Saturday, May 30, 2020

URGENT NEED FOR REVIEW OF CITY OF AUSTIN'S CURRENT OFFICIAL TWO-YEAR-OLD 'PEDESTRIAN SAFETY PLAN' THAT MAY BE IN NEED OF BEING UPDATED AND REVISED IN THE YEAR 2020 This two-year-old plan is currently cited online as currently pertinent information at the official City of Austin website: Some of the key points made by the City of Austin in the official Pedestrian Safety Action Plan: "Executive Summary "Between 2010 and 2015 there were nearly 1,900 pedestrians involved in traffic crashes in Austin, resulting in 121 fatalities. In addition to these tragic deaths, the serious, often life-altering injuries suffered by people who are involved in these crashes often go unreported in the news headlines. In fact, for every pedestrian fatality in Austin there are another 10 serious injuries." "Pedestrian Crash Analysis "Austin Transportation Department staff conducted a yearlong analysis of crash data to better understand the causes and consequences of pedestrian crashes in Austin. Key findings from the crash analysis include the following: "STREET DESIGN HAS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPACT ON PEDESTRIAN CRASH SEVERITY (uppercased here for emphasis). "• 64% of pedestrian fatalities in Austin occurred on roads with speed limits of 45 mph or greater. "• A crash occurring in an area with sidewalks missing on both sides of the street was nearly twice as likely to result in serious injury or fatality as one that occurred at a location with a sidewalk on at least one side of the street. "• Crashes occurring over a half mile away from the nearest signalized crossing (i.e. traffic signal or pedestrian hybrid beacon) resulted in serious injury or fatality 43% of the time, compared with only 22% of the time if the crash occurred within one-eighth of a mile of a signal. "• The presence of street lighting was associated with an 8 percentage point reduction in the probability that crashes occurring in otherwise dark conditions would result in fatality or serious injury. On average, the further from the street light the more severe the crash." "Certain demographic groups in Austin are disproportionately affected by pedestrian crashes(:) "• Minority communities, non-English speaking communities, and lower-income communities have higher rates of serious crashes than other groups. "• High-crash Census tracts in Austin were found to be associated with lower rates of car ownership, higher transit ridership, and more people walking or biking to work. "• Older pedestrians, males, and those experiencing homelessness are at higher risk of serious injury or fatality as a result of pedestrian crashes."

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