Thursday, June 20, 2024

Missouri Attorney General's Office Sends Me June 20, 2024, Legal Reply Letter

 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MISSOURI ANDREW BAILEY    Supreme Court Building 207 W. High Street P.O. Box 899 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Phone: (573) 751-3321 Fax: (573) 751-0774  

June 20, 2024  

John Mcmillan Via email:  

RE: Sunshine Law Request 23-722; I seek to obtain from you a copy of any and all e-mails or letters or other legal documents, and a copy of any and all phone messages, that each directly refer to me as currently being or having previously been a current or former crime suspect; a person convicted of a crime; an expected future crime suspect; or an expected future crime perpetrator, and that were each generated, authored, received, sent, mailed, FAXed, or forwarded by a staff member or official of your Travis County District Attorney's Office during the time period from 8 a.m. January 1, 2021, through 8 a.m. Monday, October 23, 2023. 

 Dear Mr. Mcmillan,  

We are writing in response to your above-referenced request, which was received by our custodian of records on November 8, 2023. We believe we are not the custodian of records for the records you have requested. You may wish to direct  your request to the Travis County District Attorney's Office. We now consider this request complete and have closed the request file, 23-722.   

Sincerely,  /s/ Maggie Wayman  Maggie Wayman | Custodian of Records Missouri Attorney General's Office

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

My June 18, 2024, Friendly Follow-up.Letter to Cody Schlottmann, Utah Outreach Coordinator for Utah Congresswoman Celeste Maloy

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "John McMillan" <>

To: "Cody Schlottmann" <>, "Internships" <>, "Joel_wellum" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "chad.atkinson" <>, "leo.abila" <>, "State Rep. Angela Romero" <>

Sent: Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 6:12 PM

Subject: Re: Request for meeting with you

June 18, 2024

Dear Cody,

After I wrote to you on June 10, I was very surprised that I did not find any reply note from you in my email inbox.

As a registered-voter constituent of Congresswoman Maloy,  myself am still officially listed as a member of the Democratic Party. However, I welcome each opportunity I get to vote for a better qualified candidate in any given race who is Republican. It is also possible  that at some future point I may become very offended by the Democratic Party and might switch to the Republican Party.

Cody, I appreciated your very friendly style toward me during a  phone conversation I had with you earlier this year.  It was great to sense that your entire team under the leadership of Congresswoman Celeste Maloy strongly supports my own legal right to sleep alone inside my current locked solo-occupancy rental apartment unit without anyone but me being physically present anywhere inside my locked unit during my sleeping hours.

I  am very opposed to home invasion-related sexual assaults and home invasion-related  harassment of anyone sleeping alone on their own bed—harassment that robs the victim of the full and fully rejuvenating REM sleep, or deep sleep, that each American citizen richly deserves enjoying during his or her sleeping hours. That full REM sleep is crucial for optimal medical health and full biological medical longevity.

I myself have been completely and permanently celibate ever since one total day in 1995, which occurred when I resided in Texas. I always sleep alone on my bed, and I am a lifelong single white non-Hispanic adult gentleman. I very emphatically DO NOT agree to ever date or have sexual contact of any type with or marry anyone who is outside of my own WHITE non-Hispanic racial group. 

To put it very bluntly, Cody, I myself am sexually repulsed by non-white persons, effeminate male adult persons, facially hairy men, persons with lots of tattoos on their body, persons wearing nostril rings or tongue rings, male persons wearing earrings, cigarette smokers, illicit drug addicts, transsexual persons, transvestite persons, biological female persons,  and by persons  older than me. I was born on April 27, 1957.

Despite my lawfully conveyed lack of attraction to a high percentage of the residents of Salt Lake City, I am dependably polite and  civil about myself pressing criminal charges against each and every non-white person — or any other person — who is ever identified as having been a perpetrator in an alleged home invasion-related crime victimizing me or who himself or herself allegedly had any form of illegal sexual contact with me.

Cody, I would also  like to again request that Congresswoman Celeste Maloy please sponsor a proposed new federal law that classifies any and all inter-racial sexual assaults as federal offense Hate Crimes.

Finally, I am hopeful that Congresswoman Maloy will please take a courageous stand opposing castration of male persons, with the only exception to that being when a child is born with both male and female sex organs.  It is outrageously cruel and very sadistically injurious for the government to sponsor or endorse injurious castration of male persons in any other context. 

Best Wishes to you and your fine colleagues on Congresswoman Maloy’s Congressional team.


Permanent Utah resident John Kevin McMillan.

My new current address:

535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

My new cell phone number: (385) 547-3505.

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Monday, June 10, 2024, 6:01 PM, John McMillan <> wrote:

Dear Cody,

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you soon — in either  Bountiful or Salt Lake City—- In order to discuss with you public policy-related concerns of mine.

With Friendly Best Wishes,

Constituent John Kevin McMillan.

My new home address: 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

My new cell phone number: (385) 547-3505.

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone

The Wit and Wisdom of Murray (UT) Native and Longtime Botany Researcher Dr. Calvin McMillan

 Some of my Murray (UT) native Father's favorite sayings and words of wisdom that he often shared with me during my childhood in Westlake Hills, Texas:

---"Anything worth doing is worth doing well."

----"Never put off until tomorrow what you can get accomplished today."

----"One of the reasons I like New York Governor  Nelson Rockefeller as a Republican Candidate for President is that he is so rich that no one could possibly  bribe him. He would refuse all bribery attempts."

-----"It would have broken my mother's heart (in Murray, Utah) if I (son Calvin McMillan) had left the Mormon Church during her lifetime. I decided to continue in the Church out of respect for my Mother (Mrs. Alice Mae Pugh (maiden surname) McMillan).”

---"Back in the 1920s or 1930s I saw women being held in chicken coops in Utah!"

---"I like the optimism of the Mormon Church. If you don't immediately go to Heaven in your afterlife,  Mormon theology states that you can work your way into Heaven through diligent effort."

----"The reason your mother (Iowa native Mrs. Phyllis Delores Gardner (maiden surname) McMillan) always eats with her mouth open is that she was raised in a big family with two brothers and two other  sisters on a farm in Iowa. She had to eat very fast in order to get her share of the food at the dinner table at their farmhouse near Iowa City."

----"During my days in the U.S. Army stationed in the USA throughout, the most memorable  accent I ever observed was at a military base in New Jersey. That New Jersey accent is very entertaining!"

---"When Phyllis and I drove her Iowa farmer father, Russell Gardner,  into California for a visit there, he stated emphatically that all of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range should be dynamited and turned into productive farmland. Russell Gardner's emphatic belief was that the mountains of California served no purpose of any type  and were a complete waste of potential farmland."

---"Your mother and I chose a Swedenborgian Church in San Francisco, California, for our wedding site. We chose that church exclusively because we liked its architecture. Theology of that church has nothing to do with our decision to get married there."

---"After Phyllis and I got married, we decided to go for a compromise religion. Her background was with the United Methodist Church, mine was with the Mormon Church. So we decided to join a Unitarian Church as a compromise."

----"Your mother loves being outdoors so much that one day when we went camping together in California I had to warn her that she was sitting so close to the campfire that sparks flew onto her shoe.  ‘Yes, but it feels great,' your mother replied."

---"You ask why I don't attend the local Unitarian church on Sunday. I prefer to commune with nature on Sundays."

—“When your  mother was employed in the Herbarium of the University of California at Berkeley and I was a Doctoral Student in the Botany Department there, she wore my resistance down by treating me to outdoor picnic meals with her on a frequent basis. Phyllis  was very aggressive about pursuing me as a prospective marriage partner, and eventually I gave in and agreed to marry her.”

