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From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
To: Cameron Roden <croden@utah.gov>; Fbinaa Info <info@fbinaa.org>; National Association of Federal Employees 2021 <communications@nffe.org>; Federal Law Enf. Officers Assn <fleoa@fleoa.org>; Federal Criminal Investigators Assn <fcianat@aol.com>; William Costello <william.costello@austintexas.gov>; Lelan Larroque <lelan.larroque@austintexas.gov>; steven.mccraw@dps.texas.gov <steven.mccraw@dps.texas.gov>; U.S. Department of Homeland Security <private.sector@dhs.gov>; The White House Attn Pres. Biden <engagement@ostp.eop.gov>; Utah SIAC <siac@utah.gov>; Utah Chiefs of Police Assn 2021 <vshupe@utahchiefs.org>; Texas Crime Prevention Asssociation President <president@tcpa.org>; National Crime Prevention Assn. Pres. 2020 <kswoboda@troopers.state.ny.us>; National Crime Prevention Assn. VP <j.dhein@glendale-wi.org>; Crime Prevention Practitioners Intl Society Of <info@iscpp.org>; National Crime Prevention Association <ncpa@ncpc.org>; Organized Crime Deterrence Instit (2015) <ciroc@uu.nl>; People Against Violent Crime 2020 <pavc@peopleagainstviolentcrime.org>; Office for Victims of Crime (U.S. DOJ) <itverp@usdoj.gov>; elder.justice@usdoj.gov <elder.justice@usdoj.gov>; Robert Kepple <robert.kepple@tdcaa.com>; Shannon Edmonds <shannon.edmonds@tdcaa.com>; Jalayne Robinson <jalayne.robinson@tdcaa.com>; National Sheriffs' Assn <ayom@sheriffs.org>; National District Attorneys Assn 2020 <sbroderick@ndaajustice.org>; Ndaa Info <info@ndaa.org>; Hernandez Sally [TCSO] <sally.hernandez@traviscountytx.gov>; paige.west@house.texas.gov <paige.west@house.texas.gov>; Mallory Hart <mallory.hart@house.texas.gov>; StateRep.DonnaHoward <donna.howard@house.texas.gov>; Texas Rangers (2015) <rangers@dps.texas.gov>; Shawn Dick <shawn.dick@wilco.org>; West Virginia Fusion Center 2021 <wvfusion@wv.gov>; Sociology Prof. Jim Nolan (West Va. 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Chair Gerald Hildebrand <gwhil@austincc.edu>; UT-Austin Center for Criminology 2021 <wkelly@austin.utexas.edu>; Crime Victims' Institute 2020 SHSU <crimevictims@shsu.edu>; TDCJ Victim Services Division 2021 <victim.svc@tdcj.texas.gov>; Amer. Society of Criminology Exec. Dir. Eskridge <ceskridge2@unl.edu>; Slchamber Info <info@slchamber.com>; Samantha Lopez <samantha.lopez@house.texas.gov>; DMN Austin Bureau Reporter Robert Garrett <rtgarrett@dallasnews.com>; Andy Brown <andy.brown@traviscountytx.gov>; districtattorney@slco.org <districtattorney@slco.org>; Ruben Espinoza <ruben.espinoza@austintexas.gov>; Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick <dan.patrick@ltgov.texas.gov>; govt.relations@texasbar.com <govt.relations@texasbar.com>; public.information@texasattorneygeneral.gov <public.information@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; APD Officer James Turner <james.turner@austintexas.gov>; APD Assistant Chief James Mason 2021 <james.mason@austintexas.gov>; Jason Laduque <jason.laduque@austintexas.gov>; webmail@da.lacounty.gov <webmail@da.lacounty.gov>; icic@fusion.idaho.gov <icic@fusion.idaho.gov>; mbernstein@globe.com <mbernstein@globe.com>; ago@state.ma.us <ago@state.ma.us>; info@janedoe.org <info@janedoe.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 02:12:43 AM CDT
Subject: Re: 3-29-22 re: crime prevention officers of Utah
March 30, 2022
Dear Utah Department of Public Safety Sgt. and Public Information Officer Cameron Roden,
Thank you for your March 29 reply letter (below) to me in which you point out that outreach officers for the Utah Department of Public Safety frequently provide "crime deterrent messages, presentations, and meetings to the public".
