Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Christmas Season "Wish List" for American Society and U.S. Government

Among the many items in my own Christmas "Wish List" for American society and the U.S. Government are:

----that a prestigious annual nationwide awards tradition and generous financial prize would be established to reward and publicly honor one or more of the drug-treatment, alcohol-treatment, or tobacco-treatment programs open to the general public that in the most recent 12-month period or multi-year period had a proven record of outstanding success and excellence at curing people of each of those injurious addictions.

---that each of the 10 U.S. cities and towns with the highest density of development and the lowest per-capita crime rates, when those two criteria are both taken into account for an overall score rating each and every U.S. city and town, would receive special recognition for land conservation, energy efficiency, and crime deterrence. Those cities deserve awards and financial prizes for helping to foster a healthy sense of community inside their municipalities.

---that each and every city and town in the United States will be made as pedestrian-friendly and jogger-friendly and bicyclist-friendly as possible through the construction of podiatrist-approved medically-healthful sidewalks throughout the entirety of each and every city, town, and metro area.

---that each and every child or American citizen under age 30 who wishes to improve his public-speaking skills and locution, could receive that type of assistance during that period of his life.

---that Americans addicted to obscene or profane speech could, upon request, obtain immediate enrollment in a profane-speech-addiction treatment program that helps them to develop a lifelong habit for the remainder of their life of consistently using clean (not foul) language in their career and everyday life.

---that President Obama would give doznens of public speeches, including videotaped speeches aimed at our nation's youths, that help promote the cause of either quitting smoking or not smoking. It is obvious that if President Obama were to give speeches on that subject that could be televised on behalf of the American Cancer Society, millions of youths and Americans under age 30 could find the courage, with his help, to quit smoking tobacco cigarettes. And that, in turn, would significantly enhance the medical and emotional and moral health of American society.

---that American society would develop an effective nationwide program, including through educational programs, to prevent congenital birth defects. That program could emphasize, among other things, that any female American who becomes pregnant is morally obligated to never consume any alcohol at any time during her pregnancy.
This, in turn, would help to significantly reduce the number of Americans who are handicapped or disabled or have major medical problems in their youth.

---that there will be a massive increase in the number of American cities and metro areas served by a first-rate and comprehensive and energy-efficient subterranean subway system of intra-city and inter-city public rail-transportation.

----that the U.S. Congress will impose a permanent ban on any and all one-story building construction anywhere in the United States. That ban will promote land conservation and energy conservation by helping to reduce urban sprawl and unconscionable wastage of land throughout this entire nation.

----that American society will help to promote and honor many of our nation's alcohol-free and tobacco-free and illicit-drug-free Americans who have made outstanding contributions to American society. That publicity campaign could be directed to our nation's youths and other young persons under age 30, who would particularly benefit from learning about drug-free, alcohol-free, tobacco-free Americans' success stories.

---that American society will develop a zero-tolerance policy toward attempted homicide as well as toward homicide. Our nation could achieve this goal through a proposed Constitutional Amendment to our nation's Constitution that authorizes a court of law in any U.S. state or territory to impose the death sentence or death penalty upon any person who had been convicted of either attempted homicide or homicide in that court of law. Any and all persons convicted of either attempted homicide or homicide would, after all of their legal appeals granted to them had failed, be executed or capitally punished, by court order. By effectively deterring both attempted homicide and homicide, the United States of America will achieve a massive reduction in the per-capita incidence of violence in American society.

-----that professional race-car driving and professional boxing would be eliminated from American society because they are both too violent and injurious.

---that the rules of varsity high school football, collegiate varsity football, and professional football would be revised to significantly reduce the number of injuries sustained by varsity football players at the high school or college level, and by professional football players.

----that the United States would insist on fully and comprehensively embracing the energy-saving and efficient metric system, and would participate in international conferences or conventions aimed at achieving agreement among all nations about the standards for measurement being used, including the standards for citing on roadway signs how much farther a motorist has to drive in order to read a cited destination.

-----that the United States would establish a very firm "zero-tolerance for corruption in government" policy that would bar anyone convicted of corruption in government from ever again holding any appointive office or elective office at any government-owned institution or agency or governing body.

----the the U.S. Government would establish a special year-round "Eliminate Corruption in Government" 24-hour-a-day hotline phone service that invites phone calls and E-mail letters from persons in such places as Austin, Texas; Cedar Park, Texas; Anchorage, Alaska; Quincy, Massachusetts; Houston, Texas; or Minneapolis, Minnesota, for instance, who themselves wish to report to the government any evidence they have observed that one or more local-government officials, state government officials, or federal government officials, or any person employed by a government-owned or government-sponsored institution, regardless of whether they are a tenured university professor or associate professor, may be guilty of one or more acts of corruption or may have violated the law in some context.

---that total nationwide participation in recycling of each and every manufactured good that can be recycled---including glass products, plastic products, aluminum products, etc.----will increase dramatically.

---that American society would offer our nation's youths and their parents a nationwide network of outstanding and teacher-certified educationally enriching amusement parks. In this way, our nation's amusement parks could be wedded to our national societal goal of promoting very strong intellectual and creative achievement by all of our nation's youths. There is every hope that each and every amusement park owner could be encouraged to offer a greater variety of intellectually stimulating offerings for youths at his amusement park or amusement parks.

---that American society will be ranked number one among all nations in per-capita energy efficiency; level of reliance on renewable-energy sources; and level of reliance upon safe and energy-efficient mass-transportation services for personal transportation and transportation to work.

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