Saturday, January 10, 2009

Need for Semiannual Crime-Deterrence Tradition by U.S. President

An Open Letter to President-Elect Barack Obama and Vice President-Elect Joseph Biden.

January 10, 2009

Dear President-Elect Obama and Vice President-Elect Biden,

As you may already be aware, American society benefits pervasively from American citizens and foreign visitors residing in the United States who each lead civil and law-abiding lifestyles.

The millions of Americans and foreign visitors in this country who each have no criminal-conviction record offer our nation numerous benefits.

Our nation is far more secure militarily, the personal safety and medical health of each and every American citizen and visitor to the United States is far greater, our cultural and intellectual and athletic life is far more constructively creative and healthful, and our national economy benefits greatly, because of the civil and law-abiding lifestyles exhibited each year by millions of persons in the United States.

As you may already be aware, President-Elect Obama and Vice President-Elect Biden, I myself am one of the millions of American citizens who have no criminal-conviction record.

As a direct descendant of the Rev. William Brewster, Head Chaplain on the Mayflower and the first Governor of what is now the U.S. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I take great pride in my honest, civil, and law-abiding lifestyle.

That law-abiding lifestyle of mine, I might add, is enhanced by my complete and permanent and year-round abstention from any consumption of any drinking alcohol, any tobacco product, or any illicit drug, and also by my individual lifestyle being completely
tattoo-less, jewelry-less, clean-talking, platonically polite, non-sadomasochistic and anti-S&M, vigilant, and facially-cleanshaven.

Despite my personal pride in being among those honorable Americans who each have no criminal-conviction record, I have never once heard or watched any televised speech or any radio speech by any President of the United States of America in which that Chief of State has adequately acknowledged our collective achievement as individuals.

In fact, I cannot recall any U.S. President who has publicly told the American people just how many American citizens have no criminal-conviction record thus far in their respective lives.

It seems to me, President-Elect Obama and Vice President-Elect Biden, that you owe it to the American people to establish a semiannual Presidential Tradition in the White House of yourself delivering a factual report providing factual information, including various statistics, estimating how many American citizens currently residing in the United States have no criminal-conviction record from their entire life thus far.

I also believe you owe it to the American people to offer your Presidential endorsement to a proposed new "American Institute for the Study of Law-Abiding Lifestyles."

I mention this additional suggestion because it seems to me that the percentage of all Americans who each have no criminal-conviction record from their entire life thus far, has apparently declined in the last several decades.

If a privately-funded, independently-endowed research institute were established in or near our nation's capital city, that focuses on studying the lifestyles of law-abiding Americans with no criminal-conviction record, that non-profit and crime-deterrence-minded institute could help to disseminate invaluable factual information to encourage current and future generations of Americans to feel inspired by those noble lifestyles.

Thank you in advance, President-Elect Obama and Vice President-Elect Biden, for giving full consideration to this public-policy recommendation.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

John Kevin McMillan of Austin, Texas.

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