Thursday, April 9, 2020


A factual warning from the Centers for Disease Control: "...The virus can spread between people interacting in close proximity—for example, SPEAKING, coughing, or sneezing—even if those people are not exhibiting symptoms. " (THE WORD 'SPEAKING' IN THAT QUOTE WAS UPPERCASED FOR THIS POST IN ORDER TO HIGHLIGHT A POINT.)

When a person is talking to another person on an in-person basis, he can spread the virus through releases of droplets of moisture from his mouth. 

Please note that the above exact quotation comes from the Atlanta, Georgia-based U.S. Government Centers for Disease Control's official website: SPEAKING TO OTHERS IN PERSON CAN POSSIBLY PUT THEM AT RISK OF INFECTION FROM COVID-19.

In my own life here in Austin, I am striving every day to ask myself, "Is this comment I plan to verbalize to someone on an in-person basis really, really important and crucial at this time?" This is one technique I myself am using to reduce the total number of times in which my own mouth is either wide open or partly open with another person standing or sitting nearby. This is especially crucial because occasions do arise each day in which I find myself suddenly and unexpectedly situated LESS THAN SIX FEET FROM ANOTHER HUMAN BEING AFTER HE HAS JUST APPROACHED ME IN A VERY ABRUPT AND UNFORESEEN CONTEXT.

I don't believe there has been enough emphasis on the need for each of us to consider opening our mouths less often and speaking less often during the COVID-19 medical crisis. 

I also hope that people will keep in mind that when they do feel it's important to talk on an in-person basis with another individual, they can try doing that WITHOUT OPENING THEIR OWN MOUTH FULLY AS THEY SPEAK. This sense of restraint in our style of speech can truly be a life-saver for others!

So if we all try to open our mouths less often and talk through our teeth, so to speak, or speak with a greater sense of cautiousness and prudence, when we do actually talk, this helps prevent release of moisture or saliva from our mouths when we DO talk. 

And if we also strive as much as possible to be six feet or more away from anyone we are speaking with, ALL OF THESE STRATEGIES TOGETHER CAN HELP TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF THE COVID-19 HERE IN THE AUSTIN AREA!

In regard to the minimum-of-six-foot-distance guideline, the online "Market Watch" reports on April 6, 2020:
"It’s recommended that you remain at least six feet apart from other people, especially indoors, experts say. 'STUDIES HAVE LOOKED AT HOW FAR SPIT AND LITTLE DROPLETS FLY, AND THAT'S THE MAGIC NUMBER,' said Luis Ostrosky, vice chairman of internal medicine at McGovern Medical School in Houston." (QUOTED WORDS HAVE BEEN UPPER-CASED FOR THIS POSTING.)

I might add that from what I myself have experienced while riding a bus in Austin, when another passenger on the bus opens his mouth wide and speaks to me emphatically from across the aisle---and it was actually MORE than six feet from where I was seated on that bus---droplets of moisture CAN IN FACT land on my own face from that. I had that very experience a few weeks ago while sitting on the far right side of my seat at a time when another passenger sat across the aisle at the far left side of his seat. He was talking on his own initiative with particular passion because he was offering his opinions to me about a variety of hamburger-chain restaurants in Austin where he has dined---Dairy Queen and Wendy's among the chain restaurants he cited.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE link to the April 6 "Marketwatch" report below also contains lots of other factual information that appears to be current and pertinent.

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