Sunday, May 8, 2011

Questions that American Society Should Be Asking on Behalf of Deterring Terrorism and Related Violence

The initial euphoria expressed by many Americans after the death of a world-infamous Arab terrorist has been naive and ill-advised.

For American society to achieve a lasting peace and a lasting harmony with the rest of the world, our federal government must first strive to make our nation as morally defensible and admirable as possible. Our nation's political and cultural leadership can achieve that crucial goal by diligently and comprehensively addressing each of the following questions:

---Are there any ways in which the United States Government or American society does, in fact, inflict any form of defacto or government-endorsed "state terrorism" on any foreign citizens or any foreign nations (or on any American citizens, for that matter)?

---Does the United States Government this century ever act in an unjustifiably unilateral manner in initiating military invasions of other nations?

--In which ways do American society and the U.S. Government significantly wrong any persons born in a foreign nation or any foreign nation?

--Does the United States Government currently wrong the residents of Puerto Rico, who are each currently denied their citizenship right to be represented in the United States Congress as well as many other citizenship rights that are routinely granted to other American citizens.

--Does the United States of America champion a principled approach to human rights issues featuring full support for the legal and human right of each and every person on this planet to be classified as a citizen of some country or foreign nation, or, if need be, of a United Nations Protectorate territory, it being the case at present that millions of human beings who are born Palestinian in ancestry, for instance, are themselves denied the legal and human right of citizenship in any nation of the world or in a United Nations Protectorate, because of an outrageous violation of and contempt for their own human rights.

---Are there any ways in which American society has acquired global infamy for somehow "sponsoring" or "permitting" or "authorizing" or "approving" any form of anonymous communications or illegal communications or injurious communications featuring verbalized death threats being inflicted on persons who are being subjected to those anonymous communications against their wishes?

---Does the United States Government currently provide technical assistance on contraception-education programs and vasectomy-surgeon training programs in foreign nations, it being flagrantly obvious that American society currently plays a role in unwanted pregnancies in other nations that result from sexual promiscuity and non-marital sex between single teenage persons, with many hypersexual Hollywood movies and X-rated movies produced in the United States appearing to exalt frequent and anonymous promiscuous sex with a wide variety of sex partners.

---Has American society subjected any current resident of the United States or any current citizen of the United States to any form of defacto or actual involuntary public nudism or defacto or actual involuntary public nudity in any context that occurred against the wishes of that individual?

---Has the United States Government failed in any way to fully acknowledge the legal right of any single adult person in the United States to himself or herself enjoy the option and legal right at all times of himself leading a completely celibate and single adult lifestyle on a 24-hour-a-day and year-round basis?

---Has the United States Government fully protected the legal and human right of any and all current residents or citizens of the United States to not themselves be subjected to any type of "pre-arranged marriage" to another person or other persons?

---Has the United States Government sponsored or permitted more extensive violations of the privacy rights and intellectual-property legal rights of any cited current resident of the United States or any cited current citizen of the United States than has virtually any other country in the entire world in regard to any of the persons residing in that foreign country.

---Is the United States Government currently permitting any business entity or non-profit group or government-sponsored institution or "educational services" institution or media company or individual or group of individuals to deprive any current resident of the United States or any current citizen of the United States of having full and immediate and readily-obtainable access to fully reliable and honest and accurate news and factual information services, including fully reliable, honest, and authoritative medical information services for himself in regard to his own medical health, on a year-round and lifelong basis inside the USA?

--Has the United States Government courageously opposed the infliction of religious propaganda or anti-religious propaganda or atheist propaganda on any current resident of the United States or citizen of the United States in any context that violates the privacy rights of that American resident or American citizen, with the so-called "deprogramming" activities involving the kidnapping of American residents or American citizens often involving a violation of the human rights and privacy rights of the individuals held hostage in that type of context.

--Does the United States Government currently permit the censorship or attempted censorship of any law-abiding and privacy-respectful adult citizen of the United States, any such censoriousness that is currently occurring in the United States being a flagrant form of repressive violation of the Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion legal rights of that individual.

---Does the United States Government fully honor the legal and human right of any adult American citizen to himself NOT himself be a member of any religious denomination or religious group other than the one he directly agrees to as being his own religious group or religious organization.

---Is the United States Government currently permitting any business entity or non-profit group or individual or group of individuals or government-sponsored entity anywhere in this country to inflict continuous, year-round noise pollution on any law-abiding citizen of the United States in a context that's flagrantly violative of his own privacy rights and his own legal and human rights, such as his asserted legal and human right to fully protect his own hearing capacity and medical health.

