Thursday, January 29, 2009

'Nation of Ideas' Slogan should be endorsed by U.S. Govt.

The City of Austin, Texas, has for many years publicized the theme that this capital city of Texas --- the hometown of The University of Texas at Austin --- is a "City of Ideas."
As I reflect on the challenges facing the Obama Administration and the U.S. Government, as well as all of American society, in 2009, it seems to me that some counterpart to that theme might be helpful to our federal government.
I am hopeful, in fact, that President Obama will ask Congress to approve a resolution officially designating The United States of America as a "Nation of Ideas."
The proposed "Nation of Ideas" slogan could be included in a proposed bold new and innovative 21st Century masthead on all official U.S. Government stationery.
That slogan would serve to promulgate the invaluable message to people and nations everywhere, including to all Americans residing in this country, that our democratic nation welcomes a free and open and straightforward exchange of ideas at all times.
Our nation is very opposed to censorship, and is also very opposed to anonymous communications---anonymous communications being inextricably linked to terrorism and cowardice and stalking and very sinister forms of slyness.
Our often-great nation subscribes to the view that year-round access to reliable factual information and a wide array of accompanying ideas, enhances the quality of life of all Americans of any age.
So President Obama and the Obama Administration could declare through proposals to Congress that advocate adding the "Nation of Ideas" slogan and a modern 21st-Century bipartisan or non-partisan message to any and all stationery and official documents of the U.S. Government.

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