To: John McMillan
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 04:14:46 PM CST
Subject: Response from Rep. Dennis Bonnen
**This is an auto-reply**
Dear Fellow Texan --
I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to contact me. Your input is invaluable to me as I work to represent your interests at our State Capitol.
If your email is urgent and requires immediate attention, please contact my Capitol office at 512-463-1000. For those of you residing in House District 25 (Matagorda County and southern Brazoria County), I encourage you to call my district line: 512-463-0564 (Austin) or 979-848-1770 (Angleton).
It is an honor and privilege to serve you.
Dennis Bonnen
Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives
State Representative - District 25
If your email is urgent and requires immediate attention, please contact my Capitol office at 512-463-1000. For those of you residing in House District 25 (Matagorda County and southern Brazoria County), I encourage you to call my district line: 512-463-0564 (Austin) or 979-848-1770 (Angleton).
It is an honor and privilege to serve you.
Dennis Bonnen
Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives
State Representative - District 25
From: John McMillan
To: Rep. Sheryl Cole (2019 CentralTX); The Economist ; The Progressive Magazine ; ; ; Mncasa Info ; Minnesota Center Against Sexual Assault Violence and Abuse ; Lynne Lange ; AGO - Department of Justice ; ; ; Andre Adams ; Sunset Valley Police Dept. Lt. Richard Andreucci ; ; ; ; Federal Law Enf. Officers Assn ; ; National Association of Jewish Legislators 2017 ; Temple TX Police Chief Floyd Mitchell 2016 ; TX Temple Beth Israel Austin ; ; ; Bennie DiNardo ; Outback Asst Mgr Nick Burton ; Yessenia (Denny's Lakeline) ; Megan Curtis ; TX First Unitarian Universalist Church Minister Meg Barnhouse Austin ; Uscj Info ; Jewishnashville Info ; Jewishaction Info ; Abby Levine ; Margaret Gomez ; Houston Police Dept 2015 ; Houston Chronicle Letters To the Editor ; Cedar Park (TX) Police (2016) ; Leander Police Chief Minton ; ; Williamson County (TX) Attorney (2016) ; Williamson County Sheriff Chody 2018 ; Hays County TX Sheriff's Office CID Unit 2016 ; San Marcos Police Chief Chase Stapp 2017 ; ; Ariella Hannon ; ; ; Janedoe Info ; Harvard Club of Austin 2017 ; Harvard Law School Human Rights Program (2016) ; Bernie ; Dennis Bonnen ; Amy Klobuchar ; Bloomberg Media 2015 ; ; Devalpatrick2020 Info ; Yang2020 Info ; Weld2020 Info ; Dell ; FederalCommunicationsCommission ; U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Devlpt (TX regional office) ; TWC Ombudsman ; Actor/Producer Tom Hanks ; Bethany United Methodist Church Pastor Tom Deviney ; Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts ; ; Georganne Rogers ; Attorney General of Louisiana ; Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault ; Louisiana State Univ. Chancellor Mike Martin ; The University of Texas at Austin ; University of North Texas at Dallas Pres. Bob Mong ; SouthwestStudyCenter-TXStateU ; Southwestern University Georgetown ; Jennifer A. DeCamp ; Liz Laurence ; Sona Nast ; Rhr Israel Info ; Brandeis University ; Nmcadv Info ; ; ; ; NPAP Assistant ; Austin Chronicle Editors ; Austin City Auditor QA Coordinator (2016) ; KXAN TV News Investigations ; KLRU ; Bexar Webmaster ; Dallas Morning News Editor-in-Chief 2017 ; Letters To the Editor ; NBC Nightly News Headqrtrs 2016 ; United States Senate ; USTA Member Services ; Bee Cave TX Police Dept. 2016 ; Ftc Webmaster ; Javier Cansino ; Jackson Anna ; ; KEYE CBS News Austin 2017 ; Austin American-Statesman Managing Editor John Bridges
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 04:12:37 PM CST
Subject: Fw: Your complaint was submitted successfully.
A respectful FYI to each of you on this follow-up message (below) to the letter of appeal that I had written and e-mailed to Lt. Gena Curtis of the Austin (TX) Police Department early this Tuesday morning, February 11, 2020.
I would welcome a reply note from any of you on any aspect of this.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
from longstanding criminal-law complainant John Kevin McMillan of Austin, Texas, USA.