—-“During my childhoood in Murray, Utah, my sister Evelyn and I loved to tease a girl in our neighborhood named Marguerite. We would  frequently shout at her from across the street, ‘Marguerite, Marguerite, Go wash your feet! They stink so bad we can hardly eat our cherries!’”

—-“Your Aunt Evelyn in Nevada always wants to reminisce with me on the telephone about our childhood together in Murray, Utah. I always tell her that I am NOT willing to talk with her about our days together in Murray back in the 1920s and 1930s. I live in the present. That is my focus. My sister lives in the past.”

—-“I don’t pay much attention to actors and actresses, but Shirley Boothe is one actress I did see at a movie theater in Nebraska. The movie of hers I attended in 1952 in Nebraska was entitled ‘Come Back, Little Sheba’. The movie highlighted her great love for a favorite pet dog of hers.”

—-“Your Aunt Evelyn told me on the telephone that she has gained weight and developed some medical problems from it. She tells me that she loves nuts and is eating too many nuts on a daily basis in Nevada.”

—-“My favorite neighbor in Murray, Utah, was a female immigrant from Sweden. She was an ideal hostess who always kept a fresh pot of coffee on her stove that she would offer to each of her visitors.”

Saturday, June 15, 2024

My Current 'Rooms & Shares Salt Lake City' Listing at the Copyrighted 'Craigslist' Website

 My most recent Roommate Wanted Ad, which I posted today on the copyrighted "Craigslist" website for Rooms & Shares in Salt Lake City, Utah:

$500 / 2br - 900ft2 - Seek White Natural-Blond-Haired Politely Masculine Male Roommate (Downtown Salt Lake City)

200 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

2BR / 1Ba 900ft2 available jul 1

rent period: monthly

private room


no private bath

dogs are OK - wooof

laundry in bldg

off-street parking

no smoking

air conditioning

"Your share of monthly rent will be $500, with no charge to you for water or electricity. (If you own a pet dog, you would be asked to pay a monthly dog-related fee that would be added to your $500 monthly share of rent.)

"You will get a lockable very spacious and massive carpeted bedroom with light green freshly painted walls and a large bay window inside a beautiful, modern 900-Square-foot rental apartment. You will have your own control panel for central air conditioning and central heating inside your own bedroom.

"My own bedroom will be nearly all of or most of the partitioned living room.

"Apartment we share features a modern kitchen with 4-burner stove and oven, large kitchen sink, modern refrigerator and freezer, lots of storage space in closets and cabinets.

"Shared-access lockable modern bathroom can be entered through a hallway separate from either bedroom. Bathroom features a sink, cabinet space, and a bathtub that can also be used for taking showers.

"I as your next roommate am a single adult English-Scottish-German-ancestry white non-Hispanic gentleman with no criminal-conviction record. I am a politely law-abiding and pro-law-enforcement member of the White Non-Hispanic racial group. I am a gainfully employed, permanently alcohol-free, lifelong-tobacco-free, facially cleanshaven, lifelong-tattoo-less, dependably civil and law-abiding, longtime celibate and platonicly polite, disease-free and fully up-to-date on my vaccinations, kind, conscientous, honest, polite, clean-talking and non-profane permanent resident of Utah, with courageous ancestors of mine in this great state ever since the 1840s. My very honorable current relatives here in Utah include members of the 'Pugh' clan and the 'McMillan' clan.

"You as a True Gentleman Age 19 or Older Fit the Following Description:

"---You are Tactfully Honest and Facially Cleanshaven and Tattoo-Less and Lead a Permanently Alcohol-Free, Permanently Tobacco-Free, Permanently Marijuana-Free, Permanently Illicit-Drug-free, Law-Abiding, Pro-Law Enforcement, Clean-Talking (Virtually No Profanity) Lifestyle.

"---You are NOT a 'Recovering Alcoholic' or 'Former Alcoholic' or a 'Former Drug Addict'.

"----You are Physically Active and Intellectually Incisive.

"----You enjoy lifelong sports and athletic activities such as hiking, swimming, tennis, racquetball, and roller-skating.

"----You lawfully oppose reverse discrimination in hiring practices or employment practices in any context that discriminates against law-abiding white Anglo-Saxon adult gentlemen.

"-----You strongly oppose inter-racial stalking, inter-racial verbal harassment, and inter-racial sexual assault victimizing anyone. You might support a proposed revision of state law here in Utah that would impose a stricter punishment on a crime perpetrator found guilty in a court of law here in Utah of having raped someone outside of the rapist's own racial group, with Inter-Racial Sexual Assaults Possibly Being Classified as Hate Crimes here in Utah.

"----You are alarmed by any report you may have read about the infliction of continuous noise pollution as a political weapon against targeted individuals.

"-----You lead a relatively quiet lifestyle.

"----You oppose Thought Control projects.

"----You are not a vigilante. You believe in politely contacting the police if you ever observe noteworthy evidence of a possible felony crime.

"----You Support Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech for anyone and everyone in a context involving non-anonymous communications and respect for the privacy rights of others."

Friday, June 14, 2024

Bountiful (UT) Mayor Kendalyn Harris to Me: 'I See Security Officers In Every Building at Entrance to State Capitol Complex in Salt Lake City'

 I appreciate this very prompt reply note I received on June 11, 2024, from Bountiful (UT) Mayor Kendalyn Harris in that culturally influential  Davis County municipality:

From: "Kendalyn Harris" <>

To: "John McMillan" <>

Sent: Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 5:16 PM

Subject: Re: Unconfirmed report re: 'no security' at UT State Capitol

I see security guards in every building at the State capital at the entrance.

Kendalyn Harris


From: John McMillan <>

Sent: Friday, June 7, 2024 9:19 PM

To: chad.atkinson <>; leo.abila <>; mike.brown <>; Cameron Roden <>; <>; Mike Schultz <>; <>; Marsha Judkins <>; Paul A. Cutler <>; Brett Garner <>; Gay Lynn Bennion <>; Carl Albrecht <>; Jplumb <>; State Rep. Angela Romero <>; Office of Gov. Spencer Cox <>; Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021 <>; Attorney General of Utah <>; Uag <>; Deseret News 2022 <>; <>; <>; Fox News SLC 2022 <>; Utah Peace Officers Association 2022 <>; <>; Mayor Wilson <>; <>; <>; <>; Kendalyn Harris <>; Schools Utah Webmaster <>; <>; Utah Safety Council <>; Utah Republican Party <>; Internships <>; Joel_wellum <>; Ulct Info <>; Courts HR <>; Utah Hospital Association 2021 <>; Utahia Info <>; <>; Elizabeth Grant <>; Utah Chiefs of Police Assn 2021 <>

Subject: Unconfirmed report re: 'no security' at UT State Capitol

June 7, 2024

Dear Distinguished Government Officials for Utah,

I received an unconfirmed report this week from a visitor to Salt Lake City whom I had never met or spoken with before that when she visited the Utah State Capitol in the last several days, she saw no evidence that the Utah State Capitol was being protected by any security officers.

I myself have not yet visited our State Capitol. I look forward to pursuing that personal goal of mine during my leisuretime in the near future.

Do any of you honorable government officials for Utah believe or suspect that the Utah State Capitol currently is not being adequately protected against would-be terrorists and other potentially violent persons?

If so, do you support additional funding for the Utah Department of Public Safety that will enable that state law-enforcement agency to hire additional officers, if need be,  who could help ensure that our State Capitol grounds are kept safe on a 24-hour-a-day and year-round basis?

