Monday, February 6, 2017


If the answer to each and every one of the following questions is a "yes," that individual may possibly be (and at present, that individual is only me) an approved member of the non-Christian, non-Judaistic, non-Unitarian, non-Moslem "Progressive Prohibitionist Religion".

If the answer to any of the following questions is a "no", you can be sure that he most definitely IS NOT a member of the fully independent and "Honor Society" Progressive Prohibitionist Religion. 
(He may instead be an atheist or agnostic or devil-worshiper, or a member of some honorable religious denomination other than his own.)

--Is he someone who is consistently civil and law-abiding and tactfully honest, and who states or indicates to you that he himself does not have any criminal-conviction record?

--Does he ever state or indicate to you that he supports anyone's legal and human right to lawfully and in a civil manner exclude from his own off-duty life or personal life or home life any person whom he regards as being incompatible with himself or whom he decides not to have any involvement with?

--Does he ever state or indicate to you that he never participates in any anonymous communications that violate the privacy rights of the person being subjected to those anonymous communications?

--Does he ever state or indicate to you that any "home health care services" provider that provides unauthorized and medically injurious "home health care" services to a person inside his own private residence, should itself face criminal charges in a court of law in Austin, Texas?

--Does he state or indicate to you that he himself has never broken into another human being's locked bedroom or apartment unit or home, and that he strongly opposes illegal conduct of that type?

--Does he state or indicate to you that he strongly opposes a deliberate and willful attempt by any person or group of persons or entity to rob any individual of a full and fully healthful night's sleep as the latter individual lies alone on a bed he himself owns inside his own locked private room or private residence?

--Does he ever state or indicate to you that he himself strongly opposes the infliction of any form of pain or physical abuse or medical wound or medical injury on any person during periods when that individual is in fact sleeping and lying alone and unconscious on his own bed inside his own locked private room or locked private bedroom of his bolt-locked residence?

--Does he himself state or indicate that while he supports human rights for all persons, regardless of their sexual identity or gender identity, he himself politely opposes  the so-called "gay rights" movement per se?

--Does he himself ever state or indicate to you that he supports the Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion and other Constitutional rights of individuals who in a civil and law-abiding manner express a prevailingly or significantly critical vantage point toward the so-called "gay community" or the so-called "gay rights movement"?

--Does he ever state or indicate to you that he strongly supports a vigorous and robust Freedom of Speech tradition in this country that welcomes criticism of any and all religious groups, religious congregations, clergymen, atheist groups, atheists, civic groups, political action groups, ethnic groups, racial groups, universities, colleges, "educational services providers", "medical services providers", government agencies, government-affiliated institutions, business entities, and individuals? 

--Does he ever state or indicate to you that he strongly supports the legal right of any individual to set his own priorities and set his own course in a law-abiding manner in his own life?

--Does he himself strongly oppose any attempt by any group of persons or government-sponsored entity to "drive or hound a person out of any city or metro area because he is citedly disliked by one or more cited subcultures or religious groups or atheist groups or one or more cited individuals who reside in that city or metro area"?

--Does he himself state or indicate that he strongly opposes the harassment or persecution or physical abuse of anyone as a means of punishing or retaliating against that individual for having chosen to lead a life for himself in which virtually all or all of his own mutual-consent men friends and/or mutual-consent women friends are heterosexual in sexual identity per se?

--Does he himself state to you that he questions the need for any sex-change operations, and that he regards castration of male persons as very cruel and sadistic and harmful to their medical and emotional health?

--Does he himself state to you that he opposes any conduct by any government agency that would harm the medical health of anyone, such as might occur when government forces castration on a cited male rapist, with the only exception to this outlook being humanely-administered and court-ordered capital punishment inside a state prison facility that is imposed during a multi-minute period on one total day of the year on an individual who was convicted in a court of law of homicide or, through proposed eventual revision of the U.S. Constitution on this, the also-heinous crime of attempted homicide?

--Does he state or indicate to you that he himself strongly opposes home-invasion crimes, personal-injury crimes, sexual-assault crimes, sexual-harassment crimes, fraudulent-communications crimes, fraudulent-medical-services crimes, deceptive trade practices by business entities or other entities, thought-control projects, "religious deprogramming projects" inflicted on a person against his wishes, "religious conversion projects" inflicted on a person against his wishes, medically injurious continuous noise pollution, the felony crime of stalking, illegal electronic-surveillance crimes, verbalized death threats, the truly heinous crime of "snuff movie" productions, the flagrantly illegal and deliberate infliction of obscene or profane speech upon anyone in violation of his own privacy rights, and the infliction of noise pollution on anyone as a means of persecuting or punishing that individual in retaliation for his own religious or political or personal beliefs?

