----- Forwarded Message -----From: "Housing Complaint" <housingcomplaint@twc.state.tx.us>To: "John McMillan" <mcmillanj@att.net>Sent: Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 4:08 PMSubject: RE: 6-17-21 PIR re: Austin (TX) City Attorney's Office and meWe are not the City of Austin office. Please remove us from the email.
Calvin M. Hooper
Calvin M. Hooper
Supervisor, Fair Housing Intake
Texas Workforce Commission - Civil Rights Division101 E. 15th Street, Guadalupe/CRD
Austin, TX 78778
Our mission is to reduce discrimination in employment and housing through education
and enforcement of state and federal laws.
From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2021 11:41 PM
To: public.information@austintexas.gov; Austin Mayor Steve Adler <steve.adler@austintexas.gov>; Quincy (MA) Mayor Thomas Koch 2021 <mayorkoch@quincyma.gov>; chiefsoffice@newtonma.gov; Austin Police Dept. Asst. Chief Troy Gay <troy.gay@austintexas.gov>; Fbinaa Info <info@fbinaa.org>; Office for Victims of Crime (U.S. DOJ) <itverp@usdoj.gov>; Texas Rangers (2015) <rangers@dps.texas.gov>; Rey Arellano <rey.arellano@austintexas.gov>; U.S. Department of Homeland Security <private.sector@dhs.gov>; Hernandez Sally [TCSO] <sally.hernandez@traviscountytx.gov>; debbie.reynolds@traviscountytx.gov; Josh Reno <josh.reno@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; brent.dupre@texasattorneygeneral.gov; public.information@texasattorneygeneral.gov; State Senator Sarah Eckhardt 2020 <sarah.eckhardt@senate.texas.gov>; Senator Sarah Eckhardt Constituent Assistance <district14.eckhardt@senate.texas.gov>; Senator Sarah Eckhardt Public Policy <andromeda.roberts@senate.texas.gov>; Senator Sarah Eckhardt Political Items <sarah@saraheckhardt.com>; sarah@nshhcoalition.org; National Center for Healthy Housing 2021 <info@nchh.org>; takebackhope@tlsc.org; Rape Abuse and Incest National Network <info@rainn.org>; Polarisproject Info <info@polarisproject.org>; The White House Attn Pres. Biden <engagement@ostp.eop.gov>; DOJ Sexual Harassment in Housing Initiative (CRT) <sexualharassment.inhousing@usdoj.gov>; Texas City Attorneys Assoc. Dir. Mims (2016) <paigem@plano.gov>; ABA Commission on Disability 2020 <amy.allbright@americanbar.org>; DFPS Office Of Consumer Relations <ocr@dfps.state.tx.us>; Humantrafficking <humantrafficking@oag.texas.gov>; National Human Trafficking Hotline <nhtrc@polarisproject.org>; elder.justice@usdoj.gov; Noise Pollution Clearinghouse 2021 <npc@nonoise.org>; privacy@traviscountytx.gov; Patrick B. Howard <patrick.b.howard@traviscountytx.gov>; Andre Adams <andre.adams@tdhca.state.tx.us>; Gina Hinojosa <gina.hinojosa@house.texas.gov>; Trustees <trustees@austinisd.org>; TXGov Child Sex Trafficking Team 2020 <cstt@gov.texas.gov>; Texas anti-crime Fusion Center 2021 <txfc@dps.texas.gov>; Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick <dan.patrick@ltgov.texas.gov>; Austin Board of Realtors-Govt. Relations <government@abor.com>; publicrecords@gov.texas.gov; Center for Ethics and Public Integrity (NAAG 2016) <aely@naag.org>; ethics@trynova.org; Texas Municipal League (2016) <exec@tml.org>; Texas City Managers Assn 2021 <tcmainformation@tml.org>; Robert Kepple <robert.kepple@tdcaa.com>; Jalayne Robinson <jalayne.robinson@tdcaa.com>; Onjewel Smith: Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights <anr@no-smoke.org>; City of Austin EEOC/Fair Housing Administrator Enrique Serrano <enrique.serrano@austintexas.gov>; U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Devlpt (TX regional office) <tx_webmanager@hud.gov>; Housing Complaint <housingcomplaint@twc.state.tx.us>; Ombudsman <Ombudsman@twc.state.tx.us>; Snoddy,Bryan D <bryan.snoddy@twc.state.tx.us>; FederalCommunicationsCommission <fccinfo@fcc.gov>; U.S. Department of Education Texas Civil Rights Office (Dallas) <ocr.dallas@ed.gov>; bchasnoff@express-news.com; tsteele@dallasnews.com; District 1 <district1@austintexas.gov>; district2@austintexas.gov; district3@austintexas.gov; District 4 <district4@austintexas.gov>; Austin City Council Member Ann Kitchen (2016) <district5@austintexas.gov>; Council Member Mackenzie Kelly (2021) <district6@austintexas.gov>; District 7 <district7@austintexas.gov>; Austin City Council Member Paige Ellis (2021) <district8@austintexas.gov>; district9@austintexas.gov; delia.garza@traviscountytx.gov; Austin