 I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Wishes,

John Kevin McMillan, a gainfully employed, permanently alcohol-free, lifelong-tobacco-free, facially cleanshaven,  lifelong-tattoo-less, clean-talking and non-profane, dependably civil and law-abiding and honest, single adult white male permanent resident of Utah ever since January 1, 2023.

I am a former full-time employee in Austin, Texas, for the Texas Department of Public Safety state agency.

My current permanent solo-occupancy rental-home address:

 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android

CAUTION: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Utah House of Representatives Majority Whip Karianne Lisonbee to Me: Utah DPS Commissioner Jess Anderson Will 'Assure You That Utah State Capitol is Well Protected'

 I am grateful for this friendly reply letter I received on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, from Utah House of Representatives Majority Whip Karianne Lisonbee:

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "Karianne Lisonbee" <>

To: "John McMillan" <>, "" <>, "Jess Anderson" <>

Sent: Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 8:25 PM

Subject: Re: Unconfirmed report re: 'no security' at UT State Capitol


Thank you for contacting me.

The Utah Capitol has its own security team under DPS. I’ve copied the director of DPS so that he can assure you that the Utah State Capitol is well protected.

Warm regards,

Karianne Lisonbee

Majority Whip

House of Representatives

Utah District 14




From: John McMillan <>

Reply-To: John McMillan <>

Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 5:56 PM

To: "" <>, "chad.atkinson" <>, "leo.abila" <>, "mike.brown" <>, Cameron Roden <>, Jess Anderson <>, Mike Schultz <>, Melissa Ballard <>, Cody Schlottmann <>, Marsha Judkins <>, Paul Cutler <>, Brett Garner <>, Gay Lynn Bennion <>, Carl Albrecht <>, Joel Briscoe <>, Jen Plumb <>, Angela Romero <>, "Office of Gov. Spencer Cox" <>, Attorney General of Utah <>, "Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021" <>, Uag <>, Deseret News 2022 <>, Mayor Wilson <>, "" <>, "" <>, Ryan Wilcox <>, Fox News SLC 2022 <>, Utah Peace Officers Association 2022 <>, Matt Gwynn <>, Karianne Lisonbee <>, Schools Utah Webmaster <>, Internships <>, Joel_wellum <>, Courts HR <>, Utah Hospital Association 2021 <>, Utah Press Assn Director Brian Allfrey 2022 <>, Utah Safety Council <>, "" <>, Utah Chiefs of Police Assn 2021 <>, Ulct Info <>, University of Utah Student Newspaper 2022 <>, Schools Utah Webmaster <>, Utahia Info <>, Elizabeth Grant <>, "" <>, Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021 <>, "Salt Lake City (UT) City Council" <>, County Council Member Bradshaw <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Jennifer Gardiner <>, Utah Public Radio 2022 <>, "" <>, Slchamber Info <>

Subject: Re: Unconfirmed report re: 'no security' at UT State Capitol


June 11, 2024


Dear Bountiful Mayor Kendalyn Harris,


Thank you for your friendly  reply letter to me on this cited possible issue of  whether staffing of security officers  at the Utah State Capitol is currently adequate.


I hope to pay my first-ever visit to  our beautiful Utah State Capitol in the next few weeks.


Sincerely and Best Wishes,

former full-time Texas DPS employee John Kevin McMillan, 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor,  Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

My new cell phone number: (385) 547-3505.



Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android


On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 5:16 PM, Kendalyn Harris

<> wrote:

I see security guards in every building at the State capital at the entrance.

Kendalyn Harris

From: John McMillan <>

Sent: Friday, June 7, 2024 9:19 PM

To: chad.atkinson <>; leo.abila <>; mike.brown <>; Cameron Roden <>; <>; Mike Schultz <>; <>; Marsha Judkins <>; Paul A. Cutler <>; Brett Garner <>; Gay Lynn Bennion <>; Carl Albrecht <>; Jplumb <>; State Rep. Angela Romero <>; Office of Gov. Spencer Cox <>; Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021 <>; Attorney General of Utah <>; Uag <>; Deseret News 2022 <>; <>; <>; Fox News SLC 2022 <>; Utah Peace Officers Association 2022 <>; <>; Mayor Wilson <>; <>; <>; <>; Kendalyn Harris <>; Schools Utah Webmaster <>; <>; Utah Safety Council <>; Utah Republican Party <>; Internships <>; Joel_wellum <>; Ulct Info <>; Courts HR <>; Utah Hospital Association 2021 <>; Utahia Info <>; <>; Elizabeth Grant <>; Utah Chiefs of Police Assn 2021 <>

Subject: Unconfirmed report re: 'no security' at UT State Capitol


June 7, 2024


Dear Distinguished Government Officials for Utah,


I received an unconfirmed report this week from a visitor to Salt Lake City whom I had never met or spoken with before that when she visited the Utah State Capitol in the last several days, she saw no evidence that the Utah State Capitol was being protected by any security officers.


I myself have not yet visited our State Capitol. I look forward to pursuing that personal goal of mine during my leisuretime in the near future.



Do any of you honorable government officials for Utah believe or suspect that the Utah State Capitol currently is not being adequately protected against would-be terrorists and other potentially violent persons?


If so, do you support additional funding for the Utah Department of Public Safety that will enable that state law-enforcement agency to hire additional officers, if need be,  who could help ensure that our State Capitol grounds are kept safe on a 24-hour-a-day and year-round basis?


 I hope to hear from you soon.


Best Wishes,

John Kevin McMillan, a gainfully employed, permanently alcohol-free, lifelong-tobacco-free, facially cleanshaven,  lifelong-tattoo-less, clean-talking and non-profane, dependably civil and law-abiding and honest, single adult white male permanent resident of Utah ever since January 1, 2023.

I am a former full-time employee in Austin, Texas, for the Texas Department of Public Safety state agency.

My current permanent solo-occupancy rental-home address:

 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.



Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android


CAUTION: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.


[EXTERNAL EMAIL] This email originated from outside your organization. Review authenticity of attachments or links before proceeding.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Congratulations To The City of Provo, Utah

 Congratulations to the City of Provo, Utah, for your pioneering role in our state at establishment of a 311 Non-Emergency Phone Calls line!

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "John McMillan" <>

To: "Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021" <>, "" <>, "Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021" <>, "Salt Lake City (UT) City Council" <>, "" <>, "Utah Transit Authority" <>, "Utah Transit Authority" <>, "Mayor Wilson" <>, "County Council Member Bradshaw" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Fox News SLC 2022" <>, "chad.atkinson" <>, "leo.abila" <>, "mike.brown" <>, "Mike Weichers" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Utah Hospital Association 2021" <>, "Mark A. Strong" <>, "Kirk Cullimore" <>, "State Rep. Angela Romero" <>, "Marsha Judkins" <>, "University of Utah Student Newspaper 2022" <>, "Utah Restaurant Association 2022" <>, "Carl Albrecht" <>, "Brett Garner" <>, "Gay Lynn Bennion" <>, "" <>, "Deseret News 2022" <>, "" <>, "Utah Peace Officers Association 2022" <>, "" <>, "Kimberly Foster" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Office of Gov. Spencer Cox" <>, "Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021" <>, "Utah Chiefs of Police Assn 2021" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Utah Public Radio 2022" <>, "Jennifer Gardiner" <>, "" <>, "" <>

Sent: Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 8:41 PM

Subject: Have You Contacted Provo re: Their 3-1-1 Phone Line?