To: Rep. Sheryl Cole (2019 CentralTX)
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 04:12:37 PM CST
Subject: Fw: Your complaint was submitted successfully.
A respectful FYI to each of you on this follow-up message (below) to the letter of appeal that I had written and e-mailed to Lt. Gena Curtis of the Austin (TX) Police Department early this Tuesday morning, February 11, 2020.
I would welcome a reply note from any of you on any aspect of this.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
from longstanding criminal-law complainant John Kevin McMillan of Austin, Texas, USA.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: John McMillan
To: ; Darla Dixon ; Texas Rangers Division of DPS ; Kirk Watson ; Travis County Judge Sarah Eckhardt ; ; ; ; Florida Sexual Crimes Investigators Assn. Exec Dir Moore 2016 ; Florida Sexual Crimes Investigators Assoc Pres. Minton (2016) ; California Sexual Assault Investigators Assn Pres. 2016 ; Minnesota Sex Crimes Investigators Assn. Brd Member Dunphy (2016) ; Fbinaa Info ; Hernandez Sally [TCSO] ; Texas Association Against Sexual Assault Atty Kaiser 2016 ; ; Piper Stege Nelson ; CountyAttorneyDavidEscamilla ; City of Austin Interim City Attorney Anne Morgan ; APD Interim Police Chief Brian Manley ; Office for Victims of Crime (U.S. DOJ) ; U.S. Department of Homeland Security ; Doc Webmaster ; David Maxwell ; ; Mike Henderson ; Daniel Evans ; Joyfulheartfoundation Info ; Rainn Info ; Texasadvocacyproject Info ; Dave Mahoney ; DFPS Office Of Consumer Relations ; Scotland Yard England ; Public Enquiries (CD) ; OPO Police Oversight ; Spencer Cronk ; Rey Arellano ; John Hitzelberg ; Trevor Glynn ; Brian Gruetzner ; ; Austin Mayor Steve Adler ; Margaret Moore ; District 1 ; District 7 ; ; Austin City Council Member Ann Kitchen (2016) ; District 4 ; Council Member Flannigan ; District 8 ; ; ; ; Texas Legal ; ACLU ; Rep. Sheryl Cole (2019 CentralTX) ; ; Austin American-Statesman Managing Editor John Bridges ; ; CBS News '60 Minutes' Editors and Reporters <60m"">; KEYE CBS News Austin 2017 ; Crime Report Ed. Stephen Handelman (2016) ; Criminal Justice Journalists Brd Wenger 2016 ; Criminal Justice Journalists Board Member Rashbaum ; ; Onjewel Smith: Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights ; AARP ; U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (2015) ; Travis County Commissioner Brigid Shea ; Gerald Daugherty ; Thomas ; ; Joebiden Info ; Governor's Office of Texas Open Records Administrator ; Bnaibrith Info ; Dwayne Bohac ; Nicole D. Collier ; ; Kyle Biedermann ; Garnet F. Coleman ; Rep. John Bucy 2019CentralTX ; Rep. Erin Zwiener 2019CentralTX ; Rep. James Talarico 2019 Central TX ; Commissioner Jeffrey Travillion 2019 ; Council Member Sheryl Cole ; CBS News Story Ideas Editors ; Peteforamerica Info ; Jeff Pender ; Patrick B. Howard ; StateRep.DonnaHoward ; Donna Campbell ; Ghbc Info ; Christian Hawley ; National Crime Victim Law Institute (Lewis & Clark Law School Portland Oregon) ; Federal Law Enf. Officers Assn ; State Comptroller Criminal Investigations Division Chief Martin Cano ; ; 60m>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 02:18:56 PM CST
Subject: Fw: Your complaint was submitted successfully.
To: Austin (TX) Police Department (APD) Lt. Gena Curtis, Immediate Supervisor of Austin Police Department Sex Crimes Unit Sergeant Sandra Benningfield.
February 11, 2020
Dear Lt. Curtis,
As a supplement to the letter of appeal that I wrote and e-mailed to you early this morning,I would also like to provide you with a courtesy-carbon-copy of the following civilly-worded legal complaint (last item, below) in regard to APD Sgt. Benningfield that I wrote and submitted online on September 25, 2019, to the Office of Police Oversight at the official City Government of Austin website.
No action on my complaint was taken by the Office of Police Oversight, or, apparently, by the City of Austin official to whom that office directly reports---with the City Manager of Austin being that city government official, as Austin 311 telephone information and referral service supervisor Carolyn helpfully confirmed for me on the telephone at about 1:20 p.m. today.
