Sunday, April 12, 2020


I am very pleased today to have contributed again to Democratic Party-affiliated Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's campaign for the Presidency of the United States of America. I made that contribution through what I hope will be a very helpful campaign-strategy brainstorming letter that I wrote and sent to him early this morning:

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: John McMillan
To: Joebiden Info
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020, 12:48:05 AM CDT
Subject: 4-12-20 follow-up campaign strategy letter for you

April 12, 2020

Dear Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Joe Biden,

Congratulations again on your great success in your bid to become the Democratic Party candidate for U.S. President.

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask whether you ever offer employment opportunities to individuals who would like to pursue research and brainstorming on behalf of helping you to win the General Election in November. I feel confident that I could make a fine contribution to your campaign if an employment opportunity of that type were to ever develop.

Some campaign strategies I would like to offer you are:

---You might want to consider reducing the amount of red meat in your dietary lifestyle. I think many voters would be impressed if you simply state openly that to keep yourself as vital and healthy as possible, you have decided to lead either a fully vegetarian lifestyle or a primarily vegetarian lifestyle.
This would also help you to earn the Vegan Vote and the Vegetarian Vote---and Vegans and Vegetarians may well comprise a higher percentage of all voters than most people are aware of.

---You might want to consider offering much greater transparency than President Trump does in regard to personal medical-health issues for a Presidential candidate. This "transparency about my own medical health" image for yourself would also help you to add to the percentage of Americans who choose to vote for you in the November general election.

I am sure that millions of voters in the USA will be very impressed if you very forthrightly assure us that you do indeed follow recommendations from your primary care physician in a very diligent manner, and that you are willing to offer the American people very prompt and complete updated reports in regard to any additional cat scans on your brain that your doctor might ever order at any time.
I mention this because I'm sure that many Americans worry that you might develop an additional brain aneurysm-related problem or complication either during the current Presidential campaign or after you get elected.
If you show a great devotion to transparency and to your full accountability for being a future or current U.S. President with a very strong preventive-medicine strategy that keeps you as healthy as possible throughout the campaign and throughout your entire first term of office, this would be very reassuring to voters.
I ALSO FEEL IT IS FAIR TO NOTE THAT DONALD TRUMP AS PRESIDENT HAS GAINED A LOT OF WEIGHT, IT SEEMS TO ME, AND HIS RISK OF HAVING A HEART ATTACK WHILE IN OFFICE IS ALARMINGLY HIGH, YOU MIGHT POLITELY POINT OUT. You could then politely emphasize (if true) to voters that you have maintained a slender physique throughout the entire Presidential Primary campaign, and that you will continue to avoid obesity throughout your entire first term if you are elected President.

---I feel that if you get a public reputation for being very good at a particular sport---and we think of how President Eisenhower was well known for his love of golfing---this would also help demonstrate to voters that you are, in fact, a physical-fitness-minded candidate who is a strong athlete in your own way. I admit that I, for one, cannot recall which athletic activity you yourself excel at. So if you CAN CALL VOTERS' ATTENTION TO A SPORT YOU PURSUE, WHETHER THAT BE TENNIS OR GOLF OR YACHTING OR SAILING OR HIKING OR JOGGING OR TABLE TENNIS (PING PONG) OR SQUASH OR RACQUETBALL OR SWIMMING, THIS WILL DEFINITELY HELP TO CONVINCE VOTERS THAT YOU HAVE THE STAMINA IT TAKES TO THRIVE THROUGHOUT THE CAMPAIGN AND THROUGHOUT YOUR ENTIRE FOUR YEAR TERM OF OFFICE AS PRESIDENT.

---You might want to call attention to your flair for friendly intergenerational dialogues with younger persons, including children, by establishing a tradition each week or each month of yourself publicly thanking a child or teenager in the USA, or a college student or graduate student or American in their 20s or 30s, who has offered a public-policy idea to your Biden Team or your Biden Administration that you are very enthusiastic about.
I feel that ENTHUSIASM BY YOUR CAMPAIGN can help you to earn the confidence of the majority of voters in the upcoming General Election in November.
I am reminded that when I was a child, I was very keen on Hubert H. Humphrey because I delighted in his very optimistic and often enthusiastic style in public speeches and public interviews he gave on television. Even though Hubert Humphrey lost in the General Election in 1968, it was a very close election and I'm sure that many Americans voted for Humphrey because he conveyed ENTHUSIASM AND OPTIMISM THAT AMERICANS HAD A GREAT NEED FOR FROM THEIR POLITICAL LEADERSHIP.

---You might want to consider asking Senator Mitt Romney of Utah whether he would be willing to help lead a "Republicans for Joe Biden" campaign. Since Senator Romney has good credibility with many Republican voters, he could potentially play a major role in your campaign (if he agreed to it) by helping to persuade Republicans dissatisfied with President Trump's conduct to turn out to vote for you in the General Election in November.

---You might also want to consider asking someone to lead a "Progressive Democrats for Joe Biden" campaign that would help to convince supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont to go to the polls in November and vote for you on election day.

---Since President Trump seems to have targeted your son Hunter Biden for criticism, you might want to respond in part by highlighting your very constructive relationship with OTHER relatives of yours, including grandchildren of yours whom you are especially proud of. If Mr. Trump tries to keep voters focused on your controversial son Hunter, your ability to highlight your very solid and very honorable relationships with OTHER relatives of yours could help your campaign quite a bit.

--Since you are a Catholic gentleman, I urge you to publicly ally yourself with reform-minded Catholic leaders who are helping to significantly reduce the incidence of alleged pederasty by priests and alleged unprofessional conduct by priests that involves alleged sexual relations with adult members of their own congregation. If voters see you as helping to promote a major change in the Catholic Church that puts an end to pederastic or other flagrantly improper conduct by priests, this could help to reassure millions of voters about your own very high level of integrity.
I personally feel that you could help to earn voters' confidence if you would even be willing to go on record as supporting abstinence from consumption of drinking alcohol by priests. That change in their off-duty conduct could help to dramatically reduce the incidence of alleged sex crimes and other allegedly improper sexual conduct by Catholic priests, it seems to me.

Mr. Biden, I will be very pleased if any of these additional campaign-strategy ideas prove to be useful to you in the current Presidential campaign and in the General Election in early November.

With Friendly Best Wishes,

John Kevin McMillan, a former full-time newspaper reporter who myself excels at political brainstorming.
My home address:
8805 North Plaza Drive, Apt. 2418, Austin, TX 78753.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.
Cell phone: (512) 993-7305.
My Blog: John Kevin McMillan: A 21st Century Conservative Left-Wing Agenda

John Kevin McMillan: A 21st Century Conservative Left-Wing Agenda
Observations for a rationally religious and implicitly deistic modern religion, public-policy writing, creative ...

Facebook: "John McMillan", middle name "Kevin", a current dues-paying individual member of Texas Tenants Union, the University of Minnesota Alumni Association, USTA, AARP, and Americans for Non-smokers' Rights.

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