June 11, 2024

Dear Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, City of Bountiful, Davis County, and State of Utah officials,

Have any of you contacted City officials in Provo, Utah, to find out whether Provo's establishment of a 3-1-1 Non-Emergency Police and Other City Services  Phone Line service  has been successful for that municipality in Utah County?

Specifically, has the 311 phone line for non-emergency phone calls enabled  Provo Police and EMS in Provo to reduce their  response times on emergency 911 phone calls  in that city?

Do any of you believe that if the City of Salt Lake City were to establish a comparable  3-1-1 Non-Emergency Phone Calls service, this would boost the efficiency of Salt Lake City Police, the Salt Lake City Fire Department, and EMS in Salt Lake City in responding very promptly to emergency reports from private citizens and others?

I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Wishes,

former Texas DPS full-time employee and current Utah restaurant-industry employee John Kevin McMillan, 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

My new cell phone number: (385) 547-3505.

Monday, June 10, 2024

My April 14, 2000, Signed Legal Letter Addressed and Mailed by Me to Austin (TX) Police Chief Stan Knee, Austin-based Travis County Sheriff Margo Frasier, Dallas Police Chief T.D. Bolton, and Houston Police Chief C. Bradford:

 "P.O Box 11517,

"Austin, Texas, 78711

"Phone: (512) 482-0092 (home)

"or (512) 305-4599 (voice) 

"or E-mail address of

"April 14, 2000

"To: Austin Police Chief Stan Knee,

"Austin Police Department,

"715 East 8th Street,

"Austin, Texas, 78701

"and Travis County Sheriff Margo Frasier,

"Travis County Sheriff's Office,

"1010 Lavaca Avenue,

"Austin, Texas, 78767

"and Dallas Police Chief T.D. Bolton,

"Dallas Police Department,

"2014 Main Street,

"Room 506,

"Dallas, Texas, 75201

"and Houston Police Chief C. Bradford,

"Office of the Police Chief,

"Houston Police Department,

"1200 Travis,

"Houston, Texas, 77002

"Dear Chief Knee, Sheriff Frasier, Chief Bolton, and Chief Bradford,

"As each of you admirable and outstanding law-enforcement officers are no doubt aware, law-abiding Texans who are subjected to anonymous phone calls at their home or workplace in which the anonymous caller verbally harasses them or expresses contempt toward them or animosity toward them in an anonymous manner or threatens in an anonymous manner to harm them or deprive them of their full range of liberties and freedoms and legal rights in life, whether personally or professionally or otherwise, or threatens to violate the law in a manner victimizing the recipient of that phone call, often experience severe anxiety and needless suffering and degradation from those those deplorably sadistic and injurious acts impinging upon those Texans' privacy rights.

"In recent decades, new types of electronic technology and new levels of technological sophistication have been accompanied by horrifying new forms of anonymous verbal harassment of law-abiding Texans that involve sophisticated new technologies. No longer is the prank phone call the primary method by which a sinister stalker might employ an anonymously vocalized message to attempt to subjugate or demoralize or fatigue or undermine the emotional and medical and aesthetic health of or otherwise harm or jeopardize the life of or violate the full range of legal rights of a law-abiding adult Texan.

"Today, all law-abiding adult Texans in urban areas of our state face the increasingly horrifying spectre of insidious new forms of media technology --- deployment of high-frequency sound in some way, for instance; use of prank phone messages left on one's home or office answering machine; and use of hidden videotape cameras or hidden loudspeakers (microphones) being among the possibilities that come to mind---- potentially victimizing and severely undermining the medical and emotional health and personal safety and freedom and quality of life of those law-abiding adult Texans.

"As President and sole official member of the Progressive Prohibitionist Religion, a law-enforcement-minded religious denomination headquartered in Austin, Texas, I am writing each of you law-enforcement officials this public-policy letter to ask if you currently feel fully satisfied that your own sheriff's department's or municipal police department's technological equipment designed to record anonymous voices making slanderous or defamatory or otherwise-injurious statements to law-abiding Texan residents are fully adequate to respond to all of the hypothetical scenarios involving illegal violations of those law-abiding Texans' privacy rights and other unwanted anonymous communications to which those law-abiding Texans are subjected against their wishes.

"I would also like to raise the question of whether each of you feels fully satisfied that the technological investigative services currently available to each of your very fine local law-enforcement agencies in Texas are adequate to help your investigators identify by legal name each and every one of the suspects who in an anonymous and sinister manner allegedly created an  audible 'voice imprint' or 'voice recording' that can later be obtained by your own law-enforcement agency.

"The recorded voice messages, once evaluated by your respective law-enforcement agencies, could offer each of your agencies criminal-law evidence that some prankster or other criminal-law suspect attempted or attempts in an auditorily anonymous manner to torture and/or abuse and/or harass and/or harm and/or stalk and/or assault and/or degrade and/or demoralize and/or jeopardize the personal safety of and/or violate the privacy rights of a law-abiding Texan in a deplorably criminal manner on the part of that suspect.

"If any of you aren't fully satisfied with your own law-enforcement agency's current level of technological capacity to identify in a speedy manner the legal names of any and all such 'voice-stalker' suspects, regardless of those suspects' ages or who they are or where they are situated at the time or their permanent legal address of residence or place of employment, based on an evaluation of those suspects' anonymous 'voice recordings' that are available to your detectives and other law-enforcement officers, and to then successfully press criminal-law charges against any and all of those deplorable violators of the law, I would very much appreciate your letting me know as soon as possible.

"That kind of information from you would underscore the possible need for a local or statewide fund-raising campaign in this great state of Texas that's designed to help each of your four local law-enforcement agencies-----and any other law-enforcement agencies in our state or elsewhere in the nation for which this might be applicable, such as the Austin-headquartered Texas Department of Public Safety or any and all offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that are situated in Texas ---- to significantly improve their own voice-detection technological services used in criminal-law investigations in Texas.

"I am referring, of course, to the sort of much-needed investigative technology each of the noble law-enforcement agencies throughout Texas could and should be able to rely upon to identify and quickly apprehend any and all suspects who created or create 'voice imprints' or 'recorded messages' in which those suspects in an anonymous manner verbally assault or verbally harass or express contempt for the full range of Constitutional rights and other legal rights of a hypothetical law-abiding adult Texan resident being subjected to that truly hideous anonymous message, or in which the criminal-law suspects might threaten to commit hostage-taking or kidnapping or attempted slave-ownership or threaten to subject the person subjected to that audible message to an attempted compelled personal or compelled professional relationship/relationships of any sort, or threaten to commit physical violence against or in-person harassment of or to physically assault or otherwise commit an illegal act of any sort against or somehow imposed upon an adult Texan resident who was or is victimized by that sadistic and unconscionable and very injurious voice message.

"Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this public-policy letter from my Progressive Prohibitionist Religion, and I hope to hear from you soon in regard to these matters.


"John K. McMillan,


"Prohibitionist Prohibitionist Religion.

"cc: State Editor Rodger Jones, "The Dallas Morning News", P.O. Box 655237, Dallas, Texas 75265.

"Publisher and local law-and-order advocate Michael R. Levy, 'Texas Monthly', P.O. Box 1569, Austin, Texas, 78767.

"Colonel Dudley Thomas, Director, Texas Department of Public Safety, P.O. Box 4087, Austin, Texas 78773.

"Texas Attorney General John Cornyn, State Government of Texas, P.O. Box 12548, Austin, Texas, 78711.

"FBI Director Louis J. Freeh, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, at the U.S. Department of Justice,  Constitution Avenue and 10th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530.

"U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, U.S. Department of Justice, Constitution Avenue and 10th Street N.W.,  Washington, D.C. 20530.

