Tuesday, April 13, 2021



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From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
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Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 11:21:11 PM CDT
Subject: 4-13-21 Mass-Homicide-Prevention Strategy Ideas for Pres. Biden

April 13, 2021

Dear Very Honorable United States President Joe Biden,

I am a gainfully-employed Austin gentleman who proudly voted for you in the general election. I also the founder and only current approved member of the politely non-Christian and public-safety-minded "Progressive Prohibitionist Religion"---a new and non-proselytizing religion with very stringent membership-eligibility requirements.

Mr. President, I would like to offer you some possible brainstorming ideas for your White House team on how to help prevent the shockingly heinous crime of mass homicide in American society.

I came up with these very tentative suggestions today after reading online today a very thoughtful August 5, 2019, "New York Times" question-and-answer-format copyrighted article by Times reporter Benedict Carey: What Experts Know About People Who Commit Mass Shootings - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Among my recommendations to you, Mr. President, would be these:

(1) You could publicly promote the establishment of a proposed "American Mass-Homicide Crime Investigators Association". That new non-profit organization could help to foster very high professional standards and sharing of information and crime tips among mass-homicide crime investigators for government law-enforcement agencies throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

(2) You could publicly praise the role of red-flagging by public school districts (Los Angeles County public schools are cited for that apparently effective crime-deterrence strategy in the above-cited 2019 "New York Times" article) on students who appear to be at risk of turning violent. You could ask the U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Justice to collaborate in developing guidelines for red-flagging of potentially violent students.

(3) You could promote the holding of inspirational and thought-provoking public symposia throughout the USA that are dedicated to exploring how to prevent mass homicide at the local level. Those symposia could emphasize how to identify warning signs in others that might be a basis for your immediately contacting the FBI or your local police department about one or more persons whom you suspect of being capable of the very extreme and societally catastrophic felony crime of mass homicide.

(4) You could promote federally-sponsored public-service announcements on television that offer persuasive slogans on behalf of restraint and civility in responding to inter-personal conflicts. Among the crime-deterrence "pro-civility" messages that could be offered in that type of television announcement might be: "THINK ABOUT IT. HUMAN LIFE IS SACRED. CAN YOU TRULY JUSTIFY MURDERING ANOTHER HUMAN BEING? AND IF YOU CAN'T JUSTIFY MURDERING ANOTHER HUMAN BEING, WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU EVER ATTEMPT TO MURDER TWO OR MORE HUMAN BEINGS? YOUR WISE RESTRAINT WILL SAVE THE LIVES OF OTHERS, AND YOUR OWN LIFE!"

(4) You could recommend the establishment of a special "Mass Murderer Alert" telephone hotline in the USA that accepts anonymous crime tips on a 24-hour-a-day basis from any and all persons in regard to individuals whom the callers suspect of being potentially capable of committing the outrageously heinous crime of mass homicide in the USA or Canada or Mexico.

(5) You could ask the federal government to co-sponsor the production of a first-rate documentary movie for primary and secondary schools that is designed to instill in youths a personal determination to never commit mass homicide or homicide, no matter how much adversity they face. The proposed documentary could also offer schoolchildren examples of warning signs that indicate that one of their classmates or schoolmates or a visitor to their campus or a person employed at their campus might possibly be capable of committing mass homicide.

(6) You could appoint a "Presidential Commission on Mass Homicide", if you haven't already done so, that offers public-policy recommendations to you and the U.S. Congress on how to prevent mass homicide in American society.

(7) You could ask the U.S. Congress to consider approving a new federal law that imposes an automatic court-ordered death penalty on anyone convicted of having committed the unconscionable crime of mass homicide. Otherwise, you could recommend a revision to the U.S. penal code that classifies any and all mass homicides as federal offenses, and that clearly states that that federal offense is punishable by the death penalty.

At present, it often seems (and I have not pursued factual research on this point) from news media reports that individuals convicted of mass homicide are often spared from the death penalty. Members of the general public often notice the outrageous disparity in sentencing in which perpetrators of mass homicide are spared from the death penalty, while perpetrators of a single homicide are often subjected to the death penalty.

(8) You could ask Congress to impose restrictions on violent television programming and on violent movies in the USA, and you could also ask Congress to impose limits on violence in video games.

(9) You could ask the U.S. Department of Labor to conduct a study of Americans who were fired from their job and who then retaliated by murdering two or more former coworkers or former work supervisors. Possibly the U.S. Department of Labor could develop guidelines on how to protect the safety and emotional well-being of the employer and the former coworkers, and of the dismissed employee, whenever an employee gets fired by an employer. In some cases, an appeals procedure within a workplace could be clearly explained to all employees, so that they could achieve reinstatement in their position of employment through a factually persuasive appeal of their dismissal.

President Biden, I hope that this very tentative brainstorming attempt for your benefit during an off-duty day for me in Austin, Texas, will prove to be useful to yourself and your crime-deterrence-minded Administration.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

from John Kevin McMillan, current criminal-law complainant with the Austin (TX) Police Department in APD Home-Invasion-Crimes and Sex-Crimes Case 21-0830533. It is a major crime case in which I am the cited lifelong-single-by-choice, longtime celibate-by-choice, permanently teetotaling, white Anglo-Saxon adult male victim during my sleeping hours as I lie ALONE on my own bed, asleep and unconscious and possibly snoring, inside my double-bolt-locked and fully-locked solo-occupancy efficiency apartment unit at Pebble Creek Apartments in northeast Austin.
I remain very hopeful each day that the Austin Police Department or FBI or the Texas DPS on this particular birthday month for me will be willing to authorize what will be my first-ever forensic medical-evidence DNA-traces sexual-assault exam on myself after nine consecutive years of my having been repeatedly denied --- on 15 or more separate occasions --- a rape-evidence exam on myself I had requested from the APD Sex Crimes Unit, APD-appointed liaison officers for myself, from local emergency-room physicians, and from the local non-profit organization holding quasi-governmental authority, SAFE Austin Alliance, that staffs forensic nurses who provide forensic DNA-traces medical exams on self-identified rape-victims at the SAFE Austin Alliance compound in south Austin.
My rental-home address ever since June 21, 2019:
Pebble Creek Apartments (a Belco Equities-affiliated, large gated-community complex), 8805 North Plaza Drive, Building 17 (near the northeastern corner of my complex), Apt. 2418 (a second-floor, eastward-facing unit), Austin, TX 78753.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
Cell phone: (512) 993-7305.

John Kevin McMillan

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