Monday, August 14, 2017


--It never occurs to the millions of Americans who frequently verbalize profanity or cuss words in their everyday conversations with acquaintances theirs, that the incivility behind verbalization of profane speech is very similar to, and plays a major role in, the incivility behind observably violent conduct in American society of today.

--The very fact that no U.S. state currently has a nationwide and international reputation for being the leading "anti-cussing state in the entire nation", is itself a very tragic commentary on the prevalence of profane speech and obscene verbalized speech in American society of today.

--The recent election of a new U.S. President whose official language is often foul-tongued, means that The White House in Washington, D.C., for perhaps the first time ever is a leading official source of year-round profanity and accompanying vituperation.

--The frequently televised message from President Trump that "I as your Chief of State am right, and everyone else is wrong!", suggests that he is uniquely qualified to make that type of public statement. 

However, the millions of Americans who mimic his own style through their own career-related and political pursuits in which they declare themselves to be uniquely "righteous", suggest that they too are telling everyone------including even the President of the United States, an observer surmises---to "go to hell, because I disagree with you". 
President Trump's style of leadership is not the Mussolini-style Fascism in which everyone in the entire nation salutes the head of state as their cited "Great Fascist leader" whom they unquestionably agree with at all times.  Mr. Trump's also-injurious style of leadership is, instead, marked by a dreadful and dreary and very injurious nihilism and cynicism and anarchism. Few of today "goose-step" to Mr. Trump's declarations; but the disarray from rampant anarchism today in which few if any of our federal officials are regarded as actual heroes, can be very harmful in its own way.

---For all the professions of patriotism that President Trump has made, he presides over a defacto civil war and defacto state of anarchy throughout this entire nation that raise the alarming question of whether Mr. Trump truly does believe in civility and honor and integrity and allegiance to a democratic tradition in the United States.

--President Trump is world-famous for repeatedly declaring "You're fired!" to many of the federal officials he himself has appointed to serve under him in the White House. But that same U.S. President never publicly praises any federal official he directly supervises for offering an incisive, persuasive dissenting opinion to Mr. Trump's own position that actually changed our current head of state's mind about any political issue or course of action to take.

--The President Trump who denounces Americans' purchase of products that were manufactured in foreign nations, inevitably invites foreign leaders to rage against the purchase of imported products from the U.S. by consumers in their own foreign country. And when an inevitable decline occurs in American companies' ability to sell their products overseas, President Trump will be the first to then denounce those foreign nations for adopting a tradition of their own that's similar to what he himself had emphatically advocated for all Americans.

--In one of the few political issues in which President Trump can convincingly be non-hypocritical, the issue of sobriety in a head of state, he has chosen NOT to promote that cause by himself personally presiding over a meeting of "Always-Sober Heads of State" from around the world. President Trump exhibits no sense of "dry pride", even if that is possibly one of his strongest attributes as head of state. Everyone knows that if President Trump ever pushes the button to drop an atomic bomb on a foreign nation---a much-dreaded scenario that, one hopes, will never occur---he will be fully sober at the time and without even a drop of alcohol influencing his own judgment or conduct.

--President Trump's repeated diatribes against foreign nations for allegedly wronging American society, inevitably raise questions about the various ways in which American society wrongs foreign nations. And Mr. Trump almost never acknowledges any circumstance or any context in which American society during his own term of office ever wrongs any foreign nation at any time.

--President Trump shows no tangible interest in religion except in a context in which he can publicly declare himself to be "one U.S. President who is Divinely Blessed with Righteousness at all times," as he might as well publicly declare.  The irony of it all is that a President as profoundly anti-religious as this former gambling-casino owner is, has apparently decided to emulate King Henry VIII of England by declaring himself head of a state-sponsored "religion" in which he himself holds the "divinely-appointed" role of "always-benign dictator", as he may see it.

---For all the publicly-stated "deep concern" that President Trump declares himself to have on behalf of those Americans he designates as having been persons of "nobility" who were "harmed or wronged or injured by others", there is widespread skepticism by millions of Americans about whether Mr. Trump is truly capable of a depth of empathy and depth of sympathy that are associated with a mourning period, for instance. Inevitably Mr. Trump's observers suspect that the American flag in front of the Trump White House may be at half-mast on fewer total occasions per month than during the tenure of any other President of the most recent 50-year period.

--For all the sympathy that Mr. Trump professes to have toward those American citizens he chooses to praise as "martyrs", anyone observing Mr. Trump on television will find it impossible to observe any evidence that our current head of state when facing a television camera ever sheds a tear for anyone other than himself.

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