--Does he oppose organized crime activities?

--Does he himself promptly honor verbalized rejections of himself by others, with the clear understanding that he himself insists on his own legal and human right to also himself permanently EXCLUDE from his own life and career and religious life and home life or roommate life each of the persons who rejected himself?

--Does he state or indicate to you that he believes that municipal governments or county governments or schools or colleges or institutions or non-profit groups or civic groups or religious groups or business entities that serve as spawning grounds for stalking of anyone should themselves face criminal-law charges in a court of law?

--Does he state or indicate to you that he himself never consumes any quantity of marijuana or "medical marijuana" or cocaine or heroin or any illicit drug, for that matter?

--Does he state or indicate to you that he strongly opposes legalization of marijuana, so-called "medical marijuana", or any other illicit drug?

--Does he state or indicate to you that he himself does not have any current relationship of any type with any illicit-drug-dealer residing anywhere in the greater Austin area or elsewhere?

--Does he state or indicate to you that he himself never consumes any tobacco product, and that he supports a healthy revitalization of the economies of tobacco-producing states that promotes salutary new industries in those states that are not directly related to the tobacco industry?

--Does he refrain from ever at any time driving while intoxicated?

--Does he refrain from ever at any time walking while intoxicated?

--Is he never observed in a context in which he is publicly intoxicated?

--Does he lead a life in which he never experiences any hangovers at any time?

--Does he never vomit in your presence from having consumed an excessive amount of drinking alcohol?

--Does he never call in sick to his employer in a scenario in which he was actually experiencing a hangover from having consumed drinking alcohol the night before?

--Is he always sober, and never intoxicated or high, at all times?

---Is he facially cleanshaven, with no beard or mustache or goatee?

--Does he smile frequently and present a full face to others when he smiles?

--Does he exhibit a high level of platonic aptitude toward others, such as by not laying a hand on anyone with any hint of impropriety or incivility?

--Does he almost never directly refer to "sex" or "sexual intercourse" or "sexual identity" per se in his comments to you?

--Does he state or indicate that he strongly believes that 99 percent or more of all relationships in life are observably platonic (non-sexual) in nature, with no physical contact involved in those platonic relationships other than handshakes or, on occasion, mutual-consent hugs in which both huggers are fully attired and the hugs are polite and gentle and platonically appreciative in nature?

---Does he refrain from verbalizing foul language or obscenities in everyday conversations with others?

---Does he have zero tattoos anywhere and everywhere on his own body?

---Does he ever state or indicate to you that he supports a nationwide ban on tattoo parlors throughout this country?

---Does he have only minimal jewelry, such as a watch, on his own body?

---Does he exhibit a lack of criminal intent, accompanied by a sincere well-intendedness and kindness, toward virtually everyone with whom he interacts in person in his life?

--Does he ever state or indicate to you that he supports an eventual government-ordered ban on boxing matches and on professional race-car events?

--Does he never pray in your presence, and, for that matter, does he never state in your presence that he would like to place a "hex" or "curse" on a cited person with whom he has had a conflict?

---Does he ever state or indicate to you that he himself never prays, and that his own religious alternative is to pursue rational goal-setting and rational brainstorming and factual research?

--Does he state in your presence that he supports the legal right of anyone and everyone in the USA who is not currently on death row inside an American prison to enjoy the best possible medical health and creatively vital lifespan?

--Is he diligent about submitting vigilant reports to the Austin Police Department and other law-enforcement agencies with jurisdiction if he observes noteworthy evidence of alarming illegal conduct in Austin?

--Does he submit vigilant reports to the Austin Police Department and other law-enforcement agencies, including the Cedar Park Police Department and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, if he hears a rumor or receives a report or directly observes evidence that another human being has been victimized by alleged criminal activities anywhere in the Austin area?

--Does he exhibit a respectful and polite and well-intended style toward a wide variety of persons under age 21?

--Does he exhibit a devotion to helping to address the needs of as many persons under age 21 as possible?

--Does he state that he supports a "strong start in life for anyone and everyone"?

--Does he refrain from ever at any time agreeing to purchase any tobacco product for an under-age coworker or under-age acquaintance, with any such hypothetical tobacco purchase being flagrantly illegal and in violation of the state penal code of Texas.

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