Sunday, June 4, 2017


I am very hopeful that some non-profit foundation will agree with me on the urgent need for additional funding of social-science research projects aimed at identifying the leading contributors to delay by a local law-enforcement agency in identifying and officially classifying or re-classifying a personal-injury crimes case allegedly occurring in that particular city or county, as a CONTINUOUS CRIMES CASE.

A CONTINUOUS CRIMES CASE is one involving numerous or many separate incidents of crime that allegedly occurred over a multi-day or multi-month or multi-year period.

From what I myself have directly observed, law-enforcement agencies in Central Texas are very reluctant to ever identify any alleged felony personal-injury-crimes case as involving more than a multi-hour or multi-minute period, at most.

It would be fascinating to find out which law-enforcement agencies in the United States have had the highest success rate at accurately and promptly re-classifying, or accurately classifying  from the very beginning, a criminal-law complaint as referring to an alleged CONTINUOUS-crimes case, as distinct from an alleged one-crime-incident-only case.

It is possible that some law-enforcement agencies in the United States actually employ a crime investigator or other official to help identify which of the cases currently under investigation by that agency, or that have been reported to that agency, might possibly refer to an alleged CONTINUOUS CRIMES CASE.

I hope that my crime-prevention-minded and still-one-member (myself, only) Progressive Prohibitionist Religion will help to finance or sponsor research toward and writing and publication of a new non-fiction book with a title such as, "A HISTORY OF DELAYS BY PUBLIC LAW-ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES AND PROSECUTING ATORNEYS AT IDENTIFYING AND ACKNOWLEDGING CONTINUOUS-PERSONAL-INJURY-CRIMES CASES IN THE USA".

I was reminded this week of the intense fear I experienced during my second-grade year of elementary school when a male sixth-grade or fifth-grade "honor guard" for Hillside Elementary School approached myself and my female classmate Cynthia in a wooded section of our school campus after the end of a schoolday at that public school in Berkeley, California.

"The two of you should NOT be in the woods like that, and I will report both of you to our school's principal for severe and prompt punishment of each of you!" (approximate quote), the male honor guard emphatically warned me.

At the time, I was terrified of the prospect of being informed in person by our school principal that my "playing house" with Cynthia in the woods of our public-school campus in Berkeley, California, comprised an adequate basis for severe punishment of each of us.

Perhaps there should be information provided to elementary school students that if an upper-grade-level "honor guard" threatens to get them punished by an administrator of that school campus, they always have an appeal procedure they can follow to protect their own civil rights.

I will always savor the memory of playing house with Cynthia in the woods at Hillside Elementary School's campus. She was a very fine playmate, and we had good fun together outdoors on our campus's grounds.

Today, it is very understandable if for security reasons, after-school activities on the grounds of a public-school campus are a lot more restricted than during my own elementary-school days. 

However, there is every hope that schoolchildren of today are provided with clearly-delineated policies governing their conduct after school on the grounds of that school campus.

The policy manual for students should inform them of appeal procedures they or their parents can pursue if any of them suspect that an older student from the same public school has verbalized threats to themselves that did not accurately reflect current policies of that public-school campus's administration.

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