Austin City Manager Spencer Cronk is therefore the City of Austin official currently holding that supervisory legal authority and legal responsibility over subsequent review of complaints filed with the Office of Police Monitor on behalf of the City Government of Austin, and of findings or initial determinations by the Office of Police Monitor. And City Manager Cronk himself reports to and is accountable to the Austin City Council, according to the official organizational chart for the City of Austin.
Lt. Curtis, I will look forward to receiving your written reply letter to me in response to this two-part letter of appeal from myself. In that reply letter, I would appreciate it if you would please offer me a statement about whether you are willing to authorize a comprehensive DNA-traces forensic medical exam on me as soon as possible for which a full 180-day (?)-retroactive DNA-traces processing of that entire rape-evidence kit would be automatically pursued on behalf of APD for this alleged-continuous-and-continuing-sex-crimes case in which I am the self-identified predominantly English-in-ancestry (and also Scottish and German in ancestry), white Anglo-Saxon, gainfully-employed, longtime-celibate-by-choice, single-by-choice, male senior citizen adult victim.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, longstanding criminal-law complainant in alleged-continuous-and-continuing-daily-and-year-round-and-multi-year-personal-injury-crimes-and-sex- crimes APD Case 16-1340923.
My home address ever since June 21, 2019:
Pebble Creek Apartments, 8805 North Plaza Drive, Apt. 2418 (a second-floor, eastward-facing unit in the multi-unit Building 17, with Building 17 being situated the far northeastern corner of this very large and gated-community apartment complex), Austin, TX 78753.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
Cell hone: (512) 993-7305 .
My Blog: John Kevin McMillan: A 21st Century Conservative Left-Wing Agenda
---- Forwarded Message -----
From: John McMillan
To: Darla Dixon
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019, 01:12:15 PM CDT
Subject: Fw: Your complaint was submitted successfully.
Dear Ms. Dixon,
This morning I finally received a complaint number (below) from the Office of Police Oversight for the City of Austin.
Incidentally, yesterday at about noon I was denied a rape evidence exam at St. David's North Austin Medical Center by the emergency room physician on duty, Dr. Katherine Alison Sides, MD. She examined my anus and stated to me that she saw no evidence of any "trauma" to my anus, she said.
From: John McMillan
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 02:18:56 PM CST
Subject: Fw: Your complaint was submitted successfully.
To: Austin (TX) Police Department (APD) Lt. Gena Curtis, Immediate Supervisor of Austin Police Department Sex Crimes Unit Sergeant Sandra Benningfield.
February 11, 2020
Dear Lt. Curtis,
As a supplement to the letter of appeal that I wrote and e-mailed to you early this morning,I would also like to provide you with a courtesy-carbon-copy of the following civilly-worded legal complaint (last item, below) in regard to APD Sgt. Benningfield that I wrote and submitted online on September 25, 2019, to the Office of Police Oversight at the official City Government of Austin website.
No action on my complaint was taken by the Office of Police Oversight, or, apparently, by the City of Austin official to whom that office directly reports---with the City Manager of Austin being that city government official, as Austin 311 telephone information and referral service supervisor Carolyn helpfully confirmed for me on the telephone at about 1:20 p.m. today.
Austin City Manager Spencer Cronk is therefore the City of Austin official currently holding that supervisory legal authority and legal responsibility over subsequent review of complaints filed with the Office of Police Monitor on behalf of the City Government of Austin, and of findings or initial determinations by the Office of Police Monitor. And City Manager Cronk himself reports to and is accountable to the Austin City Council, according to the official organizational chart for the City of Austin.
Lt. Curtis, I will look forward to receiving your written reply letter to me in response to this two-part letter of appeal from myself. In that reply letter, I would appreciate it if you would please offer me a statement about whether you are willing to authorize a comprehensive DNA-traces forensic medical exam on me as soon as possible for which a full 180-day (?)-retroactive DNA-traces processing of that entire rape-evidence kit would be automatically pursued on behalf of APD for this alleged-continuous-and-continuing-sex-crimes case in which I am the self-identified predominantly English-in-ancestry (and also Scottish and German in ancestry), white Anglo-Saxon, gainfully-employed, longtime-celibate-by-choice, single-by-choice, male senior citizen adult victim.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, longstanding criminal-law complainant in alleged-continuous-and-continuing-daily-and-year-round-and-multi-year-personal-injury-crimes-and-sex- crimes APD Case 16-1340923.