City Council Member Alter (2021) <district10@austintexas.gov>; Andrew Murr <andrew.murr@house.texas.gov>; andy.brown@traviscountytx.gov; Travis County Commissioner Brigid Shea <brigid.shea@traviscountytx.gov>; Austin Regional Clinic 2021 <annieaustin@austinregionalclinic.com>; Ann Howard <ann.howard@traviscountytx.gov>; sherri.fleming@traviscountytx.gov; health@austintexas.gov; AMA Council on Science and Public Health <csaph@ama-assn.org>; Austin Human Rights Commission 2021 <jonathan.babiak@austintexas.gov>; carol.johnson@austintexas.gov; Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker (2014) <mayor@slcgov.com>; Utah Citizens Against Physical and Sexual Abuse 2021 <info@capsa.org>; Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault 2021 <info@ucasa.org>; dps-victimservices@utah.gov; txjcic@dps.texas.gov; steven.mccraw@dps.texas.gov; Steven Rich <steven.rich@washpost.com>; Criminal Justice Journalists Board Member Rashbaum <rashbaum@nytimes.com>; nytnews@nytimes.com; The Texas Tribune <community@texastribune.org>; KXAN TV News Investigations <reportit@kxan.com>; KEYE CBS News Austin 2017 <news@cbsaustin.com>; CBS News '60 Minutes' Editors and Reporters <60m@cbsnews.com>; Human Rights Law Society (U of Chicago) <hrls@law.uchicago.edu>; Harvard Law School Human Rights Program (2016) <hrp@law.harvard.edu>; Amnesty International UT-Austin Chapter <texasamnesty@gmail.com>; Amnesty Info <info@amnesty.ie>; Amnesty International USA <aimember@aiusa.org>; causenet@commoncause.org; ABA Center for Human Rights <humanrights@americanbar.org>; news@texasobserver.com; Hill Country News Editor (2016) <editor@hillcountrynews.com>; Debbie Hiott <dhiott@kut.org>; info@klru.org; Harvard Club of Austin 2017 <chandean1@outlook.com>; Austin Homeland Security/Emergency 2021 <hsemcommunications@austintexas.gov>; alan@texasmunicipallawyers.com; Harris County Medical Society 2021 <webadmin@hcms.org>; Texas Hospital Assn 2021 <info@tha.org>; American Hospital Association 2021 <express@aha.org>; Stdavidsfoundation Info <info@stdavidsfoundation.org>; Suzanne M. Abrego <smabrego@seton.org>; Suzanne M. Abrego <smabrego@ascension.org>; National Association of Hispanic Journalists 2021 <contact@nahj.org>; National Association of Jewish Legislators 2017 <najleg@gmail.com>; Jewishdems Info <info@jewishdems.org>; webmaster@democrats.org; Central Texas Democratic Party Forum <cherring@herring-irwin.com>; Saundra Ragona <ssragona@gmail.com>; kpwatson@uh.edu; central_texas@cruz.senate.gov; jacob_chamblin@cruz.senate.gov; patricia.cruz@austintexas.gov; United States Senate <webmaster@cornyn.senate.gov>; Moriarty Kate (Cornyn) <kate_moriarty@cornyn.senate.gov>; Office Dallas (Cornyn) <dallas_office@cornyn.senate.gov>; Cleat Info <info@cleat.org>; Darla Dixon <darla.dixon@tcole.texas.gov>; U.S. Representative Michael McCaul <emailmccaul@mail.house.gov>; U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (2015) <lloyd.doggett@mail.house.gov>; Rep. Sheryl Cole (2019 CentralTX) <sheryl.cole@house.texas.gov>; news@dailytexanonline.com; Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Justice Dept. <ttac@ovcttac.org>; alumnimembership@umn.edu; Crime Victims' Institute 2020 SHSU <crimevictims@shsu.edu>; Houston Chronicle Letters to the Editor <viewpoints@chron.com>; DMN Austin Bureau Reporter Robert Garrett <rtgarrett@dallasnews.com>; letters@express-news.net; christopher.keen@austintexas.gov; William Costello <william.costello@austintexas.gov>; Jason Laduque <jason.laduque@austintexas.gov>; State Senator Joan Huffman <joan.huffman@senate.texas.gov>; Nicole D. Collier <nicole.collier@house.texas.gov>; rstutes@wilsonlawfirm.com; koommen@cityofirving.org; Slater.Elza@uwlaw.com; kpagan@bickerstaff.com; jenniferr@wacotx.gov; julie@txmunicipallaw.com; sharae.reed@beaumonttexas.gov; mmcginnis@nrhtx.com; cezech@rampagelaw.com; letter@globe.com; Jason Smith <jsmith@pflugervilletx.gov>; veronica.saldate@austintexas.gov; ruben.espinoza@austintexas.gov; Austin Chronicle Editors <mail@austinchronicle.com>; Austin Regional Crime and Terrorism Intelligence Center <aric@austintexas.gov>; icehumantrafficking.helpdesk@dhs.gov
Subject: 6-17-21 PIR re: Austin (TX) City Attorney's Office and me
CAUTION: Email not from TWC System. Use care when clicking links and opening attachments.
