General.
"In response to the letter from Ms. Smith, the Office of the Ombudsman for Health and Human Services has located over 160 assignments and 2 call recordings associated with Mr. John McMillan to be responsive to this open records request.
"We have determined it will take 41 hours to comply with your request for public information. This charge is for compiling the responsive documentation to your open records request.
"The cost for fulfilling your request $738.00...."
"Cecilia Lynch
"Open Records
"cc: Tamara R. Smith
"Assistant Attorney General"
On Monday, December 18, 2017 2:37 AM, John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net> wrote:
To: Open Records Coordinator,
Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) state agency,
4900 North Lamar Boulevard,
Austin, TX 78751-2316
FAX: 512-424-6586
Main phone number for your state agency in Austin: (512) 424-6500.
December 18, 2017
Dear HHSC state agency Open Records Coordinator in Austin,
This is a Texas Open Records request in which I seek to obtain from your state government agency a copy of any and all written communications, including memoranda and records and written findings and letters and e-mail communications, and any and all telephone records, that were each generated or written or received or sent or forwarded or FAXed or mailed by your state agency's Office of the Ombudsman at any time since April 17, 2011, and that, in each and every such case, refers or refer at least once in any manner to myself, John Kevin McMillan, a rent-paying official apartment tenant in northwest Austin.
Among the questions in response to which I hope to obtain factual information from your state agency are:
--Does your state agency have any record of any "home medical services provider" or "home health-care services" provider that has had, or has claimed to have, a "professional services relationship" of any type with myself?
---Is there any evidence that I myself have been subjected to any "medical services" during my sleeping hours (with myself unconscious at the time) inside any of my rental apartment units that were and are, in fact, medically harmful to me?
--Is there any evidence that I myself have been subjected against my wishes to nasal inhalants and oral inhalants and liquids poured into my mouth and noise pollution inflicted on my eardrums during periods when I was and am, in fact, sleeping alone on my own bed inside my locked rental-apartment unit in northwest Austin?
--Is there any evidence that any "medical services provider" operating in Texas has ever allegedly or possibly subjected me during my sleep to "sleep-interruption-infliction services" and "sleep-deprivation-infliction-services" that I very definitely DO NOT WANT and HAVE NOT AUTHORIZED?
---Has any employee of any state agency in Texas or any State of Texas-sponsored institution allegedly or possibly violated my own privacy rights inside ANY of my rental apartment units in Austin, Texas, or in any context outside of my rental apartment units?
My legal name is John Kevin McMillan. I was born on April 27, 1957, at Lincoln, Nebraska.
I have resided in Austin proper in this capital city of Texas on a continuous and uninterrupted basis ever since mid-March 1997.
I am a gainfully employed, psychologically healthy, dependably civil and law-abiding and honest and law-enforcement-minded and vigilant, fully ambulatory, disease-free, single-by-choice, longtime-celibate-by-choice, permanently drinking-alcohol-free, lifelong-tobacco-free, permanently illicit-drug-free, facially-cleanshaven, consistently clean-talking (no profanity by me in my everyday conversations with others), non-sadomasochistic and anti-S&M-minded, jewelry-less, and lifelong-tattoo-less Anglo gentleman of English, Scottish, and German ancestry.
I am also the founder and only approved member of a new and non-Christian fully-independent religion, the Progressive Prohibitionist Religion, that has very stringent membership-eligibility requirements. My one-member Progressive Prohibitionist Religion opposes anonymous communications violating the privacy rights of the recipient of those communications; opposes fraudulent or injurious or harmful "medical" services; opposes fraudulent or deliberately false or slanderous or libelous "information services" or "communications services"; opposes verbal harassment involving profanity; opposes verbalization of death threats; opposes thought-control projects; opposes personal-injury-crimes; opposes sex crimes; opposes sexual harassment; opposes home-invasion crimes; opposes the felony crime of stalking; and opposes medically-injurious continuous noise pollution.
Throughout the entire period ever since April 17, 2011, I have maintained the same e-mail address and home phone number for myself of "mcmillanj@att.net" and (512) 342-2295, respectively.
During the brief period from July 29, 2015, through late September 2015, when I resided in a room of my own at a Crossland Economy Studios rental-housing facility in far northwest Austin as a rent-paying official apartment-unit tenant, I also cited a home phone number for myself at that Extended Stay America facility of (512) 331-4747.