I also appreciated your statement that you invite me to "please let me (Sgt. Roden) know if there are certain areas (of crime deterrence) that you (permanently-teetotaling, lifelong-tobacco-free, lifelong-tattoo-less, single adult white Anglo-Saxon male resident John Kevin McMillan of Cottonwood Heights, Utah) have in mind."
Home-Invasion Crimes involving the flagrantly illegal entry by one or more perpetrators into a locked private residence in Utah pose a particular concern to me.
As I'm sure you are very aware, home-invasion crimes in Utah, including outrageous crimes of that type that are repeatedly inflicted on a cited victim over a multi-day or multi-week or multi-month period, are often accompanied by personal-injury crimes----hate crimes, aggravated assault, sexual-assault crimes, kidnapping, human-trafficking, hostage-taking, attempted homicide, or homicide, for instance.
Those home-invasion-related personal-injury crimes brutally and at any hour of the day or night terrorize and victimize a homeowner or apartment tenant or officially-approved occupant, including when he or she is asleep and unconscious and lying alone on his own bed inside his or her locked private residence in Utah.
Sgt. Roden, do you know of any specific program or service currently provided or sponsored by the Utah DPS that is aimed at preventing home-invasion crimes here in the Beehive State?
Thank you again for your friendly reply letter. I hope to hear from you soon.
Sincerely and Best Wishes,
former Texas DPS full-time employee and current Salt Lake County, Utah, resident John Kevin McMillan.
My current home address: 6819 South 1300 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121.
My home phone: (801) 942-2122.
My cell phone: (512) 993-7305.
John Kevin McMillan
On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 01:06:12 PM CDT, Cameron Roden <croden@utah.gov> wrote:
Thank you for your questions. The Utah Highway Patrol and the Utah State Bureau of Investigation have multiple outreach officers with several different areas of emphasis. These officers frequently provide crime deterrent messages, presentations, and meetings to the public. Of course, every Trooper and agent do what they can to deter crime on a daily basis as well. We tend to stick to the topics and areas where we have jurisdiction, but we support as much as we can with allied enforcement agencies and divisions.
As far as the local agencies are concerned, some agencies have people assigned to community-oriented policing, and some do not. You would need to connect with specific agencies to find out.
Please let me know if there are certain areas that you have in mind.


Sgt. Cameron Roden
Utah Department of Public Safety
Utah Highway Patrol - Public Information Officer
On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 12:28 AM John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net> wrote:
March 29, 2022Dear Utah DPS Public Information Official Cameron Roden,Thank you again for your very recent friendly reply letters to me in regard to a public-safety and law-enforcement issue I had cited to you. As you may recall, I had asked you whether it is legal in Utah for a motorist to drive his motor vehicle with a pet dog on that motorist's lap.Does your state law-enforcement agency currently employ a full-time or part-time certified peace officer or other staff member who primarily or exclusively promotes crime prevention and crime deterrence here in Utah?Also, do you know of any other state agency in Utah or any local law-enforcement agency in Utah that currently employs a part-time or full-time crime-prevention (or crime-deterrence) officer or staff member?I was reminded to pose these questions to you after I spoke on the telephone this Monday morning, March 28, with a polite female support-staff supervisor for the Cottonwood Heights (UT) Police Department who stated her name as "Candy".Candy stated to me that she herself is not aware of any specially designated officer for that municipal law-enforcement agency whose duties primarily or exclusively are focused on crime prevention. "They (each of the officers of the Cottonwood Heights Police Department) all do the crime prevention...," Candy added.Candy also stated to me at about 10:41 a.m. Mountain Time this Monday, March 28, that I myself would need to speak with her department's Assistant Police Chief, Paul Brenneman, for authoritative information in regard to whether there are any officially designated crime-prevention officers currently employed by that municipal law-enforcement agency in Salt Lake County, Utah.Candy then forwarded my phone call to the telephone-service extension for Assistant Chief Brenneman. I then responded to a recorded-message voice-mail greeting from himself by leaving a polite voice mail message requesting a return phone call from Assistant Chief Brenneman on the above-cited subject.Utah DPS Official Roden, I hope to hear from you soon about this important crime-deterrence-related issue currently facing numerous law-enforcement agencies in Utah.Sincerely and Best Wishes,former Texas DPS full-time employee and current Salt Lake County resident John Kevin McMillan. My date of birth: 4-27-1957. My place of birth: Lincoln, Nebraska.My current home address: 6819 South 1300 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121.My home phone: (801) 942-2122.My cell phone: (512) 993-7305.John Kevin McMillan
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