My home address ever since June 21, 2019:
Pebble Creek Apartments, 8805 North Plaza Drive, Apt. 2418 (a second-floor, eastward-facing unit in the multi-unit Building 17, with Building 17 being situated the far northeastern corner of this very large and gated-community apartment complex), Austin, TX 78753.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
Cell hone: (512) 993-7305 .
My Blog: John Kevin McMillan: A 21st Century Conservative Left-Wing Agenda
---- Forwarded Message -----
From: John McMillan
To: Darla Dixon
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019, 01:12:15 PM CDT
Subject: Fw: Your complaint was submitted successfully.
Dear Ms. Dixon,
This morning I finally received a complaint number (below) from the Office of Police Oversight for the City of Austin.
Incidentally, yesterday at about noon I was denied a rape evidence exam at St. David's North Austin Medical Center by the emergency room physician on duty, Dr. Katherine Alison Sides, MD. She examined my anus and stated to me that she saw no evidence of any "trauma" to my anus, she said.
Dr. Sides did then consult a social worker on duty, first name Dale (he declined to state to me his last name), who visited me in the ER and informed me that according to what he had read, a blog I had posted that morning stated that the City had concluded that there was no evidence of a crime case in which I was the victim, he indicated. I replied to his statement that my blog had not contained any such conclusion, and that Dale had misquoted from a legal reply letter to me from the City Attorney's Office that I had posted.
I would like to raise the question of whether the APD Sex Crimes Unit may have possibly contacted or been contacted by St. David's North ER, and then informed St. David's North ER that their APD unit was not willing to authorize a rape exam on me yesterday. I had spoken on the telephone yesterday morning with APD Sex Crimes Unit Detective Leticia Acosta at 8:57 a.m. Tuesday, and she stated to me after consulting her unit's computer records that "it looks like the case (16-1340923) has been cleared at this point. At this point it is not currently being investigated. The status right now is that it's cleared, it's not currently being worked."
"It's showing to be closed at this point," Detective Acosta later added in our phone conversation yesterday.
Detective Acosta also stated to me in that phone conversation I had with her yesterday morning that there has been a "misunderstanding" (exact quote) in regard to whether she was the assigned investigator for APD Sex Crimes Case 16-1340923, she said. Det. Acosta did not, however, ever at any time cite the name of any actual assigned investigator for that case.
If I myself ever have any additional factual evidence to offer their APD unit about an alleged illegal trespasser inside my bolt-locked apartment unit during my sleeping hours, "you would need to talk to her (APD Sex Crimes Unit Sergeant Sandra Benningfield) about it being reassigned (sic)," Detective Acosta stated to me.
Sgt. Sandra Benningfield was out of the office on Tuesday, and will be returning to her work duties at that APD unit on Thursday, Detective Acosta stated to me in my one total phone conversation with her yesterday.
The office phone number for Sgt. Benningfield is: (512) 974-8666, Detective Acosta said. She added that Sgt. Benningfield is one of three sergeants for the APD Sex Crimes Unit. The other two are APD Sergeant LeDuke (sp?Leduke?), APD Badge Number 3948, and APD Sergeant Jennings, APD Badge Number 3443, Detective Lacosta stated to me yesterday on the phone. Detective Acosta provided me with that factual information about two other sergeants in response to a question from me in which I asked her to confirm for me that Sgt. Benningfield is in fact the current head of the APD Sex Crimes Unit.
Detective Acosta did state to me yesterday that I have the option of myself visiting the SAFE Austin Alliance compound in south Austin in order to request a rape exam on myself by a forensic nurse there.
Detective Acosta also stated to me in our conversation yesterday morning that "the evidence you have provided (in the multi-year period ever since 2011)...doesn't show that there's an indication...of someone breaking into the (apartment unit)."
I maintain that the repeated refusals by the APD Sex Crimes Unit on numerous occasions since early 2012 to authorize any forensic medical exam on me, may have possibly or allegedly played a role in the emergency room doctor's statement to me yesterday that Dr. Sides would not authorize a rape exam on me by a forensic nurse inside the emergency room of that North Austin Medical Center.