"Police Chief Francis Mullen, Quincy Police Department, 1 Sea Street, Quincy, Mass. 02169.

"Norfolk County Sheriff John Flood, Norfolk County Government, P.O. Box 310, Dedham, Mass. 02027.

"New York City Police Chief Louis Armeone, New York City Police Department, 1 Police Plaza, New York City, New York State 10038."

My July 2, 2001-dated and Signed Five-Page Legal Letter to Texas DPS Director That Sought Any and All Records of Electronic Surveillance of Myself in Texas At Any Time Since March 1986

 I am very proud of having written and mailed on July 2, 2001, a five-page typed and signed public information request, along with accompanying factual information from myself, to the Texas Department of Public Safety Director at his official DPS headquarters office in Austin, Texas.

My July 2, 2001, request was as follows: "I would like to obtain from your office any and all photocopies on any and all computer records or written documents or notes or observations or any other items that your state law enforcement agency has or stores or maintains in regard to any and all possible authorized or any and all possible illegal electronic surveillance of myself, John K. McMillan, in Texas that has occurred at any time since March 1986...."


My Letter Tonight to 'Utah Office of Energy Development' State Agency in Salt Lake City

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "John McMillan" <>

To: "" <>, "Jplumb" <>, "Joel Briscoe" <>, "Marsha Judkins" <>, "Mike Schultz" <>, "Mike Weichers" <>, "Gay Lynn Bennion" <>, "" <>, "Paul A. Cutler" <>, "Brett Garner" <>, "Carl Albrecht" <>, "University of Utah Student Newspaper 2022" <>, "Fox News SLC 2022" <>, "" <>, "Deseret News 2022" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "State Rep. Angela Romero" <>, "Cody Schlottmann" <>, "" <>, "Internships" <>, "Joel_wellum" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Utah Restaurant Assn 2022" <>, "Envisionutah Info" <>, "Utah Society for Environmental Education 2022" <>, "Cameron Roden" <>, "Utah Public Radio 2022" <>, "chad.atkinson" <>, "leo.abila" <>, "Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021" <>, "Salt Lake City (UT) City Council" <>, "Mayor Wilson" <>, "" <>, "County Council Member Bradshaw" <>, "Slchamber Info" <>, "" <>, "Schools Utah Webmaster" <>, "" <>, "Mark A. Strong" <>, "Ulct Info" <>, "" <>, "Kirk Cullimore" <>

Sent: Sun, Jun 9, 2024 at 10:56 PM

Subject: Ranking UT agencies by renewable-energy usage

June 9, 2024

To: Officials of the “Utah Office of Energy Development” state agency at 60 East South Temple, Suite 300, Salt Lake City, UT 84111, with your office phone number being (801) 538-8732.

Dear Very Honorable “Utah Office of Energy Development” Officials,

It seems to me that one of the most effective  

ways for our state government to promote development of renewable energy throughout our entire  state is this:

Our state can promote   the current production or current consumption of Solar Power, Wind Power, Geothermal Power, and other forms of renewable energy by as many respective  State  of Utah  agencies and institutions as possible.

This sets an example of very enlightened leadership that can help inspire Utahns throughout our entire state.

Does your state agency currently compile and publicize to the news media an annual or semiannual ranking of any and all Utah State  Government agencies and institutions that is based on the total production of  renewable-energy sources by that agency, and on the total percentage of all electricity consumed by that agency  that derives from

renewable-energy sources?

If so, which State of Utah agency or State of Utah institution is currently the statewide leader in total production of renewable energy by that agency and in the total percentage of all electricity consumed by that agency that derives from renewable-energy sources?

I hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

permanently alcohol-free, lifelong-tobacco-free, staunchly anti-marijuana-minded and permanently illicit-drug-free, dependably civil and law-abiding, facially cleanshaven, lifelong tattoo-less, gainfully employed, single adult white male permanent Utah resident John Kevin McMillan, 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

My new cell phone number: (385) 547-3505.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

My Letter Today to University of Utah Health Balance and Mobility Clinic Clinical Director James Ballard

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "John McMillan" <>

To: "" <>, "" <>, "Jplumb" <>, "Joel Briscoe" <>, "Cameron Roden" <>, "Hhs Info" <>, "Office of Gov. Spencer Cox" <>, "Crimevictims GV" <>, "Mike Weichers" <>, "Gay Lynn Bennion" <>, "Paul A. Cutler" <>, "Brett Garner" <>, "" <>, "Mike Schultz" <>, "Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021" <>, "Mayor Wilson" <>, "Deseret News 2022" <>, "" <>, "University of Utah Student Newspaper 2022" <>, "Marsha Judkins" <>, "Schools Utah Webmaster" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Attorney General of Utah" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "chad.atkinson" <>, "leo.abila" <>, "Utah Restaurant Association 2022" <>, "Adult Protective UT Supvr Chad Hansen" <>, "Utah Peace Officers Association 2022" <>, "Utahia Info" <>, "" <>, "Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021" <>, "County Council Member Bradshaw" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Internships" <>, "" <>, "Joel_wellum" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "Fox News SLC 2022" <>

Sent: Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 9:16 PM

Subject: Question for Clinical Director  James Ballard

June 6, 2024

Dear University of Utah Balance and Mobility Clinic Clinical Director James Ballard,

Congratulations on your very influential role for the University of Utah Health medical services provider here in Salt Lake City.

I am writing you today to ask you if you believe that there is a need for increased emphasis by the University of Utah Health and by the State of Utah on prevention and treatment of balance and mobility-related medical problems that undermine the quality of life and living conditions of Utahns of any and all ages UNDER age 65.

I am posing that question to you after I read online this week that  most or many of the medical staff members employed by the  University of Utah Balance and Mobility Clinic here in Salt Lake City reportedly  specialize in Geriatrics.

I myself  am concerned about the possibility that many of the Utah children, Utah teenagers, Utah college students, Utah graduate students, and Utah middle-aged residents may possibly not receive adequate medical services  or adequate support services at present after  they sustain a medical injury from a car accident or skiing accident,  or after they are victimized by a personal-injury crime that harms their balance and mobility.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Wishes,

former Texas DPS full-time  staff member and current single adult white male  permanent Utah resident John Kevin McMillan, 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor,  Salt Lake City, Utah 84111.

My cell phone: (512) 993-7305.

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

An Encouraging Reply Note Sent to Me on June 2, 2024, by the Salt Lake City-based Human Resources Department for the Utah State District Court

 A very encouraging reply note I received today from the Human Resources Office of the Utah State  District Court in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah:

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "Courts HR" <>

To: "" <>

Sent: Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 6:24 PM

Subject: Your Message Has Been Received re: City Atty to ask judge to explain how he helps youths

Greetings and thanks for your message! This is an automated response, but we want you to know we have received your message. A representative from our department will respond to your request as promptly as possible. 


Department of Human Resources

Utah Administrative Office of the Courts

General HR Office phone: 801-238-5409

Click here for individual HR contact information.

Find more on the CourtsHR website!


