Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stalker Unmasked as Solipsistic Narcissist

It seems to me that there is an urgent need for a psychological or criminological study evaluating the role of solipsism and narcissism in the felony crime of stalking.

Based on what I have observed of the individuals from my own past whom I have most suspected of having allegedly committed the felony crime of spying on me or the felony crime of stalking myself or the felony crime of illegally electronically surveillancing myself or illegally videotaping myself, the infamous profile of the stalker that emerges is as follows:

He or she is someone who believes that he is at the very center of the entire universe. He or she regards himself or herself as being a divine figure or deity or demigod. He or she has no interest in the privacy rights of others, since "other human beings are mere pawns in the solitary chess game that I habitually play every day of my life," as the stalker might note in his private diaries. "They have no life of their own. Their existence is solely contingent on whether I plan to use them or toy with them or destroy them, for that matter. Since I myself am godlike, I have the power to create and to destroy as I wish."

The stalker, according to my theory, is a solipsistic narcissist who lacks the capacity to empathize in any way with other human beings. The stalker has no concept of the Constitutional rights and legal rights of other human beings, "since that would imply that I respect the Freedom of Speech rights, Freedom of Mutual-Consent Association rights, Freedom of Religion rights, and privacy rights of these mere pawns or things that I seek to control or possess or destroy. They are a very low form of life, compared with Myself, and because of their obvious inferiority, they of course forfeit any claim to having rights of any type. I either subjugate and harness them, just as a slaveowner would harness and subjugate a slave, or I destroy them after they prove to be an annoyance or pest to me. They have no identity of any sort that's independent of Myself in any way."

Thus when someone who is victimized by a stalker verbalizes a complaint about it to the stalker or to a law-enforcement agency, the stalker regards this legal complaint from the victim as "an indication that this individual I'm pursuing is afraid of me. And this evidence that they're terrified of me me and terrorized by me proves that I have won this chess game. It's just a matter of time before I triumph with a checkmate in this chess game of mine. They're my prey, so to speak. It's all similar to the Animal Kingdom, in which I'm the Great Tiger who rules over the entire Animal Kingdom. I'm the Great Predator who boldly and at will pounces on and devours all the lesser animals that I seek to pursue and annihilate."

The solipsistic and narcissistic stalker is also someone who would be capable of inflicting year-round and continuous noise pollution on a cited victim, if the stalker had the technological capacity and financial strength to do so (infliction of noise pollution on a cited victim that occurs on a year-round and multi-year basis would incur a massive electricity bill for the stalker). "Since I don't like his religious and political and philosophical and personal beliefs, and I don't like his cited priorities, either, I plan to punish him on a year-round basis until he goes deaf from it all, suffers a fatal injury from it all, or changes his religious and political beliefs and other beliefs of his to make them more like MY OWN beliefs," the unconscionably sadistic stalker might confess in acknowledging that additional crime by the stalker in his private diary. "I have zero tolerance for my victim's asserted legal right to have ANY beliefs of ANY type that differ from my own. I am a deity---I'm God---and as Creator of this Universe I get to dictate the beliefs and values of this despicable animal, this odious thing, that I seek to control and possess and toy with as a slave and hostage of mine."

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