In the period ever since April 17, 2011, I have resided at the following respective addresses:
Wind River Crossing Apartments, 11411 Research Boulevard, Apt. 325, Austin, TX 78759;
Crossland Economy Studios, 12621 Hymeadow Road, Apt. 133, Austin, TX 78729;
Village Oaks Apartments, 10926 Jollyville Road, Building 9, Apartment 902, Austin, TX 78759;
and, most recently, Village Oaks Apartments, 10926 Jollyville Road, Building 16, Apartment 1609, Austin, TX 78759.
Included in the scope of this public-information request is the reply e-mail note (below, please see entire text of that note) that an official of your Office of the Ombudsman, Ms. Hester Brown-Hempel, wrote and sent to me on November 27, 2017.
That November 27 reply note from Ms. Brown-Hempel of your state agency directly stated to me, and I quote:
"Your request has been forwarded to a complaint resolution specialist for further consideration and response. An Ombudsman staff member will contact you when the issue has been resolved or if further information is needed.
"The tracking number to your question is A11272017.0130053."
To this day, I myself have not received any reply note from any official of your state agency that clearly states to me in writing which specific issue that I had myself apparently previously cited to your government agency in 2017 was the issue to which Ms. Brown-Hempel referred in her November 27 reply note to me.
I hope to hear from you soon in response to this public-information request from myself.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan.
My apartment unit address ever since September 5, 2017:
Village Oaks Apartments, 10926 Jollyville Road, Building 16, Apartment 1609, Austin, TX 78759.
My home phone: (512) 342-2295.
My blog: John Kevin McMillan: A 21st Century Conservative Left-Wing Agenda
A postscript note:
Below, please find the full text of very recent e-mail correspondence with your state agency's Office of the Ombudsman:
On Tuesday, November 28, 2017 9:35 PM, John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net> wrote:
To: Ms. Hester Brown-Hempel in the Office of the Ombudsman for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission state agency,
Thank you for your brief reply note (below) today in regard to a cited "question" that I had myself posed to or shared with your state agency----a question from myself that, as you politely informed me in your previous e-mail reply letter (below) to me on Monday (November 27), had been referred to a "complaint resolution specialist" in your government agency, you stated in writing.
Ms. Brown-Hempel, I would like to respectfully mention that your reply note to me today did not indicate to me which specific question that I had either shared with or posed to your state agency is the question to which your State Government of Texas agency referred in your November 27, 2017,
e-mail reply note (below) to me.
For instance, is the cited question from me that prompted your Nov. 27 reply e-mail note to me the following question I posed in a November 23, 2017,
e-mail letter of mine that I had carbon-copied to your commission, and I quote directly from portions of that letter I wrote:
"John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
"customer.service@dshs.texas.gov Gina Hinojosa Amanda FosterTravis County Judge "Sarah Eckhardt Gerald Daugherty and 61 more...
"Nov 23 at 2:21 AM
"Dear 'Texas Department of State Health Services' state agency officials in Austin,
"Does your State Government of Texas agency have legal authority over any and all home-health care providers or home-medical care providers that administer or offer medical services to an official tenant inside a rental apartment unit at an apartment complex anywhere in Texas?..."
Thank you in advance, Ms. Brown-Hempel, for your follow-up reply note to me which clarifies this issue.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan.
My current home address: Village Oaks Apartments, 10926 Jollyville Road, Building 16, Apt. 1609, Austin, TX 78759,
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
On Tuesday, November 28, 2017 8:04 AM, HHSC Contact <Contact@hhsc.state.tx.us> wrote:
I do apologize for misspelling your name.