June 17, 2021
Dear City of Austin (TX) Public Information Office Open Records Coordinator,
This is a Texas Open Records Act request in which I seek to obtain from the City Government of Austin a copy of any and all written communications, including e-mail communications or memoranda or reports or letters or press releases, that were generated or received or sent or mailed or forwarded or FAXed at any time since 12:01 a.m. November 15, 2019, on behalf of or by any attorney or administrator or other staff member employed in or by the City of Austin Law Department (also known as the City Attorney's Office) here in Austin, and that, in each and every such case, referred at least once in any manner to myself, John Kevin McMillan of Austin, Texas.
My legal name is John Kevin McMillan. I was born on April 27, 1957, at Lincoln, Nebraska. I have most recently resided in Austin proper on a continuous and uninterrupted basis ever since mid-March 1997.
I am a gainfully employed single adult white male Austin resident of English, Scottish, and German ancestry. I am a lifelong American citizen. I am also a certified direct descendant of the Rev. William Brewster, the great Puritan religious leader who served as head chaplain on the Mayflower and, later, as a leading religious adviser to British Plymouth Colony Governor William Bradford in a geographical area now situated in the U.S. state or Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
I myself do not have any criminal-conviction record. I lead a permanently drinking-alcohol-free (ever since the late summer of 1990, and never previously addicted), longtime-celibate-by-choice (including ever since I moved to north Austin in August 2001), single-by-choice, lifelong-tobacco-free and anti-tobacco-minded, lifelong-vaping-free, permanently marijuana-free (ever since the late fall of 1984, and never previously addicted), lifelong-illicit-drug-free in regard to any and all illicit drugs other than marijuana, lifelong-tattoo-less and anti-tattoo-minded, permanently facially-cleanshaven (no beard, no mustache, no goatee, etc.) and anti-facial-hair-minded, civil and law-abiding and honest and law-enforcement-minded, clean-talking (no profanity by me in my everyday conversations with other persons), non-gambling, lawfully non-Christian and implicitly-deistic (non-atheistic), religiously independent (I'm the only approved current member of my non-proselytizing "Progressive Prohibitionist Religion", an Honor Society new religion with very stringent membership-eligibility requirements) lifestyle here in Austin.I have resided alone as the rent-paying sole official tenant and the only approved occupant in Apartment 2418 of Building 17 at Pebble Creek Apartments, 8805 North Plaza Drive in northeast Austin and in the Austin City Council District 4 section of Austin, on a continuous and uninterrupted basis ever since June 21, 2019. I always sleep alone on my own bed.
Ever since my move-in date of June 21, 2019, I have NEVER at any time ever once permitted anyone but on-duty APD officers or, on one total occasion ever since I moved into my current unit, on-duty Austin-Travis County EMS staff members, to enter or be physically present anywhere inside my current always-bolt-locked apartment unit anytime between the hours of 8 p.m. at nighttime and 7:59 a.m. in the morning.
No staff member or representative for the City Government of Austin Public Health Department has ever been physically present anywhere inside my current always-bolt-locked efficiency apartment unit on any occasion since or including the day I moved into my current rental-housing unit on June 21, 2019.
I have maintained the same primary e-mail address throughout the entire multi-year period applicable to this public-information request. That e-mail address is: mcmillanj@att.net .
My landline home phone number has remained the same throughout the entire time period applicable to this public-information request. That phone number for me is: (512) 342-2295.
My cell phone number, which I have had ever since I obtained my first-ever cell phone (AT&T being my cell-phone service provider) in August of 2019, is: (512) 993-7305.
Thank you in advance for your very diligent and authoritative and thorough reply letter providing me with any and all responsive legal documents.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
John Kevin McMillan, public-information requestor.
My current home address: 8805 North Plaza Drive, Apt. 2418, Austin, TX 78753.
My home phone: (512) 342-2295.
My cell phone: (512) 993-7305.
My blog: http://www.johnkevinmcmillan.blogspot.com
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