---Is the United States Government currently permitting the illegal and very sinister and injurious infliction of noise pollution as a weapon being used to punish or harm the medical health and personal safety and financial earnings capacity of any current citizen of the United States whose own political or religious beliefs or personal beliefs or law-abiding conduct differ from those of any or many members or officers of the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, the Libertarian Party, the Socialist Party, or any other political group or religious group or civic group or non-profit group found in the United States.

---Is the United States Government currently permitting or sponsoring the alleged religious persecution or political persecution or economic persecution of any law-abiding American citizen whose political and religious beliefs and priorities and whose current choice of city or state of residence for himself, for instance, are somehow opposed by others.

---Is the United States Government permitting the illegal infliction of any illegal or unethical "thought-control" projects or "thought-control" experiments or the infliction of any illegal or unethical "brainwashing" attempts on any current American citizen?

---Is the United States Government currently permitting reprehensibly punitive and injurious and illegal vigilante activities (such as flagrantly illegal actions by any religious or political group or individual or media company or media entity to stalk and harass or slander or verbally abuse someone whose political or religious or personal beliefs differ dramatically from their or his own beliefs) that are reportedly occurring anywhere in the United States?

---Is the United States Government currently permitting any cases of flagrantly and outrageously illegal and violent lynchings of any law-abiding American citizens or law-abiding visitors to the United States.

--Is it truly necessary and justifiable for the United States Government to deploy American military troops overseas in each and every year of the 21st Century?

--Has the United States Government conducted a conscientious review of our nation's current policies in regard to the sale of military arms to foreign nations?

--Has the U.S. Government adequately studied the implications of the very sobering fact that each and every occasion in which U.S. Armed Forces kill or shoot at a foreign citizen overseas, will trigger several decades of intense hatred of the United States and American society by hundreds or thousands or millions of foreign citizens?

--Shouldn't it pose a concern to the U.S. Government that millions or billions of people throughout the world look upon the United States of America as "the hated enemy"?

---Has the United States of America as host country for The United Nations in New York City, New York, pursued any actions that undermined the legal authority or potential strength of The United Nations, including in regard to any military actions that The United Nations might ever have a need to pursue.

--In which ways does American society significantly offend or alienate any foreign nation in a context in which that foreign nation has a legitimate grievance against the United States or against American society?

---Why hasn't the United States Congress approved the official bipartisan goal for the United States of our nation striving to become the number one industrialized nation in the world for comprehensive commitment to environmental protection?

--Are there any multinational corporations headquartered in the United States of America that pursue business practices and other conduct in or relating to foreign nations that undermine American society's moral credibility with those foreign nations?

---Are there any multinational corporations headquartered in the USA that inside foreign countries where they are situated fail to fully participate in comprehensive recycling of any and all recyclable items (paper products) they use or consume and would otherwise discard or throw away, or that fail to adequately protect the environmental quality in each of the geographical areas of foreign countries where those U.S.-identified corporations are themselves situated.

--Are there any ways in which any corporation operating inside the United States or operating in U.S.-governed territory or waters inflicts water pollution or noise pollution or air pollution or any other form of environmental destructiveness on Canada or Mexico or Siberia or any other foreign nation?

--Is American society relying excessively on raw materials in foreign nations for use by American-financed manufacturing plants? Doesn't any such over-reliance underscore the urgent need for American society to significantly increase recycling of raw materials that can already be found inside the United States?

--Why doesn't American society currently have a nationwide recycling program that is truly comprehensive in nature, and that is mandated by the United States Government for all citizens and residents and employers of the United States to participate in fully, regardless of where in the United States they reside.

--Should the United States Government provide financial incentives or impose legal requirements for all businesses operating in the United States to each participate in recycling of recyclable items that are currently being discarded as trash by those businesses, including paper products, glass products, aluminum products, plastic products, etc.

---Is American society through an official American Anti-Deforestation Policy striving in a diligent manner to prevent deforestation of much of this planet?

--Why hasn't the U.S. Congress this century officially ratified a crucial recent international treaty that was aimed at halting any further depletion of the ozone layer?

---Has the United States Government incurred a major legal liability and moral responsibility from the Global Warming Effect for which many observers say that American society is primarily blameworthy for that global environmental disaster.

---Are any of the multinational corporations headquartered in the U.S. themselves guilty of unconscionable exploitation of any of the foreign citizens who are employed by that multinational corporation? In which ways does any such exploitation of foreign labor by U.S.-identified multinational corporations play a role in the global crisis of foreign citizens in foreign countries developing a sharp antipathy or intense hatred toward American society and the United States?

--Why hasn't the U.S. Government formally and officially established the nationwide goal of the United States of America becoming the most energy-efficient and fossil-fuel-conserving industrialized nation in the entire world?

