Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Do You Know Your Child's School Psychologist? Through a Telecommunications Strategy, He Could Help Reduce Your Child's Suicide Risk During COVID-19 Crisis.

Some key paragraphs from this webpage at the official website of the "National Association of School Psychologists":
"If you are currently dealing with a suicidal child or adolescent(,) consider contacting the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK or the Crisis Text Line, which can be reached by texting 'HOME' to 741741. If you think a youth is at immediate risk of suicide, call 911 immediately for help. Ensure the entire school community is aware of these suicide prevention resources.

"There are good reasons to believe that a global pandemic will influence (trigger an increased) suicide risk (in school-age young persons). Specifically, the need for physical distancing may increase a sense of social isolation. Uncertainty about the circumstances of the pandemic may generate fear and worry about the future. Further, its effects on the ability to work and bring home paychecks will likely increase economic distress within families. Lack of consistency in routines or structure in the day may heighten feelings of being out of control and unable to cope. Combined, these factors will likely affect the severity of pre-existing anxiety and depression, lead to more alcohol and substance abuse, and increase domestic violence.
"Given these observations, the need for school psychologists to continue to offer comprehensive suicide prevention is clear. However, doing so when youth are not attending brick and mortar schools requires knowledge of a range of telecommunication options, basic telehealth competence, and an appreciation of the unique challenges and opportunities of telehealth. This document begins to provide such guidance as well as recommended suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention strategies."

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