Saturday, January 3, 2009

White House Conference on Organized Crime Urged

I am very hopeful that President Obama early during his Administration will host a "White House Conference on Organized Crime," at which several ex-Mafia figures who have each "gone straight" would be among the honored participants.

This proposed White House Conference theme would enable Obama to respond to the perception of many Americans that in his political career so far, Obama has been "soft on crime."

Other proposed possible topics for White House Conferences in Washington, D.C., during the Obama Administration might include:

----A White House Conference on Deterrence of "Snuff Movies."
----A White House Conference on Vigilance as a Citizenship Responsibility.
----A White House Conference on Deterring Violence in Popular Song Lyrics.
---A White House Conference on Natural-Resource Recycling.
---A White House Conference on Profane Speech Addiction.
---A White House Conference on Drug-Related Crime.
---A White House Conference on Medical Fraud.
---A White House Conference on Gang Violence.
---A White House Conference on Noise Pollution.
---A White House Conference on 21st Century Privacy Rights Issues.
---A White House Conference on Promoting Honesty and Obedience of the Law.
---A White House Conference on Sickle-Cell Anemia.
---A White House Conference on Under-Employment.
---A White House Conference on Societal Promotion of Creative Brainstorming.
---A White House Conference on Trans Fats as a Public Health Threat.
---A White House Conference on Deterring Sadomasochism in Entertainment.
---A White House Conference on Promoting Free Speech.
---A White House Conference on Pollution-Control Technology.
---A White House Conference on Promoting Societally Responsible Inventions.
---A White House Conference on Reverse Discrimination.
---A White House Conference on Promotion of Environmentally Conscientious Lifestyles.
---A White House Conference on Promotion of Excellence in Locution.
---A White House Conference on Educating Parents about Parenting Skills.
---A White House Conference on Pederasty Prevention.
---A White House Conference on Promoting Drug-free lifestyles.
---A White House Conference on Internet Ethics.
---A White House Conference on Personal Hygiene.
---A White House Conference on Body Piercings and Tattoos as a Public Health Issue.
---A White House Conference on the Rights of Non-smokers.
---A White House Conference on the Rights of Teetotalers.
---A White House Conference on the Rights of Clean-Speaking (Non-Profane) Americans.
---A White House Conference on Deterring Corruption in American Government.
---A White House Conference on Prevention of Childhood Obesity.
---A White House Conference on Pranks as a Societal Menace.
---A White House Conference on Anonymous Communications.
---A White House Conference on Lifelong Skills Education.
---A White House Conference on Motor-Vehicle Driving Etiquette.
---A White House Conference on Democratization of Investment in the Stock Market.
---A White House Conference on Children's Rights.
---A White House Conference on Lowering the Voting Age to 16.
---A White House Conference on Prevention of Promiscuity.
---A White House Conference on Urban Sprawl Containment.
---A White House Conference on Accident Prevention.
---A White House Conference on Religious and Political Persecution in the U.S.
---A White House Conference on Inter-Generational Platonic Relationships.
---A White House Conference on Employee Theft at Workplaces.
---A White House Conference on Inter-generational exploitation at the workplace.
---A White House Conference on Prevention of Sadomasochism in Romantic Relationships.

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