Monday, May 16, 2011

Recycling Philanthropy: Which Affluent Americans and Foundations Contribute the Most Toward that Cause?

I have never once heard about or witnessed a 21st Century White House ceremony in Washington, D.C., that exclusively honors and promotes the American philanthropists and American philanthropic organizations that have contributed the most toward research relating to and development and expansion and improvement of recycling services in this country.

For all those who praise U.S. President Barack Obama for his bold "new" style of leadership, it remains painfully apparent to many of us that the "new direction" Obama has presided over for our country has not, in fact, been bold enough or innovative enough.

Ours is a country where a nationwide poll of Americans that asks them to identify the leading philanthropists of recycling of today would provide massive evidence of woeful nationwide ignorance about that crucial definer of our nation's level of vitality and healthfulness.

For all the talk about the "rights of the unborn" that anti-abortion activists are sponsoring in this country, almost never do we hear an even more profound public discussion about the human right of younger generations and future generations of Americans to all enjoy full access to recycled aluminum products, recycled paper products, recycled plastic products, recycled glass products, and any other recycled products, that can and should all be found inside the United States of today.

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