Sunday, March 15, 2009

Interview With Myself About American Society Today

INTERVIEWER: Why do you believe that a comprehensive nationwide natural-resource recycling program in each city, town, village, hamlet, and rural area of this entire country would help to realign and revitalize the American economy in a healthy way?

JKM: It's obvious that a society based on massive and pervasive wastage of natural resources is a society doomed to failure. People all over the world continue to look upon American society as the most wasteful of natural resources of any country in the entire world.
"America---that's the country that rapes the global environment more than any other nation," so many citizens of foreign nations say. Other foreign citizens are saying that "America is the biggest throw-away society in world history, and it seems to me that that Americans are throwing their own future into a trash can from it all." I don't blame foreign observers for feeling that way. So this proposed nationwide recycling program throughout the entire USA would greatly enhance our nation's credibility in the eyes of the entire world, including vis-a-vis the global economy.

INTERVIEWER: You have also stated that you believe a nationwide mandatory-participation natural-resource recycling program throughout this country would generate thousands of new jobs throughout the United States. Is that correct?

JKM: Yes, I feel very confident about that. I would refer to all of those jobs, by the way, as being "green jobs"---jobs in industries very healthy for our environment. America has a wonderfully Green Opportunity, if you will, to promote a great rebirth of American culture and American society in this way.

INTERVIEWER: That's a fascinating distinction you are alluding to, between what you call "green jobs," or "green industries," and, on the other hand, the new jobs that might otherwise have been generated in "red" or "black" industries---whichever color code you might choose to assign to them-----that you don't believe to be beneficial to our nation's and world's environment.

JKM: Unfortunately, President Obama has yet to promote and promulgate and enthusiastically endorse a new and enlightened "Green-Friendly" index of economic progress in this nation that adequately reflects criteria such as level of participation in natural-resource recycling, or the overall level of greenness of any given industry.

INTERVIEWER: Could you give me an example of that point?

JKM: I'd be happy to. Take the tattoing industry in the United States. Is there any industry more frivolous and hideously injurious than that one? I cannot imagine a more sickening perversion of our nation's economy than the damage inflicted on our entire nation by the tattoing industry.

INTERVIEWER: You have a point there.

JKM: What the tattooing industry tells me is that Americans are desperate for a way to start up a conversation with a new acquaintance. In lieu of posing thoughtful questions to a new acquaintance, Americans of today habitually roll up their sleeve---or take off their shirt, even, in some cases---and ask the new acquaintance, "So what do you think of my tattoo?"

INTERVIEWER: I see what you are suggesting. A pathetic way to initiate a conversation.

JKM: Particularly when you consider how vapid or violent or misanthropic many of the tattoo messages on human bodies happen to be. And let's not forget the increased risk of skin cancer for all too many Americans that results from their having their bodies tattooed like that.

INTERVIEWER: I sense that you are struck by a sense of urgency on the need for very prompt and salutary realignment of our nation's economy as soon as possible.

JKM: Yes, of course. However, you will note that President Obama has yet to declare that he would like to help preside over a salutary realignment of our nation's economy himself. It often seems as if he lacks courage in that way.

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