I had visited the St. David's North Medical Center at about 11:30 a.m. yesterday upon prior referral on the telephone earlier that morning from Shannon, a nurse at the SAFE Austin Alliance non-profit organization in south Austin. Shannon also told me at 11:37 a.m. yesterday, during a follow-up phone call I made to her from the St. David's North emergency room, that if the emergency room doctor does not authorize a rape-evidence exam on me, I can call SAFE Alliance and request a SANE exam through her organization inside that hospital, she stated.
The on-duty social worker at St. David's North ER, Dale, stated to me that he had contacted SAFE Alliance on my behalf yesterday, and that they told him that they were not willing to provide me with a rape exam at that time. I was then subjected to repeated pressure from the staff at St. David's North ER to sign discharge paperwork, despite the fact that I myself had not as of that time obtained confirmation of Dale's statement to me from SAFE Austin Alliance during visit in that hospital emergency room.
Before I left the hospital, I did request and obtain a meeting inside the ER with the ER Director, Kim Barker. Ms. Barker, with social worker Dale standing behind her, stated to me that she supported yesterday's decision by Dr. Sides to decline to offer me a rape exam. Ms. Barker also stated to me that state law in Texas does give the ER doctor the option of not authorizing a rape exam on a self-identified rape victim if the doctor does not identify any medical symptoms on the patient that indicate he or she had been raped, she said.
After I complained to her about dishonesty toward me by many Texans, Ms. Barker also stated to me that I might want to myself move to another U.S. state.
At about 4 p.m. yesterday, after I had returned to my apartment without any rape-exam of myself, I did call the SAFE Alliance hotline and was told by staff member Heather that she was told by her supervisor at SAFE Austin Alliance that they are not able to offer me a rape exam at their south Austin location (or anywhere else, she indicated) at that time.
The ONLY two rape-evidence exams on me that have ever been performed on me in my entire life, each of them having occurred in Austin, were both from 2011.
This "no-rape-exams" defacto policy by APD and medical staff toward me is occurring despite the fact that APD has been accepted four separate flashdrives from me since this summer and fall --- in the year 2019--- for a 2016 sex-crimes case I submitted to APD as the complainant that each contain photographic evidence of alleged intruders inside my bedroom of my current bolt-locked efficiency apartment during my sleeping hours in recent weeks.
Ms. Dixon, I hope this is helpful to you and your integrity-minded colleagues on behalf of my alleged-obstruction-of-justice complaint against one or more officers of the APD Sex Crimes Unit and, if applicable, other cited APD officers.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, current complainant through your state agency.
8805 North Plaza Drive, Apt. 2418, Austin, TX 78753.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
Cell phone: (512) 993-7305.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: OPO Police Oversight
To: John McMillan
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019, 09:56:46 AM CDT
Subject: RE: Your complaint was submitted successfully.
Your complaint # is 2019-1056.
Our office has no legal authority.
Office of Police Oversight
From: John McMillan []
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2019 10:49 AM
To: OPO Police Oversight
Subject: Fw: Your complaint was submitted successfully.
*** External Email - Exercise Caution ***
Dear Office of Police Oversight Officials here in Austin, Texas,
Please provide me with an official identification number on my complaint as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your kind assistance on that.
Also, does your office have the legal authority to pursue investigations and factual research of your own in your processing of a legal complaint, or are you limited to reviewing only the factual evidence provided to you by a complainant?
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, complainant.
8805 North Plaza Drive, Apt. 2418, Austin, TX 78753.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
Cell phone: (512) 993-7305
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019, 06:40:08 PM CDT
Subject: Your complaint was submitted successfully.
City of Austin
Office of Police Oversight
Your complaint was submitted successfully.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. This helps us better serve you and your community.
You can email us or call us at (512) 972-2676 to check the status of your complaint. If you provided your contact information, a staff person from the Office of Police Oversight will contact you within 2 to 4 business days.