----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "John McMillan" <>

To: "" <>, "" <>, "Courts HR" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021" <>, "Cameron Roden" <>, "chad.atkinson" <>, "leo.abila" <>, "Salt Lake City (UT) City Council" <>, "Deseret News 2022" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Marsha Judkins" <>, "Jplumb" <>, "Joel Briscoe" <>, "Mike Schultz" <>, "Mayor Wilson" <>, "mike.brown" <>, "Mike Weichers" <>, "Gay Lynn Bennion" <>, "Brett Garner" <>, "Carl Albrecht" <>, "" <>, "County Council Member Bradshaw" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Paul A. Cutler" <>, "State Rep. Angela Romero" <>, "Uag" <>, "Uag" <>, "Attorney General of Utah" <>, "Office of Gov. Spencer Cox" <>, "Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021" <>, "Schools Utah Webmaster" <>, "University of Utah Student Newspaper 2022" <>, "" <>, "Internships" <>, "Joel_wellum" <>, "" <>, "Fox News SLC 2022" <>, "Jennifer Gardiner" <>, "" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "Utah Press Assn Director Brian Allfrey 2022" <>, "Utah Chiefs of Police Assn 2021" <>, "Utah Peace Officers Association 2022" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "Murrayschools Info" <>, "Utah Public Radio 2022" <>, "" <>

Sent: Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 6:24 PM

Subject: re: City Atty to ask judge to explain how he helps youths

June 2, 2024

Dear Salt Lake City (UT) City Attorney Katherine N. Lewis,

I was very impressed on Thursday afternoon, May 30, when a polite male staff member in Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall's office on his own initiative chose to transfer  a phone call of mine from the Mayor's Office  to your also-influential government office.

The female staff member in your City Attorney's Office who then spoke with me in a friendly manner at about 1:30 p.m. that Thursday  stated that she herself is "Becky, the office manager". 

Becky helpfully stated to me that your City Attorney's Office will contact a courthouse in town and attempt to arrange for a friendly visit to a public  school here in Salt Lake City by an honorable local member of the Judiciary.

I am writing you today to ask if you would please ask your City Attorney's  Office Manager, Becky, at her earliest convenience  to send me  an update on this issue I discussed with her on my cell phone last Thursday afternoon, May 30.

I had called the Salt Lake City Mayor's Office on May 30 to ask if Mayor Mendenhall could please help arrange for a friendly visit by a professional judge employed here in town to a local public school where teenagers age 13 are among the students.

I explained to the Mayor's Office that our town apparently has an urgent need for a local judge to visit a public school classroom in Salt Lake City and explain to those public school students why courthouses and judges here have a VITAL ROLE in  helping PROTECT the safety and quality of life of public schoolchildren.

I made that request last Thursday, May 30, through the City of Salt Lake City shortly after I saw and heard within 10 feet of me on the northeastern side of the  outdoor platform at the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) "Courthouse Station" an approximately  13-year-old white male youth at roughly 1:15 p.m. that day loudly and profanely denounce "that Fucking (exact quote) COURTHOUSE (Exact Quote)!!"

That very surprising angry  outburst by an athletically talented and apparently intelligent white male youth   immediately prompted major concern for me in regard to  whether full  respect for government authority is being adequately fostered in all public schoolchildren here in this state-capital city for Utah.

The UTA Courthouse Station is located at 450 South Main Street here in downtown Salt Lake City.

The cited white  male youth and a darker-skinned male youth he repeatedly  interacted with on the platform on Thursday each held and rode and repeatedly dropped skateboards and  loudly shouted the "F-word" several times early that afternoon, May 30, on the northern end of the UTA Courthouse station.

I myself did not make any comment to or interact with either of those two male youths. 

I hope to hear from your first-rate Salt Lake City Attorney's Office at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

former Texas DPS full-time employee John Kevin McMillan, 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

I have been a permanent resident of Utah ever since January 1, 2023.

I am the youngest grandson of Murray (UT) butcher shop owner Parley Neal McMillan of Murray and his devoted LDS member wife, Mrs. Alice Mae Pugh (maiden surname) McMillan of Murray.

My cell phone number: (512) 993-7305.

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android

State Representative Angela Romero on June 2, 2024, Sends Courtesy 'Thank You' Note to Me

 A nice reply note to me yesterday from Utah State Representative Angela Romero, a member of the Democratic Party:

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "Angela Romero" <>

To: "John McMillan" <>

Sent: Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 6:24 PM

Subject: Automatic reply: City Atty to ask judge to explain how he helps youths

Thank you for reaching out to me. I appreciate hearing from my constituents and value your input. Due to the demands of my role, it may be difficult to provide a timely response to your email. 

For meeting requests, please contact Mikenzie Orozco, House Minority Staff Director, at 

For media inquiries, please reach out to Hannah Gorski at 

For National Caucus of Hispanic State Legislators inquiries, please contact Aldo Ramirez at 

If you are a constituent, please reply with your address or zip code so I can prioritize your concerns and get back to you as quickly as possible. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

Best regards,


From: "John McMillan" <>

To: "" <>, "" <>, "Courts HR" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021" <>, "Cameron Roden" <>, "chad.atkinson" <>, "leo.abila" <>, "Salt Lake City (UT) City Council" <>, "Deseret News 2022" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Marsha Judkins" <>, "Jplumb" <>, "Joel Briscoe" <>, "Mike Schultz" <>, "Mayor Wilson" <>, "mike.brown" <>, "Mike Weichers" <>, "Gay Lynn Bennion" <>, "Brett Garner" <>, "Carl Albrecht" <>, "" <>, "County Council Member Bradshaw" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Paul A. Cutler" <>, "State Rep. Angela Romero" <>, "Uag" <>, "Uag" <>, "Attorney General of Utah" <>, "Office of Gov. Spencer Cox" <>, "Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021" <>, "Schools Utah Webmaster" <>, "University of Utah Student Newspaper 2022" <>, "" <>, "Internships" <>, "Joel_wellum" <>, "" <>, "Fox News SLC 2022" <>, "Jennifer Gardiner" <>, "" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "Utah Press Assn Director Brian Allfrey 2022" <>, "Utah Chiefs of Police Assn 2021" <>, "Utah Peace Officers Association 2022" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "Murrayschools Info" <>, "Utah Public Radio 2022" <>, "" <>

Sent: Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 6:24 PM

Subject: re: City Atty to ask judge to explain how he helps youths

June 2, 2024

Dear Salt Lake City (UT) City Attorney Katherine N. Lewis,

I was very impressed on Thursday afternoon, May 30, when a polite male staff member in Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall's office on his own initiative chose to transfer  a phone call of mine from the Mayor's Office  to your also-influential government office.

The female staff member in your City Attorney's Office who then spoke with me in a friendly manner at about 1:30 p.m. that Thursday  stated that she herself is "Becky, the office manager". 

Becky helpfully stated to me that your City Attorney's Office will contact a courthouse in town and attempt to arrange for a friendly visit to a public  school here in Salt Lake City by an honorable local member of the Judiciary.

I am writing you today to ask if you would please ask your City Attorney's  Office Manager, Becky, at her earliest convenience  to send me  an update on this issue I discussed with her on my cell phone last Thursday afternoon, May 30.

I had called the Salt Lake City Mayor's Office on May 30 to ask if Mayor Mendenhall could please help arrange for a friendly visit by a professional judge employed here in town to a local public school where teenagers age 13 are among the students.

I explained to the Mayor's Office that our town apparently has an urgent need for a local judge to visit a public school classroom in Salt Lake City and explain to those public school students why courthouses and judges here have a VITAL ROLE in  helping PROTECT the safety and quality of life of public schoolchildren.

I made that request last Thursday, May 30, through the City of Salt Lake City shortly after I saw and heard within 10 feet of me on the northeastern side of the  outdoor platform at the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) "Courthouse Station" an approximately  13-year-old white male youth at roughly 1:15 p.m. that day loudly and profanely denounce "that Fucking (exact quote) COURTHOUSE (Exact Quote)!!"

That very surprising angry  outburst by an athletically talented and apparently intelligent white male youth   immediately prompted major concern for me in regard to  whether full  respect for government authority is being adequately fostered in all public schoolchildren here in this state-capital city for Utah.

