Tuesday, June 18, 2024

My June 18, 2024, Friendly Follow-up.Letter to Cody Schlottmann, Utah Outreach Coordinator for Utah Congresswoman Celeste Maloy

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "John McMillan" <mcmillanj@att.net>

To: "Cody Schlottmann" <cody.schlottmann@mail.house.gov>, "Internships" <internships@romney.senate.gov>, "Joel_wellum" <joel_wellum@lee.senate.gov>, "Utah Republican Party" <info@utgop.org>, "chad.atkinson" <chad.atkinson@slcgov.com>, "leo.abila" <leo.abila@slcgov.com>, "State Rep. Angela Romero" <angelaromero@le.utah.gov>

Sent: Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 6:12 PM

Subject: Re: Request for meeting with you

June 18, 2024

Dear Cody,

After I wrote to you on June 10, I was very surprised that I did not find any reply note from you in my email inbox.

As a registered-voter constituent of Congresswoman Maloy,  myself am still officially listed as a member of the Democratic Party. However, I welcome each opportunity I get to vote for a better qualified candidate in any given race who is Republican. It is also possible  that at some future point I may become very offended by the Democratic Party and might switch to the Republican Party.

Cody, I appreciated your very friendly style toward me during a  phone conversation I had with you earlier this year.  It was great to sense that your entire team under the leadership of Congresswoman Celeste Maloy strongly supports my own legal right to sleep alone inside my current locked solo-occupancy rental apartment unit without anyone but me being physically present anywhere inside my locked unit during my sleeping hours.

I  am very opposed to home invasion-related sexual assaults and home invasion-related  harassment of anyone sleeping alone on their own bed—harassment that robs the victim of the full and fully rejuvenating REM sleep, or deep sleep, that each American citizen richly deserves enjoying during his or her sleeping hours. That full REM sleep is crucial for optimal medical health and full biological medical longevity.

I myself have been completely and permanently celibate ever since one total day in 1995, which occurred when I resided in Texas. I always sleep alone on my bed, and I am a lifelong single white non-Hispanic adult gentleman. I very emphatically DO NOT agree to ever date or have sexual contact of any type with or marry anyone who is outside of my own WHITE non-Hispanic racial group. 

To put it very bluntly, Cody, I myself am sexually repulsed by non-white persons, effeminate male adult persons, facially hairy men, persons with lots of tattoos on their body, persons wearing nostril rings or tongue rings, male persons wearing earrings, cigarette smokers, illicit drug addicts, transsexual persons, transvestite persons, biological female persons,  and by persons  older than me. I was born on April 27, 1957.

Despite my lawfully conveyed lack of attraction to a high percentage of the residents of Salt Lake City, I am dependably polite and  civil about myself pressing criminal charges against each and every non-white person — or any other person — who is ever identified as having been a perpetrator in an alleged home invasion-related crime victimizing me or who himself or herself allegedly had any form of illegal sexual contact with me.

Cody, I would also  like to again request that Congresswoman Celeste Maloy please sponsor a proposed new federal law that classifies any and all inter-racial sexual assaults as federal offense Hate Crimes.

Finally, I am hopeful that Congresswoman Maloy will please take a courageous stand opposing castration of male persons, with the only exception to that being when a child is born with both male and female sex organs.  It is outrageously cruel and very sadistically injurious for the government to sponsor or endorse injurious castration of male persons in any other context. 

Best Wishes to you and your fine colleagues on Congresswoman Maloy’s Congressional team.


Permanent Utah resident John Kevin McMillan.

My new current address:

535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

My new cell phone number: (385) 547-3505.

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Monday, June 10, 2024, 6:01 PM, John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net> wrote:

Dear Cody,

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you soon — in either  Bountiful or Salt Lake City—- In order to discuss with you public policy-related concerns of mine.

With Friendly Best Wishes,

Constituent John Kevin McMillan.

My new home address: 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

My new cell phone number: (385) 547-3505.

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone

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