For a full explanation of what happens next, as well as a ranking of policy violations, visit the complaint investigation process page. Again, thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Your answers
Tell us what happened
Description: (*Required)
The Austin Police Department Sex Crimes Unit under the style of "leadership" of Sergeant Sandra Benningfield as the reported head supervisor of that unit has chosen to ignore an abundance of spy-camera photographic evidence of illegal intruders and alleged sex-crime perpetrators in the bed area of several respective rental-housing units in Austin where I have resided in the applicable approximately eight-year period ever since I began showing to APD officers spy-camera photos I had obtained during my bedtime hours inside my bolt-locked rental-housing unit. I also allege that Sgt. Benningfield has repeatedly failed to insist on full investigation of numerous criminal-law complaints and crime reports I've submitted to APD in the period ever since early 2012, in particular, about alleged illegal trespassers inside my bolt-locked rental apartment unit. I am not aware of ANY in-depth interview that Sgt. Benningfield has requested or obtained on any of my several respective roommates or neighbors or on any apartment-complex maintenance staff member or any applicable landlord or realtor during the applicable eight-year period in which I have been repeatedly victimized by alleged sex crimes in my capacity as an official rent-paying tenant inside my rental-housing units in Austin, Texas. One realtor whom Sgt. Benningfield apparently chose to never interview, John Schlueter, a friendly neighbor of mine in northwest Austin, did helpfully volunteer to me in Feburary 2012, seconds after I complained to him about waking up on my own hospital bed with significant anal pain while being assigned to share an open-door hospital room at that time with another male patient, that "No matter where you go in Austin, you (John Kevin McMillan) will always be getting raped (during your sleep)." Mr. Schlueter also mentioned to me in that conversation that violations of my own privacy rights were far more extensive than anything he had ever previously witnessed as a longtime resident of Austin. I might add that in 2011 or 2012, one waitstaff coworker of mine at Outback Steakhouse, Trevor Glynn, very courageously volunteered to me outdoors less than six feet from the side entrance to our corporate-owned restaurant workplace, "I (coworker Trevor Glynn) know for a fact (sic) that it's (the alleged anal-rape crimes allegedly victimizing you, coworker John McMillan, on a daily basis during your sleeping hours as you lie alone on your own bed inside your Wind River Crossing Apartments rental-unit situated across the street from this Outback Steakhouse restaurant) going on!" (a near-exact or exact quote). I have alleged to APD that many or several of the illegal trespassers allegedly subjected me during my sleeping hours, as I lay ALONE asleep and unconscious and probably also snoring on my own bed---and I ALWAYS sleep alone, I wish to politely emphasize---to illegal assault by physical contact. That illegal physical contact with me during my sleep allegedly involved subjecting me to illegal nasal inhalants and possible oral inhalants or liquids, medical injury to me, and illegal sexual contact with me that allegedly included anal rape of me during periods in which I was held unconscious by the alleged perpetrator or perpetrators. As a result of alleged possible obstruction of justice by APD Sex Crimes Unit Sergeant Benningfield as head of her APD unit, I myself on a daily and year-round and multi-year basis have been awakened in the middle of my sleep an average of five or more times per early-morning period with an unpleasant nasal-inhalant sensation in my nostrils, an unpleasant vibrating sensation in my anus, an urgent need to urinate, and wobbliness in my legs as I attempted to then walk in the middle of the night to my bathroom (when applicable) in order to urinate. During the most recent three-year period alone, alleged inaction by APD Sex Crimes Sergeant Benningfield has allegedly played a major role in my having undergone five separate medical surgeries in hospitals in Austin for life-threatening medical problems---major medical problems for which I allege that illegal trespassers deliberately subjecting me to alleged medical injury during my sleep and Sgt. Benningfield as APD Sex Crimes Unit head (and possibly her immediate predecessor as well) were either directly (in the case of the trespassers) or indirectly (in the case of Sgt. Benningfield) allegedly blameworthy. I have lost thousands of total hours of sleep from being awakened several times per night with pain in my body, over the course of the seven-year period since early 2012, in particular, in which APD has repeatedly on about 10 or more separate occasions refused to authorize ANY additional DNA-trace forensic medical exams on me that I as a sex-crimes victim have repeatedly requested from APD. I further allege that despite the obvious continuous nature of the felony-sex-crimes case in which I am the victim, APD Sex Crimes Unit Sergeant Benningfield apparently has never at any time herself requested or obtained the 180-day-retroactive processing on the two rape kits from me that her APD unit already has in their possession---for APD Sex Crimes Case 11-1180447 (from April 28, 2011), and for APD Sex Crimes Case 11-3550615 (from Dec. 22, 2011). I might add that Sex Crimes Unit head Sgt. Benningfield (and possibly her immediate predecessor in that position as well, since I am not sure when Sgt. Benningfield became head of her current unit, and another sergeant may have headed that unit in 2011, for instance) has apparently chosen not to authorize ANY in-person interview with me at any time since or including June 2011 inside her APD Sex Crimes Unit office building by any detective for her unit who has been assigned to "investigate" a criminal-law complaint from me that I submitted to APD at any time since June 2011, for instance. I have repeatedly informed APD officers, including Sex Crimes detectives, that I definitely would welcome any and all interviews (or lie detector tests on me, for that matter) that her unit is willing to offer me. Sergeant Benningfield is fully aware, as I have repeatedly informed her detectives, that regardless of where I resided or traveled to or was situated, I myself during my conscious or waking hours have never at any time ever once had ANY sexual contact or intimate physical contact between myself and any other human being (or any beast, for that matter) at any time during the entire pertinent time period since or including March 1, 2011, for instance. Sgt. Benningfield is also very aware that during the entire pertinent period ever since March 1, 2011, for instance, I myself have consumed ZERO marijuana or any other illicit drug, ZERO drinking alcohol, and zero tobacco products, regardless of where I resided or was situated or traveled to at the time. Sgt. Benningfield is also very aware that I myself do not have any criminal-conviction record, and that I am one of the most honest and consistently civil and law-abiding and vigilant and clean-talking (no profanity or obscene speech of my own in my everyday conversations with others) and conscientious and platonicly polite of all of the single adult men of Austin.
