Monday, April 1, 2024

My August 16, 2023, Letter to City of Salt Lake City Officials, Advocating Monthly Award to a Restaurant in This State-Capital City That Meets Specified Criteria, Including Elegance of Background Music System

 My letter to City of Salt Lake City Officials Advocating a Monthly Award to a Restaurant in Salt Lake City, Utah, that meets specified criteria, including:

"--It highlights elegance, clarity, and beauty of vocalization in the background singing from the sound system of that restaurant.

"--It offers background music low enough in volume that  guests can enjoy having a calm and pleasant conversation with their dining companions at their dining table  inside the restaurant."

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "John McMillan" <>

To: "Salt Lake City (UT) City Council" <>, "Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021" <>, "Utah Restaurant Association 2022" <>, "" <>, "Deseret News 2022" <>, "Fox News SLC 2022" <>, "Slchamber Info" <>, "Joel Briscoe" <>, "Jplumb" <>, "Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021" <>, "Office of Gov. Spencer Cox" <>, "" <>, "Uag" <>, "liam.anderson" <>, "Joel_wellum" <>, "mark.coffield" <>, "Angela Romero" <>, "Internships" <>, "County Council Member Bradshaw" <>, "Mayor Wilson" <>, "Him-roi" <>, "University of Utah Student Newspaper 2022" <>, "Kimberly Foster" <>, "Utah Public Radio 2022" <>, "Utah League of Cities 2022" <>, "Utah League of Cities 2022" <>, "Utah League of Cities and Towns 2022" <>, "City Weekly (SLC, UT) 2022" <>, "Utah Business magazine 2022" <>

Sent: Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 4:02 PM

Subject: Proposed Monthly Award Honoring Local Restaurants

August 16, 2023

Dear Salt Lake City Council Members and Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall,

I respectfully urge the Salt Lake City Council to please establish a special tradition of offering special recognition each month to one City Council-endorsed "Restaurant of the Month"  in this state-capital city that meets the following criteria:

--It is a family-friendly, sanitary, safety-minded restaurant that offers nutritious and healthful menu options.

---It highlights elegance, clarity, and beauty of vocalization in the background singing from the sound system of that restaurant.

--It offers background music low enough in volume that  guests can enjoy having a calm and pleasant conversation with their dining companions at their dining table  inside the restaurant.

---It  highlights clean language and lack of profanity and a devotion to civility and obedience of the law  in the background music that guests can hear inside that restaurant.

---It highlights creativity and a sublime evocation of philanthropic human sentiment in the background lyrics being sung in the background sound system.

---It highlights professional singers whose singing voices indicate that they lead tobacco-free lifestyles and their vocal cords are not irritated or scratched.

----It highlights a variety of ethnic and racial backgrounds---- including white non-Hispanic singers who are American citizens, Hispanic singers, Latin American singers, Jewish singers, Italian singers, English singers, Scottish singers, Canadian singers, Australian singers,  Asian-American singers, etc., through the background sound system in that restaurant.

----It  conveys an emphatic  opposition to any and all racial hegemony, racial monopoly, racial bullying, or racial  malice in the  background music  of a restaurant where the menu itself reflects a multi-racial or multi-national heritage or a primary  racial identity heritage significantly different from than that of the background sound system singers.

---If it is a foreign-cuisine restaurant, it offers background music that is sublimely  complementary to the nationality or ethnicity of the foreign cuisine featured in that restaurant.

I hope this proposed new monthly awards tradition appeals to each of you City of Salt Lake City officials.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

John Kevin McMillan, a permanently alcohol-free (ever since 1990), permanently marijuana-free ever since 1984, lifelong-illicit-drug-free in regard to any and all illicit drugs other than marijuana, lifelong-tobacco-free, clean-talking and non-profane,  lifelong American citizen and a single adult white Anglo-Saxon English-Scottish-German-American permanent official resident of Utah ever since January 1, 2023. I have resided in  Salt Lake City proper on a continuous basis ever since June 1, 2022.

My current solo-occupancy  fully bolt-locked rental 

-home address:

535 South 200 East, Apt. 912, Ninth Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

Cell phone: (512) 993-7305.

Home phone: (801) 355-0850.

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android

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