The results of your personal review of your list of top 10 nations for readership of your Blogs could be very useful to you.
That review could serve as a reminder to you to consider pursuing a social-studies education project about each of those nations, at least eight or nine of which will probably be foreign nations where you do not hold any citizenship.
That top-10 review by yourself might also suggest to you ideas for countries you might want to consider traveling to during a vacation.
Your top-10 nations review might also suggest career-related opportunities for you, including freelance-writing opportunities, that could possibly help you to boost your annual income.
It makes very good sense to appreciate the nations of the world that also appreciate you the most----through the tangible, statistically-verified interest they have shown in your own Blog-writing pursuits.
In my own Blog-writing, I have found that five of the ten nations showing the greatest interest in my Blog-writing have traditionally been described as communist countries in prior recent decades. It is possible that my conservative left-wing political ideology, even though I myself am not a communist, particularly appeals to residents of the traditionally-communist nations of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Poland, and China.
It is also possible that my non-Christian and factually-minded, factually-based, implicitly-deistic and prayer-less, non-atheistic and non-agnostic, Progressive Prohibitionist Religion, a non-proselytizing religion I write about in my Blogs on a frequent basis, has sparked interest from each of those five respective traditionally communist nations.
In my own Blog-writing pursuits ever since 2008, I have yet to earn enough income from Google, $100 being the minimal amount needed, that would qualify me for my first-ever financial check from my first-rate website provider, Google. In any event, I find it very rewarding to sense that readers in my top-10 countries are enjoying my Blogs.
My own top-10 countries for Blog readership, ranked in descending order based on total pageviews in each of those nations over the nine-year period ever since I began writing blogs, are: USA, Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and China, respectively.
In my own Blog-writing pursuits ever since 2008, I have yet to earn enough income from Google, $100 being the minimal amount needed, that would qualify me for my first-ever financial check from my first-rate website provider, Google. In any event, I find it very rewarding to sense that readers in my top-10 countries are enjoying my Blogs.
My own top-10 countries for Blog readership, ranked in descending order based on total pageviews in each of those nations over the nine-year period ever since I began writing blogs, are: USA, Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and China, respectively.
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