---Why hasn't the U.S. Government formally and officially established the nationwide goal of the United States of America becoming the leading nation in the world for research and development and deployment of renewable energy sources?

---Why doesn't the U.S. Government currently have the official national goal of American society striving to generously share recycling technology and environmental-protection technology and renewable-energy technology with as many foreign nations as possible?

--Why does the United States of America continue to export a larger number of gratuitously-violent media productions, including in the form of Hollywood movies and video games, than possibly any other nation in the world?

--Why does the United States of America continue to export a larger number of profanity-filled media productions, including Hollywood movies and videotapes of "popular" music group performances, to foreign nations than does any other nation in the world?

--Does the United States of America have an adequate nationwide policy for preventing the deplorably illicit "export" from the United States of marijuana or any other illicit drug to Canada or any other foreign nation, it being a certainty that any and all illicit-drug trafficking that originates in the United States and enters a foreign country in an illicit manner is a form of defacto terrorism that American society inflicts on foreign nations.

---Why hasn't the United States Government imposed new prohibitions on any and all travel to foreign nations by American citizens who are either HIV-positive or who have AIDS, it being a certainty that many foreign citizens understandably blame citedly promiscuous and irresponsible Americans for the unconscionable spread to foreign nations of the HIV virus and of the often-fatal AIDS.

---Why hasn't the United States Government established an adequate AIDS-prevention program that, among other things, requires any and all persons in the USA who test positive for the HIV-virus to each promptly register that alarming medical information about themselves with the United States Government.

---Should the United States Government assume a leadership role in AIDS prevention by classifying the infection of another person with the HIV virus as a federal offense and felony crime for which the individual charged with infecting another human being with the HIV Virus should be prosecuted in federal court.

---Why shouldn't the United States Congress help to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS by approving a new federal law that orders the closing anywhere and everywhere in this country of any and all commercial sex parlors and other establishments, including the so-called "gay bathhouses," where anonymous sex frequently occurs in a public place.

--Why doesn't the United States Government encourage land-conserving, compact development of existing municipalities in this country by imposing a five-year ban on any future intrusion into wilderness land or farmland or agricultural cropland or ranchland that would have occurred for the purpose of real-estate development.

--Why doesn't the U.S. Government assign very high priority to establishment by the U.S. Congress of a nationwide criminal-recidivism prevention program, it being painfully apparent to any observer of the United States of today that the vast majority of all Americans who are convicted of a felony crime will, upon release from prison, eventually commit yet another felony crime.

---Why doesn't the United States Congress approve a new federal law declaring a zero-tolerance policy toward either homicide or attempted homicide by requiring the imposition of a court-ordered death penalty that would be imposed on any person convicted in the United States of either having attempted to commit homicide or having committed homicide.

---Why hasn't the United States Congress assigned high priority to approving a comprehensive network of treatment programs in the United States that provide affordable treatment services to individuals who are currently addicted to either alcohol or tobacco or illicit drugs or having their body tattooed.

---Why hasn't the United States Government adequately acknowledged the shameful legal fact that our nation with millions of illicit-drug addicts and many millions of alcohol-addicted citizens and illegal aliens is a nation where many of those U.S. citizens on either cited basis pose a danger to themselves as well as a potential danger to citizens of foreign countries.

---Should the United States Congress seek to protect the medical health and personal safety of citizens of foreign nations by imposing an immediate ban on the exportation from the USA to any foreign country of any tobacco product or any alcohol product other than wine or beer.

---Should the United States Congress seek to protect the medical health and personal safety of citizens of foreign nations by imposing an immediate ban on the exportation from the USA to any foreign country of any marijuana peraphernalia or any other illicit-drug paraphernalia.

---Should the United States Congress approve a new law that classifies any and all terroristic threats of violence occurring inside the United States of America as a federal offense and felony crime?

---Should the United States Congress approve a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that imposes a court-ordered death penalty on any person convicted of the unconscionable and heinous crime of either attempted homicide or homicide in a context in which either type of outrageous violent crime occurs in the United States or on territory (Puerto Rico, for instance) that is owned by the United States.

---Has the United States Congress approved a new federal law aimed at deterring the unconscionable crime of stalking, such as might occur if Congress were to classify any and all cases of stalking of any current resident of the United States or any current citizen of the United States as a federal offense and felony crime, the crime of stalking often occurring in a context in which the intrinsically sinister stalker resides in a U.S. state other than the one where his intended victim resides.

---Has the United States Government pursued any actions to strengthen the legal right of any American citizen to decide for himself in which city or town or county or state of the United States he agrees to reside, any policy to the contrary by American society being an example of the deplorably repressive policies that are pursued by communist countries or socialist countries exhibiting a contempt for the right of individuals to set their own course in life and decide for themselves where they agree to reside.

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