Wednesday, July 15, 2020


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: John McMillan
To: Austin American-Statesman Managing Editor John Bridges ; NYT News Tips ; Criminal Justice Journalists Board Member Rashbaum ; ; ; Grande Communications ; Center for Science In the Public Interest ; Reader's Digest ; AARP
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:24:23 AM CDT
Subject: 7-15-20 Note to Mr. Bridges at 'Statesman': question for you from new subscriber

July 15, 2020
Dear Mr. Bridges,
Thank you for inviting me to send you carbon-copies of public-policy-related letters of mine that might suggest a possible story idea or editorial-column idea for your daily newspaper. 
I am a former full-time reporter for Gannett in Florida, and I read recently that Gannett now owns your daily newspaper.
Early this morning I registered as an online subscriber to "The Austin American-Statesman". 
I did that based on the understanding that you and your staff and your Gannett media company strongly support my legal right to sleep alone on my own bed inside my current always-fully-bolt-locked-and-fully-locked efficiency apartment unit, without any other human being, or any beast, for that matter, ever being physically present anywhere inside my apartment unit at any time during my sleeping hours at nighttime.

I am a single adult gainfully-employed white Anglo-Saxon gentleman, and I always sleep alone on my own bed. I am a longtime celibate-by-choice gentleman of English, Scottish, and German ancestry.

Please let me know as soon as possible if for any reason you and your staff do not strongly support the above-cited legal right for me. That information from you would then prompt me to immediately and in a civil and law-abiding and polite manner cancel my subscription to your influential daily newspaper in Austin.

I might add, Mr. Bridges, that if you yourself ever learn about ANY media company that does not support my legal rights in the above-cited context, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can lawfully exclude that media company from my own life and living conditions.

I am making this request for information from you partly because one magazine editor, John Broders, then the story-assignments editor for "Texas Monthly" magazine, volunteered to me on the telephone in 2001 or 2000 that "There may be an unethical media company harassing you (John Kevin McMillan) in Austin these days."  Neither Mr. Broders nor anyone else whom I have spoken with or written to has ever directly identified to me by name any media company whom that individual suspected of being "unethical" in their conduct toward me.

Incidentally, the other media companies or media-services providers I have  a relationship with at present are "Reader's Digest", "Nutrition Action", AT&T (through my cell phone service), AARP (through the AARP magazine I receive), and Grande Communications of San Marcos, Texas. Grande holds an exclusive media-services contract for tenants residing at my current apartment complex, Pebble Creek Apartments in north Austin. For that reason, I am currently required to obtain my internet service and landline home-phone service and cable-television service through Grande Communications.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, current "Austin American-Statesman" subscriber. I am also the President and the only current approved member of the non-Christian and non-proselytizing "Progressive Prohibitionist Religion"---a new religion with very stringent membership-eligibility requirements.
My home address ever since June 21, 2019:
Pebble Creek Apartments, 8805 North Plaza Drive, Apt. 2418, Bldg. 17, Austin, TX 78753.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
Cell phone: (512) 993-7305.

with a courtesy carbon-copy to "The New York Times", a globally-influential daily newspaper in New York City, New York, that also presumably supports my own legal right to sleep alone on my own bed inside my fully-locked solo-occupancy current efficiency apartment unit in Austin, without any other human being---or any beast, for that matter---ever being physically present anywhere inside my apartment unit at any time during my sleeping hours at nighttime. If this is not a fully accurate statement in regard to "New York Times" editors and staff members, I would appreciate it if "The New York Times" would let me know as soon as possible.

John Kevin McMillan

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