Date & time:
2011-04-28 05:00 am
Has ticket:
Name as it appears on the ticket:
Address: 11411 Research Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78759, United States
Longitude: -97.74471699999998
Latitude: 30.410992999999976
Share your media
Tell us about the officer(s)
Tell us about any witnesses
Demographic information
Gender: Male
Race: White or Euro-American
Zip code: 78753
Follow up
Name: John Kevin McMillan
Phone: 5123422295
Needs interpreter: N/A
From: "" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019, 06:40:08 PM CDT
Subject: Your complaint was submitted successfully.
City of Austin
Office of Police Oversight
Your complaint was submitted successfully.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. This helps us better serve you and your community.
You can email us or call us at (512) 972-2676 to check the status of your complaint. If you provided your contact information, a staff person from the Office of Police Oversight will contact you within 2 to 4 business days.
For a full explanation of what happens next, as well as a ranking of policy violations, visit the complaint investigation process page. Again, thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Your answers
Tell us what happened
Description: (*Required)
The Austin Police Department Sex Crimes Unit under the style of "leadership" of Sergeant Sandra Benningfield as the reported head supervisor of that unit has chosen to ignore an abundance of spy-camera photographic evidence of illegal intruders and alleged sex-crime perpetrators in the bed area of several respective rental-housing units in Austin where I have resided in the applicable approximately eight-year period ever since I began showing to APD officers spy-camera photos I had obtained during my bedtime hours inside my bolt-locked rental-housing unit. I also allege that Sgt. Benningfield has repeatedly failed to insist on full investigation of numerous criminal-law complaints and crime reports I've submitted to APD in the period ever since early 2012, in particular, about alleged illegal trespassers inside my bolt-locked rental apartment unit. I am not aware of ANY in-depth interview that Sgt. Benningfield has requested or obtained on any of my several respective roommates or neighbors or on any apartment-complex maintenance staff member or any applicable landlord or realtor during the applicable eight-year period in which I have been repeatedly victimized by alleged sex crimes in my capacity as an official rent-paying tenant inside my rental-housing units in Austin, Texas. One realtor whom Sgt. Benningfield apparently chose to never interview, John Schlueter, a friendly neighbor of mine in northwest Austin, did helpfully volunteer to me in Feburary 2012, seconds after I complained to him about waking up on my own hospital bed with significant anal pain while being assigned to share an open-door hospital room at that time with another male patient, that "No matter where you go in Austin, you (John Kevin McMillan) will always be getting raped (during your sleep)." Mr. Schlueter also mentioned to me in that conversation that violations of my own privacy rights were far more extensive than anything he had ever previously witnessed as a longtime resident of Austin. I might add that in 2011 or 2012, one waitstaff coworker of mine at Outback Steakhouse, Trevor Glynn, very courageously volunteered to me outdoors less than six feet from the side entrance to our corporate-owned restaurant workplace, "I (coworker Trevor Glynn) know for a fact (sic) that it's (the alleged anal-rape crimes allegedly victimizing you, coworker John McMillan, on a daily basis during your sleeping hours as you lie alone on your own bed inside your Wind River Crossing Apartments rental-unit situated across the street from this Outback Steakhouse restaurant) going on!" (a near-exact or exact quote). I have alleged to APD that many or several of the illegal trespassers allegedly subjected me during my sleeping hours, as I lay ALONE asleep and unconscious and probably also snoring on my own bed---and I ALWAYS sleep alone, I wish to politely emphasize---to illegal assault by physical contact. That illegal physical contact with me during my sleep allegedly involved subjecting me to illegal nasal inhalants and possible oral inhalants or liquids, medical injury to me, and illegal sexual contact with me that allegedly included anal rape of me during periods in which I was held unconscious by the alleged perpetrator or perpetrators. As a result of alleged possible