Hester Brown-Hempel
HHSC/Office of the Ombudsman
Ombudsman I- Hotline Unit
Fax 1-188-780-8099
From: John McMillan
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2017 11:22 PM
To: HHSC Contact <Contact@hhsc.state.tx.us>; Public Information <public.information@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; Governor's Office of Texas Open Records Administrator <publicrecords@governor.state.tx.us>; Texas Rangers Division of DPS <rangers@dps.texas.gov>; Texas DPS Office of General Counsel <ogc.webmaster@dps.texas.gov>; CountyAttorneyDavidEscamilla <david.escamilla@traviscountytx.gov>; Gerald Daugherty <gerald.daugherty@traviscountytx.gov>; Austin Mayor Steve Adler <steve.adler@austintexas.gov>; Gina Hinojosa <gina.hinojosa@house.texas.gov>; Travis County Judge Sarah Eckhardt <sarah.eckhardt@traviscountytx.gov>; Kirk Watson <kirk.watson@senate.texas.gov>; FBI Dallas Bureau <fbi.dallas@ic.fbi.gov>; Texas Legal legal-aid service (2015) <members@texaslegal.org>; U.S. Department of Homeland Security <private.sector@dhs.gov>; KXAN TV News Investigations <reportit@kxan.com>; State Comptroller Criminal Investigations Division Chief Martin Cano <cid@cpa.state.tx.us>; Christian Hawley <chawley@stmattsaustin.org>;
Office for Victims of Crime (U.S. DOJ) <itverp@usdoj.gov>; Unknown National <national@nytimes.com>; National Crime Victim Law Institute (Lewis & Clark Law School Portland Oregon) <ncvli@lclark.edu>; statesman <news@statesman.com>; Trevor Glynn <trevorglynn@gmail.com>; Sona Nast <sonanast@sbcglobal.net>; Joyful Heart Foundation for Rape Victims <info@joyfulheartfoundation.org>; Aurelio Contreras <aurelioc2007@hotmail.com>; Dailytexanonline News <news@dailytexanonline.com>; Senator Kirk Watson Constituent Services Rep. Walcott (2016) <keysha.walcott@senate.texas.gov>; Amanda Foster <amanda.foster@house.texas.gov>; doug.greco@house.texas.gov; sally.hernandez@traviscountytx.gov; Austin Chronicle Editors <mail@austinchronicle.com>; margaret.moore@traviscountytx.gov; Travis County Commissioner Brigid Shea <brigid.shea@traviscountytx.gov>; DMN Austin Bureau Reporter Robert Garrett <rtgarrett@dallasnews.com>; Outback Asst Mgr Nick Burton <nickburtonoutb@yahoo.com>; Texasadvocacyproject Info <info@texasadvocacyproject.org>; CBS News '60 Minutes' Editors and Reporters <60m@cbsnews.com>; Houston Chronicle Letters To the Editor <viewpoints@chron.com>; Kut News <news@kut.org>; WallStJournalNewstips <nywireroom@dowjones.com>; Austin City Council Member Delia Garza (2015) <delia.garza@austintexas.gov>; Leslie DeGraffenried <degraffenriedls@state.gov>; District 8 <district8@austintexas.gov>; Miami Herald Letters To Editor <heralded@miamiherald.com>; Notre Dame Univ. Center for Civil and Human Rights <cchr@nd.edu>; Harvard Kennedy School Carr Center for Human Rights Policy <carr_center@hks.harvard.edu>; White House Fellows Program 2017 <whitehousefellows@whf.eop.gov>; City of Austin Interim City Attorney Anne Morgan <anne.morgan@austintexas.gov>; Human Rights Law Society (U of Chicago) <hrls@law.uchicago.edu>; ACLU <info@aclutx.org>; Letters To the Editor <letters@express-news.net>; Center for Investigative Reporting <center@cironline.org>; Steven Rich <steven.rich@washpost.com>; Huffington Post Editors <scoop@huffingtonpost.com>; Texas Observer Editors <editors@texasobserver.org>; Williamson County (TX) Attorney (2016) <pvasquez@wilco.org>; CNN.Viewer.Communications.Management <cnn.viewer.communications.management@cnn.com>; Bruce Garrison <bgarrison@metlife.com>; Attorney General of Massachusetts <ago@state.ma.us>; CBS News Story Ideas Editors <evening@cbsnews.com>; Travis County Intergovernmental Relations Coordinator Eckstein <deece.eckstein@traviscountytx.gov>; Attorney Cousin Jack Dane <hjdane@hjdane.com>; ACC President Richard Rhodes <rrhodes@austincc.edu>; Debbie Bolton <irishdabo@yahoo.com>; Megan Curtis <meganmccall65@gmail.com>; zachandalex17@gmail.com; Bethany United Methodist Church Assoc Pastor Sheri Clifton <sheri.clifton@bethany-umc.org>; Annie Arnold Lancaster <aal@austin.rr.com>; Liz Laurence <lalaurence@gmail.com>; Harvard Law School Human Rights Program (2016) <hrp@law.harvard.edu>; David Maxwell <david.maxwell@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; HumanRightsWatchOfficials(D.C. Office) <hrwdc@hrw.org>; Dayna Blazey <dayna.blazey@traviscountytx.gov>; Texas Tribune Editor In Chief Evan Smith <esmith@texastribune.org>; DMN Editorial Page Editor Keven Ann Willey <kwilley@dallasnews.com>; Travis County Republican Party (2016) <michaelm.tcrp@gmail.com>; UT-Austin General Counsel Patricia Ohlendorf (2016) <vpla@austin.utexas.edu>; Yessenia (Denny's Lakeline) <yessy1360@yahoo.com>; In These Times (2016) <jessica@inthesetimes.com>; Travis County Sheriff Law Enforcement Assoc. (2016) <admin@tcslea.org>; Idaho Attorney General Victim Services (2016) <victimcoordinator@ag.idaho.gov>; Los Angeles Times <newstips@latimes.com>; Democratic National Committee <webmaster@democrats.org>; TRA General Counsel Kenneth Besserman <kbesserman@tramail.org>; Kami (Denny's Lakeline Manager) <kamiland69@gmail.com>; Dawnna Dukes <dawnna.dukes@house.texas.gov>; eddie.rodriguez@house.texas.gov; Dallas Morning News Austin Bureau Chief (2016) <bgrissom@dallasnews.com>; The Republican National Committee <info@gop.com>; Rainn Info <info@rainn.org>; StateRep.DonnaHoward <donna.howard@house.texas.gov>; TWC Ombudsman <ombudsman@twc.state.tx.us>; TWC General Counsel Paul Jones <paul.jones@twc.state.tx.us>; Lowell A. Keig <lowell.keig@twc.state.tx.us>; Texas Workforce Commission Open Records (2015) <open.records@twc.state.tx.us>; Eric Polak <ericpolak@gmail.com>; Federal Law Enf. Officers Assn <fleoa@fleoa.org>; Sao State Tx Webmaster <webmaster@sao.state.tx.us>; U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Devlpt (TX regional office) <tx_webmanager@hud.gov>; Oig Hhs Webmaster <webmaster@oig.hhs.gov>
Subject: Re: McMillian, John - Question- A11272017.0130053
Dear Distinguished and Very Influential Ombudsman for the "Texas Health and Human Services Commission" (HHSC) state agency,
Thank you for your reply note to me this morning in response to a cited question from myself contained in a recent e-mail I sent to your state agency.
I hope you won't mind my pointing out that the subject heading of your reply letter to me contained an incorrect spelling of my last name. The correct spelling of my last name is "McMillan".
Would you please clarify for me in writing the question of mine in regard to which your Ombudsman Office of the HHSC is preparing a written response, along with the cited date and time and subject heading of the applicable recent e-mail letter of mine that prompted your e-mail reply to me this morning?
Thank you in advance for your very helpful reply note to me on this.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan.
Home address: Village Oaks Apartments, 10926 Jollyville Road, Building 16, Apartment 1609, Austin, Texas 78759.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
My Blog: John Kevin McMillan: A 21st Century Conservative Left-Wing Agenda
John Kevin McMillan
On Monday, November 27, 2017 10:33 AM, HHSC Contact <Contact@hhsc.state.tx.us> wrote:
Mr. McMillan,
Thank you for your inquiry. This email is in response to the correspondence you submitted to the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Office of the Ombudsman.
Your request has been forwarded to a complaint resolution specialist for further consideration and response. An Ombudsman staff member will contact you when the issue has been resolved or if further information is needed.
The tracking number to your question is A11272017.0130053.
I hope this information is helpful.
If you have any questions or need additional information, you may contact our office at 1 877 787 8999 or visit us online at https://hhs.texas.gov/about-hhs/your-rights/office-ombudsman/ombudsman-contact-us.
Thank You,
Hester Brown-Hempel
HHSC/Office of the Ombudsman
Ombudsman I- Hotline Unit
Fax 1-188-780-8099
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