The UTA Courthouse Station is located at 450 South Main Street here in downtown Salt Lake City.

The cited white  male youth and a darker-skinned male youth he repeatedly  interacted with on the platform on Thursday each held and rode and repeatedly dropped skateboards and  loudly shouted the "F-word" several times early that afternoon, May 30, on the northern end of the UTA Courthouse station.

I myself did not make any comment to or interact with either of those two male youths. 

I hope to hear from your first-rate Salt Lake City Attorney's Office at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

former Texas DPS full-time employee John Kevin McMillan, 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

I have been a permanent resident of Utah ever since January 1, 2023.

I am the youngest grandson of Murray (UT) butcher shop owner Parley Neal McMillan of Murray and his devoted LDS member wife, Mrs. Alice Mae Pugh (maiden surname) McMillan of Murray.

My cell phone number: (512) 993-7305.

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android

Cody Schlottmann, the First-rate Bountiful (UT) Office Outreach Coordinator for Congresswoman Celeste Maloy, Sends a Prompt Reply Note to Me on June 2, 2024

 An encouraging reply note to me yesterday from Bountiful (UT) Office Outreach Coordinator Cody Schlottmann of the Congressional staff of Utah  Congresswoman Celeste Maloy:

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "Schlottmann, Cody" <>

To: "John McMillan" <>

Sent: Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 6:24 PM

Subject: Automatic reply: City Atty to ask judge to explain how he helps youths


I am out of the office until June 10, 2024 with limited access to email. I will respond as soon as I can, but there may be a delay before you hear from me.

For more urgent requests, please contact Abbie Pilling at, or at (801) 364-5550.




Cody Schlottmann

Outreach Coordinator | Bountiful Office

Congresswoman Celeste Maloy, UT-02

Phone: (801) 364-5550


From: "John McMillan" <>

To: "" <>, "" <>, "Courts HR" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021" <>, "Cameron Roden" <>, "chad.atkinson" <>, "leo.abila" <>, "Salt Lake City (UT) City Council" <>, "Deseret News 2022" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Marsha Judkins" <>, "Jplumb" <>, "Joel Briscoe" <>, "Mike Schultz" <>, "Mayor Wilson" <>, "mike.brown" <>, "Mike Weichers" <>, "Gay Lynn Bennion" <>, "Brett Garner" <>, "Carl Albrecht" <>, "" <>, "County Council Member Bradshaw" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Paul A. Cutler" <>, "State Rep. Angela Romero" <>, "Uag" <>, "Uag" <>, "Attorney General of Utah" <>, "Office of Gov. Spencer Cox" <>, "Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021" <>, "Schools Utah Webmaster" <>, "University of Utah Student Newspaper 2022" <>, "" <>, "Internships" <>, "Joel_wellum" <>, "" <>, "Fox News SLC 2022" <>, "Jennifer Gardiner" <>, "" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "Utah Press Assn Director Brian Allfrey 2022" <>, "Utah Chiefs of Police Assn 2021" <>, "Utah Peace Officers Association 2022" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "Murrayschools Info" <>, "Utah Public Radio 2022" <>, "" <>

Sent: Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 6:24 PM

Subject: re: City Atty to ask judge to explain how he helps youths

June 2, 2024

Dear Salt Lake City (UT) City Attorney Katherine N. Lewis,

I was very impressed on Thursday afternoon, May 30, when a polite male staff member in Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall's office on his own initiative chose to transfer  a phone call of mine from the Mayor's Office  to your also-influential government office.

The female staff member in your City Attorney's Office who then spoke with me in a friendly manner at about 1:30 p.m. that Thursday  stated that she herself is "Becky, the office manager". 

Becky helpfully stated to me that your City Attorney's Office will contact a courthouse in town and attempt to arrange for a friendly visit to a public  school here in Salt Lake City by an honorable local member of the Judiciary.

I am writing you today to ask if you would please ask your City Attorney's  Office Manager, Becky, at her earliest convenience  to send me  an update on this issue I discussed with her on my cell phone last Thursday afternoon, May 30.

I had called the Salt Lake City Mayor's Office on May 30 to ask if Mayor Mendenhall could please help arrange for a friendly visit by a professional judge employed here in town to a local public school where teenagers age 13 are among the students.

I explained to the Mayor's Office that our town apparently has an urgent need for a local judge to visit a public school classroom in Salt Lake City and explain to those public school students why courthouses and judges here have a VITAL ROLE in  helping PROTECT the safety and quality of life of public schoolchildren.

I made that request last Thursday, May 30, through the City of Salt Lake City shortly after I saw and heard within 10 feet of me on the northeastern side of the  outdoor platform at the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) "Courthouse Station" an approximately  13-year-old white male youth at roughly 1:15 p.m. that day loudly and profanely denounce "that Fucking (exact quote) COURTHOUSE (Exact Quote)!!"

That very surprising angry  outburst by an athletically talented and apparently intelligent white male youth   immediately prompted major concern for me in regard to  whether full  respect for government authority is being adequately fostered in all public schoolchildren here in this state-capital city for Utah.

The UTA Courthouse Station is located at 450 South Main Street here in downtown Salt Lake City.

The cited white  male youth and a darker-skinned male youth he repeatedly  interacted with on the platform on Thursday each held and rode and repeatedly dropped skateboards and  loudly shouted the "F-word" several times early that afternoon, May 30, on the northern end of the UTA Courthouse station.

I myself did not make any comment to or interact with either of those two male youths. 

I hope to hear from your first-rate Salt Lake City Attorney's Office at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

former Texas DPS full-time employee John Kevin McMillan, 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

I have been a permanent resident of Utah ever since January 1, 2023.

I am the youngest grandson of Murray (UT) butcher shop owner Parley Neal McMillan of Murray and his devoted LDS member wife, Mrs. Alice Mae Pugh (maiden surname) McMillan of Murray.

My cell phone number: (512) 993-7305.

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android

A Friendly Reply Note to Me from Salt Lake City (UT) City Council

 It was very good to receive this appreciative reply note from the Salt Lake City (UT) City Council on this very important issue:

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "Council Comments" <>

To: "John McMillan" <>

Sent: Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 6:24 PM

Subject: Your recent email to the City Council Office

Thank you for submitting comments to the Salt Lake City Council.  Council Members have been informed of your email and appreciate your feedback.

Gracias por enviar sus mensajes al Concejo de Salt Lake City. Los Concejales han sido informados de su mensaje y agradecen su participación.


Follow the Council on social media and sign up to receive district updates from your Council Member.

Siga al Concejo en las redes sociales y regístrese para recibir noticias de su distrito.



Website             Instagram         Twitter              Facebook              Nextdoor


From: "John McMillan" <>

To: "" <>, "" <>, "Courts HR" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021" <>, "Cameron Roden" <>, "chad.atkinson" <>, "leo.abila" <>, "Salt Lake City (UT) City Council" <>, "Deseret News 2022" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Marsha Judkins" <>, "Jplumb" <>, "Joel Briscoe" <>, "Mike Schultz" <>, "Mayor Wilson" <>, "mike.brown" <>, "Mike Weichers" <>, "Gay Lynn Bennion" <>, "Brett Garner" <>, "Carl Albrecht" <>, "" <>, "County Council Member Bradshaw" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Paul A. Cutler" <>, "State Rep. Angela Romero" <>, "Uag" <>, "Uag" <>, "Attorney General of Utah" <>, "Office of Gov. Spencer Cox" <>, "Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021" <>, "Schools Utah Webmaster" <>, "University of Utah Student Newspaper 2022" <>, "" <>, "Internships" <>, "Joel_wellum" <>, "" <>, "Fox News SLC 2022" <>, "Jennifer Gardiner" <>, "" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "Utah Press Assn Director Brian Allfrey 2022" <>, "Utah Chiefs of Police Assn 2021" <>, "Utah Peace Officers Association 2022" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "Murrayschools Info" <>, "Utah Public Radio 2022" <>, "" <>

Sent: Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 6:24 PM

Subject: re: City Atty to ask judge to explain how he helps youths

June 2, 2024

Dear Salt Lake City (UT) City Attorney Katherine N. Lewis,

I was very impressed on Thursday afternoon, May 30, when a polite male staff member in Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall's office on his own initiative chose to transfer  a phone call of mine from the Mayor's Office  to your also-influential government office.