obstruction of justice by APD Sex Crimes Unit Sergeant Benningfield as head of her APD unit, I myself on a daily and year-round and multi-year basis have been awakened in the middle of my sleep an average of five or more times per early-morning period with an unpleasant nasal-inhalant sensation in my nostrils, an unpleasant vibrating sensation in my anus, an urgent need to urinate, and wobbliness in my legs as I attempted to then walk in the middle of the night to my bathroom (when applicable) in order to urinate. During the most recent three-year period alone, alleged inaction by APD Sex Crimes Sergeant Benningfield has allegedly played a major role in my having undergone five separate medical surgeries in hospitals in Austin for life-threatening medical problems---major medical problems for which I allege that illegal trespassers deliberately subjecting me to alleged medical injury during my sleep and Sgt. Benningfield as APD Sex Crimes Unit head (and possibly her immediate predecessor as well) were either directly (in the case of the trespassers) or indirectly (in the case of Sgt. Benningfield) allegedly blameworthy. I have lost thousands of total hours of sleep from being awakened several times per night with pain in my body, over the course of the seven-year period since early 2012, in particular, in which APD has repeatedly on about 10 or more separate occasions refused to authorize ANY additional DNA-trace forensic medical exams on me that I as a sex-crimes victim have repeatedly requested from APD. I further allege that despite the obvious continuous nature of the felony-sex-crimes case in which I am the victim, APD Sex Crimes Unit Sergeant Benningfield apparently has never at any time herself requested or obtained the 180-day-retroactive processing on the two rape kits from me that her APD unit already has in their possession---for APD Sex Crimes Case 11-1180447 (from April 28, 2011), and for APD Sex Crimes Case 11-3550615 (from Dec. 22, 2011). I might add that Sex Crimes Unit head Sgt. Benningfield (and possibly her immediate predecessor in that position as well, since I am not sure when Sgt. Benningfield became head of her current unit, and another sergeant may have headed that unit in 2011, for instance) has apparently chosen not to authorize ANY in-person interview with me at any time since or including June 2011 inside her APD Sex Crimes Unit office building by any detective for her unit who has been assigned to "investigate" a criminal-law complaint from me that I submitted to APD at any time since June 2011, for instance. I have repeatedly informed APD officers, including Sex Crimes detectives, that I definitely would welcome any and all interviews (or lie detector tests on me, for that matter) that her unit is willing to offer me. Sergeant Benningfield is fully aware, as I have repeatedly informed her detectives, that regardless of where I resided or traveled to or was situated, I myself during my conscious or waking hours have never at any time ever once had ANY sexual contact or intimate physical contact between myself and any other human being (or any beast, for that matter) at any time during the entire pertinent time period since or including March 1, 2011, for instance. Sgt. Benningfield is also very aware that during the entire pertinent period ever since March 1, 2011, for instance, I myself have consumed ZERO marijuana or any other illicit drug, ZERO drinking alcohol, and zero tobacco products, regardless of where I resided or was situated or traveled to at the time. Sgt. Benningfield is also very aware that I myself do not have any criminal-conviction record, and that I am one of the most honest and consistently civil and law-abiding and vigilant and clean-talking (no profanity or obscene speech of my own in my everyday conversations with others) and conscientious and platonicly polite of all of the single adult men of Austin.
Date & time:
2011-04-28 05:00 am
Has ticket:
Name as it appears on the ticket:
Address: 11411 Research Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78759, United States
Longitude: -97.74471699999998
Latitude: 30.410992999999976
Share your media
Tell us about the officer(s)
Tell us about any witnesses
Demographic information
Gender: Male
Race: White or Euro-American
Zip code: 78753
Follow up
Name: John Kevin McMillan
Phone: 5123422295
Needs interpreter: N/A

City of Austin
Office of Police Oversight
1520 Rutherford Lane
Austin, TX 78754
Phone: (512) 972-2676
Fax: (512) 974-6306
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