The female staff member in your City Attorney's Office who then spoke with me in a friendly manner at about 1:30 p.m. that Thursday  stated that she herself is "Becky, the office manager". 

Becky helpfully stated to me that your City Attorney's Office will contact a courthouse in town and attempt to arrange for a friendly visit to a public  school here in Salt Lake City by an honorable local member of the Judiciary.

I am writing you today to ask if you would please ask your City Attorney's  Office Manager, Becky, at her earliest convenience  to send me  an update on this issue I discussed with her on my cell phone last Thursday afternoon, May 30.

I had called the Salt Lake City Mayor's Office on May 30 to ask if Mayor Mendenhall could please help arrange for a friendly visit by a professional judge employed here in town to a local public school where teenagers age 13 are among the students.

I explained to the Mayor's Office that our town apparently has an urgent need for a local judge to visit a public school classroom in Salt Lake City and explain to those public school students why courthouses and judges here have a VITAL ROLE in  helping PROTECT the safety and quality of life of public schoolchildren.

I made that request last Thursday, May 30, through the City of Salt Lake City shortly after I saw and heard within 10 feet of me on the northeastern side of the  outdoor platform at the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) "Courthouse Station" an approximately  13-year-old white male youth at roughly 1:15 p.m. that day loudly and profanely denounce "that Fucking (exact quote) COURTHOUSE (Exact Quote)!!"

That very surprising angry  outburst by an athletically talented and apparently intelligent white male youth   immediately prompted major concern for me in regard to  whether full  respect for government authority is being adequately fostered in all public schoolchildren here in this state-capital city for Utah.

The UTA Courthouse Station is located at 450 South Main Street here in downtown Salt Lake City.

The cited white  male youth and a darker-skinned male youth he repeatedly  interacted with on the platform on Thursday each held and rode and repeatedly dropped skateboards and  loudly shouted the "F-word" several times early that afternoon, May 30, on the northern end of the UTA Courthouse station.

I myself did not make any comment to or interact with either of those two male youths. 

I hope to hear from your first-rate Salt Lake City Attorney's Office at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

former Texas DPS full-time employee John Kevin McMillan, 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

I have been a permanent resident of Utah ever since January 1, 2023.

I am the youngest grandson of Murray (UT) butcher shop owner Parley Neal McMillan of Murray and his devoted LDS member wife, Mrs. Alice Mae Pugh (maiden surname) McMillan of Murray.

My cell phone number: (512) 993-7305.

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android

Sunday, June 2, 2024

My Letter Today to Salt Lake City (UT) Attorney Katherine N. Lewis

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "John McMillan" <>

To: "" <>, "" <>, "Courts HR" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall 2021" <>, "Cameron Roden" <>, "chad.atkinson" <>, "leo.abila" <>, "Salt Lake City (UT) City Council" <>, "Deseret News 2022" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Marsha Judkins" <>, "Jplumb" <>, "Joel Briscoe" <>, "Mike Schultz" <>, "Mayor Wilson" <>, "mike.brown" <>, "Mike Weichers" <>, "Gay Lynn Bennion" <>, "Brett Garner" <>, "Carl Albrecht" <>, "" <>, "County Council Member Bradshaw" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Paul A. Cutler" <>, "State Rep. Angela Romero" <>, "Uag" <>, "Uag" <>, "Attorney General of Utah" <>, "Office of Gov. Spencer Cox" <>, "Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson 2021" <>, "Schools Utah Webmaster" <>, "University of Utah Student Newspaper 2022" <>, "" <>, "Internships" <>, "Joel_wellum" <>, "" <>, "Fox News SLC 2022" <>, "Jennifer Gardiner" <>, "" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "Utah Press Assn Director Brian Allfrey 2022" <>, "Utah Chiefs of Police Assn 2021" <>, "Utah Peace Officers Association 2022" <>, "Utah Republican Party" <>, "Murrayschools Info" <>, "Utah Public Radio 2022" <>, "" <>

Sent: Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 6:24 PM

Subject: re: City Atty to ask judge to explain how he helps youths

June 2, 2024

Dear Salt Lake City (UT) City Attorney Katherine N. Lewis,

I was very impressed on Thursday afternoon, May 30, when a polite male staff member in Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall's office on his own initiative chose to transfer  a phone call of mine from the Mayor's Office  to your also-influential government office.

The female staff member in your City Attorney's Office who then spoke with me in a friendly manner at about 1:30 p.m. that Thursday  stated that she herself is "Becky, the office manager". 

Becky helpfully stated to me that your City Attorney's Office will contact a courthouse in town and attempt to arrange for a friendly visit to a public  school here in Salt Lake City by an honorable local member of the Judiciary.

I am writing you today to ask if you would please ask your City Attorney's  Office Manager, Becky, at her earliest convenience  to send me  an update on this issue I discussed with her on my cell phone last Thursday afternoon, May 30.

I had called the Salt Lake City Mayor's Office on May 30 to ask if Mayor Mendenhall could please help arrange for a friendly visit by a professional judge employed here in town to a local public school where teenagers age 13 are among the students.

I explained to the Mayor's Office that our town apparently has an urgent need for a local judge to visit a public school classroom in Salt Lake City and explain to those public school students why courthouses and judges here have a VITAL ROLE in  helping PROTECT the safety and quality of life of public schoolchildren.

I made that request last Thursday, May 30, through the City of Salt Lake City shortly after I saw and heard within 10 feet of me on the northeastern side of the  outdoor platform at the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) "Courthouse Station" an approximately  13-year-old white male youth at roughly 1:15 p.m. that day loudly and profanely denounce "that Fucking (exact quote) COURTHOUSE (Exact Quote)!!"

That very surprising angry  outburst by an athletically talented and apparently intelligent white male youth   immediately prompted major concern for me in regard to  whether full  respect for government authority is being adequately fostered in all public schoolchildren here in this state-capital city for Utah.

The UTA Courthouse Station is located at 450 South Main Street here in downtown Salt Lake City.

The cited white  male youth and a darker-skinned male youth he repeatedly  interacted with on the platform on Thursday each held and rode and repeatedly dropped skateboards and  loudly shouted the "F-word" several times early that afternoon, May 30, on the northern end of the UTA Courthouse station.

I myself did not make any comment to or interact with either of those two male youths. 

I hope to hear from your first-rate Salt Lake City Attorney's Office at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

former Texas DPS full-time employee John Kevin McMillan, 535 South 200 East, Apt. 117, First Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

I have been a permanent resident of Utah ever since January 1, 2023.

I am the youngest grandson of Murray (UT) butcher shop owner Parley Neal McMillan of Murray and his devoted LDS member wife, Mrs. Alice Mae Pugh (maiden surname) McMillan of Murray.

My cell phone number: (512) 993-7305.

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android